Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Entreaty [Part 2 of 5]
Please Guide Us To Be Children Who Fight With Satan And Are Victorious
We know that because humankind is living buried in sin, it is easy for us to consider everything centered on ourselves, and it is easy for us to establish wills which are not the Will and to follow them as if they were the Will. Oh, Father, please make us completely realize that we are like that.
Then please allow us to establish complete centers for ourselves and to go forward on the path of your eternal life. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who can fight with Satan and go forward rejecting everything for the sake of the Will you alone desire.
We still do not know where the standard is that can guide ignorant humankind. We know that there have been many times we have worried about ourselves and prayed. Oh, Father, please make us realize how unworthy we are.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will guide us to be able to go forward to the final point of victory following the laws of the principle. We know that at this time, too, Satan is confusing us through intrigues and slander in order to block the blessings you want to give us.
Oh, Father, please lead us to be those who can push aside all those things and fight with Satan and go forward. And furthermore, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who are able to form an intimate relationship with you within the realm of the providence and go forward.
Furthermore, since we have to face the last days, please allow us to have a new sense of discrimination which can distinguish all things. Please allow us to realize that everything in the environment centered around ourselves is something to test us. And please do not allow those things to become satanic elements. We earnestly request and desire, Father, that you will guide us and protect us so that we will not be unworthy to reveal your glory by ourselves treading upon and going over those things.
In order to find and establish the day of victory that can reveal your glory, Father, at this time please allow us to be able to have in our minds and bodies the power and strength that can face Satan and fight with new resolution and determination. We earnestly hope and desire that your infinite love and care will be revealed to all the people of the earth and to this country and this people. We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
November 11, 1957
Please Allow Us To Become One With Your Mind
We know that if your mind and Adam's mind had become one, and your will and Adam's will had become one, today's anguished history with the two worlds fighting would not have happened.
Today your anguished and sorrowful mind is in our minds. Our original minds recognize this, and only the fallen nature, which is centered on itself, is denying that this is true. Since we know that we are always facing this kind of battle between our original minds and evil minds, please allow us to control our own minds ourselves and become one with your mind, Father. Since the time is coming near for the struggle of having to control our own wills and become one with your will, oh Father, please bear with us if we have a mind that cannot become one with you. Please allow us to make effort to forget everything and to become one with your will and mind alone.
We know that a mind that is one with your mind could not be exchanged for hundreds of millions of dollars. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will lead us to be able to fight and go forth, and hold on and go forth to attain that one thing, even if we have to sacrifice everything.
Father! This time now is a very difficult time, and Satan is blocking our minds which want to become one. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to establish a new condition of sacrificing ourselves for others for the sake of establishing your will.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be equal to the providential history which can broaden the glory of your will and that we will be able to fight while looking up towards your will. We earnestly hope and desire that you will please allow us to realize our desire for our minds and wills to appear as one before your altar as another condition for a relationship with you and as a condition to subjugate Satan.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
November, 10, 1957
Please Allow Us To Find The True Path Even In The Midst Of Confusion
This time now is like the time when the Israelite people were in confusion 2,000 years ago, the time when the Messiah had to come. We are now facing such a time, and we know that we are facing a time when it will be difficult to discriminate between what is true and what is false.
Until now there have been many teachers who worked hard in the course of past history, and we have followed many leaders, but today we have lost the center of our minds on which we should depend. We know that you know that today humankind is facing confused living circumstances. Therefore, Father, please control our lives, please control our minds, and please control our ideas so that we may have a joyful time when we can live depending on our natural disposition.
Today as we live in such a confusing world, please allow our minds and bodies to spread this idea. Please let our bodies witness to it through our daily lives, and please allow us to be grateful in our minds. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to be able to receive the blessing of being your sons and daughters who have fulfilled the mission of restoration, and be complimented as the sons and daughters you desired. Father! Please supervise our minds.
More than anyone else, our minds know better the way we must go. Since our minds desire to go along the original true path, Father, please grant to us the truth and the religion that are able to realize our mind's desire, and please guide us to be able to accomplish the will of the providence of salvation. Since the entire religious world is divided into many denominations, and is in confusion, Father, please take pity on it.
We know that the problem here is not which religious body, or which group, or which denomination. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to understand that the main point of truth and the entirety of truth is having an internal heart that you are able to recognize and going forth with an earnest heart that can experience your mind. Now even if we run into adversity, the time is near when your will must be realized. Therefore, please allow us to go through the adversity and to have minds and bodies that can see your glory. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will guide us to become your sons and daughters who even alone win over adversity and while worrying about your heart, unknown to others, raise up an altar, and offer everything in order to resemble your mind and in order to experience your heart.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
May 18, 1958
Please Let Us Open Our Hearts And Feel Your Existence
Father! We know well that without even knowing the direction they must go, many people have struggled along the terribly anguished course of history in order to find you.
You appear to exist, and then seem not to exist. You seem to be living together with history, and yet, Father, we have not been able to have a clear understanding that you really exist. You seem to be together with our minds, but with deeply sorrowful minds, we are looking at you as our father who cannot establish regulations like a real being. We know well that you created the entire universe through an idea of goodness, and you gave humankind a true conscience, and you gave us the amazing blessing of being able to experience that idea of goodness through the faculties of intellect, emotion and will.
And we also know well that the fact cannot be denied that the nature of your existence comes to be felt within the time limits of a certain age. Each time we long for your internal nature which comes to our minds, we cannot help but be captured by an anguish we ourselves don't understand. We can only lament over our wretched appearance. We know that you have led us into this situation, as a historical, heartistic action to lead us to eternal life.
We want to know you, Father, who behind die scenes in history sought us through your heart and mind in order to arrange history into one realistic ideology. We are eagerly looking forward to establishing your mind as the ideology for our lives and our daily lives. But because we do not clearly know the value of your existence, we do not know the value of our daily lives, and without knowing the value of our lives we are faced with the wretched situation of having to struggle today and tomorrow. Therefore, please take pity on each of us who are wandering on the brink of death.
Now, Father, we know that the time has come that it will not do unless you stretch out your hand of love. That wave of love will have to reach the situation around us and even into our hearts. We know that this is the time when we must restore the authority of your heart, the leading authority you alone have. We know that we will reach the time when we must fight centered on mind, so please allow us to become people who have tolerance and can open our closed minds.
The time has come when we must become sons and daughters who are ready to bend our bodies and bow before you. Therefore, we earnestly hope that you will allow us to become people who see your outstretched hand manifest before us and that you will allow us to be able to hear the voice of our father who is knocking at the door of our minds.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
January 18, 1959
Father! Please Take Pity On Us
Oh Father! Please take pity on us. Without your grace we are pitiful people who can do nothing but die. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will not cast us aside and leave us, but will embrace us in your bosom of mighty love.
Until now your sons and daughters who have been following have not thought this path of struggle was difficult; but if it were not for your love, we could only have wandered, so please take pity on us. And please embrace us in your mighty love and please let us be able to experience the grace of glory which you permit to us.
We know that everything centered on humankind has an end, but every act centered on you continues forever, Father. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will remove everything centered on humankind and allow only things centered on you alone to appear out of the gardens of our hearts.
The more our earnest minds search for you, Father, and the more we long for your internal nature and as we desire more to go closer to your mind, there are many times when we forget the fact that your great love is here among us without our knowing it.
Please do not allow us to forget the fact that you are always together with us, to say nothing of when we are busy or in a hurry.
And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will not allow us to forget the fact that you are always living together with us.
Father! Please look upon us with compassion. Please take responsibility for our lives and take responsibility for our hope. If you would grant your hope to us, please grant us the strength to be able to fight together with you until we make that garden of hope our own. And we hope and desire, beloved Father, that you would protect us so that we do not become exhausted in the battle with the enemy.
Since our hands and feet have been wounded while we made our way through the world of death, at this time we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will join hands with us and embrace us. Because we know that if you say you do not know us there would be no one more wretched than we are, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please hold and comfort us.
If it were not your command, we would not have been able to give up even our lives; but we have followed the command you have given and gone forth because it is called a true path. "Therefore, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will not cast us away but rather embrace us at this time. Father!
Please look upon us with compassion. Please allow us to feel to our very bones that if it is not you, nothing will be accomplished, and if it is not your will, it will not be accomplished, and if it is not your work, it will not be accomplished.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to keep in our lives the work that you left, the will that you left, and the hope that you left, and that you will allow us to fight to the end, and to appear as your high-spirited sons and daughters.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 22, 1959
Please Seek Us Reaching Out With Love
Greeting this holy day we come before your being, Father, with bowed heads. Oh father of love, father of compassion, father of magnanimity, please bear with us.
Our minds want to resemble your mind, and our bodies want to resemble your external form. We are not able to accomplish that because we don't know how. Therefore, please inform us through our minds and give us experience through our bodies. We earnestly hope to be able to bow before you, Father, as those who have taken the example of your internal nature.
If it seems there are sons and daughters who are not proper before your will, please seek them out personally and instruct them. Our ears are dim, and our eyes are dim. We do not know how to hear your words, and we do not know how to look upon you. Please let us sense in our minds and bodies that having to make us hear and having to make us see is more sorrowful for you than for us, more heartbreaking for you than for us, and more frustrating for you than for us.
You have beckoned to us hundreds of millions of times, but we did not know how to respond, and you called out to us tens of thousands of times, but we did not know how to hear you. Then how could we not be ashamed to stand before you? Even so, we hear your voice calling us to come, and even so we know that you are beckoning and calling to us, and we fall down on our knees. We are the pitiful people among the pitiful. We believe that you know that we are those who more than anyone else have no place to depend on. "Therefore, even though we appear crude, you will have to seek us out and hold us, reaching out with love.
Our eyes are dim and our bodies wounded, and even though we are in a position of not being able to know the essence of life, Father, please embrace us personally with love. We earnestly hope and desire that you will stop our tired footsteps, turn our minds from dejection to joy, and comfort us.
Even as sorrow is handed down, we know it is because this is a fallen world that you are caused to feel sorrow. Satan is blocking our path, and because you know that he is sweeping away the world through the power of death, you did not leave the responsibility up to us, but have taken on the responsibility alone and have gone forward facing and fighting the enemy, Father.
The more our minds revere you as that kind of father, the more your mind will want to forgive us and forgive our faults. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that through that heart, you will once again seek us out.
We regret having become sinners, and we weep. Our hearts are indignant hearts and our tears are flowing, and when with earnest hearts our minds repent, we realize that you have borne with us for 6,000 years, Father, and today at this time also you seek to relate to us with a heart of compassion.
Please knock on the doors of our hearts as we weep. Please remove the thoughts and assertions of all the ideologies that have been stained by sin until now. And please let us sense your life in our minds and bodies. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow this to be a time when we can experience heaven's heart of painstaking circumstances, heaven's heart of love, and heaven's grace of love which we have not been able to feel, and we can form the kind of relationship where you can call us your sons and daughters.
We have humbly prayed these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 19, 1959
Please Allow Us To Make A New Beginning In The Midst Of This New Shock
Father! We have realized that when we are trying to think of a new work, we are not able to even think about it in the places where we have been doing things until now. We have realized that until we stop the flow of history and take a moment when we can think, we cannot awaken ourselves even though we want to.
We know that we cannot be aroused from this sleeping appearance without receiving new stimulation. Therefore, Father, please continuously shock us anew so that we may be able to put aside the historical relationships we have. We know that we will not be able to be awakened if we do not have stimulated minds; therefore, please allow us to become beings who find such minds and know how to respect them.
In each age you sent a responsible person who could awaken us, Father. You looked upon fallen humankind, and since you held on with your sorrowful heart and let them live and go, Noah lived and went that way, and Moses, too, and Jesus also did that.
Oh Father! Please give us the shock of a new feeling at the bottom of our hearts. Please let us go beyond ourselves and experience your sorrow, and please give us minds that can be concerned for the people who are being swept into the world of death. If there is a person with this kind of mind, he is a person who can obtain the liberation of the people.
And furthermore, if there is a person who has a mind that is clinging to the world and worrying about it, he is a person who will obtain the grace of worldwide liberation. And furthermore, if there is a person who knows how to be worried about cosmic liberation, he will not be ruined together with history. We know that he is a person who will leave a new history to the world.
Therefore, today please do not let us become people who reveal our feelings and cling to ourselves and cry. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become people who represent your earnest heart as you look at us, Father, and please let us go towards the good for which the whole is hoping.
Please let us feel in your stead the mind that was anxious that we might not follow and that humankind might fall. Please let us follow your example and let us know how to look at the people and look at the world, worried that those who are following might fall, and worried that those who have fallen might collapse and die.
If there were sons and daughters who could look at you and say, "Father: I am here, and I have taken responsibility for your heart, so please rest," we know that kind of scene would mean that history is going in a new direction. Please let us become those people who know how to go forward having made all sorts of preparations to be able to begin in a new direction, and please let those of us who should begin in that direction, who must awaken make a new decision and determination and pledge in our minds according to the appearance of the historical screams of misfortune. We earnestly ask you to let us become those who know how to be awake as heaven is awake, and sorrowful or joyful together with the moral laws of heaven and with history.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 19, 1959
Father! Please Have Compassion
Father of compassion! Father of love! If you just leave these pitiful people as they are, they will never be able to get out from under the shadow of death. What is there for those of us in this situation to be proud about and how can we come before you saying we are right? What do we possess that we could come before you defending ourselves?
We have nothing. The only thing we have is our inadequacy, and the only thing we feel is our awe-stricken mind. Therefore, please have compassion, Father, for these people of death who are hoping for your compassion, your benevolence and your mercy. All of us are looking towards heaven, eagerly waiting for your hand to reach out to us. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will have compassion for us.
The time of the providence is hastening the Last Days, and the waves of death have swept around us and without any exception seek to swallow us. We know that you know we are faced with a chaotic environment, and your heart which worries about us remains on this earth, as do the footprints of your hard work. We know that as you look at all this, your mind is inexpressibly anxious; therefore, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead us and have compassion for us at this time.
If we have lonely hearts, let us empty them out at this time and we must change them and take on your heart. If we are sorrowful and have inexpressibly frustrated hearts, we are in the pitiful situation of having to exchange them for your heart of joy and life.
Oh Father who knows this, in spite of our being those who should take responsibility in your stead and relieve you of your difficult position, you are taking care of our difficult situation. And we earnestly hope and pray, Father, that you will bear with the fact that we are within the fallen realm and have to receive strength from you again.
Father! Please allow our hearts to be able to communicate with each other. We, who have been languishing in the realm of death and who had no destined relationship and were not acquainted, have gathered together referring to each other as the members of one family. Since we have gathered together adoring the idea of your heavenly providence, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will have compassion and come to us.
Could anyone have confidence in front of you, Father? Since you have said that you have confidence, we have hoped to have confidence, too, and since you have said that you feel this wav, we too hope to feel that. If this is false, Father, please bear with us, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will personally take dominion.
Even when coping with a sad situation relating with humankind, your sons and daughters could not have a situation where they could speak out their minds, and even when faced with a difficult situation, they had no family members with whom they could open their hearts. We earnestly hope and desire that you will take pity on them.
We know that in the world connected to your heart, we move transcending the distances of time and space. Therefore, at this time also, connected to that same heart, if the mind of heaven moves please let our minds be moved as well. Please inspire us by reaching out with your grace for all, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will connect us to your heart again.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 7, 1959
Please Let Us Have Meek And Humble Minds
Before we report anything to you, Father, you already know our hearts. Please allow us to feel that this is a time when heaven is observing everything about us.
Oh Father! You have gone through a historical course of such toil. Today please appear right in front of us and groom us through new words. Please relate to us with a new heart. We intend to sweep away every unfaithful aspect, and with childlike minds offer everything we have before you, our Father, whom we respect.
We lay down before you, Father, all the rituals, ideologies and concepts of the world, and we ask that you will allow us to have meek, humble minds like those of children. May we have humble minds which are able to be molded as you would mold us, and since we seek to offer ourselves before you, please accept us. May the triune God act.
We earnestly hope and pray that you will allow this place where we are bowing to you with rejoicing hearts, guarded by heavenly forces and angels, to become an altar of wondrous blessing which can lead our whole lives to victory.
We have left everything up to you. Please let us open our hearts and all the ideologies we have before you. We hope that in that way you will allow us to be able to change everything we have into your things.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 5, 1959