Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Determination [Part 1 of 4]
Please Let Us Realize The Will Centered On Heaven Alone
Oh Father, who has worked so hard to hold on to and gather us! Please allow our minds and bodies to become one, and please let those of us who have bowed down before you embody your commandments. It will not do unless our bodies, which have bowed down before you, become holy temples.
When we realize that we are the people of hope that you have sought over a long period of time while weeping, we come to know that you are truly in a pitiful position. We come to know your situation of having suffered all kinds of insults while carrying out the work of the providence until now.
Oh Father, who has suffered so many kinds of insults, when we think that you have endured, hoping for sons and daughters of hope even while going through various kinds of adversity, we realize that we are terribly worthless beings. But we have come before that Will filled with awe, and we have come with loyal devotion in order to resolve your grief.
Because of that, we are in the position of having had to go the course of the battle yesterday, and having to go it today and tomorrow, as well. We believe that you know that the course we intend to go is a course for the sake of your glory alone. Therefore, please come and be with us at this time. Please guide us to be able to act centered sons and daughters who are spread out in many different places, to be able to head towards a beam of the light of life where there can be joy.
Earnestly hoping that you will allow your Will to be realized through this people and through all the people of this world, we have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
November 25, 1956
We Will Run Forward For The Sake Of God's Will
Beloved Father! Today we must leap up. We are lacking in strength, but we are facing this awesome conclusion of history in which it will not do unless we leap up scores of levels all at once. In spite of the fact that we are standing in a position where we must go though the process of judgment, today we are in a deep sleep.
Father! We are intoxicated by the world. We are traveling together with sin. We earnestly hope and desire,
… thing to heaven and yet have something left by becoming sons and daughters who are not ashamed, couples who are not ashamed, families that to you, who are the center of the cosmos.
All the historical situations are tangled in ourselves today. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that, by our having cut all those tangles, and having our center of liberation, you will establish us as beings of joy who are able to bow down respectfully to you, while standing in the position of Jesus' friend.
Please do not allow those of us whom you have chosen for the sake of the restoration of the Kingdom of Heaven, to become people who live treading upon the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven. Please allow us to be able to go forward again and again, to sacrifice again and again, and to fight again and again, until we are able to accomplish that ideal, led by the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven. And we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be able to endure, fight, and win until the time that we can attend you as our universal father.
Father! Please take dominion over our minds eternally. We earnestly ask that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to offer deep bows of gratitude to our father who is the center of everything, through a new universal standard of life now, and who are able to be submerged in your love.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
December 30, 1956
We Will Go The Way Of The Will Gratefully
If we, who have been called first, have been established before the universal Will of the entire providence, as elements which are like crystals for the sake of making an external form, please do not allow us to forget that we must live for the sake of accomplishing the purpose of the whole.
We started along the way of the public providence today, but even though you cut off all the things around us, we could not go over the peak of sacrifice, and we are disappointed in ourselves, we lament ourselves, and we reproach ourselves.
Beloved Father! When we go over the peak of morality and the peak of materialism, please allow us to be able to willingly submit to this, even if you strike those things. Even if you take everything we have from us, as long as our lives remain, we must be able to thank you for that, and even if you strike our bodies, as long as our lives remain, we must be able to thank you. Please lead us to be able to become people who are like this.
Since we want to take the example of the footsteps walked by many generations of our ancestors and by the prophets of old, please guide us. We know that Jesus walked a path like this, too, as Job did, and as Abraham did, too.
Since we know that today we, too, must cross this kind of path, Father, please guide us so that it will not take a long time.
Please let us be prepared in order to go over the peak of indignation which is definitely coming our way, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become faithful servants of heaven who raise up the Lord of glory, by building up an altar of goodness, which we are able to go beyond while being grateful alone even if you scold and strike us.
By even going over peak after peak of sacrifice which the enemy is blocking, we will lead the family and go over the peak of the family, and lead the people and go over the peak of the people, and furthermore, lead the world and go over the peak of the world and even leading heaven and going beyond. We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will lead us to become sons and daughters who are able to appeal with confidence to you, our eternal father, and that you will allow us true life, true peace, true joy, and true glory.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 10, 1957
Please Let Us Become Children Who Can Be Entrusted With Your Will
Beloved Father! We know that the sorrow of Adam who lost the Garden of Eden, is our sorrow, and is the grief of heaven. And we know that the fact that our human ancestors could not enjoy the ideal of the Garden of Eden which they should have enjoyed, that is the grief of heaven.
Father! Since the responsibility is heavy for those of us who are walking to reverse the situation of the fall, we know that if you do not stretch out your hand and establish us once again in a purified position and grant us recreation, there are no people who could be more pitiful than we are. Therefore, Father of love, please stretch out your hand of compassion!
Since we want to offer our minds and bodies to you at this time, please receive us, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become people who are able to be entrusted with your Will by molding us according to your internal nature.
Oh Father! Since your lonely sons and daughters everywhere are bowing their heads and calling your name, please be together with them, and since we know that nothing can be accomplished through human strength alone, Father, please take dominion over our minds and bodies. Please do not allow them to become stragglers along the course they must run.
Please do not allow them to be losers in the course of the battle, and please let them become sons and daughters who are able to eternally sing of your glory, and praise your love.
Even if our circumstances are difficult, please allow us to overcome these circumstances and earnestly hoping that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who, even if we collapse in the course of the battle, are able to hear your voice calling us and get up.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
June 9, 1957
Please Let Us Become Substantial Beings Who Realize The Will
Beloved Father! You have sought us by sending the saints and sages of righteousness, and you cultivated the foundation of our hearts by sending Jesus. Now we know that your Will remains that we must realize your Will substantially through our bodies. Since we know that our individual selves must realize your Will through families, and furthermore, we must raise up all the things of creation to you, Father, please be with us.
We are come to understand that building the Kingdom of Heaven that is limited to us is not your Will; rather, there still remains for us the responsibility of having to build the substantial Kingdom of Heaven where you are able to dwell in the realm of all things, as well. We know that it is heartbreaking for you to see that this way of ours, this way of the people who must cope with this kind of cosmic responsibility, is still remaining in the fallen world. Therefore, please guide us to be able to have eternal life by once again taking hold of our inadequate and weak selves.
If you lead us we will not despair. We will not hesitate. Rather, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will please lead us to become brave generals of heaven, who are able to become individuals whom you can move, and churches, nations, a world and the Kingdom of Heaven, which you can move, by having driven out the enemy Satan in order to possess your life and glory.
Now we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead us to become sons and daughters who are able to raise up before you even the realm of all things while feeling your life through our bodies and your heart through our minds.
While earnestly asking that you will let your good news be told to the multitudes of humankind today as well, we have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 9, 1958
Please Awaken Us To Our Historical Destiny Of Accomplishing Your Will
Father! Since we know that before us lies the historical course of destiny of absolutely having to accomplish heaven's Will, please reach out to us with your power.
Please allow our minds and bodies to be filled completely with your Will alone. And if there is a person on earth to whom a certain responsibility of heaven has been entrusted, please do not allow that person to consider that Will of heaven through human concepts alone. Please allow us to become sons and daughters who act according to the movements of our minds, and please do not allow us to become sons and daughters whose bodies move first. And we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will allow us to feel your heart of glory through our minds and bodies.
We have come to know that we can experience and feel keenly the heart of our Father who has carried out the providence throughout the course of history when we form a relationship with the concept of resurrection and the laws of heaven which you established, Father. Therefore, please allow us to have minds of love which are able to communicate with your heart, and please allow us to know your heart of restoration.
And please allow us to know your heart which is concerned in relation to this earth, and since we are inadequate people, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will please establish us as your people, by taking hold of us and awakening us.
And please allow your heart alone to penetrate our minds. We earnestly hope that you will lead us to become people who are sincerely devoted to you by allowing our bodies to be able to shed tears of lamentation in your presence, while experiencing and feeling keenly all that you felt in your heart throughout history.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
March 23, 1958
No Matter What Kind Of Suffering It Is, Please Let Us Win Over All Of It
Father! Shall we say that the way that we are going and going is steep? Please allow us to understand that we cannot compare our minds with the anguish of your heart, and we cannot compare how we are mistreated with the footprints you have left in the realm of Satan which blocked you layer after layer.
Even while we go this steep way, please allow a sense of mission for taking responsibility for the Will of heaven to well up in our minds, and please allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to accompany you on your course by becoming friends of your sorrowful history even while we are sorrowful ourselves.
Please allow us to become friends of your suffering heart by feeling that historical suffering together with you. Please allow us to be able to become object partners of joy of our eternal Father, by becoming friends of your external sorrow at the same time as becoming friends of your internal sorrow, and becoming friends who share your indignant heart.
We have come to know that more than everything being a problem today, we ourselves, who are searching around in order to receive blessings, are the problem. We have come to know that if we human beings, who must walk a path a suffering, want to avoid that path of suffering, we will never be able to avoid that path of suffering. Please act to awaken the many people who have forgotten endurance, which wins over indignation and mistreatment, to the fact that without that endurance they cannot avoid any kind of suffering.
We have come to know the principle of heavenly morality that only when we go over the peak of sorrow, only when we go over the peak of suffering, only when we go over the peak of indignant hearts, are the blessings of that day decided.
Now please allow us to hold onto your heart, the earth, and all things, and while weeping, to be able to say, "Father, since your sorrow is my sorrow, your suffering is my suffering, and your troubles are my troubles, please entrust all that suffering to me, and you take a position of joy."
Since we know that we have the destined relationship of father and child which can move all things, and a love which we cannot remove even if we wanted to, please let us be able to be acknowledged by you.
Since we know your heart which desires to restore the entire universe by establishing victorious sons among the great variety of people, please lead us to be able to have that heart in each of our bodies and to reveal it. We earnestly hope and desire that you will lead us to become people who realize your will under any circumstances, and who do not become people who betray you by cutting off our relationship with you.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
September 14, 1958
Since We Have Come To Know Your Will, Please Let Us Act On It
Father! The time is close at hand when we have to turn our footsteps towards heaven. We have come to know the greatness of your suffering; we have also come to know what the Will you are planning is, and we have come to know how difficult is the responsibility of the children that you are hoping we will act upon.
We have also come to understand that it will not do unless the person who knows your will, the person who will live in the garden you have allowed, sheds tears endlessly for you. We have come to know that when that person goes forth in your direction, it will not do unless he is wounded, and we know that it will not do unless that person goes forth together with you, Father.
At the same time that we know that person must bear scars like that on his body, we know that, while preparing for your one day of judgment, he must appeal and lament bitterly without end with a grieving heart in his mind, too. And we know that we must form an eternal destined relationship with you, our father, who has been searching for those kinds of sons and daughters.
If there is a person who experiences and feels your heart keenly, and knows the concerns of heaven, by having opened his mind, then while embodying your sorrow and this people's sorrow, he could not help but weep aloud, and while embodying the sorrow of humankind, he could not help but weep aloud. We know that he will become a friend who is able to share together with all humankind the sorrow that fills heaven and earth.
When we think about whether we ourselves are standing in that kind of position, we earnestly hope and desire, our Father, that you will allow us to become people who at least are able to be overwhelmed with shame if we are not able to establish our reputation before you, our father, who has walked the way of suffering, who is so concerned, and who has worked so hard.
The people of the world do not want to go this way. We know that today many people desire and tomorrow they will also desire to go this way in their minds, but they are staying as they are, unable to connect the way with their actions. Please allow us to realize the fact that the responsibility of resolving their situations is not with you alone and is not with any leaders alone, it is with us as well.
But since we have come to know the fact that the people who want to take responsibility for this grave fact are very few, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to be able to find and go forth on the path that heaven is urging us to go, and please let your earnest mind flow to overflowing, and please let your sorrowful heart flow to overflowing in our idle minds.
There are many people hoping for the blessings of heaven, and there are many people offering devotion in order to become your children, but today, which has come after six thousand years have passed, it is difficult to find devoted people, your true sons and daughters, who want to become offerings to you. Since we are very afraid that we might perhaps become a pitiful group that causes chaos along your providential course, please allow us to become people who are worried about ourselves.
Please allow us to analyze on our own, how much distance there is between the ideal original garden and the point we are at with our footprints, which were left while fighting the battle today. And while earnestly hoping that you will guide us to be able to be victorious in the battle for the sake of breaking through the standard of being worried, we have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
November 9, 1958
Please Let Us Dash Forward Constantly Towards The Will Today As Well
Today the Christians who are spread throughout the world are waiting impatiently and longing for the Kingdom of Heaven in their minds, but they are oblivious to the fact that a course of battle remains in relation to finding the Kingdom of Heaven.
Furthermore, today, in the Last Days, history is changing, beliefs are changing, public sentiment is changing, traditions are changing, ideologies are changing, and hearts of love, which said they would die if they did not have that love, are changing. At this time, we long for an unchanging concept, an unchanging aspect, a being who could not change even if he would, that thing, that garden, that world, that dominion, that leader, that voice, that life, and that environment.
Father! Please open the breasts that have been closed. Even if there is persecution of the footsteps taken by the Unification Church members, please allow us to become believers who take that persecution not as evil elements which are blocking our path, but who are able to use it as a stimulating action which drives us closer to the heart of heaven.
Please let us realize that the persecution is not persecution, but rather an act to connect your heart with ours. Please let our minds feels grief that we have been people who blocked the path of your grace. Please let us become people whose hearts are stimulated and whose sense of mission is burning, who are able to come happily when you tell us to come, and who are able to go happily when you tell us to go.
If we have been grateful for the voice that called us, please allow us to be grateful for the voice that commands us, and please allow us to become brave people of heaven who are able to charge into the enemy camp, and to become lords of the heavenly world. Since we know that there will be people who collapse shot by arrows, we earnestly hope and desire that you will guide us to not become people who are defeated or retreat in that situation.
Please let these sons and daughters realize that at the same time that there are moments when, submerged in joy, we discuss with our father, on the other hand, there are also moments of crying out in indignation and shedding blood and tears on the battlefield.
Please allow us to become able to take responsibility for joy; take responsibility for sorrow, take responsibility for the battle, take responsibility for mistreatment, and in front of the judgment seat of the Last Days, deny the things of history and say, "Oh Father, please raise your hands and bless us. Oh Father, considering me, please bear your indignation. Oh Father, considering me, please bear your suffering and mistreatment. Oh Father, considering me. please lay aside your hard work."
Because you have hoped for these kinds of sons and daughters for six thousand years, and you have been searching carefully for six thousand years, Father, we are stricken with awe and grief. We have been oblivious to your gaze as you searched, your appearance as you searched, and your careful footprints.
Now please let us stand before you, please let us live connected with you, and please let us go the way in which we must search carefully instead of you. After we have gone that way completely, we will be the people who must teach other people, who do not know the way, how they can go carefully and find the direction. And since we are the people who have received that heavenly command, please do not allow us to become people who retreat while shedding sorrowful tears here.
We know that many groups are not needed at this time today. This time is a time when we must overcome and go on; it is a time when we must settle accounts and go on; it is a time when we must complete and overcome everything; and it is a time when we must appear just as we are.
We have come to know that this way is a way that a complaining person cannot go; it is a way that a person who excuses himself cannot go; and it is a way along which a person who establishes himself by himself will retreat. Since we have come to know that this way is the way of the cross that Jesus went shedding blood, and it is the way of the prolongation of Golgotha, we have realized that this is a way that we must go while wanting to excuse ourselves, but not being able to, and while wanting to set ourselves up and boast, but not being able to, and while feeling anger when being stepped upon, and going on. We are indignant when we think about the saints of heaven who walked this kind of path during the six-thousand-year course of the providence.
But more than that, when we come to know your heart is more indignant than that, we realize we are people who have to repent. We know that we are in a situation of absolutely having to repent. All of our hopes are yours, Father; everything we have is yours, Father; the center of our love and our hearts is you; and we know that if there is a person who cannot feel these kinds of things, he is a pitiful person.
Even while shedding blood on the cross, since Jesus knew you were that kind of father, and held on to you, he was not afraid even of death. We long for his character which is transcendent and calm and even asked for blessings upon his enemies. We long for those footsteps. Where is the prince of victory who is able to laugh at changes in history, changes in daily life and changes in himself both today and tomorrow?
Father, we are longing and longing. The lord of history, the lord of the present age, and the lord of the future need not be divided; rather, we long for the time in which one substantial being appears and transfers your heart to humankind, for that world, for that garden. A group must appear and a religion must appear that are able to call you "Father."
Please allow us to be able to forget everything, to prepare to search for that, and to devote our hearts and fulfill our responsibilities completely. While earnestly hoping that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who are able to not mind any kind of sacrifice, to rush forward in order to pay indemnity for everything, and to stand in your presence, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
April 12, 1959