Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Faith [Part 2 of 4]
Please Let Us Fathom The Sorrowful Situation Of Jesus Who Was Rejected
Was there anyone on this earth who knew the mind of Jesus? Since there was not a single person who saw Jesus who was filled with apprehension and who experienced and felt keenly the sorrow of heaven penetrating deep into his or her mind, we know that heaven could not help but lament over the people who were like this.
At this time please let us be able to sympathize through our minds with the sorrowful fact that not having a single disciple who, knowing the heart of heaven, called him "Lord," Jesus had to go a course of life scattered with suspicion, and furthermore had to meet the end of his lonely life while with suspicion. Oh Father! Please allow us to become people who can fathom the lonely heart of Jesus who gathered his disciples in front of himself and had to tell them that before long his life on earth would end, and he would go to his father's kingdom.
If we look at it in terms of time, there is a period of 2,000 years between Jesus and ourselves, but since we know that the world of heart can transcend time, please bring about acts of direct experience and keen feeling, so that moved to tears by the lonely heart and haggard appearance of Jesus, we can see today his holy image which has exhorted us word by word. This kind of scene is a scene that we as human beings cannot help but long for.
Jesus embraced the earnest heart of heaven, and embraced the entire work of heaven, and came to humankind, but humankind treated Jesus, who was that kind of person, however they pleased, and they rejected him totally. They pushed him into a completely lonely position.
But please let us come to know the lonely situation of Jesus, who did not have even one disciple who could be trusted in the presence of the grim heart of Jesus who was thinking that, in order to pioneer the one way to the garden of life, it wouldn't do unless he dragged them to Gethsemane and that it wouldn't do unless they went the way of the cross on Golgotha. Please let us come to know that even while walking without argument through the place of lamentation, and even though he was filled with sorrow, Jesus could not cast aside humankind who were like that.
Today please let us be able to communicate with the heart of that time and to relate to heaven while thinking of these truths, and appeal to heaven saying, "Oh Father!" with the heart of Jesus who was in a position like an orphan.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let these people become disciples who open their hearts and who can believe, and that you will allow these people to become beings who are able to testify about Jesus.
We earnestly hope that you will allow us to be able to sympathize with the heart of Jesus, who had to leave behind disciples who did not know how great his sorrow was. with the heart of Jesus, who was in the position of having to end his life without having seen his life bear fruit, in spite of his having lived his entire life for humankind. Please let us sympathize with the mind of Jesus, who was worried about heaven with an extremely sad heart.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
January 11, 1959
Please Let Us Sing Of The Glory Of The Resurrection Beyond The Cross
Oh Father! The closer that the time comes to meeting the Lord of resurrection, the more hesitant our minds become. As the time comes closer, please let us imagine even more Jesus Christ, who embraced the sorrowful destiny of death.
We have come to know that he who died at the seat of punishment, passed on with enmity in his heart. Since we have come to know that the mount of Golgotha that he walked upon was a peak of the tears of destiny, we know that the blood and sweat he shed have lived on in the history of destiny until today, and they are being resurrected and are going into the innermost hearts of each human being.
Because of the blood and sweat that were shed in the center of the Will of the historical providence of destiny, we know that all these things will move forward through that blood and sweat, until that destiny conies into existence. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become people who are filled with that kind of heart today, and who are in that kind of state.
The Lord who passed on like this, the Lord, who was the bridegroom, said that he would go through a history of destiny and come again. Since we know that the Lord inclines his mind and body towards us and that the heart of the Lord earnestly desires to seek and establish us, please allow us to have minds that earnestly desire to be our real selves and to be proud of our adorned appearances before all people.
As we seek to go that way, we find an evil world; since the way that the Lord walked remains, we must walk over the remaining peak of the people, and we must walk over the remaining peak of the world by enduring, and enduring, and enduring again. We have come to know for the first time that it will not do unless we maintain, by enduring, a history of martyrdom, which can go over the peak of the cross, which remains on the earth now.
Now please let us feel that destiny with new minds, and anticipate it with new minds, and be able to go forth until the day that we are able to cling to you and weep, Father, while enduring with new minds, and please allow us to become able to go beyond the destiny of accumulated sorrow. While earnestly requesting that you will let us become sons and daughters who are able to tread upon the authority of death by enduring and remaining until the time that we can boast of the destiny of joy, and sing of the glory of resurrection.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 29, 1959
Please Let Us Become People Who Can Greet The Messiah
Father! What was the hope John the Baptist held in his heart as he preached in the wilderness for 30 years eating locusts and wild honey? We know that his entire hope was greeting the Messiah who was coming.
He, who had borne witness to the Messiah, had a destined relationship of heavenly morality such that it would not do unless he became one with the Messiah. By reflecting everything Jesus had in John the Baptist's heart, John the Baptist should have realized a unity that said he is in my mind, and I am in him; his things are my things; his heart is my heart, and his life is my life; but he could not do that.
When he was imprisoned sorrow and loneliness, from a position of not being able to help lamenting his lonely situation, and remembering that he had raised up his hands and borne witness that this was the son of heaven in front of the crowds at the Jordan River, John the Baptist sent his disciples to the Messiah he had borne witness to, to the Messiah heaven had borne witness to and established, and he asked him, "Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?" We have come to know that this scene was a historical, sorrowful scene; it was a scene filled with anguish which was difficult for heaven to go through.
The course of John the Baptist remains in the flow of history just as it was. Please allow those of us who are hoping to find a new belief, who are preparing, while anticipating a new history, to become people who know how to consider things having put ourselves in John the Baptist's position.
Since we have come to know through history the fact that the people of heaven rejected heaven's Will, please take dominion so that we will not become people who follow in those kinds of historical footsteps, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will not allow us to become people who lose the Will that was prepared and refined in the wilderness.
Please allow us to realize that today our minds and bodies have no honor before you, Father. Please let us be able to hear your words of advice and inherit the sorrowful heart of Jesus Christ, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow our minds and bodies to be able to embrace the sorrowful, heavenly heart and to greet the new central figure of the new belief, whom humankind does not know.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this to become a time when we can be concerned about who the central figure is who will take care of this age and which people is the people who will be able to remain in this age, and when we can be filled with sorrowful hearts and long for those who are like that.
Now the time has come when we, who live inclining our ears to the words we hear and the voice we hear, and who live in concert with that and respond to that, must look back on the path we have walked and come to our senses anew.
Please let us go beyond the position of being concerned about our own selves, who are in a position of having to determine whether to live or die, while being in the midst of confusion and chaos. We know that the society cannot be trusted, and the world cannot be trusted, and the time has come that we must be submerged in the world of the doctrine we can believe, and we must come to our senses on our own and be able to form a destined relationship with the world of that doctrine, and recognizing ourselves, we must cling to heaven, and we know that the time has come that it will not do unless we have a revolutionary change of mind.
Please guide us to be able to pursue a new self, remembering that we are in such an environment, and please let us become people who are able to greet the appearance of joy, by going over the peak of sorrow filled with enmity, and please let us be able to long for that appearance, to be led by that world, and to harmonize with that world.
Please give us the strength and courage to be able to block and fight, and to consider it pitiful that today the social environment is not free and that it is filled with sorrow. If there is a heaven that is eternal and absolute, we earnestly ask that you will give us the power to be able to cast aside the entirety of sin.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 12, 1959
Please Let Us Feel The Sorrowful Heart' Of Jesus
Father! We long for the holy majesty of Jesus of 2,000 years ago. We would come to realize that the desolate world lay before Jesus who was conveying the word, and there were people who were centered on themselves and sought to lift themselves up, but through the gaze of Jesus who looked upon those people there was an infinitely sorrowful heart flowing.
Oh Jesus, who looked upon Judaism, in which the religious sects were fighting each other, and upon the reality of the believers who argued with each other! When we reflect on the nature of that era when people struggled to push themselves to the forefront by hiding their faults and revealing others faults, we understand the infinite sorrow of the mind of Jesus, who truly had come to take responsibility for that world and that age.
We can measure the heart of Jesus who, in spite of that, called out, "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you." The ones who had to ask, seek, and knock were the people, the religious orders, and the individuals, but those who had to ask did not know how to, and those who had to seek did not know how to, and those who had to knock did not know how to.
Jesus, who was watching that, was in a position such that it wouldn't do unless he asked representing humankind, and he was in a position such that it wouldn't do unless he sought representing humankind, and he was in a position such that it wouldn't do unless he knocked representing humankind. This was a sorrowful thing, Father.
The Messiah, who was sent and longed for humankind to seek him, was instead in a position where he had to seek, and heaven, which hoped that humankind would attend him, had made preparation through the long course of history, but he was in a position of not being attended by humankind. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this to be a time when we feel the lonely heart of Jesus.
As Jesus related to humankind on the earth, the situation was such that he could not help but weep and lament, but nevertheless he hoped that the earth could become such that you could bless it. Please act to manifest the holy majesty of Jesus here before us today, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us become a group of people who are able to hear his voice which is commanding us; who are able to adore, experience and feel keenly his heavenly heart which is silently flowing in his innermost self; and who are able to bow down and weep.
Since we have raised up our hands and have appeared as naked people before you, Father, please have mercy on us. Please do not allow anything other than you in our minds, Father, and please do not allow our hopes, or our desires, or any conditions that we request to be anything other than what is yours. We earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become sons and daughters who are able to live clinging to minds which are filled with your infinite heart, and to live experiencing and feeling keenly those minds, and fight together on the side of those minds. We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 26, 1959
Please Let Us Feel The Heart Of Deep Historical Regret Through Jesus
Oh Father, who has carried out the providence in order to greet the day of hope you have anticipated and waited for, you could not cast away faithless humankind, and in order to embrace the many lonely groups of people, you gave the blessing of Israel, and led history forward, and on the day that you sent the being you had promised, heaven should have been filled with your glory, and through the rejoicing hearts of all the people, both heaven and earth should have been filled with joy but Father, we know the greatly mortifying historical fact that the sorrow of 4,000 years was imposed on the one person of Jesus.
He was born in a stable, and the more than 30 years he lived were so wretched and so lonely, and there were so few places he could depend on. Today we know that Jesus, who had so few people he could trust, died as the leading character of enmity, and was not able to open his innermost heart to people or express his earnest heart on the earth.
There remained heavenly advice he had to give, but because the people who had to receive it did not believe in him, he could not say everything, and he died with the sorrow of it still being in his heart. Please forgive all humankind who do not know that sorrow of Jesus 2,000 years ago. Nevertheless, we have heard the prayers, the words of advice and the requests he gave to the disciples he gathered and who followed heaven.
We know the mortifying historical fact that the moment when his destiny and heaven's destiny met, the joy of heaven should have been created, and furthermore a new kingdom should have been built on earth. But the moment that those destinies collided with each other, joy disappeared, lamentation and anguish began, and the path of the cross of enmity came into being.
Our ancestors became indebted to heaven, and we, too, are indebted universally to heaven, so we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will pardon the fact that we are a group of people who are seeking our own comfort and who do not know how to indemnify that.
Father! How many sons and daughters do you have on this earth, who have minds that have experienced and felt keenly your grieving heart, who are concerned about the earth, and who are concerned about heaven? Father, we know that they are very rare. Our Father, who has passed through the ages, counseling our lonely selves while not minding putting forth a great deal of effort in order to save all the pitiful people, please establish a new covenant with us. If there is a heavenly Will to give to these people a new covenant and a mission of the new age, Father, please carry out that work.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
May 17, 1959
Please Let Us Go Forth Clinging To The Sorrowful Heart Of Jesus
Today we know of and believe in Jesus who was born and died in history, but there is no one who knows of and believes in Jesus and his heart when he was rejected and driven out, and wandered to that town when he was driven out of this one and to that village when he was driven out of this one. We have not been able to find in history a person who knew Jesus, who appeared representing the heart of heaven.
The people of Israel, who were awaiting the Messiah, had the hope of meeting the Messiah in their hearts, and they struggled and endured through several thousand years, and they anticipated wondering in which age the Messiah would appear. But we cannot help but recall that when that goal appeared in reality, they were fast asleep, without knowing the heart of heaven because they leaned towards the environment they were in and their own situations.
If today we have the responsibility of resolving the enmity that has penetrated your heart, as we recall that there was that kind of lamentable history, please allow us to be able to cope with and resolve, in their stead, the sins of Israel which did not recognize Jesus who came. Please allow us to be able to take responsibility for the mistake of Israel which caused Jesus such sorrow and to repent in its stead. Jesus had a life of more than 30 years of sorrow.
Furthermore, there were the three years of his public life, but who knew his heart and who knew his situation? There was not even one person. And more than that, the disciples who attended him as their master, who shared his joys and sorrows, who were sad together when he was sad, and were lonely together when he was lonely, they did not know, either.
The disciples, who should have clung to heaven and appealed with earnest hearts, concerned that their master might go the path of death, were instead in such a state that they were asking who Jesus was. Therefore, if it is the case that there was sorrow in the heart of Jesus who felt that his three years of devoted work were in vain, where could there be sorrow greater than his, and if he felt pain, where could there be pain greater than his?
There are Christians who know how to adore and attend the Jesus who wielded power, but there are no Christians who seek to hold onto and live the footsteps of Jesus who was stepped upon and driven out. Father, we cannot help but appeal with bitter tears that among the people of the world many sons and daughters who are able to come forward will do so, holding on to the heart of Jesus who was so miserable.
Oh Father who lives controlling the background of history! We know that you quietly teach us the way to go. Oh Father, please do not allow us to become people who long for the Jesus of the past; we earnestly hope and pray that you will allow us to become able to struggle in order to testify to the Jesus of this age.
Now please let us be able to sympathize with the heart of Jesus, who should have gone before you, and bow our heads before that heart, and if there is something that Jesus wanted and which would make him happy, please allow us to become able to realize it for him. We earnestly hope and desire that you will guide us to become sons and daughters who are able to be filled with and form a relationship with the heart of Jesus who should have resolved the problems of life of humankind two thousand years ago.
We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 19, 1959
Please Let Us Learn A Lesson From Israel Which Turned Its Back On The Will
We know that your sorrowful tears remain on this earth where you lament wondering where Israel has gone which used to live within your realm of blessing, and boasted of being the chosen people and boasted of its authority as a chosen people.
In spite of the fact that while enduring historical loneliness, you went forward holding on to the chosen people of Israel throughout 4,000 years of history in order to send the one Messiah, they left the Messiah behind and were embraced in the bosom of Satan. We have come to know the truth that because of that, the sorrow you felt as you watched was not a loneliness of that time alone, but it has remained as a historical loneliness for billions of years.
When we reflect on the fact that at that time the chosen people of Israel did not know this kind of fact, today we cannot help but be sorrowful that it is our responsibility to have to reveal the nature of the historical sin as we bow down our bodies and compose our minds, and repent in their stead for that historical sin.
Today we know the fact, which has been hidden in the shadows of historical sorrow, that Jesus came with the lonely heart of heaven to the people who were collapsing and overthrown and dying, and taking compassion upon them he came to them without holding back even his own life. But the people of Israel, who called themselves the chosen people, did as they pleased to the messiah who was sent by heaven and to John the Baptist who was prepared by heaven.
Please allow your sons and daughters who are gathered here today to know that it was not because the people of Israel at that time were less than us, that they betrayed heaven, and it was not because their desire to live for the sake heaven was not as great as ours, that they forgot heaven.
Please allow us to realize that they were lacking in hope about the new age, and they had a concept about the new messiah, and they thought that the new Lord to come would be very great, but because the messiah who appeared in reality was too haggard, and pitiful and unimpressively small, they rejected him.
Please allow us to consider what kind of position we are in now, and today we commonly speak ill of the historical people of Israel, and like to criticize the situation at that time, but please let us know that there is no difference between the situation today and the situation at that time.
Please allow us to have minds that admit that if we had been alive at that time, we would have been the same as them, and if we had been alive at that time, we would have been in the same position as they were. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to realize that we are people who have within us the traces of that kind of historical sin, and that Satan's evil influence is stalking our bodies.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
February 22, 1959
Please Let Us Become People Who Are Fit To Greet The Messiah
Today the course of our lives is a miserable course, and since the living environment is very complicated, we are living in a state of confusion where we are unable to distinguish between good and evil.
We know that heaven struggled in this kind of land in order to pioneer the path of one life, and many prophets came to this earth and died in order to introduce to humankind the aspect of a true person, and a true concept, and the true aspect of the cosmos.
The time has come when we must long for his idea which filled his heart which flowed out from the sacred image of Jesus Christ who was able to pray for the blessing of all people even though, among all of the prophets, he came to the earth as the messiah for all people and disappeared worthlessly like a bit of straw on the cross.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will pardon that in spite of this being a time when we should disregard ourselves, we have raised ourselves up and disregarded all the things of creation, and we have established ourselves and disregarded heaven.
If we want to move towards true minds and true goodness, please let us realize that we are people who are indebted to heaven and earth, and we are a tribe of sin which has been wounded in an inexpressibly savage-looking way in the course of human history. Now since the only things we need are a mind that is able to search for you and fidelity that is able to search for our original selves, Father, please allow us to have them.
We cannot deny that the course of life Jesus lived was a path of miserable tears, and we know that each and every page of past history continued on as blood-curdling, bloody battles. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us know that we are in the position of the stragglers of universal history who are not able to have anything to be proud of in this age, and cannot clarify anything historical when we establish ourselves. Therefore, since a true leader, a leader who has a true life and a true heart, is needed, we believe that the person whom heaven has sent to humankind is the savior and the messiah.
But please let us grope and consider on our own whether we have the constancy, fidelity, and heart that are fitting before him in order to go before the person who is the messiah.
We know that in relation to receiving the messiah, heaven is anticipating that humankind will offer its greatest fervor, it greatest loyalty, and its greatest sincerity, and we know that heaven is demanding burning hearts and absolute devotion which do not take sides with Satan. Now we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will guide us to become humble young sons and daughters, who, even if we have not reached such a position, will be able to have at least minds that long for such a position, and who hope for the grace of forgiveness on bended knees.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
July 19, 1959