Cheon Seong Gyeong Rough Draft Version - |
Book 2, Chapter 6. True Parents and Us
Section 2. The Value of Working with True Parents while They are on Earth
In this world there cannot be two sets of True Parents. In North Korea they call Kim Il Sung Father, and in the Unification Church you also call me Father. But the father of the Unification Church and the father of North Korea are qualitatively different. They are confronting each other; both are saying that they are the parent. Also, God and Satan are fighting, each claiming a parent as their own. Who should render public judgment over this matter? Human beings should. Human beings should choose their parents, saying, Our parents should be such and such people. They should make the decision, saying, The fallen parents are evil parents for this reason, and good parents are good parents for this reason. Since it is God and not Satan that has been seeking good parents, God is the father of the good parents. So what does everything come down to? It all comes down to the point where we meet True Parents.
There cannot be two sets of parents. When parents die, do they come back after a thousand years? Since the one appearance of the Parents of humankind is the desire of history, the desire of nations, the desire of ideologies, and the desire of the providence, the time of their appearance is an unprecedented and unrepeatable time. It is the pinnacle that comes only once in history. If it is narrow, how narrow is it? From the viewpoint of the eternal world, a person's lifespan is like the time required to take one breath. I do not know if you are lucky or blessed, but you have managed to live in this era, encounter this one time, and join the Unification Church. How did you come to be here? Countless ancestors of yours have devoted their efforts again and again until they could bring you to this place. Myriads of people perished and died when goodness was trampled upon, but the connections between these countless people turned around and around and reached heaven, rising like a high mountain where the sun rises; you are the ones who have followed the sunlight and gathered there.
When the conditions for love emerge in human history, it will be for the first time. It will establish the point from which the value of life can be bestowed. There is no other time when the sovereignty of the nation and the world can be acknowledged to have a higher value. This time is the origin of history, the focus of hope, the starting point of all blessings, and the source of eternal life. It is that kind of era. The fallen world has been seeking hope for the future, this time establishes the eternal standard of hope in the future. Because you live in such a time you should deeply learn the heart of this era and thereby save the world. It is that kind of time. For this reason, the True Parents, who come as the substance of that summit, have to live according to the norms through which they can belong to the place of True Parents heart. I do not think you understand this. What should those parents do? They should be different from evil parents because they are good parents.
How should they relate to evil children? They will have to treat them based on a deeper heart than any parents in history ever have. Even when they face a child with a miserable fate, instead of stumbling over him, they should run to him in tears, beg him and comfort him to resolve the sorrow of tens of thousands of ages. They should cry their hearts out while acknowledging their mutual error in order to avoid separation. I am saying people should be like this if they are to be True Parents.
They are different. As parents, this is how their attitude of heart should be. What attitude of heart and standard of behavior should the children have who can receive such parents? They need to have that. They should be representatives of the children of filial piety from all nations. Just as each nations champion runs in a world marathon event, they should be champions chosen by their tribe. What are they champions of? They are champions of practicing filial piety and loyalty. You should be such a group of champions. In the sense that children should be this way and parents should be that way, the one known as Rev. Moon in the Unification Church has a different root.
If you miss this time, you will have deep regrets for hundreds of millions of years. Can you buy this opportunity with money? Can you buy it with knowledge? Can you match it with something you have? You absolutely cannot.
Even if you bear the burden of the world, society, tribe and family who are connected to you all at once, can you inherit this? Again, no you can not. This time is so precious that even if the communist world and democratic world were allowed to perish, this opportunity would not be allowed to come to naught. God would think that even if all humankind were sacrificed, this opportunity should not be lost. This is what we should think. There is no way you can say all you want to say and stand in such a focal position. There is no way you can say all you want to say and still be a child of filial piety. There is no way you can say all you want to say and do all you want to do and still become a patriot. (51-354, 1971.12.5)
What is the current situation? You are living in the same age as True Parents. You only get this once in a lifetime. Among the many currents of history, it is a period that can be compared with the tastiest part of a fish. (46-167, 1971.8.13)
From the viewpoint of God's will, although God wants the most important church in Korea to pray and make wishes as God's representatives, they are now reduced to kneeling down in the snow and praying to God with loud wailing instead of holding worship, so that He will save their pitiful church or temple.
You should know that establishing this Unification Church has been a history of sorrows in the providence. But now nations are welcoming us. In America we are an issue that concerns the whole nation. It is the same in Japan and in Europe. The world has finally entered the time when people can think of our blessed families as lighthouses of hope, saying they are model families among humankind and the path to preventing family breakdown and youth promiscuity.
You should know how much blood and flesh was cut from me and how many of sorrowful and tearful situations I passed through before this came to be. Nobody can separate the blessed couples. God wants them. To bring even one couple to the Blessing, God used the efforts of many of their blood relatives to lead them into an encounter with me. This is not coincidence. It is a historic event. It is an amazing thing that you are alive at the same time as True Parents, that you are breathing the same air and living together with them in this age on earth. More than this, it is remarkable that you have inherited the foundation of the Blessing.
Being a millionaire is not important. Would the Unification Church as it is today have come into being if I had been like you? Everywhere I went, I went straight to prison. I entered prison by the front gate and left by the back gate. In finding the family I can live in, the church I can stay in, and the tribe I can stay with, I have now finished securing a global foundation. In other words, I have finished setting up the external conditions.
I have finished creating more than one hundred chapters of the Professors World Peace Academy, a forum for global scholars. I have created media organizations, and a summit council that can move the world. Furthermore, by bringing together the religious world, representing the mind, and the political world, representing the body, I have created the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace and the Federation for World Peace. I am doing these things all alone because there was no way to pioneer a path for humankind to survive and no way to advance toward a peaceful world without creating my own mind-body unity. In other words, I am doing this alone even though I face opposition. (211-336, 1991.1.1)