Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Heart [Part 1 of 4]
Please Let Us Be Aware Of Your Heart
Father! We do not know the original heart of our Father who created humankind, and we know that we have not been able to feel our Father's love which can cast out sorrow.
Now even if we have to sacrifice everything we have, we must find your love, and we must recover the original destined relationship between you and us. Father! Please allow us to be able to open our minds now and to find out on our own what your heart is and what your love is. And please open our ears and let us be able to hear your voice. Please allow our eyes to see and be able to look up to our Father who is seeking sons and daughters who can receive the grace which heaven is allowing.
Then, as those who can see and as those who can hear, please allow us to sense the touch of our Father who has worked so hard for us, and please allow us to experience that heart of endurance. Since we know a little of the heart of our Father who has gone forth enduring and struggling, please take complete dominion over our minds and bodies as your own, Father.
If there are sons and daughters who are ignorant and caught in the realm of death, Father, please directly extend your touch of grace and act to create everything. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this to become a time when we are able to be in harmony with your mind, and can respond to the original appeal of your heart.
We have realized that you have a will, Father, for which you have given your entire heart and mind, and we have realized that the course of history is the course determined by heaven which you have walked. And we know that it has been realized only through the people who have sought a value system that can relate to heaven and who are able to communicate with heaven.
If we have the mission of rooting out the source of all the sins of the past, and all the sins of the present, and all the sins of the future, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will not allow us to be attracted by sin and feel the qualms of conscience, and that you will allow direct acts of your love to appear which are able to inspire our minds to want to thank you in the midst of your love.
We know that the time has come when we must be familiar with the truth of heavenly morality, and the time has come when we must be familiar with the character of heavenly morality, and the time has come when we must be familiar with your love, Father.
Father! We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow the revealing of the truth which is able to introduce your love to all humankind, and that today in these last days you will allow a person of character who is able to testify to your love to appear before all people.
Please allow us the preparation and foundation to enable our minds to follow that truth, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will act to bring about quickly in history the day when everything can be revealed in front of your Will.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 16, 1958
Please Allow Us To Experience Your Heart
We know the fact that the concept of creation is not to seek only a specially determined individual; it is to seek all humankind. Oh Father who has toiled seeking all the people on earth! When we think that the providential will to seek and establish an entire universe within the concept of goodness still remains to be done, we earnestly hope that you will allow us to be able to be of at least a little help to you and even if we were to die millions of times, that we would become fertilizer contributing towards realizing your Will.
Please allow us to realize the fact that your sorrow did not occur because of all the things you created on this earth; rather it occurred because there has been no human individual who has been able to accomplish your concept of creation in place of you. Please allow us to be able to fight for the Will, offering our minds and our entire devotion, and please allow us to be able to understand that the creator who created all things is you, and the one who has worked endlessly for us is also you.
Please allow us to understand that a person who does not know your heart is a person who does not know your life, and a person who has not experienced your heart is a person who does not know your situation. We earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to realize that at this moment, too, as you watch us you are filled with anguish since we are not able to attend your heart.
By allowing our minds to become completely one with your Will, please lead us to live as your friends, and please guide us to be able to become people who can be directed by you and, who can live that way. We have come to understand that Jesus himself embraced your will like that and he was the person who appeared for the sake of the Jewish people.
Please allow us to realize that it is heartbreaking for you not to be able to find substantial human beings in whom you are able to dwell even though human beings remain just as you created them and all things remain just as you created them. Beloved Father' Now please dwell within us, and please sanctify our minds and bodies so that we may become such people. And earnestly hoping and desiring that: you will lead us to become the heralds of the new age, accomplishing your concept of creation together with you and rejoicing together with you.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 16, 1958
Please Let Us Bow Our Heads Before Your Course Of Sorrow
Father! We know that a person who does not desire to bow humbly while attending you will not be able to form a relationship with you in the eternal kingdom.
Now as we open our hearts and go out seeking, we are seeking the day we have longed for when our bodies are able to follow the subjective commands of our minds and we feel your heart at the center of our minds. Therefore, please allow us to become people who are able to bow our heads of our own accord, feeling that behind the scenes you have gone through a historical course of misfortune and toil for the sake of finding each one of us, and today please let us hear your voice flowing out of our minds and be able to find our bodies which had been lost.
And please allow us to become people who are able on our own to feel through our minds and bodies, minds that are in awe of you. We thought that you always came to us only as the father of glory, but you came to us as the lord of sorrow, and as the lord of suffering, and you came to us as an expression of misfortune. Because we did not know that you were like this, we have wanted to give you responsibility for our sorrow, and have wanted to give you responsibility for our difficulties, and have wanted to give you responsibility for our misfortunes. Please bear with us.
You have walked this kind of course of history, and have come to us lamenting and keeping your sorrow under control. Please let us realize that we are a fallen tribe who cannot even call you "Father." Please do not allow there to be any sons or daughters who do not know your course of sorrow as we seek to relieve you of your toil of millions of years.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
September 14, 1958
Please Allow Us To Become Leading Figures Who Iniierit The Sorrow And Suffering Of Heaven
Oh Father! Our grief-filled history has wound itself around us and is moving us along. We know that we who are facing this living environment filled with grief have the awesome mission of dealing with the grief-filled history and of relieving the heart of heaven which is filled with grief.
We who are shouldering this kind of mission must embrace the heart of heaven and earth, and even if we die ten million times feeling your suffering and experiencing your sorrow, we must become sons and daughters who seek to die in a position that is able to console our Father.
At the time Jesus came to the earth, many religious bodies and believers were longing for the messiah, but they thought the messiah would come with the ideal appearance that they were hoping for. But the messiah who came was not a messiah of joy; he was a messiah of the encapsulated sorrow of humankind and was a messiah of suffering corresponding to the suffering of human history. We know that at that time there was not a single person who thought that the messiah who came as the representative of the Kingdom of Heaven would appear in that way.
We know that history occurs as it has been shown.
We are learning the principle that things are restored by indemnity, that realities which appeared in history are repeated exactly in the last days. We know that it is the responsibility of the saints of the last days to return joy of a horizontal nature to you, Father, having dealt with horizontally and developed horizontally centered on our own selves the sorrowful emotions of the Garden of Eden, the sorrowful emotions of the course of history, and the sorrowful emotions of the vertical flow of history.
Oh Father! Now we want to offer our loyalty for the sake of the world. We want to establish the welfare of heaven for the sake of all humankind. Please let us realize that in order to do that, we must become leading figures who inherit the suffering and sorrow which permeate heaven.
Please let us understand that only those who absorb all suffering and sorrow can appear as heirs of heavenly joy, and please let us endure whether there is sorrow or suffering, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become historical sacrifices who go forth saying, "I will die for the sake of the life of the whole."
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
May 24, 1959
We Want To Become True Sons And Daughters Will Comfort Our Father's Heart
Please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to seek and experience through our minds and bodies your external form, your situation, and your heart, Father, as you made your way through the lonely course of restoration in order to find the true children you lost.
You were not able to love Adam and Eve with a mind of love which penetrated your heart. Please let us become your sons and daughters who are able to experience your heart, oh Father, as you went forth starving for love for the long period of six thousand years. And please allow us to become earnest children who embrace and comfort your lonely heart.
Now please allow us to be able to offer our minds and bodies as yours, Father. We earnestly hope that you will lead us to become sacrifices of victory who are able to be proud of belonging to our eternal father and who do not think of our minds and bodies as our own. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become your descendents who are able to relieve you heart which has not been able to embrace and love with a true heart of love for six thousand years.
There are many people living on the earth, but we know that there are no sons or daughters whom you can embrace and love, saying, "These are my sons and daughters," and explaining to Satan that they are your sons and daughters.
Even when 2,000 years ago Jesus walked the course of the battle to save all the people on the earth, we know that you were not able to directly embrace and love him.
We know the fact that no one can take away your beloved child. We know that Jesus moved your heart deeply, but he was not able to receive your love. We also know your situation of not having been able to love. Therefore, please establish the day of glory and establish sons and daughters of heaven and release your full heart, and while embracing and loving please express all of your heart. Please allow us to realize that it is your hope for those kinds of sons and daughters of heaven to appear on this earth.
Today we have nothing, and even if we lost everything, we want to become sons and daughters who are embraced in the bosom of your love and are able to receive your eternal love.
Beloved Father! Please bless us. Please stretch out your mighty hand and sanctify us. Please cast out all elements of evil, and we earnestly hope that you will allow our minds and bodies to become completely yours, Father.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 14, 1958
Please Enlighten Us About Your Heart Though Jesus
When deep in our hearts we try to reflect once again on this thing called the will of the providence which we did not know, we realize only too well the fact that humankind has not been able to communicate with your innermost thoughts even though a long history of six thousand years has passed since our ancestors fell. Furthermore, we have realized that your situation is difficult and miserable, and we have realized that today your hope is remaining in front of the earth, humankind and heaven.
Today as we consider whether we possess the fidelity of sons and daughters who can receive praise in front of our sacred Father, and while standing in the garden of your heart, and standing in your realm of hope can say, "Father! Please be comforted for I am here." We cannot help but admit that we are far distant from that standard.
When Jesus Christ, who came as the incarnation of your hope and who could represent your heart, appears on the earth again, a person who is groping for and searching for the heart of heavenly morality will have to communicate with that heart of Jesus. And as for the chosen nation of Israel, which wandered in order to communicate with the heart of heavenly morality, we know that their situation and Jesus' situation should have become one.
The people of Israel should have known that the hope of our Father who sent Jesus was a hope for all people. But due to not recognizing Jesus who was the incarnation of hope, this anguish has continued down until us today, and we furthermore feel the historical sorrow of its having been passed down.
Where has the Jewish religion gone which you sought and established over a four thousand year period, and where have the people of Israel gone? The temple you raised up in Jerusalem was prepared for the sake of Jesus, but it was not able to form a relationship with Jesus, and the Jewish religion was not able to form a relationship with Jesus either.
Even the prepared people, from their position of not forming any relation whatsoever with Jesus, stood in a position of driving him out. But we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us become people who know the situation of Jesus, who had no choice but to stand alone in a solitary position like that and pray for the sake of the people who cast him out.
Now facing you, Father, what do we want to shout out? And what do we want to find in relation to you, and what do we want to ask for? Please let us have hearts that represent your heart just as Jesus did, and which our ancestors were not able to do.
We know that it will not do unless we become beings who, with Jesus' situation and hope, have hearts that are the same as yours in the last days and who have the responsibility to indemnify all the historical debts in relation to you up until now.
Now we know that the path of the cross remains ahead of our footsteps. The time has come when we cannot help but fight with the evil world with eyes brimming with tears, and we know that you have called us because the time has come for us to communicate with your heart, in order to do that, please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to offer ourselves as sacrifices of victory, who are able to realize your hope for you, by making your heart and mind our heart and mind, your situation our situation, your hope our hope, your enemy our enemy and your battle our battle.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 1, 1959
Please Let Us Testify To The Sorrowful Heart Of Our Father
Father! You lost the original garden. At this time please allow us to come to understand about your heart which was so sorrowful. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow our minds and bodies to feel that you have remained in endless sorrow and endless suffering and that you have shed tears without our knowing it.
Please allow us to experience through our minds and bodies the entirety of your sorrowful heart, and please let: us realize at this time that your sorrow due to the fall of Adam and Eve was great. Please let us realize that it also caused unspeakable suffering, loneliness and sorrow for you that Jesus Christ, who came to the earth and took responsibility for the will of the providence of restoration, was not able to complete his entire mission and died on the cross.
As we think about your having gone through the sorrowful course of history about which you could not help but feel greatly indignant because our ancestors betrayed you, we ask you to please not allow us to stand in a pitiful position which would add more to your sorrow through our lives today. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become people who are able to cope with the sorrow of Adam and Eve and to cope with the sorrow of Jesus Christ.
Now please do not let our minds and bodies remain as our own simple minds and bodies alone. Please allow our minds to represent your mind, Father, and our bodies to represent your external form.
Please allow us to be able to testify to our Father who has a sorrowful heart.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 8, 1959
Please Let Us Feel Your Sorrow In Place Of You, Father
Father! Each time something sorrowful happened on the earth, heaven was sorrowful, too, our ancestors were sorrowful, too, all the things of creation were sorrowful, too, and today we are sorrowful, too. Even though humankind looked forward to the day of liberation, which would eliminate this sorrow, humankind did not know the way to go, and even while looking for that something, humankind could not realize what it was and wandered around and groped along. But we, who have realized the fact that you have gone through this long period of time of six thousand years, have hearts that want to embrace you and weep endlessly if you appear now.
Now we who know all these things and have gone forth searching for our original parents, hope that through our minds and bodies the day will come quickly when instead of tears of sorrow we shed tears of joy, and we will eliminate sorrow and only joy will remain.
Now we have realized where we should go; we have also realized where we belong, and we have realized the value of the original children.
Father! Now we are running up the slope of restoration dragging our wounded legs, and we are heading towards the summit which Adam and Eve hoped for. Now we earnestly hope and desire that you will let your inspiration appear in our minds and bodies, adding to our final power to let us be able to go over this line.
If there is anything that you want to say to us, we know the fact that you are not happy but rather endlessly sorrowful, that you have had endless difficulties, and that you have had endless suffering. Please let us realize and experience this through our minds, and please let us feel your original heart in place of you, Father.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 15, 1959
Please, Let Your Situation And Heart Become Ours, Father
Father! Like orphans going back and forth, we do not know our purpose or our direction, and without even knowing what kind of environment we are facing, we are being knocked over according to the flow of history; and without being able to establish the center of our lives, we have been pushed and pushed along. We realize that we have gone forth in such a pitiful manner until today.
On the other hand, we did not know the fact that you held us even though we were like this; and when we were sad, you were sad together with as. And we did not know the fact that you were the Lord who did not distinguish between night and day and worked so hard in order to seek us out when we were caught and groaning in the realm of death. Please allow us to realize that a heart of joy which is able to know and feel this kind of fact is more precious than communicating with heaven and earth.
Heaven does not doze off at the time we doze off, and does not sleep at the time we are sleeping. Please awaken this movement, and please guide these individuals. Since we have come like unworthy children in the presence of our Father who has worked so hard, please bear with us.
We did not know that you know each of our individual situations, and that you are the Lord of those situations, and that you even bear with all the unbearable, difficult situations. Now we earnestly hope and desire, father, that you will allow this time to become one in which we place before you all the difficulties, sorrows, and worries that permeate our innermost thoughts, and we are able to change them and adopt yours.
We know the fact that our Heavenly Father exists who exerts himself for us and that an even greater heaven exists which is concerned about our lives. Please allow us to feel awe as we relate to you, our father, through our minds and bodies. Please reveal to us the heart of our father who has taken the position of being injured first before we were injured, and who when our bodies were exhausted and collapsing who has held us, embraced us comforted us and once again urged us on the way we were to go.
Please let us admit that until today we have lived by words alone. From now on please allow us to be able to know you and to be able to become one in heart with you as sons and daughters who are able to understand your situation. And from a position so firm that even if we wanted to fall away we would not be able to, and even if we wanted to be divided we could not, and there could be no being whatsoever who could separate us from you, please let us feel heaven's sorrow as our sorrow, heaven's joy as our joy, heaven's work as our work, and heaven's responsibility as our responsibility.
Today we know that, standing in an eternally unchanging position, we have taken a position as people responsible for having to fight with myriads of satans. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to experience the sternness of the fact that it will not do unless we stand in the position of sacrifices in order to save the whole.
Father! Please eliminate all the elements of our minds that are not proper, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be able to make the firm determinations and decisions that will allow us to become one with you and to harmonize with your internal character and your mentality.
Please do not let there be any sons and daughters who seek to fathom your nature through the concepts of their own egos. Please allow us to become your sons and daughters who are able to appear completely adapted and harmonized, shaped as you have molded us, according to the desire of your will. If we have elements you cannot bear with, please eliminate them totally, and we earnestly hope that you will be seated and command us.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 8, 1959