Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Hope [Part 1 / 4]
Beloved Father! When we come to know that the path of destiny which remains before us is in the heart of the mountains, on high steep mountains, we realize that the range of our belief is far too limited. We cannot help but confess to you that we are people who have followed the way of your will too narrow-mindedly, too passively, and too inadequately.
Father! Please allow us to receive the dominion of our Father who is leading the entire providence of heavenly morality. Father, please grant us your compassion so that we may be able to look upon your external form, and please hold on to us and establish us. We earnestly hope and desire, our Father, that you will allow us to become original substantial beings who are able to distinguish between good and evil naturally as people who are not inadequate to represent the things of creation on this earth.
Oh Father! Please let us now forget the concept of "myself," and please let us remove from our bodies any of Satan's authority of ownership. Please let us be restored as unchanging individual beings who relate to all things, and who, in our minds, have God alone, call out to God alone, and are proud of God alone.
When we return glory to you, Father, all the things of creation are in harmony and the millions of saints in heaven are in harmony, and when one shout of gratitude and hallelujah goes up together from heaven and earth, we know that Satan will surrender voluntarily. Therefore, please lead us so that can happen, Father.
Please allow the complete nature of your dominion to settle in our bodies. Please allow us to be able to sing hosanna and songs of victory in your presence. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become heroes of testimonies and children of victory who represent heaven in the midst of the harmony of all the things of creation. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 27, 1956
Please Reveal The Beauty Of Your Original Nature, Father
Oh Father of creation! Your beauty has been revealed in all of creation, and all of the external forms which You have touched are overflowing with the beauty of your profundity and manifestation.
Please allow us to be able to experience and feel keenly through our minds and bodies your broken heart which even today is seeking without rest the beauty of humankind which is the purpose of creation, and please allow us to be able to relate to your love with beauty.
Please allow our minds to appear like the original minds of the time when you created us, and please allow our bodies to reveal beauty like the bodies just after creation when they were not stained by sin.
Please allow us to stand with minds and bodies of the original nature, completely free of any defects, which can represent your love and heart. And if you, our God, move, we move, too, and if you, our God, are at rest, we are at rest, too. We have come to understand that this is one of the standards you have had as you worked hard going through the history of the providence of restoration until now.
Since what we must find now are our own minds, and what we must complete are our own bodies, please let us find them and complete them. Then please establish us as beings who are able to bow down representing the original beauty of our Father.
Please allow us to be able to offer songs of gratitude and glory to you, Father. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be able to feel deep in our bones and flesh that this is the purpose of our father who has worked so hard.
Because we have inherited the blood lineage of the fall, without our realizing it we have left heaven and lived lives putting importance on ourselves, and we have left behind heavenly morality and acted centered on ourselves. Therefore, contrary, to that, please allow us to be led by the call of our original mind which is able to relate to heavenly morality. And please allow us to find our original selves which heaven prefers by our original minds motivating our bodies.
And we earnestly hope and desire that you will establish us as children who are able to resolve the lamentations of the myriads of people, resolve the lamentations of heaven and earth, bow down before you humbly, Father, and receive your love. We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 10, 1956
We Bow Down Respectfully Before You, Father
On this day you have permitted, we have prostrated ourselves before you in order to bow down respectfully before you. Therefore, please penetrate deep into our spirits and raise up minds that are without flaws.
Please allow the respectful bows we are offering at this time to be able to become bows that comfort your lonely heart. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow this to become a time in which you are able to command us and give as responsibility for the Will which you are administrating.
Oh Father! We know that it was you who called and gathered us, and you counseled us, and it was also through your works that we acted in the realm of life. Therefore, please allow us the fire of the Holy Spirit which you promised, and please help us not to be inadequate to appear as joy for the whole with each one's mind and body in harmony. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow the totality of our divine natures which you are requesting to be revealed at this time.
Father! Please bestow your compassionate love upon us, and please move us through the works of the Holy Spirit to be able to have our entire minds lean towards the glory of heaven. And representing the people and representing humankind, and representing all the things of creation of heaven and earth, we all open the door of the holy of holies and go in seeking to be close to you. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will receive this time of offering respectful bows as the offering of living sacrifices of victory.
Through these respectful bows please allow this people to be established close to you, Father. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow all humankind to furthermore be removed from the realm of sin and to have the opportunity to be able to come over to the world of the realm of goodness over which you have dominion.
Now at this time we have put before you our entire minds and bodies, minds that are able to bow before you and minds that prostrate themselves in obedience. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will command us without reservation all the Will that you will promise and will accomplish.
Hoping that you will grant the works of the Trinity to pour down upon all of our heads, we have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 1, 1956
Please Let Us Become Children Who Find And Return Glory To You, Father
Beloved Father! In that place where tears are exchanged with tears, please let us communicate with the heart and mind of heavenly morality from which we cannot separate ourselves even if we want to. We know that the destined relationship of love which has been hidden in heaven is to appear by connecting the destined relationships of life in that place where the love of heavenly morality communicates. And we also know that it is the law of heavenly morality that this relationship must he linked throughout the earth.
Father! We also know that the restored garden that you desire is entirely a garden of love, it is a garden of victory, and it is a garden of glory. We also know that in order to establish that kind of garden through our lives of service today, at the same time that we seek again for the lives, love and glory that can give joy to God; it will not do unless we straighten out ourselves as well.
Therefore, Father, please establish through us the standard of the ideal of restoration which you have had in your heart since the creation. Then with that standard as a foundation please establish your reign of a thousand years, and allow the people on the earth to be able to completely move and receive your innermost heart which will influence us for billions and billions of years unto everlasting eternity by going as far as the realm of your ideal.
Please guide us to be able to not leave behind any condition whatsoever about which Satan can accuse us as beings that represent heaven and earth, and to bring to completion the total accomplishment of restoration. Please allow us to become children who are able to offer you the entire glory of your value.
Please let us realize that that kind of work will not be brought to completion if we cannot become heroes of victory in relation to our minds, in relation to our life force, in relation to the course of love, and in relation to our lives which people do not know about. Please let us realize that that kind of work will not be brought to completion unless we are victorious in the battle with Satan until the end.
Now as we go through the course of the entire battle from the beginning, as we stand before you in order to bring your mind into ours and receive it, please lead us to be able to respectfully report words of blessing. And please allow us to be able to represent your will by forming victorious destined relationships. We earnestly hope and desire that the Trinity will cooperate with us and that you will protect us, Father, until we become people who have the qualifications of victorious heroes who have completely restored all the things of creation, and who are able to inherit your glorious unfinished work by facing and fighting Satan and being victorious, and who return everything we have to you as yours.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 3, 1956
Please Let Us Return Glory To You While Shouting Out Hosanna
Father! Please take dominion over all of your sons and daughters who have gathered here. Please allow your Will of joy to be revealed through our minds and bodies. Through what you manifest, and through your actions, please remove our improper thoughts, our improper ideologies, and our improper concepts. And through us, Father, please allow there to arise in all of us works of inspiration which are able to liquidate at this time all the indignation caused by us, which fills your heavenly castle.
Please let works of repentance rise up in our minds. Please strike our bodies with works of power, remove the evil elements, and please allow us to blamelessly reveal good elements alone in the presence of our Father who exists eternally. In that way, we can harmonize with your love, and respond to your goodness though our original character and original nature. At the same time that you see the reality of this kind of beauty and rejoice in it, even the saints in heaven will be in harmony at this time through us, and bless all of us to be able to offer up songs glorifying you.
We earnestly hope for and desire this, Father. Oh Father! Today at this time please allow us to engrave on our minds the fact that the mission you have given us was not given for the salvation and liberation of ourselves alone. Please let us realize that the destiny of this people depends on us today. Today through us please allow all the people of the world to be able to establish conditions for appealing to heaven and earth.
Father! While we are standing on this solemn, serious path of life and death, holding on to heaven with our right hands and striking Satan with our left hands to win the victory, please hold on to us, Father, until we are able to return glory to you while shouting out "Hosanna!" with both hands raised.
Please do not allow your lonely sons and daughters to become exhausted in their battle with Satan as they face the Will of this age when the time is not yet full. Oh Father, who has protected us until now, we are still able to hope for your grace which protects us from this time on as well. Therefore, please allow us to be more than equal to the task of representing your Will in any place whatsoever, and of resolving the indignation that has filled you.
Even if all of us offer our lives as sacrifices, please allow us to he able to bow respectfully with gratitude before heaven and embrace your indignant heart. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become people who are able to accomplish the Ģill of heaven quickly, leaving nothing out, and that we will become beings of beauty in whom you delight and who return glory to you while shouting "Hosanna."
Earnestly hoping that at this time you will cause only your Will of joy to act, we have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 2, 1956
Please Establish Us As Our Original Selves In The Original Garden
Beloved Father! In the garden of our minds, please allow your joy to be planted! Please allow your life to be planted; please allow your love to be planted; and please allow your glory to be planted!
Please allow your joy, life, love and glory to become the foundation of our eternal minds, and please allow us to trample down and stand victorious over all the unhappiness of the earth. Please allow us to trample down and stand victorious over this world of darkness, and please allow us to trample down and stand victorious over this world with its terrible divisions and strife.
Since we must become sons and daughters who are able to trample down and stand victorious over sighs, interference and weeping and we must become people who are able to spread joy to many people, please guide us even though we are inadequate.
Father! We know that today we ourselves must stand before you as true children, and we must not enjoy happiness from an evil position, or enjoy happiness centered on ourselves. Furthermore, we know that the life Christ lived when he carne to the earth was not a life centered on himself. Therefore, Father, before ourselves being happy, please let us first make our brethren happy; and before enjoying something ourselves, please let us be able to let our brethren enjoy it.
Please let us have minds that are able to walk the cosmic course of life and go beyond ourselves. Please allow us to be able to love each other and to relate as true brothers and sisters through goodness alone while taking the example of Christ's course of life. Please allow us to be able to have God's joy, life, love and glory as our own, and we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will establish us as one center from which we cannot leave even if we wanted to, centered on the destined relationship of true brothers and sisters.
We know that if there is a person who truly loves others, the original garden will reveal eternal value through that person. Therefore, please, please lead us to be able to sing songs of your glory without being ashamed by having become the sons and daughters of heaven you have been hoping for within the realm of your love.
Please allow us to be able to bow down respectfully with gratitude before you and your glory, and to reveal our individual values as object partners of beauty to you. And while earnestly hoping and desiring that you will please allow us to become eternal children of victory, we have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 9, 1957
Please Let The Day Come When We Have Become Completely One With You
Father of love! Until now we thought only the front existed, but the back does, too; we thought only about today, but tomorrow exists, too; and we thought only about the top, but the bottom exists, too. We have come to realize that at this time.
And we have come to realize that if those things are connected centered on the eternal Will, then even if the right side becomes the left side, and the left side becomes the right side, that is to say, even if the front and back, or right and left switch their positions, they can stand before you, Father. But in addition, we have come to feel that because until now we have not been able to pull out the fundamental root of sin which is in humankind, today in this age the front and back, the right and left, and the top and bottom have each been confused and are not able to have give and take properly.
Oh Father of love! Now please allow a day of joy to come quickly in which the front and back, the right and left, and the top and bottom have become completely one centered on your eternal idea. Now we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to realize that if up until now we have had a mind to establish ourselves and have not had a mind to empty ourselves, we will not be able to avoid your judgment one day. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become your true sons and daughters who are able to sing songs of your glory and who can be proud before you by our having realized indivisible relationships in which the top takes the place of the bottom, and the bottom the top, and the right takes the place of the left, and the left the right.
Father! We know that today in this age there are many paths nearby that are blocking our ways. Therefore, please allow us to become your sons and daughters who are able to comfort you by realizing the victorious day of the Will, by having gone forward in silence towards heaven and by distinguishing between those paths.
Please allow to appear quickly on the earth the day of your joy which will bear the fruit of that one purpose and complete that one purpose, and complete everything about that one purpose for which we have hoped and gone forth. While earnestly hoping and desiring that you will allow us to rejoice as well, moved by your heart which is rejoicing, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
November 1, 1957
Please Let Us Become Beings Of Love Which Go In All Four Directions
Father! We know that our individual selves represent God, represent couples, represent parents, represent children, and represent brothers and sisters in front of humankind who are wandering, searching for truth. And we know that we have an absolutely necessary historical course that through our individual selves we must realize in the universe a place of rest for our minds that can determine this kind of great fundamental position of the individual.
Now as for each individual, we know that the men are looking for true elder sisters and younger sisters; they are looking for true mothers; and they are looking for true mates. And the women are also looking for true mates. We know that people who are wandering looking for the same idea, people who are in the same position, people who cannot become enemies are the people who must become involved in the idea of creation.
But through the fall of humankind, the love of parents was broken, the love of couples was broken, and the love of brothers and sisters was broken. Accordingly, in order for us to go forth and find these things today we must first feel the emotion of love for each other as brothers and sisters. Furthermore, we have now realized the fact that only if, representing the six thousand years of the sorrow of God, we find a mate whom we can love is the principled standard restored which can represent heaven and earth.
Today we are not just simple beings. Rather, we know that because we are beings who must not lack in any direction and must have natures that go in all four directions, it is a sorrowful thing for us if we do not have brothers and sisters; it is sorrowful if we do not have friends; it is sorrowful if we do not have parents; and it is sorrowful if we do not have children.
It is a principle of natural law that people love each other with natures that go in all four directions. Because that is the first standard of life which God allowed us through our eternal original mind, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow your sons and daughters who have gathered here to realize that if we forget that kind of principle in our daily lives, we will become sorrowful.
Now please let our hearts represent the Holy Spirit and embrace humankind, our minds represent the Son and embrace humankind, and our minds represent God and embrace humankind. Please allow us to be able to embrace them as children of heaven. Please allow us to become people who are able to think of heaven and earth with those kinds of minds.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to receive quickly a day of joy which can be restored as a center before the eternal world of all things, and a day about which we can rejoice even while we are suffering and in sorrow. According to this kind of absolute, ironclad rule, please allow us to be able to realize from our two-dimensional selves, beginning from our bodies, the parents of our bodies, the brothers and sisters of our bodies, and the couples of our bodies; and from our minds, please let us realize the parents of our minds, the brothers and sisters of our minds, and the couples of our minds; and from the eternal world of idea centered on spirit the parents of our spirits, the brothers and sisters of our spirits, and the couples of our spirits, that is to say, the three types of the three kinds of parents, the three kinds of brothers and sisters, and the three kinds of couples.
Now we must search around for the true parents of our bodies, the true parents of our minds, and the true parents of our spirits; but the parent of our spirit is you, Father; the parent of our mind is the Lord who comes again, and our physical parents are the parents who gave us birth.
Therefore, please allow us to be able to find our children, brothers and sisters, and mates who are relative to them. We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 21, 1958
Please Let Us Have The Joy Of Resembling The Original External Form
Oh Father! Please have compassion for all the people living on the earth. We know that the day is coming near when we must bring the Will to completion. We know that that day is the day your indignation will be resolved, it is the day of hope of Jesus Christ, and it is the day for which humankind has been earnestly longing.
We know that the time has come that it will not do unless, having met the day of glory, we attend you in our minds, and the time has come that it will not do unless we avoid the history of sin before facing the fearful Day of Judgment. Therefore, Father, please now mold our minds once again, and let us have heartistic natures that are able to bring you joy. We earnestly hope and desire that you will please mold our bodies again and let us becomes bodies of the external form that you are able to move.
Then please allow us to become true sons and daughters who can be claimed as your own, who are able to sing songs of the original hope as the minds and bodies you had created.
In the midst of that glory we will become one and at the same time that your happiness will be our happiness, and our happiness will be your happiness, it will also be the happiness of billions of saints in heaven, and through the happiness of all the things of creation a day can appear; and we are earnestly hoping that that day, the day of your hope, the day of your glory, and the day of your joy will appear quickly on the earth.
If there are people whose minds fall short, please allow them to dash forward following your original mind, and if there are people who do not have the original human external form created to represent your internal nature, please allow them to expel all the evil elements and subjugate their bodies.
We desperately long to be sons and daughters of heaven who are able to harmonize and move with your heart through their minds and bodies when you move, Father. Therefore, oh Father, if our minds are not able to move with your original mind, please remove those minds, and if there are bodies not resembling the original external form, that cannot become bodies of your external form which can move with your heart, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow those bodies to become bodies that are not inadequate to appear as bodies of beauty, that are able to have the original external form through having been subjugated.
Since we now offer all our minds and bodies, Father, please accept them and take dominion over them, and please remove entirely any elements Satan may take advantage of. Father, please personally command, and please allow us to be able to reveal the glory of goodness and to be able to be transformed.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
January 11, 1959
Please Let Us Become Original People Who Atone For The Sorrows Of History