Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Entreaty [Part 5 of 5]
Please Allow Us To Be Those Who Are Able To Be Sorry Even If We Have Given Limitlessly
We must understand that until now our father has not been ruled by anyone, but our father's mind has been sorry, even as he gave. It was our father's mind to want to give pure, original love completely.
But we must think about the fact that due to humankind's fall, in the heart of our father who carried out the providence step by step, there are tears of loneliness from that period of thousands of years. Father! We must know that your situation has been that you could not help but go through the stages of the rugged peaks of the age of formation, the age of growth and the age of perfection in the course of the providence of restoration.
Even while receiving your love, until today, humankind has not known how to be grateful to you, and has not known how to reciprocate. We have considered the inner heart of our father who has led this sorrowful history bravely and with good courage, determined to give everything at some point, the more people are like that.
Today, please express your sorrowful heart. Your sons and daughters have gathered here feeling fear that we might not be able to become the sons and daughters who can receive everything from you and give everything to you representing the world, representing history, representing the cosmos at this time of your expressing completely the heart you wanted to give.
Father, we have come to understand that when a person who is filled with a mind that wants to give the things of creation meets a person who wants to receive those things, if that person bows his head and feels ashamed even as he is giving, that person is your person.
Even having given everything, feeling restricted by not being able to give more, wanting to give more, even if there is the grief of burning up one's mind and body and disappearing, if there is a person who has a mind that denies even the fact that he has disappeared, that person belongs to God. And when we think that all heaven is connected to him, we earnestly hope that you will allow us to appear at this time as sons and daughters who can connect with you, Father, at this central point which we cannot avoid even if we wanted to.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the'Ime Parents. Amen.
October 25, 1970
Please Allow Our Meeting To Be Centered On Heaven
Beloved Father! The flow of past history was sorrowful at times and happy at times. Each time we think that heaven's sorrow is dwelling in the center of a mind that others don't know, we realize how continuously inadequate we have been as we relate to you.
Father! This relationship of your having met us has not been formed through our efforts; it is due to the merit of millions of generations of ancestors which laid a bridge and broadened and broadened its foundation. Please allow us to be able to feel grateful for all the grace you have given to let us have a day when we could meet you like this today.
In a place where people gather together and part again, people are subjected to criticism, and we can see that divisions occur; but we must understand that in a place where people meet centered on heaven, only awe, gratitude and tears remain.
Please let your children who are gathered here clearly realize that it will not do unless they feel more compassion for God deep in the center of their minds, and they love God who is our father. Please allow us to become sons and to become daughters who offer our minds and bodies in order to love you as though we were crazy and who are able to be grateful even if we sacrifice everything, and about whom you can feel joy when you look at us.
As you searched for him, how much did you long for that one and only son to whom you could give all your love and about whom you could be proud before all people?
Now our impatient selves are advancing step by step towards your internal character; therefore, it will not do unless we become those who are waiting for the time when you call us to hurry and come to you. Please absolutely don't let us ever become sons and daughters who avoid suffering and worry that suffering may come.
We know well that if there was a history of suffering, there was without fail a mistake between the people there. Please allow us to realize clearly that when you were doing well behind the scenes but humankind made a mistake, heaven was sorrowful every time, and stood in a position where it could not help but be in anguish.
Humankind must never overturn the blessings of the whole which heaven seeks to give, due to making a mistake or having cooperated together and determined together. Knowing this kind of truth, we earnestly hope that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to determine ourselves.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of our True Parents. Amen.
January 9, 1971
Please Let Us Go The Path Of Living For Others
Since we know that living for ourselves, for myself is always being an enemy in relation to the course of the providence of salvation, and living for others is the course that levels that path of all the difficulties and struggles which are always in front of us, please let us go the path of living for others.
If our spirit becomes exhausted, that is not something we can resolve on our own. On the contrary, please let us realize that if we live for others or sacrifice more because of being in a position to suffer more and to live for others, there is another path that can be pioneered as a course of reaction. And please let us realize that there is another path that can lead to you by increasing the level of precious loyalty and offering more devotion to you.
We earnestly hope that you will allow us to understand that the problem is not in other people; it is in ourselves, in myself. We know well that it is the principle of the real world that no matter how strongly a cold wind blows, if I prepare clothes for myself and wear them, that cold wind just blows by without affecting me.
But if I don't have the ability to be able to prepare myself for the cold, then I become ill, and I can be bent over. Accordingly, in our lives today as well we will have to take on this principle and reform our lives and be able to determine the value that heaven is hoping for, which can give light to the course of our lives.
Please let us realize that only then will we be able to become the sons and daughters who can make you happy. We must understand the fact that having been excited sons and daughters who were happy in the past does not mean we will be happy sons and daughters today. We can be happier today than in the past.
In order to become sons and daughters who can feel valuable stimulation, it will not do unless we stand in a position where we can believe heaven, and look up to heaven, and consult directly with heaven from a position of being able to take on a more difficult, a loftier, a more valuable, a more responsible position. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who know that taking on a more important responsibility is an honor, that going a more difficult path of the cross than others is our pride, and that living a more serving life than others is a valuable life.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
January 24, 1971
Please Let Us Know The Time Of Our Life
Until now for Unification Church members the time has come near; but it worries me greatly, and I cannot help but be skeptical about how many people know that the time is coming. The time passes as the time, but we know that nothing will work today if people are the same as they were in the past.
We know that when spring comes as the time to plant seeds, if the seeds are planted, the shoots will sprout, and when summer comes, the shoots will grow, and when fall comes, they will bear fruit, and just before winter comes there is a time to harvest. When we see one living being going through the course of its life according to the laws of natural phenomena like this, if there is a person who in his lifetime is greeting the spring season of his life of faith, please allow him to also greet the summer season.
In the summer season it is not the luxuriantly growing leaf that is good; please allow us to understand how precious the stem is which allowed it to grow. We know that this stem, as a stem I alone can possess, brings flowers into bloom and bears fruit, and if it is a yearly plant, that fruit brings the combined results of the value of the whole year. We must understand that a life of faith has times like that as well.
Please let us know that throughout our lives in relation to our course of knowing the will, one time is die spring season, one time is the summer season. one time is the fall season, and one time is the harvest season.
When we reach the harvest season centered on the will, we must offer everything and give our full devotion and bring in the harvest. And if we do not claim the things we harvest as our own, but give them to you and then receive them back as ours, we form a relationship with you, and all things can belong to us.
Because we know that being able to have a relationship has value, we who are going the course of restoration should not first have all things as our own; rather, everything must be yours, Father. We who are in the position of having received your call and are following must clearly understand that preparing our own personality and life does not come first; we must prepare for your personality and your life first.
More than any thing else, please do not let us lose the battle through lives of a day; and we earnestly hope and desire that you will bless us, Father, not to lose in relation to the battle through our lives of a month. May all things be together with the standard of your victory, and we earnestly ask you to guide us to become sons and daughters whose minds will always rush valiantly and boldly in that direction and be there at the place of your final victory.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of our True Parents. Amen.
January 24, 1971
Please Establish Us As Children Of Whom You Can Be Proud
Father! We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become children who reveal our terribly petty, base selves in front of your broad, noble, internal character and eagerly long for the touch of your compassion and mercy.
Father, you are the subject of all capabilities! You are the prime mover of all life! You are the origin of heart and love! As real beings in front of you, we entrust our whole selves to you from the position of being like branches or leaves. If you are sorrowful, then we will also have to be sorrowful, and if you are happy, then we will also have to be happy, and if you work quickly, then we will also have to work quickly. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who deal with our entire living environment together with you in this way.
When we reveal ourselves before your internal character, we wonder whether we are the kinds of sons and daughters for whom you hoped, whether you can relate happily to us, and personally come and whisper directions to us about the path we should go. In order to become those kinds of sons and daughters, more than anyone else we must fulfill the duty of filial piety and the duty of loyalty in relation to you, and we must be able to offer even our lives to you.
Since we know that we cannot remain connected to the will on the stage of life if we are not able to have a relationship as your sons, please melt our minds which are like sticks and stones and let them resemble your mind. We earnestly hope and pray that you will allow us to establish a relationship where your situation and our situations meet, and we can be absorbed into you.
It will not do to remain not being able to help lamenting our fleeting lives together with the flow of time. With hope, determining a hope-filled tomorrow, taking authority as your sons, we will have to greet a day of joy, a day of rejoicing and a day of pride.
We who know the will know your capacity and know through experience how amazing you are, and we know that we must stand in a position with dignity and authority as the victors of tomorrow, as the builders of today, as the victors of history. To do that, we must not be pitiful people who always lament over themselves and cannot put themselves forward. Please allow us to become your sons and daughters who know how to determine ourselves.
Now please allow our minds to be able to give you joy. And please allow our bodies to be the way you want them.
Please allow us to be able to offer eternally before you our bodies to become living altars of victory and our minds to become living sacrifices of victory. Then, please allow us to become the sons and daughters you are not ashamed to put forth before all things of creation and about whom you can say proudly that this is the sacrifice you have been looking for, and these are the beings of hope you have wanted to meet.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
February 21, 1971
Father! We Did Not Know In Time
Father! You are the only one we can believe; there is no one to depend on but you. We know that there is no one but you with whom to clear up matters and form a relationship. If we form a relationship with people, we see that it will become nothing more than an object of despair. As we walk the path of persons of faith, we have seen many times, experienced many times, and felt many times the incessant fact of human history that in the end our hearts are pierced with arrows.
Our sorrow was not being hungry; it was not standing in a position of being persecuted unjustly by the environment. We did not know in advance that what is more sorrowful than that is losing our beloved father. No matter how lacking a place may be, if you are there it has everything. Even if a place is in the center of hell, if you are there it can be transformed into heaven.
We know that there is no other place for us to live or die than where you are, Father. It is under you that we have happiness; it is under you that we have hope; and when we think that it is under you that our existence has value, in this way you are the prerequisite of all our victories, the prerequisite of happiness, and we really, really did not know in advance the fact that it is you, Father, who can be the decisive standard of value.
As for pursuing superior value, we did not know in time that before pursuing something external, already deep in our minds there is a standard that can determine the content of value. We thought that the source of happiness was in some relative world on the other side; therefore, we did not know in advance that deep in our minds a root is already connected there.
Now, Father, if through the Unification Church you are longing for us to become sons and daughters whom you can embrace as favored children of new resurrected life, we have realized that it will not do unless we make efforts in order for us to be able to stand in such a position. Therefore, we earnestly hope and pray that we may become your precious sons and daughters who can obtain your compassion by becoming gentle incarnations who relate to your will humbly.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of our True Parents. Amen.
April 25, 1971
Please Allow Us To Become True
Beloved Father! Young boys and girls have gathered in this place. Their longing for this place was not in order to stay here like this today, but in order to find their true selves find tomorrow. They have come here in order to go on the holy path where they can fulfill their duties of filial piety and loyalty to you in their three ages: the age of true youth, the age of true maturity and the age of true elderliness.
We know the truth that there was sorrow in heaven; heaven was filled with tears for the long period of 6,000 years in order to restore one person. In order to connect to the beginning point of the victory of the greatest goodness, we quietly offer our entire lives to you, Father, and we will have to be able to sacrifice ourselves, fighting today and tomorrow. We earnestly hope and pray that you will allow the young people gathered here to become those who are able to volunteer and go forward on this kind of path.
In the world, the older generation and the younger generation are arguing, but we know that in the younger generation there are true young people and false young people. We know that today the false young people are recklessly violating the most precious thing, but the true young people are saving to the utmost and protecting to the utmost this most precious thing in the world.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow them to realize at this time that that thing is chastity centered on obedience.
Through hearts which are rising up in young minds, overturning together with you, Father, each one will have to be able to determine deep in his mind to become a person who will fight and remain until that point where we can have a relationship of victory. Therefore, we earnestly hope that you will cause each one to make that kind of determination.
When we think that all the things yearned for in the evil world are not things that lead us to the gates of happiness but rather they drive us into the snares of death and the traps of death, it will not do unless the young individuals gathered here become true young people who determine to be true individuals who will not change, and who, no matter where they go in society, will not be stained or influenced.
When we realize that if they do not become true young people, they will not be able to become true youth or true middle-aged people, we earnestly hope and desire that you will not allow us to be inadequate in offering and returning ourselves nicely to you, receiving gratefully the blessed gift of this age and this season.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
August 19, 1971
Please Let Us Realize That On The Path Of Faith Our Own Selves Are Our Enemies
When we think about how very much you have sacrificed in the course of history and how very much you have toiled in the ages of history in order to find our individual selves, today we cannot help but report honestly that we are inadequate people who have nothing at all that can repay that great blessing, and we are disloyal and unfilial.
We clearly realize the fact that the source of evil is not something else; it is ourselves. And we must realize the fact that, using ourselves as a base, it is doing worldwide activities, and it is appearing through our minds and our bodies. Because of that you have told us, Father, that on the path of the life of faith, winning the world is not the problem; winning over yourself is the problem.
The enemy is not in another place; the people right in my own home have been enemies. And not only those family members; going one step more inward, we have realized that we cannot help but say that our bodies are our enemies. And not only our bodies, but at this time we must realize once again the fact that our minds themselves have stood in the position of enemies before you.
But, due to the merit of your hard work for the sake of our inadequate selves, and not only that, but due to the rare favor of your establishing and sacrificing your many servants and many descendants, we are able to bow here today.
Therefore, before your grace overflows, please allow the merit of our many ancestors who shed blood in the course of history to remain with us, and please let the foundation of their good accomplishments remain with us and please let that form a bridge. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow this time to become one where you can come to us.
Please allow us to be able to bow down to you with hearts of adoration and hearts of yearning, and minds that long only for you, Father. Since we have minds that hope to shine again as sons and daughters who can be embraced in your presence, we must not become those who reveal ourselves as one complete entity. We earnestly ask that you will allow us to become a leaven which you can kneed after you have completely broken us up.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of our True Parents. Amen.
October 17, 1971
Please Allow Us To Become Substantiations Of Your Hope
Father! We know well that from the time that Jesus Christ came to the earth, shed his blood and established the path of the cross until now, in this historical period of nearly 2,000 years, humankind has gone along the path of historical indemnity, paying the price of so much blood.
We who know how very frustrated your heart must have been since you could not just cast them away, oh, Father, we must realize ourselves that we must become extremely humble, and that on this path that our unification movement is going, we will face the new spring day which can embrace and overcome the grief of Cain and Abel. From now on we must embrace humankind and return to heaven with them, centered on the people and centered on the world.
Whatever our attitude may be, we must reflect on ourselves internally and externally. We earnestly hope and desire that you will bless us to be able to become true children who can add to the stimulation of hope in your heart, and who can be dashing and bold and have no flaws as heroes building your kingdom; and that at the same time that we receive your blessing, we can receive your love, and we will not be found lacking so that you can put us forward proudly before all people.
Father! We earnestly hope that you will keep all of our lives. We earnestly ask that your compassion and love will always penetrate deep in our hearts.
We have prayed all these things in the name of our True Parents. Amen.
January 19, 1975
Please Allow The Fallen Realm To Be Overcome By Your Heart Alone, Father
Beloved Father! Once again we long for the day that will realize the will you expressed after creating all the things of the universe. When we think about the existence of our sublime, precious Father, we, who know how low and inadequate humankind is. We cannot help but pursue all value and content that can become one with that lofty will. And furthermore, when we think that the people on this earth are those who have fallen from the ideal world of God, we think that the responsibility to take hold of oneself and to be brought to the world of goodness does not lie with heaven; rather it lies with humankind itself.
Father! We have realized on our own that the position with which we are faced is far too separated from the sublime majestic position where you stay at the center of the universe, and from you who are the lord of the ideal centered on love. Therefore, we know that in order to fill in this great distance, a path of submission to the reasonable course of restoration, which is so filled with grief, lies before us.
Our parents cannot help us with going forward on this path, nor can we receive help from anyone else. Today, as we realize that we can arrive there only if we have earnest hearts centered on God alone and toiling hearts of the original nature which are not concerned about life or death, we Unification Church family members are sensing our awesome mission of having to expand that purpose from our own individual selves to the family, tribe, people, nation and world.
When we think about the fact that from a position of being incomplete ourselves, we cannot pursue the completion of the family, and from the position of an incomplete family, we cannot pursue the completion of the nation or the world, we realize well that the situation humankind is in today is very pitiful.
We know the fact that the realm of the fall covers the whole and dominates all the realms of life. We also know that we need our own efforts and our own insights that can overcome and go beyond this. We need a new truth that is able to discover this, and we need the strength to overcome it. But we know that such strength does not arise from loving for the sake of oneself, but rather only by loving for the sake of God.
Father! We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become children who can rush towards you from this place on our own with minds of love and with a life force that is strong and of good courage. Please remain with us forever through love and ages of blessings.
We have prayed in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
November 9, 1980
Please Remember Your Children Who Are Working Hard For The Restoration Of The World
Please fill the entire world with your compassion and love and grace and power.
As we bow down and consider again your history of suffering in order to realize the hope of tomorrow, we repent once again for our inadequacies of the past, and we have come to a point where we must determine ourselves again about this great mission that you have given to us. Therefore, Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please urge us on, increase our power, and allow us to become true children who are able to receive and attend your joyful will.
Father: Please bless all the members of the Unification Movement spread throughout the world. This morning, too, they are offering devotion to you and longing for this land of Korea as the homeland of their faith. Please be together with them through your grace and through a relationship of abundant life in those places where they are bowing down in the direction of the place where their teacher dwells, in those places where they are bending their knees and bowing down deeply to you.
Please allow them to be unification workers who lack nothing as tomorrow's kindred spirits, as tomorrow's brothers and as tomorrow's family members. Please bless your children who are spread out in 127 nations around the world. We know that all the tears shed and all the prayers cried out to you, as well as all the foundations for which your children have risked their lives in order to tread upon and move those nations, will not be for naught.
Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will unite all the ancestors who are in spirit world with all the descendents on the earth, and that you will gather them together from all nations centered on one nation in order to realize the one nation and one world of your will. We earnestly hope that you will fill with your grace every place where people are gathered together centered on your name at this time.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
April 26, 1981