Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Determination [Part 3 of 4]
Please Let Us Become People Who Can Save The World
Wasn't your search for the individuals, Adam and Eve, for six thousand years in order to save the world in that way? We must understand how great your pain is as you look at the sorrowful souls of the many spirits in spirit world. Please allow us to realize that it was your holy mission and hope to liberate all of them.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to realize that only if the day comes when all the people in the realm of the world together have a foundation of victory that goes beyond the world, will we be able to have the restoration of heaven, and the restoration of earth, of course, and be able to welcome the enemy.
We must become sons and daughters who are able to love the world completely, and who are able to go anywhere in the world. Until now we have been the Unification Movement that has been fighting, holding on to Korea, but we must become a movement that is fighting for the world.
Therefore, even if we shed tears, please allow us to shed them for the people of the world, and even though we were born as children of Korea, please let us have hearts which love not just the people of Korea alone, but rather are able to love all the people of the world. Our own individual selves and our descendents, too, must be able to stand as people with those kinds of hearts. We must give our full effort to attend you, to embrace both worlds, and to find a world that is unified ideologically.
To the starving people, we will have to give food, for sure; to the people who are in rags, we will have give clothes, for sure; and to the people who are sleeping under the eaves, we must give a place to sleep comfortably, for sure. We will have to go through many grief-filled situations, for sure.
When we think about the fact that we have the destiny of having to find the world that was lost, the nations that were lost, the families that were lost, and the individuals that were lost, we realize that we cannot sustain it ourselves.
Now we must hold on to the destined relationship so that at least our minds will be able to remain alive, and go forward determined to die. Please allow us to become your sons and daughters who are able to have a view of unification history such that even if I collapse, the world must not collapse; even if I am ruined; the world must not be ruined, and please let us realize that this is what is called Unification Thought.
Please allow all the people gathered here to realize that it is not your thought to let the nation be ruined and to save the individuals. Please allow us to realize that we cannot relate to the world unless we become a movement that is able to seek the world even if we have to sell the nation, and please allow these people to be able to have a day in which they are able to do that.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
March 11, 1970
Please Let Us Accomplish The Realm Of The Will For The Sake Of The Establishment Of The Ideal World
The ideal world is not accomplished in the imaginary realm of ideas; rather, it is accomplished in stimulating, substantial reality. This is the final request of humankind, but we did not really know that it is accomplished centered on one's family.
Now the mission that the Unification movement must go forward carrying on its shoulders is a world centered on the family. Burning with the conviction that the family exists for the sake of the world, that it exists for the sake of the nation, that it exists for the sake of the people, that it exists for the sake of the tribe, the entire family must become a group that is able to live for the sake of accomplishing that goal. We must believe firmly the fact that when we begin to act like this, in the not too distant future, the entire world will be completely embraced in the realm of dominion where you are able to love us.
We must discover that we are shameful beings in relation to the holy word: the blessing. Our lives of the past were individual-level lives. They were not lives centered on personalities that were related to the cosmic history; rather, they were individual lives which had fallen into ruin. Since each of us must become able conquer these kinds of selves, Father, please bless us.
Now we are not going forward for any one individual; rather, we must pioneer the foundation of joy of the family, and with that as our motivation, we must go forward to accomplish that kind of realm of love and family which can be shown to the people. We earnestly ask and desire, Father, that you will let us become those kinds of responsible people.
Father! We know that it is the Will of hundreds of thousands of ages to establish a family that represents the people and to find a Unification tribe in that way. Now we must straighten ourselves and come before you with a sincere attitude.
We know that we must establish a Four Position Foundation in which the man and the woman become one and attend their parents and lead their children for the sake of that. We know that this is the realization of the ideal of creation. We have heard the phrase, "the completion of the Four Position Foundation," thousands and hundreds of thousands of times, but we lament that we are people who have not been able to love that definitive content in reality. Please bear with us. Please allow us to feel the stimulation of love that is able to do that.
We will have to complete that kind of mission, bring the people and the world along, and connect them with you, Father. We earnestly hope and desire that you will please let us connect with the essential condition of power, by an absolute subject partner and an absolute object partner becoming one, and by making this into the realm of the dominion of love. Please do not let us be inadequate to act before the world and please let us realize the realm of one family which is able to stand in dignity as beautiful and harmonious beings.
We have humbly prayed in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
March 17, 1970
Please Let Us All Walk The Family-Level Course Of Responsibility For The Will
Father! We know that now before us remains the course of responsibility of having to move the families rather than a course of responsibility to move individuals.
We know that the Will which the Unification Church is hoping for is not for the sake of saving individuals alone; rather, it is for the sake of saving families. Because of that, we have walked this way with earnest minds that want to be held in your embrace, and that long for families that are able to eternally praise you and that long for you to reach out with your holy blessing.
Even the people who have not been able to walk together here, and who have left behind mistakes before the Will, must become sons and daughters who are able to stand holding up the value of the ideal. More than our standing in a position of saying, "I am So-and-so," we must become responsible people of both the internal and external aspects who are able to prepare a starting point for the whole by becoming the standard for the construction of the world, and who are able to become the key point of the people with sincere minds which are able to give our full devotion to your Will and hold up the situation of heaven.
As for the individuals, we must represent the families from the position of individuals. As for the groups, we must represent the families of those groups; in the case of the nations, we must represent the families of that nation, and we must become families that are able to represent the providence of the world. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become families that go forth embracing heaven and earth, and embrace the world, while searching for one family of peace which you can depend on.
The more we think that we have not reached that position, the more we realize that there remains before us the course we must now go as families of pioneers. Now the time has passed in which God told the individual, Noah, to build the ark for 120 years. The time has passed in which you anticipated Abel would offer a sacrifice. The age has passed that was through individuals such as when you called Abraham from Haran. The age has passed in which you called Moses individually. The age has passed in which you sent Jesus individually and set him on a public course.
Since now, rather than individuals, you have called the new families of the Unification Movement, we know that the time has come when the families must present themselves. Please let us realize that the ultimate responsibility that the family must fulfill is that the couple must absolutely fulfill the duty of filial piety and the duty of loyalty in relation to you.
Please let us realize that in our lives we can leave behind an absolute new beginning, and that the way to establish the philosophical key point which can prepare an eternal historical nature related to heaven, is the way of a family that has filial piety and loyalty. And please let us realize that this is the hope of the families that must represent the nation and the world.
We earnestly hope and desire that everywhere the families go, they will be able to offer themselves completely to you as families that have been blessed at the same time that they praise the love of heaven day by day, while the couple thinks of the Will holding hands, and while struggling to overcome the world stage.
We have prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
March 17, 1970
Please Let Us Fulfill The Missions Of People Who Are Going The Way Of The Will
Father! Today also the Will of your providence is being carried out. We feel your Will in our cells, and no matter what anyone says, we will have to become people who carry the responsibility of having to walk step by step truthfully in the direction of the summit which you desire. We know that there are many times when we forget that we are such people.
We know that there is a way of restoration that cannot be gone without going through the course of the pioneer which humankind must absolutely go. As for handling this mission, as family members of the Unification Church, please let us stand in a position of being able to be of help and not to be a burden, by giving all the strength we have, and going over the crest of the individual, the crest of the family, the crest of the tribe, the crest of the people, and the crest of the nation, which you left for us.
We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become children who adapt ourselves to the Will and who know that going out first before the church says, "Let's go," is the way of walking the normal path. Please remember your children who have endured and remained until now.
Please let us re-determine ourselves for the hope of tomorrow, and we earnestly ask that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who, together with the Will, are able to go powerfully over the crest after crest that will approach us in the future along the course of our lives. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will give us the blessing of becoming sons and daughters who become your joy by meeting again in the position of final victory, and whom you are able to set forth and boast about.
Please take us as your children who are able to go over the historical crest that you are leading us over by your taking charge of everything about today, and by your taking charge of all our future lives.
We have prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
April 8, 1970
Please Do Not Let Us Be Inattentive For Even A Moment While Going The Way Of The Will
Father! Today at this time we will have to come to a new realization. We must realize that a cosmic time is approaching us, and we must realize that the Will is hoping for a new age through us. Please let the Will connect with our one moment, as it hopes to do, and please let the great distant historical age form a relationship with our church.
We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us clearly realize one more time that it will not do unless we stand in the subject partner position which is able to transform everything in our daily lives into something heavenly on our own, during each individual moment for the sake of that.
We know that the Unification Church family members who are spread throughout the world are going the way of suffering not in order to be ruined in the end; rather, it is in order to become your sons and daughters as new favorites of yours. Since we know that this is the way of absolute destiny which it would not do to be without, in order to peel off our faults and be born again, please let us absorb it and overcome it with grateful minds. And we earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become your sons and daughters who go forth taking this responsibility in order to take hold of history and realize the hope of tomorrow.
As for this movement transforming everything in our lives into something heavenly, please let us live in the realm of joy by attending heaven moment by moment from this moment on. When we become your sons and daughters who offer endless devotion in each moment in that kind of realm of life, we know that the Kingdom of Heaven can take its place automatically in that realm of life.
We know that as we go forward moment by moment with the standard of victory, in overcoming the way of suffering to a level of ten, nine levels of that must include the content of heaven and earth, and by having the realm of victory of our entire lives, we must offer ourselves to you completely as good fruits.
Please let us believe firmly that when we become sons and daughters whom you cannot forget by our lives becoming something you can be proud of; we can receive the special privilege of becoming princes and princesses of the heavenly world. We earnestly request and desire that you will not allow us to become foolish sons and daughters who are inattentive about the course of our lives.
We earnestly request that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who are able to put forth endless efforts for the sake of making a nucleus that can take possession of tomorrow, and who invest all our strength in this moment today for the sake of tomorrow.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the "True Parents. Amen.
May 31, 1970
Please Let Us Have Humble Minds While Bowing Our Heads Before You Of Our Own Accord
Father! We know that among your sons and daughters who are living on this earth, there must appear sons and daughters of filial piety who are able to resolve your sorrow and your historical indignation.
Father! We have come to realize that you have been able to go forth enduring this way of so many crises during the long course of history because you had the internal power of wanting to meet the son you longed for. When we realize those things, we have no way to repress our embarrassment and shame before you when we think about whether we have become the sons and daughters who are able to let you forget all the difficulties of the course of history.
Even if we who are like that offer our entire minds and bodies and become living offerings before your Will, we are people who do not have any kind of condition to be able to repay you who have overcome such tedious and sorrowful adversity. Each time we think of ourselves, who are like this, we feel once again how pitiful you are, Father.
We have come to think once again about how lonely and miserable your position is, Father, since it will not do unless you can boast before Satan that these kinds of sons and daughters are your sons and daughters. Therefore, on this earth you definitely must have sons and daughters about whom you can be confident.
Father! We must be able to be concerned about your dignity, prestige, and situation. We know that we are far too inadequate and shameful people to appear before your Will even though we seem to have something internally and externally. Therefore, we must have minds that are filled with awe and gratitude for the grace of your having sought us.
Please let us become your sons and daughters who are able to realize that we must live in a position like that of a servant with our heads bowed of our own accord and with that kind of mind filling our daily lives and filling the course of our lives.
We know that only if we stand in this kind of position is there a condition for us to be able to become object partners who can be comforted by you, and to have our humility be praised by you, and to be praised by you when you see us adjusting ourselves to your Will. Oh Father, please once again have mercy on us, your children who have not been able to reach that kind of point.
We earnestly hope that you will let us become sons and daughters who go forth without any inadequacy to handle the mission even if we offer our lives completely and shoulder the final cross which is to remain in the Last Days.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
July 12, 1970
Please Let Us Become Victorious Sons And Daughters Who Are Able To Go Straight Towards The Will
Father! Today each time we feel that we are the descendents of the fall who have not been able to have the position of a destined relationship with you, we discover that we are people who cannot relate to you without tears, and we cannot attend you even if we want to, without knowing your sorrowful situation.
When we think about this, we realize that we are people who are fit to die thousands of times, and even if we die a lonely death by ourselves, we are beings who should not have any grief over that. Each time we realize this, we come to clearly understand that you are always reaching out to us with your lofty, precious grace.
A person who is going a solitary way understands well the circumstances of a pitiful person because of having felt that while living in such a situation. We must understand that the people who go the way of the pioneer, who struggle to cut off the sorrow of the people, and who struggle to cut off the sorrow of humankind, are not people to be pitied. Since our father has gone that kind of way, we must understand the fact that in order for us to become your children and to become your heirs, we cannot help but go that kind of way.
Father! Have we come here at this time in order to save our own lives? Or have we come in order to pioneer the way of destiny we must go? Or have we come for the sake of our families, for the sake of our tribes, for the sake of our people, for the sake of our nation, or for the sake of the world?
We must once again look hard at what kinds of people we are who have come to this place what kind of mission we have and what kind of goal we are heading towards. In order to do that, we must criticize ourselves once again for our past which did not know how to grieve over our loose selves and for ourselves which were made up of falsehood and hate, and we must frankly reveal to you our real character of the past, and we must receive your criticism and your judgment. We must become your sons and daughters who are able to realize that we are in that kind of pitiful position.
Father! Please come at this time, and if there are any circumstances about which you want to counsel us, please counsel us about all those things. Please let all the things our minds imagine and all the things our minds feel correspond with your heart. Then we will have to become sons and daughters in whom you are able to have confidence, and we must become sons and daughters who are able to go straight towards the Will by being people who are not inadequate in relation to the Will you are hoping for.
And not only that, we will have to realize that it is you who are pitiful and who has hoped that we would shoulder that responsibility in relation to the course of restoration and the road of restoration which could not be gone if it were not for us whom you have found. When we think that you, who are the Omniscient, Almighty, Lord of creation, are standing in that kind of miserable position, we know that it is a regrettable fact that no one can even imagine at all.
Father! We must arrange our clothes and be able to call you our father who is working so hard. We must imagine that you are our father who is the origin of the value of the infinite world. We must know that the content of your infinite love is eternal and can embrace all of life and more. Even if the way we go is difficult, we must be able to follow and go this way looking only towards the victory which will come to you as the fruit.
Father! Please let us be able to hear in our minds and bodies your quietly commanding, gentle voice, and please let a new pulse of the life of resurrection well up in the center of our minds. Earnestly hoping and desiring that you will allow us to become sons and daughters of victory who are able to experience and feel keenly of our own accord our new destined relationship.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
August 12, 1970
Please Let Us Live Together With The Will
Beloved Father! We know that there have been so many incidents that have blocked the way along the grief-filled course of restoration. How very much you must have hoped that we could overcome the crises, and how lonely you must have been each time you faced scenes like that!
We know that on the path of many crises many people who have gone forth following your Will were not able to overcome and they fell away, in spite of the longing of our father who hoped we would overcome those things. We must realize clearly that no matter how much people may demand things themselves, if that is centered on human desire alone, your Will, will not be realized.
We must go forth remaining in the position of the sacrifice in relation to the hope of tomorrow by offering and offering ourselves before you with minds that are always humble. And we earnestly hope that you will allow us your wisdom and sagacity to distinguish on our own lives in which we hope to become offerings from a position of righteousness.
We must realize that when we get up in the morning after sleeping, it is not just the continuation of yesterday. We must realize that even if a day passes, it should not be a day lived by habit. Please allow us to have a sharp, high standard which is able to distinguish between good and evil, and please let us feel closer to and more comfortable with you today than yesterday.
As we handle each thing, please let us think about the Will and act in accordance with the Will. And please let us know that it will not do unless the courses of the lives we are living always have the standard of living according to the Will.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
January 24, 1971