Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Loyalty And Filial Piety [Part 3 of 4]
Please Let Us Become Children Who Fulfill Loyalty And Filial Piety While On The Course Of Restoration Through Indemnity
Father! No matter how active an interest we may take in it, the path we will go has already been decided. We must go towards that place today, and we must go tomorrow as well.
While going the course of restoration through indemnity, there have been many times when we were discouraged, but we are grateful for your grace which allowed us not to be discouraged and to endure and go forward.
While going through the long time of over six thousand years, how often did our ancestors entreat you, and how many times have we gathered before you of our own accord? But no matter how difficult it was you could not turn your back on it, so you endured over and over again, and we have come face to face with your situation where you had to bite your tongue and suppress your heart and endure even at the point when your children, who had believed and gone forth, poured out insults. Because of that, we must become children who struggle for your sake. When we do that, we believe that you will call us your beloved sons and you will call us your beloved daughters.
Please allow us to understand that if those kinds of groups gathered together and made up a tribe, it would be a tribe that you could not help but love, and if those kinds of tribes gathered together and made a people, it would be a people that you could not help but love, and when that people took on the form of a nation and went out on the stage of the world, you could not help but bless that nation.
We, who are walking the course of restoration through indemnity which others do not know about, wanted to be loyal to you in the past, but we did not know how to be loyal to you, and one day we had to stand in a position where we could relate to you, but we could not find that position. But now we have found a position where we can call out to you, and we are standing on the foundation of circumstances where we can be loyal to you.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become your children who are heroes of heaven, who are able to go forward being grateful and thinking of it as glorious to be able to work for your sake.
We should not have a vague life of faith; rather, we must go forward step by step walking a determined course before your Will. We know that this is the way we children, who are going the course of restoration, must go until the day the Will is realized.
Since we have realized that it will not do for us to go on a smooth path, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your children who are able to go forward while reproaching our inadequate selves and being loyal to you.
We earnestly request that the world of the idea which you and we are longing for will be realized throughout all of heaven and earth quickly. For the sake of that, each of us must go through the sacrificial course of indemnity. Even if we are inadequate with our present strength, we earnestly request that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who realize your Will for you one day by giving our full devotion.
We have humbly prayed in the holy names of the True Parents. Amen.
June 8, 1967
Please Let Them Become Holy Women Who Establish Your Kingdom
Father! The day after tomorrow we will greet the beginning of a new month, and your beloved daughters will go out to various places in all parts of South Korea for your Will; therefore, Father, please protect this path they will go. Since a decisive day is approaching which you have prepared and commanded for their sakes far in advance, we earnestly hope and desire that you will take responsibility for this path they will go.
Please allow a new heavenly fortune to come to this nation centered on this day. Please prepare an occasion which these lonely unification members can find. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow this time period to become a holy time through their being able to return thanks, glory, and praise to you sincerely even though they are cast out, pursued, and left alone as they carry out their activities.
Father! Please protect their footsteps which are going beyond the family and out towards the enemy troops while others sleep, Father. They are facing a lonely position in order to represent your loneliness, and feel lonely in your stead, and they are fighting in a desolate place in order to inherit your field of battle because they seek a place of rest where they can be close to you; therefore, when they are lonely, please be a friend to them, and when they are sorrowful, please go together with them. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will protect them every day inside and outside so that they may accomplish your Will.
As women who seek to inherit a nation of peace, they are raising up a new banner, and since they are your lovable daughters who are able to be grateful to you even when shedding blood and tears for the sake of the liberation of the Kingdom of Heaven, we earnestly hope and desire that you will hold them and do mighty works.
Please allow each place that they pass through, each place where there remain traces of the blood, sweat and tears they have shed, to become springs capable of resurrecting life. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow them to accomplish a foundation of victory through the goodness you do in secret, and that this will become a time period about which they can boast all over the world to those who have had things taken from them that there exists a day when they can receive love like this.
As for us, if we say we are pitiful, we do stand in a pitiful position. We are pitiful people who do not have a nation. We are pitiful people who do not have a people. We know that we have the responsibility for the sacred mission of having to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on this earth and to break down the final wall of misery which many religious people have gone forward to do until now in order to select out a people.
Since this is a time when we can witness the reality of this earth where people sacrifice their lives for the things of this earth, we hope and desire that you will allow them to become holy women who are able to struggle in order to establish the Kingdom of Heaven even if they offer their lives or offer their families as sacrifices.
Please allow a mind that seeks to end your sorrow to permeate each of their footsteps which are crisscrossing the country. And furthermore, since the standard they are hoping for is to hold the banner of victory and to sing a song of victory to heaven, we earnestly hope and desire, my Father, that you will allow them to take doing that as their creed, and that together with your name they will have minds that are moved and able to do that and they will live lives that are able to be filled with such minds.
Now these footsteps which have yearned for you will have to become footsteps that are able to weep endlessly for the sake of your Kingdom. We will have to put our lives on the line and go forth clinging to your knees and the edge of your garments. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to have a day of victory when, in your stead, we can cut off with a sword the wrong history which has continued down from the past. Since we have come to know that the day of realizing your desire for this nation is now close at hand, we earnestly hope that you will let us become unification workers who put on white clothes and kneel down, and work from the bottom of our hearts in order to guide the world to you, Father.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
November 29, 1970
Please Let Us Resemble The Patriots Of Old Who Died For The Sake Of Establishing The Kingdom Of Heaven
Father! From time immemorial when the saints and sages talked about the Kingdom of Heaven, they did not talk about it from a position of vying with their enemies, expressing all their wrath and anger from a position of being infuriated. Rather, we have come to realize that they forgot themselves even in front of their enemies' swords, and they, spoke from the position of quietly longing for and worshiping heaven, from the position of being embraced peacefully in the bosom of heaven, and from the position of transcending the environment of their enemies.
Today sin is seething up, and in this reality where the forces of Satan are closing in around us in this place were the historical enemy is stalking us, who is there who is going forth with a happy mind and a happy body not minding the enemy, praising your holiness, and intoxicated with your sublime and precious nature, living and dying for a thousand and ten thousand years? We must realize that only those who are able to stand firmly, asking, "Who can take away the authority we have as the chosen people?" are members of the Kingdom of Heaven.
In order to follow the Will of Jesus who was sad and shed tears alone as a solitary person on the difficult path of the cross, we must know the historical fact that even in lives of continuous famine and starvation, and even when being driven into miserable pits, the patriots of old did not submit even to the afflictions of heaven and earth.
We come to know the truth that Jesus endured everything in order to build the Kingdom of Heaven, and even when being whipped and killed, his determination was not broken. We must genuinely learn the truth that only the people who go forth carrying the banner of victory can form a relationship with the Kingdom of Heaven and can possess the Kingdom of Heaven.
No matter how anxious we may be, or how lonely we may be, or how pitiful a situation we may be in, when we think that you, our Father, are even more pitiful than we are, we have come to realize that in view of that fact we must become sacrifices and comfort you, our Father, who is more pitiful than we are.
As for attending that father and in pursuing the duty of filial piety, you are a being who has the heart of a parent and who is able to communicate to us your position, your situation and your circumstances. And when we think that when you ask us to become filial children you are asking us to go the way of death, and when you ask us to become loyal followers you are asking us to go a thorny path which rips and tears at us, we must feel how very lonely your footsteps have been as you, who are in the position of our parent, came to this earth.
Knowing that you are our father and, even though you came with that kind of Will in your heart, you were not able to ask us to realize that Will, we must feel a ripping pain which spreads deep into our hearts. Please let us become people who struggle to become children who are able to need you alone, Father, and who are true people no matter what direction of the 360 degrees we go, and who are able to comfort you by inheriting the single direction of your innermost heart.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
September 28, 1969
Please Realize Your Will Through Us, Father
Father! We know that it is your holy Will to establish its in this position and to resolve grief through us. We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become children whom you cannot do without and who give our full devotion to that Will through which you seek to resolve grief.
We know that our being here today is not because of ourselves. Since we know that the beginning is you, and the end is you, and we have entrusted everything to you, please take dominion.
Through us, please restore victorious individuals, victorious families, victorious nations, and the victorious world, and furthermore, we earnestly hope and desire that by your realizing the victorious Kingdom of Heaven, you alone will receive the glory.
We pledge that we will become children who are able to resolve your grief without fail and return glory and joy to you by taking responsibility for all the situations of unjust suffering of our Father who was sacrificed and offered up.
Father! We know that centered on us the destined relationships of three ages are connected. Our many ancestors, who have come and gone in the past, are earnestly hoping they can be relieved of their grief through us, and the people who are spread all throughout the world are longing for a day of liberation, and our future descendents are longing for the day of liberation. Therefore, please let us become people who are able to liberate them. And please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to find and establish the way of humankind by respecting the Will of heaven and the Will of earth.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Prue Parents. Amen.
October 19, 1969
We Long To Accompany You On The Path You Are Going
Oh Father! The way that you must go is the way of the wandering stranger who must pass through the individual, the family, the people, the nation, and the world. Since we must have true children here who are able to become sons and daughters of filial piety in relation to our Father who is going that way and who can guard that path of yours, oh Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will bend down and extend your concern to us.
We must follow the path of the cross of the family which you are going, and we must follow the path of the cross of the tribe, and we must follow the path of the cross of the people. We must follow the course of the cross, this awesome task of the restoration of the nation up through the restoration of the world and furthermore, the cosmos.
In going that way it will not do to have you lead us. Please allow us to become people who are loyal followers and filial sons of heaven who are able to stand before you and say, "I will carry the cross which lies before you." We know that it will not do unless we become like that. Since we have learned we must be like that, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to do that.
Now the thing most precious to us is going the way that you are going together with you, and living on the stage of life where you are living, and dying along the way that you are going. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become your children who know clearly that this is the purpose of our lives, and this is our greatest joy as a human being.
Now our minds must become completely empty. We must offer ourselves completely before you as empty vessels. Please let us cast aside our own dominion of ourselves and all of our ardent wishes for ourselves, and please let the center of our minds be filled only with your ideas and thoughts.
And earnestly hoping that you will allow us to begin once again in your presence as new beings whose minds arise from you alone and whose minds are able to take dominion over our bodies, we have prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
December 14, 1969
Please Let Us Become Filial Sons Who Carry The Cross In Your Stead
Father! In order for us to become your sons, if we do not want to leave behind an unfilial relationship in relation to you, we must find and go a path with more misfortune than you who have gone through misfortune. When standing in your position in your stead we become children who are able to be whipped in your stead, and we have memories which we can share with you, wouldn't we then be filial children among filial children and loyal followers among loyal followers?
We must head straight towards such a path. Please let us be people who are loyal and filial, who are able to struggle to carry the cross in your stead when you are carrying a cross, and please let us be connected to a position where we are grateful even if we lose our lives.
Offering our lives, we were in the position of saying we would offer filial piety to you, though up until now you have been struggling to find sons and daughters who would have that kind of filial piety in relation to you. Please let us realize that you will pioneer the path for us if we want to offer our lives and if we say we will fulfill our duty of loyalty in relation to you.
If our wives block our way, we must go, even if we have to give tip our wives, and if our children block our way we must go, even if we have to give up our children. Furthermore, even if our relatives, our tribe, our people, or our nation oppose this path, we must become people who can give them up and go.
We must realize that in order for you to lead us over the peak of death, Father, we also must be determined to die. You desire that of our own will we will take on the position of being sacrifices for you. We must realize that that position is a position of going forth, clinging to love in a father-son relationship. We know that it is the nature of love that the father would rather die first if his child is at the point of death.
When we remain in such positions, you will remember forever such a memorable day. Since we will establish a day where that can happen centered on the people of the Unification Church. Oh Father, please do not forget that day which remains.
These people who are fighting to have a memorable day remain are hoping that this day will remain forever and ever. They are also your children who want to inherit the path that the son is going as their tradition. Please let us become sons and daughters who are able to inherit the relationship of that position.
We know that in the course of restoration, without offering to you a memorable day when we can be together with you, we cannot go to your Kingdom with the destined relationship of loyal followers and we cannot be recognized as your sons and daughters. Therefore, please let us become your sons and daughters who are able to leave a memorable day before you and establish the duty of filial piety. We earnestly hope that you will let us realize that if we are able to leave a memorable destined relationship in that kind of position, then even if we face the position of death, that position is a position of joy and it is a position where we can be of help to you.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
February 15, 1970
Please Let Us Fulfill Our Mission As Your Messengers
Oh Father, who knows the situation of your beloved sons as we have been pioneering the way of the messenger until now on the path the unification foundation is going in Korea, we know that your mind has been simmering with so much anxiety throughout that time.
Father! There were many times when we could not help but think and put our lives on the line. While gazing at the exquisiteness of nature, you have walked the path of indemnity wondering whether we would listen to your words or not. When we think of things like this, we realize how hard you have worked in that kind of position and that you could establish your position in the historical ages even less than I.
We have come to realize that this life which is less than 100 years cannot be compared to your sacrifices as you passed through the ages. Even if our entire lives started with the mission of the messenger and even if they end with the absolute sacrifice of ourselves, knowing that we are people who must naturally do that, we must become your sons who know how to be in suspense in our hearts and struggle while saying that we will fulfill our duty of loyalty and filial piety even more in relation to you.
And while thinking that we don't know whether or not this might be the last time we eat, we eat while worrying that we might leave behind a condition for the enemy before heaven, and even if we cannot dress well or eat richly, if we think of your work and pray asking you not to worry, how very loveable we would be in your sight, Father! But we must realize that due to being sons who are in the realm of the course of the messenger, even if that love appears raised up in the heavenly world, it cannot help but be hidden in the world of humankind.
The path that the Unification Church has walked until now has been like that. Father, if the time comes when you want to set forth your beloved son in Korea, due to the merit of your toil, we want to remove completely from our minds any conditions that could lead to grief having deeply considered the mind of our father who has been sorrowful because in the past the responsibilities were not fulfilled, and we want to attend you.
Father! The man who has lived in the shadows looked lonely and pitiful, but this must become a time when we can once again feel pangs of remorse because we were not able to completely fulfill our responsibility of loyalty and filial piety for your sake when you have suffered to such an extent.
When we think that you have pioneered the way until this historical time could exist, we come to realize that this place where we are standing today is a foundation of blessed grace which no one has had at all.
Father! Please let us pledge deeply one more time to you that having received the mission and responsibility of messengers, we will become sons who are able to fulfill that responsibility by heading out to the nation and the world. Through this opportunity, please let us go back home having made a new determination, and we earnestly hope that you will let us become sons who can receive your recognition.
We have humbly prayed in the holy names of the True Parents. Amen.
February 16, 1970
Please Bless Your Children Of Loyalty And Filial Piety
Father! Please come into the hearts of your children who are gathered here. Don't we have the foundation of earnest hearts which are able to worship you? Now we must fear that even though we attend you in our hearts, when we go back we will have a sorrowful attitude.
Do you have sons and daughters who are giving all kinds of devotion and who attend you in the real meaning of the word? Please embrace them in the realm of the grace of the blessing with infinite love, grace, compassion and forgiveness. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will bless us to be able to feel endlessly your sublime, precious heart of love.
At this time, do you have warriors who are seeking to have the necessary armor for battle by investing their entire beings totally, warriors who are rushing to the battlefield for the sake of the Will you left behind while longing for your Will? Father, please protect them, and we earnestly hope that you will bless them as representatives who can protect the nation and the world.
Do you have sons and daughters who are taking on the positions of high priests who offer sacrifices for the sake of many people at your holy altar? And do you have any sons or daughters who offer devotion during the times others are sleeping and who go a course of suffering during the times others are enjoying themselves, and who know that they must go that way even if it is a way of suffering, and who run into all kinds of suffering which others know nothing about in order to broaden the foundation of your altar behind the scenes of the people and humankind? Father, please bless them.
Please let them realize on their own that they are the roots of the world, and the world is living through receiving the influence of those roots. Please give them hearts that are able to be grateful to you even if others do not recognize them, and that are embarrassed if others do recognize them. We earnestly hope that you will let us become sons and let us become daughters who are able to attend you, Father, with hearts that are grateful even when others don't recognize us and who know that we cannot become one with you unless we go through this kind of destined relationship.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
March 8, 1970