Cheon Seong Gyeong Rough Draft Version - |
Book 2, Chapter 1. What Is a True Parent?
Section 6. The Meaning of the words ‘True Parents’
6.1. The words ‘True Parents’ are precious
You should know how important and how precious the words True Parents are. You have an obligation to believe in True Parents, even if you may not believe in your nation and the president, your teachers, your parents, or your brothers and sisters. You should know that the concept of True Parents contains the idea of the salvation of hell and the evil world of Satan.
When you are in an unavoidable place of death in the satanic world and your parents then become the strength to shield you against death, and this is acknowledged by heaven and by history, how proud you will be! True Parents are vouched for by God and history. You should know how the words True Parents came into being.
I did not start this work in order to become the True Parent. I was forced to come forward and do this because it could not be done without me. (116-113, 1981.12.27)
6.2. True Parents are our source of enormous pride
So far, what has been the position of our generation? Even if the ancestors of millions of generations were to all resurrect and sing about the glory of resurrection, neither the song nor the glory would be removed from the domain of the Fall.
But what about the words True Parents that are spoken in the Unification Church? Although your current situation may be miserable, you should know that the term True Parents taught about in the Unification Church today is a most honored term. Its value is greater than the songs of praise of hundreds of millions of ancestors or of being in a glorious place of earthly victory and the liberation of all people.
You should know that meeting with the Parents will lead you along the path to meet God, and meeting with the Unification Church will lead you along the path whereby God’s nation and the homeland desired by the True Parents can be found in the near future.
Until now, human beings have been living in nations with different cultural heritages and borders, claiming them as their homelands. Their ancestors have lived there in the past, people are living there now, and their descendants will also live there. All of them however, are surely in the fallen domain.
We should leave and kick away this fallen domain, and find the homeland of love where we can proudly sing of today’s triumph together with our ancestors and our tribes before our future descendants. In the homeland of love, if we can have loving parents and, moreover, attend God as the center of that homeland, there will be no place of higher glory. (138-105, 1986.1.19)
The Messiah is in the position of Adam who has perfected God's love, and thus he comes with the qualification of the original father. Hence, based on the father who then chooses a mother, and on a foundation based on God’s original love, the rights of ownership of the individual, family, tribe, people, and nation must first belong to the Messiah through true love. Rights of ownership can then accrue to nations, citizens, families and individuals.
Thus, if the original love of the Messiah had been established from the individual to the nation, and its waves had reached Rome and the world, there would be no need today of a philosophy heralding the Second Advent.
From this point of view, is America a country belonging to the realm of God's love? No! There is no country on earth that has passed through such a course. Countless churches in the Christian sphere do not come under the ownership coinciding with God’s principle of love. They absolutely do not. The heavenly kingdom does not exist on earth. When we consider this the words True Parents are magnificent! Only these words can be the basis for piercing through the fallen domain of the satanic world and going up.
You should be grateful for the appearance of the words True Parents. You can be thankful for them even after hearing them tens of thousands of times. (129-193, 1983.11.5)
6.3. The words True Parents are amazing words
Because of the Fall of the first ancestors, we have lost our hometown. We have also lost our nation and the world. Furthermore, we have lost God and even God’s love. The beginning point through which we can regain all these vast and remarkable things is the True Parents.
What is the purpose of the providence God has been pursuing in history until now? It is True Parents’ standard. For what has humankind been going through the history of indemnity since the Fall? It was in order to find True Parents. This is the reason countless Christians have been longing for the day of hope and waiting for the day of the Second Coming. This is also the reason that countless religions are all longing for this day. In view of this, True Parents’ birth is a fearsome and amazing event.
You like going to your hometown because your parents and brothers and sisters are there. You miss your hometown because it is where the love is that is connected with your parents is found. It is the nation that embraces such a hometown, the nation where such love of hometown can be connected. People call this nation their homeland. In general, that is what we call a homeland.
So, from the standpoint of original love, we have had neither a hometown nor a homeland; neither in the past nor in the present. Even if it exists, it is related to evil, and has nothing to do with us. It has nothing to do with the quality of trueness. (67-226, 1973.6.27)
The words True Parents that we use in the Unification Church are amazing. Whereas the false parents fell through satanic love, True Parents rise through God's love. Thus they march toward the world of love. Then, why do we try to find this love? Love is a great thing. In love, all are eternally equal. If you just hear the word love, you will be qualified at once to participate in any occasion no matter how lofty. (144-241, 1986.4.25)
The Unification Church speaks about True Parents. These are amazing words. Who are the True Parents? Since false parents appeared, True Parents must appear. What do True Parents have to do? They must rectify the wrong blood lineage that forms the root of the satanic world, turn the resulting deviated life around, and correctly reopen the path of love that had gone the wrong way. (169-37, 1987.10.4)
Although I am not handsome, I have an unchanging hope and that is to pursue God's will. The standard of that ideal purpose and the point at which it is achieved, is the True Parents. The True Parents. Then, what is the fulfillment of God's will? What is the completion of the ideal of creation? For Adam and Eve to realize the ideal of love and stand as parents in the realm of direct dominion is the ideal standard. This is where God’s will is accomplished.
You should know how remarkable it is that I have come to this earth with the name of the True Parent.
The words True Parents! These words are the most blessed of all words in the world. For fallen people, the words True Parents are words of the highest value; higher than finding their nation, or even the world, after losing it. These words are more precious than anything in heaven and earth. (127-220, 1983.5.8)
6.4. The words True Parents are fearsome words
What term expresses the most fearsome teaching of the Unification Church? It is the term True Parents. These are words feared by both God and Satan. Since human beings are in the fallen domain, those who are following the True Parents are judged by their words.
It would be better they had not appeared, but since they are here, the judgment has to be made, and God listens to them. Why then does Satan fear the words True Parents? It is because when people believe and follow these words, everything Satan has will be destroyed and brought to ruin. These are words he intensely fears. Satan always tries to block the way of the True Parents, and longs to see their corruption and downfall. So the question is how much you will believe and follow in going this way.
If you are standing in such a cutting-edge position, you should take each step and do each deed with discernment, while gaining strong inspiration from more than a thousand years’ worth of devoted effort. (65-276, 1973.1.1)
I am well aware of the fearsome nature of the name True Parents. I have not followed my path in life in order to find tranquility, but have been fighting until now in order to complete the mission connected with Your will. Looking back, there have been many incidents, and many occasions when I have been unfairly treated. Yet since I, as a shameful person, know that these do not compare with Your hidden circumstances and Your feeling of being treated unfairly, I cannot kneel down and show You my tears. Please understand my heart that feels such things, and open the doors of the heavenly world and earthly world as of today! (134-112, 1985.2.25)
Who are True Parents? The words True Parents are not simple words. They are the most fearsome words. You do not know how fearsome they words are. This one term, True Parents, controls the direction of history. Until now, untold numbers of patriots have walked the path of sacrifice in order to find and establish these words. The name that is established with hope through continuous bloody struggles and desperate cries is the holy name of True Parents.
When True Parents come, true children should also come. Have you become true children? Think about this. That which is true does not change in the past, in the present, or in the future. (33-109, 1970.8.9)