Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Heart [Part 2 of 4]
If The Path Leads To The Heavenly Palace, We Would Follow It Even Though It Be A Path Of Tears
We know that Jesus and God had no respite from sorrow as they related to humankind. When we reflect on Jesus' life 2,000 years ago, we know that he shed tears which others knew nothing about; he lived an outstanding life which others knew nothing about; and he wept bitterly while going a course of persecution others knew nothing about.
Jesus trod this kind of path, and the many saints who followed behind him were not concerned about walking a path of blood; we know the fact that they struggled forward, not being concerned even about the path of death.
The path to the palace of heaven is the path of the cross. Therefore, please allow us to understand that each one must go to the top of Golgotha carrying his cross on his back, and each must experience persecution, even going to the point of shedding blood on the cross. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to understand that heaven is looking for people who forget about themselves, who forget about their own sorrows, who forget about their own pain, and who are giving their all today and tomorrow to go the path of Golgotha.
Oh Father! Please allow us to understand the sorrow of Jesus who has laid bare his sorrowful heart today in this age. There is no need to know Jesus just as the historical Jesus; the time has come when we must know the modern Jesus within our own circumstances. Therefore, please let us become a movement crying out only to heaven, filled only with hearts that will offer our minds and bodies in front of that noble, majestic heart and in front of that love, whether we live or die.
We know that this group is made up of people who have been chased on this earth, people who have been rejected by the religious bodies. We hope and desire that you will allow your sons and daughters who have gathered here to become a movement that is able defend that kind of position to the death.
The mind of heaven appeared through the mind of one person and it had prepared a foundation of heart to unite 4,000 years of history, but because humankind destroyed and betrayed that, today humankind is in a wretched state. Father, please change the minds of the many people on this earth who do not know that their sorrow is your sorrow.
Please allow us to become a solitary movement that knows how to weep and build an altar for their sake. We know that Jacob also built an altar in the wilderness, as did Moses and Elijah as well.
We know the fact that among our ancestors who took responsibility for the will of heaven, there was no one who did not tread that kind of course.
Since we desire to become those who inherit their tradition, please allow us to become sons and daughters who know how to build the remaining altar and raise up again the fallen city wall and attend you preparing a sanctuary for you.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 15, 1959
Please Let Us Comfort Heaven For Its Hard Work In The Course Of History
Father! Having been swept into the death realm of sorrow and lamentation, we are unfilial children who cannot form our destined relationship with heaven. Therefore please allow us to become people who are able to cope with our original natures and who are in awe over the grace you have given. We earnestly hope and desire that we will be able to attend you, Father.
From the time that we knew about the path that you were calling us to go, we knew that you were together with us along this way of tears, and we knew that you were together with us on the way of the cross, the way of suffering, the way of sorrow, and even on the way when we were bound in chains. And we know about the path of thorns you will tread in the course of history as you work behind your beloved sons and daughters.
Now that we know about the history of struggle that you have gone through repeatedly for our sakes without our knowing it, as we imagine the countenance of our father who has worked so hard, even though we are now bowing down to you, we hardly know what to do or say. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will capture our very beings through your heart of inspiration.
We have been called because the will of heaven exists, and the desire of heaven exists. Therefore, please allow us to understand that the way of the cross that is approaching us today is not because of us.
Please allow even 10 million years of our descendents to know of the path of the historical destined relationship our ancestors worked for. If we have minds that are able to embrace unlimited joy, unlimited happiness, and unlimited hope, that reality did not begin because of our own selves, nor is it due to any human being. Rather, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who know how to cherish deep in our minds and bodies the fact that everything began in heaven, and everything moves out from heaven, and who know how to long for the foundation that heaven has moved and cling to it and weep.
Father! You know the direction that we will go, and you also know the path we will choose to walk. Our minds do not begin from within ourselves, and our being placed in advisory positions is not for our own selves. Then, if it is for others and for you, Father, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will take dominion over our hearts and not let them change to the very end.
Father! Please do not allow us to become people who are unfilial to you and leave during the time of suffering which remains. Even if we feel the sorrow of our father who has carried out the providence, please do not allow us to become sons and daughters who cannot make it through this difficult period. We earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become sons and daughters who cast aside our selves, and are concerned for you, and who know how to comfort your heart and understand your situation.
At this time in our minds, we are not asking for anything that is not of you. Now we must walk beyond today's suffering and look towards the garden of promise, and we must long for the Kingdom of Heaven of eternal blessings. We know that the blessings of God which will appear are a position of inexpressibly great glory. Therefore, today please allow us to become a movement of people whose hearts do not change in relation to you and who endure and remain to the end. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to fight to the end and stand before you, Father.
We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 29, 1959
We Long To Become Humble People Who Understand Your Sorrow
Father! As you look at humankind, if there are sons and daughters who see the internal nature of their father whose heart has been broken seeking humankind, we know that they cannot ask you for blessings, and in the presence of that grief they cannot insist on their own ways. Please bear with these disloyal, unfilial children who have forgotten a thousand, ten thousand times that this kind of historical anguish remains.
Now is the one moment when we are able to call you "Father" naturally from our hearts, and when we become one with you, in this moment in which heaven and earth can rejoice, we know that a new history will begin and hope will be realized. However, when we consider today that in the depths of our minds we are not yet able to be filled with that kind of heart, we cannot help but despair and lament.
If there is sorrow on the earth, where could there be a greater sorrow than the sorrow of our father who is comforting those sorrowful people, and if there is suffering, where is there a greater suffering than the suffering of our father who is holding and comforting people who are suffering because they betrayed him?
You could not establish your own prestige, dignity and authority, and we have heard the historical message that while you went through the course of history leaving your hope unfulfilled, you clung to many of our good ancestors and cried out to and appealed to them to understand your heart, and to understand your situation.
But we of today cannot be spokesmen for history, and as people who do not have anything we can be proud of as inherently good or can witness to as historical realities, we are on our knees bowing down before you, Father. Therefore, please let us reveal and report truthfully at this time, and we earnestly hope and desire that this time will become one in which we realize that we have been violated by Satan.
We earnestly hope and desire that at this time you will allow us to be able to understand your situation as a father who is not able to counsel us, speaking frankly about his heart and the will of the providence, and who worries about today, and worries about tomorrow because there are many who are disloyal, but none who are loyal to the will of the providence which remains.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 12, 1959
Oh, Sorrowful Father, Please Let Us Comfort You
We know the fact that because of the fall of the original Adam and Eve, who were to attend you, that until now history has been a course of sorrow. Humankind, who are the descendents of Adam and have who sinned, have been pursued and driven out and have gone through trials as people carrying the burden of sin which remains. Please let us be able to feel indignant when considering this human history which has continued until today.
We know that you have gone through a historical course of toil; you have not distinguished between times or ages in order to find humankind again, because you have the responsibility of the creator who cannot forget humankind who have fallen to such a point, even if you want to.
Today please let those of us who are in this kind of position become people who, at the same time we lament over ourselves, know how to feel pain about the truth that your have walked a path of endless suffering and toil. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to have minds that are able to feel indignant over humanity's having inherited the historical blood lineage of sin, and able to feel that we cannot raise our eyes when in your presence.
In our minds, the nature of sin still remains, and we feel the fact that our bodies are still bound by the chains of sin. We are longing for you, our father of mercy, to appear in your might and power, and we are longing to be able to become true sons and daughters. We know that you must be even more sorrowful when looking at your sons and daughters who have failed and who have not been able to cut off the wire net of sin or cut off the relationship of sin which comes into and permeates us and fight back.
Now please allow us to open the doors of our minds and escape the shackles of our bodies and possess new minds and new bodies, and please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to appear before you, our father who is longing for us, as people who are able to call the original father our Father, saying, "Father! Since we are here to represent your will, please receive us!"'
We know that it is your hope that those kinds of historical victors will appear -- sons and daughters who will be able to comfort your sorrowful mind, and fight with the enemy and be victorious.
Now we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to call you our father from that kind of position, and who are able to comfort you.
Since we know that this is our hope, and it is your hope as well, please encourage us and lead us to that position. We will cling to your hand as you lead us, and we earnestly hope that you will let us become sons and daughters who have earnest minds which are willing to go on any kind of path of adversity.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 19, 1959
Please Let Us Be Close To The Wellspring Of Your Heart
We long for the day when we can live together with you. Please let us become sons and daughters who long for you, and run towards you, and who can bring all the things of creation into harmony by offering greetings of joy and gratitude to you, having arrived at the day of glory when we can live together with you.
Since our minds and bodies were created resembling the external form of our father, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who resemble you completely.
Oh Father! Humankind does not know that your sorrowful mind has permeated the earth, and does not know that the footprints of human history are soaked with the lonely tears of heaven. We have not known that the endless lamentations of heaven are encircling our minds and bodies. Now we cannot help but admit that we are the descendents of rebellious humankind and that we cannot establish our dignity before heaven or be trusted by heaven.
Father! There is no one on earth who can stop your tears, and there is no one to hold and comfort you in your sorrow, and there is no one to guard the path you are going.
Therefore, if there is grief on this earth, that grief is heaven's grief which has permeated the earth; if there is sorrow, that sorrow is heaven's sorrow which has permeated the earth, and if there is enmity, that enmity is heaven's enmity which has permeated the earth.
Therefore, humankind who are living on this earth are facing a destiny of not being able to help but be sacrifices of sorrow whether they want to be or not, and are facing a destiny of not being able to help but overcome their grief-filled selves whether they want to do it or not.
In the midst of despair, the time has come to cry out to heaven with all that remains of our voices, saying, "Father! Please help us!" And the Last Days are arriving when we must call out, "Oh Father! Please find humankind with your heart of love." But in this kind of age, is there anyone who is clinging to and anguishing over your heart, and is there anyone who is clinging to and weeping over your mind? If there is such a person, that person could be called your true son or daughter, and could be called your substantial reciprocal object partner.
Oh Father, who has empowered our minds! We long for the stimulation of our minds which will let us feel your sad and indignant heart, and since we want to be close to the wellspring of your heart, please grant us the grace of being able to do that. Then if we are transformed by that heart, we know that at that point we will not be able to help but reveal our unworthiness, and we will not be able to help but repent taking on ourselves the sinful guilt of humankind.
Father! We, who are unworthy and inadequate, we, who have not been able to become solid rocks, are ashamed before you, our father who has established us and worried about us. It will not do unless we become saints who have a foundation where you can manifest yourself in glory through our having comforted your heart of sorrow and enmity. Therefore, please take dominion over us through your strength and power. If there are people who appear to have been twisted by sin, please touch them with your love, and take dominion over them again, and mold them into another form.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
May 24, 1959
Please Let Us Communicate With Your Lonely Heart
Father! Even if we say that in the course of history humankind has struggled to find you, until now there have been no people on earth who have lived attending you.
Is there any corner on earth that is yours? Is there a single family that is yours? Is there a single people, a single nation that is yours? We are daring to ponder the heart of our father who has not been able to find or establish a single thing on the earth as his own. If you have sorrow, we know it would be that you who are the lord of the earth are not able to stand in the position of the lord, and you who must take responsibility for this earth have not been able to take that responsibility.
You are in the position of having to take responsibility for all the people on the earth, but you have carried out a providence which could not take that responsibility. In spite of it being your position to command us directly, and take dominion directly through our hearts, you have not been able to be in such a position.
And in spite of the fact that you should have dominion over everything we have through our daily lives, you are not able to take dominion over our internal lives and circumstances. And in spite of the fact that you should be able to praise us as fruits of goodness, you have not been able to have that kind of day, or age or even one person. We did not know that you were in such a lonely position.
Now even if we would suffer the grief of losing everything that is on the earth, please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to communicate with your lonely heart. And please let us feel your situation and its complications from the position of real children, and please let us shed tears when you shed tears. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who know how to go through difficulties together with you as you go through them.
Father! We have realized that our minds are unworthy; we have realized that our bodies are base; and we have realized that our ambitions are moving together with Satan.
We, who have these kinds of internal elements, are miserable people who cannot wait for the lord who is coming, representing heaven, in a period, in an age, at a time that you permit. Therefore, please let us know how to lament over our pitiful selves, and please let us know how to lament over our pitiful families, our pitiful society, pitiful humankind, and pitiful heaven and earth.
Since the time has come when we must be redeemed before heaven and earth through our sorrowful hearts, oh Father, please open the doors of our minds.
Father, our hearts are in a position of not knowing how to and not being able to relate to your heart. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire that you will remold our minds and bodies which are like this into beings that are able to be transformed by your heart and your external form.
Please cast out any of the earthly concepts or ideologies we have insisted on until now which heaven cannot approve of. Please raise up the level of our original senses so that all those things can be transformed as yours alone, and please raise up the level of our consciences.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will please connect our hearts, let us be able to communicate with your heart, and let us communicate with heavenly circumstances.
Please send billions and trillions of the saints in heaven, and sanctify the area around us, and awakening each of our hearts, please remold us through your powerful touch.
Then, together with the words of re-creation, please allow us to be able to receive characters of re-creation and we, who are beings of death, will be transformed into beings of life.
Please let us greet the time of joy when we call you "Father" in glory, rejoicing and joy.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 14, 1959
Please Let Us Communicate With Your Heart
We know that the greatest sorrows of humankind are: not having been able to form a relationship with your love, having lost our original consciences which could communicate with your heart, and not being able to harmonize our minds and bodies which would enable us to harmonize our consciences and your heart.
Because of the Fall, our sense of being able to communicate with your heart left us, and our mind which could love all things through experiencing your heart was no longer with us. Therefore, Father, please guide us to be able to recover that heart. Please let our mind and body become one, and everything that is ours become yours. We earnestly hope and desire that you will work, Father, so that we will be able to place everything we have before you and, as people you can be proud of, we can open wide our arms of love with broad generous hearts which are able to embrace all of creation.
My father: We know that we urgently need the word that will enable us to communicate with that kind of heart. What we have lost is the word, and next the substantiation of that word, and next the heart. Therefore, Father, through the word please raise up in us the original heart which was lost.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become people whose minds bow our heads to the original word, and whose bodies are able to lend their ears to the original word and who receive the grace of being able to be embraced in your bosom of glom.
Because you are the one who started this work, we know that you are also the one who will accomplish it. And since it began through goodness, we know that it will be concluded through goodness. You have said that you are the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, and the beginning and the end. But because humankind lost the original heart in the beginning, when arriving at the end also, we cannot communicate with the heavenly heart. Now in the Last Days we should be clinging to the original heart and connecting to that heart. We earnestly hope and desire that you will bear with us who are languishing in the pits of the enmity of the fall.
Please let us realize that our minds are not ours; they are yours, and please let us realize that our bodies are not ours; they are yours. We earnestly hope that you will allow us to be able to experience really and substantially the fact that our hearts and senses, none of these things belong to us; they belong to you and move through you.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 14, 1959
Please Let Us Form Our Destined Relationship Of Heart With You
Father! Please allow us to experience heaven through our hearts. Please allow us to be able to experience the heart of our father which we cannot help but feel even if we don't want to. Father, please give us hearts that cannot help but repent before you even if we don't want to.
We know that in places where people gather together with other people, things are solved and then become complicated again, but in places where people gather centered on heaven, the things that have formed knots in people's minds are solved. Now please raise up minds that are touched and that are able to long for the new day and reflect on ourselves and repent for the past through acts of inspiration, acts of repentance, and acts of indemnity which can solve fundamentally everything that has become tangled due to the tribes of evil. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow acts of re-creation to arise which will let us be able to repent for our selves having clung to that mind.
Today we are not longing for happiness of the body alone, and we do not want to live intoxicated by our minds alone. We desire only the garden where we can give our hearts the greatest value and live forever. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will please allow us to be able to form destined relationships which can exist deep in our hearts and that in our daily lives as well, the conditions for a heartistic destined relationship can explode out from each one's heart.
Father! On this holy day please pour down the grace of your blessings on all people. Representing the will and embracing your heart, appealing to heaven and raising up hidden altars, your sons and daughters who are praying know many things. Therefore, please bless them as well.
This movement, which is embracing the lonely heart of heaven, and suffering with it, and even the many spirits of spirit world, who are awaiting the day of indemnified liberation, have a relationship with us. Therefore, Father, please allow their work also to have a good result through us. Please guide our inadequate selves who have not able to fulfill the level of heart that the Triune God who surrounds us is watching and longing for. Please establish us as beings of joy who are worthy of calling you "Father." If we have not yet received that kind of grace, we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead us at this time to become sons and daughters who, like gentle, humble children, attract your heart of mercy and compassion.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 5, 1959
Please Let Us Become True Sons And Daughters Who Know How To Hold On To You And Weep
Father! We went forth thinking that the path you were calling us on was not difficult, but we have realized that it is difficult, and we thought it was a path of joy, but now as we go along it, we realize that it has peak after peak of tears.
Father! If we are sorrowful, we want to be sorrowful holding on to you. We have realized that it is easy to be disappointed after holding on to people and feeling sorrowful, and we have realized that to go ahead and believe people is to be hurt. It is you who have not changed, Father. How joyful a time it must have been for Jesus to go to the mountain in order to hold you and weep!
We want to become true son and daughters who know how to weep for our father, people who know how to hold on to you and weep, and who know the heart of our father who has first pioneered this path and raised up Jesus in front of humankind because the road of life is lonesome and lonely.
If we have realized that before we felt any anguish, heaven has suffered everything unjustly, and been persecuted cruelly, and been beaten cruelly, then how can we excuse ourselves before heaven? Since we have realized that before heaven we have no condition to be sad centered on our own selves, please have mercy on your sons and daughters here who have been placed in that situation.
Father! We know that before we wept you wept first, and before we were struck, you were struck first. And we know that before anything happened to us, it happened to you first. And we know that before we were in pain you were in pain first, and we know that before we fell down, you fell down first.
Knowing that, though we silently head towards heaven again and again, discovering how inadequate we are, we bow our heads before heaven, and we wonder how much you must have longed for sons and daughters who can call you "Father." Please allow those kinds of feelings to move in our hearts, and when relating to this nation, when relating to the world, when relating to heaven, please let those kinds of feelings move us.
Only when we are moved by those kinds of feelings can we say we have confident faith from the individual up to the world-level ideological realm. And in order to establish our own ideology, we know that we must be in the position of heaven with the greatest heart. Therefore, we earnestly ask you to please raise up our minds to be able to go forth and pioneer a path for this kind of environment.
We earnestly ask and desire that you will allow us to become children who are able to critique our forlorn selves as we go along the road humankind must go, and live intoxicated by you, and bow our heads and raise up your glory, Father, assessing highly our having formed a relationship between ourselves and heaven.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 5, 1959