Cheon Seong Gyeong Rough Draft Version - Sun Myung Moon |
Chapter 4 - True Father’s Insights on God
2) God’s Grief and Shock at Losing His Son and Daughter
1. God lost His eternal and only son
How sorrowful God was when Adam and Eve committed the Fall and sank away from Him! They were to have been the ideal partners for God, who embodies the pure essence of love. God’s sorrow exceeded that of any person. He grieved so very deeply. The deeper and greater the value of what was lost, the deeper the sorrow. This is the situation of God, who has pursued the way of restoration for His lost children. (127-18, 1983.5.1)
When parents believe in their beloved children but are betrayed by them, there is no describing the shock, distress, and misery those parents experience based on that trust. When people betray, reject and mistrust those who have loved them with their lives, it causes unspeakable misery. You cannot understand unless you experience that struggle and suffering yourself. It cannot be understood merely by words. This is evident in the affairs of the world.
Then how did God become as miserable as He is? God is not a nebulous God but a tangible God. Human beings enjoy the highest relationship with God. God’s joy was in finding a starting point from which He could begin a journey in happiness with human beings, heading toward infinity and eternity. But God lost the basis upon which to begin due to the Fall of Adam and Eve. (20-205, 1968.6.9)
How desperate it is when an only son born into a lineage of seven generations of only sons dies, especially if this son were born when his parents were advanced in age. If the parents were young they could have more children. However, if an only son born into a lineage of seven generations of only sons dies, how anxious will his ancestors be to continue beyond the seventh generation? Through their descendants and lineage, ancestors want to receive numerous blessings that are not of this world. If their children die before they do, parents themselves feel like dying.
Adam’s position was like that of the only son -- the eternal, only begotten son, not merely the only son after seven generations. Can you guess how profoundly God's heart was broken at the death of Adam, who was to establish an everlasting family and be placed in the position of having accomplished God’s great endeavor of Creation? How would He feel that everything had gone wrong in the way it did? Even after six thousand years, God has not recovered from the shock of Adam and Eve's Fall. (20-210, 1968.6.9)
According to the Principle of Creation, when God advances into the ideal realm of oneness in love, He, the eternal owner and subject being of love, was to be its center. However, Satan took His place as the center. Therefore, heaven and earth became inverted, turned upside down. Nothing should have interrupted the oneness based on God's true love, His ideal of love. Humanity’s blood lineage should have originated from God, but, because it deviated, it went the wrong way. (206-236, 1990.10.14)
Can you imagine how much it breaks God’s heart to observe human misery every hour of every day? What happened to God’s dignity when His son and daughter, whom He intended to glorify as prince and princess, became cripples, fell into a hole filled with dung and were stuck upside down in hell? Where can we find the authority and confidence of the all-knowing and omnipresent God? What became of the absolute God’s dignity? Can He show His face? (218-240, 1991.8.19)
Can a father turn a blind eye to his dying son? From this point of view, God as a loving father cannot abandon us, His object of love, simply to die. If He is all-knowing and all-powerful, God should make an ideal world and revive His children. This is more than possible when considering the nature of parental love.
If God exists He would surely be capable of this. Thus, we can conclude that God should move us to the sphere of ideal resurrection. God did not leave us to live in misery and death, but placed us in such a situation in order to take us through a gateway into a world of a higher dimension. How wonderful that is! (67-219, 1973.6.21)
Putting aside His dignity as the Creator and as the all-knowing, almighty and omnipresent God -- even forgetting His own existence -- God wanted to love Adam and Eve with that heart. Can you imagine how He felt as He looked upon fallen Adam and Eve from such a position? This is something you need to understand. (7-291, 1959.10.11)
Human beings today are not God’s children. No matter how much God weeps we pretend not to see His tears. No matter how sorrowful He is we pretend not to see. This is because the human race springs from the flesh and blood of Satan. They even celebrate to see God in sorrow and laugh in joy at His ruin.
How much trouble God takes to guide such people and teach them about the path they must forge! God could not guide providential history if He did not have a caring and sympathetic heart. (42-257, 1971.3.21)
2. God has been miserable throughout history
How enraged God is when He looks down on us on earth! All human beings should have had His blood lineage, but Satan pushes them into a miserable state and scornfully jeers at God saying, "Your descendants are in a miserable plight."
When Satan asks God, "How will You, with all your omniscience and omnipotence, redeem this difficult situation?" God can only be silent. He has to pretend to be deaf though He can hear, pretend not to smell though He can smell, and pretend not to feel though He can feel. Have you ever thought about the misery of God throughout history? (183-19, 1988.10.29)
If God were sitting on a glorious throne as the all-knowing and almighty God, as traditional Christianity believes today, and if He were to see His children dying, would He remain there and say, "Come up here, for I cannot leave my seat"? Or, rather, is He going to abandon His throne and come down? What do you think? Will He just stay there or will He come down? Is He going to cast away His crown and jump down from His throne? Think about it. (123-159, 1983.1.1)
You should know that for tens of thousands of years, millions of years, God has cried out for us, "My son and my daughter!" Have you ever ardently called out to God, "Father!" until your throat becomes hoarse and your tongue dry, you cannot breathe and your eyes cannot open? How earnestly have you struggled to embrace that standard, which is that of the subject of life? Your character is measured in proportion to your efforts to do this. (184-219, 1989.1.1)
We have nothing that would enable us to relate with that all-knowing and almighty being. As we were born as fallen people, our eyes are defiled. All our five sensory organs and emotions belong to the secular. We have nothing that enables us to relate with God. Although according to the law of heavenly righteousness we have nothing, there is one single path, the law of love, through which we can relate to God.
In your life of faith, the more the years go by, the more you should live with the philosophy of love and become a person of faith leading a life of discernment in all matters through that philosophy. As ten, twenty or thirty years go by, those who do so will automatically become the people God needs. (149-37, 1986.11.1)
Was it due to God’s kindly nature that He endured a path of suffering through the millennia of the providence of restoration? On what basis did God continue His providence of salvation for tens of thousands of years without becoming exhausted? It is not because He is all-knowing and almighty. It is because He has been walking the way of love for His beloved sons and daughters.
Therefore, it is the power of love that has enabled God to triumph over a path of tribulation, feeling as if a thousand years were just one day. Is that correct? It is. (109-281, 1980.11.2)
Is God deserving of pity or not? Many people doubt that the all-knowing and almighty God needs to be pitied. However all-knowing and almighty He may be, nothing can relieve Him from the shock of having lost His beloved children. If there had been a way for God to find relief from that shock by Himself, He would not have had to suffer through a six-thousand-year course of history. (35-88, 1970.10.4)
Even though human beings sinned, God does not just say, "Hey, you! Why did you sin?" He knows the state of people who sin. He cares about humanity rather than Himself. He comes in sorrow to sorrowful people, in suffering to suffering people, and in sympathy with those feeling victimized and angry.
How much have you empathized with God’s situation? God comes into our sphere of life in this way. Not only like this, however; He has also come to us with His heart. "Although you betrayed Me, with the heart of being your father, I have searched for you for six thousand years." (9-231, 1960.5.29)
What is the Unification Church? It teaches God's heart and seeks to liberate God. Christian churches call us heretics because we say these things. If the son of a great president of a nation were to die, would the president say, "Even though my son has died, as president I cannot shed tears," while maintaining his dignity as president? It would be fine if he went to a corner, wept for his son and came back composed; but if he doesn’t cry for his son, the spirit of his dead son would say, "My father wasn’t really my father after all." If the spirit of his son were alive, would he help his father or oppose him? Whether you become the world’s president or whatever you become, you should shed tears and weep loudly when your child dies. (196-18, 1989.12.24)
How miserable is God’s inner heart as He watches His children lose their original, privileged value of creation, fall into a pit and struggle in a life without value! How mortified He is to see people groaning in lamentation, suffering and despair, and finally ending their lives as defeated people instead of occupying the glory of the heavenly kingdom by becoming God’s direct children through His love, life and lineage! Nobody knew God was so sorrowful. That is why I wept profusely for many days and weeks upon coming to know this God. You should be aware that the Unification Church began amid such profound circumstances. (211-207, 1990.12.30)
Nobody has known about the suffering in God's heart. You know now because God has appeared in history and through me to reveal that deep mission. If this had not occurred, you would not have known. How amazing this is! Even Jesus did not know this, and even if he had he could not have spoken about what was in his heart.
No religious leaders have known the hidden secrets of the universe. I have come so that the secrets of the universe could be revealed in history before the world for the first time. (215-171, 1991.2.17)
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