Prayers, A Lifetime Of Conversation With Our Heavenly Father - Sun Myung Moon |
Devotion [Part 4 of 4]
Please Let Us Fulfill The Mission And Responsibility That Remain By Offering Our Entire Minds And Bodies
Father! We don't have anything. When we see how we look in front of you, we are like naked people, and we are shameful people who cannot raise our faces to you. But we cannot help but request humbly to you that you remember that we are able to understand the innermost heart of our Father who has established the Will of the providence in the midst of miserable situations according to those kinds of matters.
We are like naked people who have nothing. With your entire responsibility in front of us, we discover that we are people who cannot go even if we want to, and cannot come even if we want to. We know that the time has come that it will not do unless we struggle in the midst of disappointment and despair.
In spite of the fact that we are people who should call you our Father, with both our hands raised up to you, when we consider ourselves, we know well that we are pitiful people who cannot call you our Father when we relate to you.
The mission you are requesting is great, but when we realize that we are too small, too cowardly, and too miserable, we cannot help but shed tears feeling deep in our hearts the misery of our Father who called and gathered our inadequate selves.
But we earnestly hope and desire that you will let us become your sons and daughters who are able to control our shameful selves by fulfilling the remaining mission and responsibility through becoming people who are able to pray, saying, "We will become living offerings, giving our entire minds and bodies. Even if we die, we will die holding on to the Will, and even if we live, we will live holding on to the Will. Since we entrust everything to you, Father, please accept our minds and bodies."
We know that the fact that Adam and Eve came to stand as shameful beings before you, became the grief of thousands of years, and until now they have been derided as objects of reproach by their descendents. Today the Unification Church appeared before the Korean people, and until now it has been ostracized and persecuted, and it has suffered sorrow.
We are a group of people who have been driven out by our relatives, our brothers and sisters, our parents and our children. But we have come to understand that this was in order for us to find you.
We have cast aside completely the glory of the world and the way that all the people of the world enjoy. We look only at the one great work you have left unfinished, and we have stood in a position of longing for that work.
But in spite of that, we know that we are shameful beings who cannot appear before you confidently. We earnestly hope that you will let us become your sons and daughters who determine that we will offer to you our final lives, whether we live or die, while feeling once again that we are shameful beings when we, who are so inadequate, are called before you again and receive orders again.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
July 14, 1968
Please Let Ourselves Become True Offerings
We have gone over many peaks of tears in order to break down the standard of the environment of the world which opposes us and the world which does not understand us. The happenings of that time when we went the course of restoration with lonely and grief-filled minds have all flowed into the past.
But we, ourselves will remain as the substantial beings of your love, as those kinds of fruits. We must clearly realize that we must not become a movement that collapses and disappears under the opposition of the world, together with history which flows on.
We must realize once again that the "I" of today is not an "I" for ourselves. We have come to think that each of us is an "I" who must carry out history, who must pioneer world history; who must take responsibility and testify to the destined relationship of heaven's love. We are inadequate, Father, but we must become your sons and become your daughters who realize that this being called "I" must offer itself carefully as a gift to be given to you.
Please do not let us become your children who add conditions of disappointment and conditions of sorrow in front of your footsteps as you come to seek us. With that kind of heart, how very much you must be looking forward to children who could praise your glory and in whom you could rejoice by your giving them your destined relationship of life and hope, and to sons and daughters who show loyalty to the entire world in order to bequeath without fail, endless blessings to the following generations: We must become people who are able to feel this.
We must not become a movement that is destroyed. In order to do that, we must not just watch and assess the things that the enemy is doing. We must fight with the enemy. We know that we come to stand in a position where we cannot be destroyed even if we tried.
Only if we strike them and become their enemies. We know that it is not your Will to forgive evil; rather loving and forgiving the people who belong to evil is your Will in order to eliminate evil. Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us feel once again how very important our responsibility is.
We know that it is truth that gives proof of eternity; truth that goes together with eternity, and truth that inherits everything of our eternal Father. Because of that, up until now you have told us to become true people. In order to become true people, we will have to tell the truth.
Everything we feel through our five true senses will have to become true offerings which can be given to you. Because we are people who have learned through the Divine Principle that it will not do unless it is done that way, in the past we did that, in the present we do that, and in the future we will have to follow the way in which we can offer ourselves like that.
Please allow us to become sons and daughters who have lonely hearts having been awakened to sorrow by ourselves, and who feel that we must comfort our Father, and who, even if we have sorrow, know that you have sorrow, and who are able to conceal our sorrow and feel shame.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
June 7, 1970
Please Let Us Offer Ourselves Entirely As Offerings Of Indemnity
Father! We earnestly hope and desire that you will not let us forget even in our dreams to become sons and daughters who are able to weep while feeling that our Father who is suffering is to be pitied, when we become more and more frustrated while looking at the way of the Will
We have come to know that the course of restoration through indemnity is a way of suffering. Because we have come to know that this is a way we cannot go without tears, we have come to know that we cannot relate to the Will without shedding tears, and we cannot call out to you without tears.
We have come to know that if this nation and people were destroyed, you are a Father who would have more sorrow than all the sorrow of this nation and this people, and if this world were destroyed, you are a Father who would have more sorrow than the sorrow of the nations of this world. Therefore, we have come to know that we would not be able to immediately remove your sorrow, even if that nation prospered again and that world prospered again.
Therefore, we have come to know that you are a being who is to be pitied, and you are a being who is carrying the cross among crosses. We earnestly hope and desire that in the Unification Movement you will let there be many sons and daughters who know that we, who have not established a position to stand in front of our enemies, are beings who lack filial piety, and it is unfortunate that we are not carrying a cross, while attending you as our Father who is like that.
We know that the tradition of the Unification Movement is the tradition that you have asserted on earth through the course of history. We have determined that we will follow you as though offering our lives for a day and that we will not mind even a way of many sufferings in order to establish this tradition. But we still do not possess the appearance or the form; therefore, please pardon that we have appeared before you once again.
It is natural that we are ashamed of our inadequacy, but the more we think that if due to us this people is destroyed and the world is destroyed, you will have to take the immense responsibility, we come to realize that you are an inexpressibly pitiable being. We, who cause you reason for concern, deserve to the millions of times, but now we must become supports for your Will by becoming offerings.
And then we must stand in a position of being able to shout out that we are those of your children who are able to fathom your mind. We earnestly hope that you will let us come to know that finding the way where we are able to offer ourselves entirely as offerings of indemnity in that kind of position is the way that the unification children must go and it is called the way of victory.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
June 21, 1970
Please Let Us Be Able To Sacrifice For Something Bigger
Beloved Father! Today we are looking for families not so that we ourselves can live comfortably in our families; it is in order to take our families as offerings in order to find tribes. And we are not seeking to live comfortably within those tribes; rather, it is in order to take those tribes as offerings in order to find the people.
And we do not desire comfort in a central position within that people; rather, we seek to take the people as an offering in order to find the nation. It is not to boast before all nations about that nation that we seek the nation in this way; rather, we must give this nation as an offering in order to find the world. We have come to know the awesome fact that after finding the world, we receive the name of your sons and your daughters.
It will not do unless we are on the world level. Today we have learned that what is being stressed in the Unification Church is the world level, and the cosmic level, too. We must make a central, united family-level beginning that is able to connect to the heart of the cosmic ideology.
Today we need a family that is able to represent a family of hope and a world of hope, and is able to awaken the world which has died, and is able to be the pivotal point of the world. Please allow us to become people who are able to have that kind of ideology and thought.
Then we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will let us become a movement that is able to embody the value of God's sons and daughters who have never existed throughout all of history, and who have minds that are able to love the world more than any other people by having gone beyond our families and people for the sake of the world.
We must become sons and daughters who are able to receive love from you by having surpassed the duties of saints. We must realize that that family is more precious than the world, that individual is more precious than the world, and we must meet the day of victory in which we are able to be placed before the whole universe and be praised.
Jesus also said, "For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?" Please clearly enlighten us to the fact that the position of receiving God's love in this way is the position of sons and the position of daughters which cannot be exchanged even for the world.
We must realize that in seeking to fulfill this amazing duty, it will not be just one or two times that we will have to determine to offer our lives. We must realize that we are people who must love the world more than our lives and we must love God more than our lives. Please let us clearly realize that there is no way to go if we avoid this course.
The trials and difficulties that are approaching should not be received with discontent and complaint; rather, they should be absorbed with minds of gratitude. We earnestly request that you will bless us to be able to become sons and daughters who, while thinking from your position of the historical ages which were so miserable, praise the joy of today, and can give ourselves for the sake of history, and can create a new age.
We have prayed all these things in the holy name of the True Parents. Amen.
August 21, 1976
Please Let Us Go The Way Of Victorious Offerings For The Whole
When we think that you have been together with us with love, pity, compassion and forgiveness along the course we are going, we are truly grateful. Father, your children who are gathered in this place are people who are conscious of the fact that they are carrying on their two shoulders the heavy, important mission that will decide the destiny of unification. Father, please consider as holy these people who want to offer themselves to you as offerings as true substantial beings by having realized sincerely the course of truth which has never existed in history.
We know that the position where one has gone forth to take responsibility for the people, the position where one has gone forth to take responsibility for the lives of the people, and the position where one has gone forth to take responsibility for the many lives in the place where one is, is the position of an offering which must form a relationship with you alone.
We know well that it will not do unless this becomes a life course which we live while having a mind with all kinds of loyalty, and unless we give you all kinds of devotion with minds which hope to offer ourselves as perfect offerings to you, who are an almighty and omniscient being and a perfect being, by our clearly realizing what kind of value we have when we can be offered to you genuinely.
We must realize that we are going this way in order to give blessings more than we are going this way in order to receive blessings. We must realize that we are carrying a responsibility such that it will not do unless the people become happy through us more than our going forward for the sake of a position where we are happy through the people.
We must know that this is not a way we are going for the sake of our own improvement; rather, it is for the sake of the improvement of the whole. Each time that we stand in a position of being disappointed or being lonely while going this way on our own, we must clearly realize that we are people who are able to be offered representing the lonely people, lonely humankind, and lonely heaven. Therefore, we must necessarily be lonely, we must necessarily be solitary, and we must necessarily go the way of sacrifice.
We do not value living better than other people, or being in an environment that is more free than anyone else's. We must come to know that when, standing in a sacrificial position representing the whole, we are miserable of our own accord, we are mistreated of our own accord, and we suffer of our own accord, it is a position in which many peoples and heaven itself are not destroyed at the same time that we are not destroyed.
Please let us know that if there is something to beg you, the thing that we beg you must not be something limited to our own individual selves; rather, it must be a prayer for the sake of the realm of the offerings that are able to be offered to you by representing the whole. And then please allow us to clearly realize that when we stand in a position where through our individual selves, our family, and through our family, our church becomes a sacrifice for the whole, at that point a new way can be opened for the people, and a new light of the world can appear, and a new beginning can be made which can liberate your grief-filled historical course.
We have prayed all these things in the name of the '[cue Parents. Amen.
August 30, 1971
Please Let Us Sing The Song Of Victory By Having Offered Ourselves Completely
Father! Please let us become offerings as substantial beings, by carefully placing before you our own minds and bodies. The substantial being of offering must not remain as a condition of Satan; rather, it must be offered completely before you as a complete offering, as a resurrected being of victory.
And please allow us to know clearly that it will not do unless we have that day in which you can rejoice, and in which we can rejoice, and that is the way of destiny which the people of the Unification Church must go today.
Until now we have gone forward overcoming the way of suffering. Even if we, who are like that, have a course of suffering that doubles the one laid before us, we are people who once again have to have devotion, pledge before you, and go.
We know that if we do not take responsibility for this way, there is no one to take responsibility for it. Therefore, please allow us to be able to cope with our forgetful selves in order to go up onto the stage of trials which lies before us, and please let us become sons and daughters whom you can believe and be proud of when you see us, by our having appeared once again as determined, substantial beings.
We have come to know that we must become children who are able to comfort your mind along this course where you are seeking sons and daughters of filial piety, who are one with your heartistic inner aspect, and we must become people of the Unification Movement who are able to now ask to take over this way of your hard work, and who are able to inherit the way of suffering. Therefore, we come to think that we are people who must feel that it is worrisome that we could not go a way of more suffering, and it is sorrowful that we could not suffer more.
These are miserable people, these are solitary people and these are lonely people. Because they are people who are desperately defending the lonely way of heaven and are following the way of heaven, because they have a common destiny which cannot help but be lonely, I know that you will certainly be with them.
Please let us realize clearly that having to carry you on our backs and collapse, and having to attend you and fall down is our life, and please let us be able to sing a song of victory and sing praises strongly, with our whole hearts until our throats burst, while representing you and your eternal glory while gazing on that day of victory. We earnestly request that you will allow us to become sons and daughters of our holy Father, who are able to invest our whole lives, and to invest the time of a thousand years for the sake of that one time, for the sake of that day.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
September 5, 1971
Please Lift Us Up As Offerings On The World-Level Unification Altar
Father! The situation of Korea is at an acute point. Of course, the situation of Asia and the situation of the world, as well, are spinning, having lost their direction in the midst of a whirlpool. We know that it will not do unless we get out of this whirlpool from the top to the bottom by your lowering a line to us, our holding on to that line, and establishing our direction. But this people does not know that it is standing in a position of having to establish its location by waking up and finding its direction.
Who must help it find its direction? We know that the person who knows the direction must do that. Because I knew the way that others did not know, I have offered my life and endured the way of suffering. The fact is that I knew it was a problem, and it was a problem to live for you.
Since through your love you have led me to a position that no one else can come to, at this point I cannot drink the bitter cup of the defeated and go the way of sorrow. Please allow us to be able to proclaim that we will unite North and South Korea centered on you by once again equipping and banding together before you the young members of the Unification Movement in Korea. Please allow the division of the East and the West to become one centered on you.
Father! Through offerings, we must connect everything of the historical individuals that was divided among individuals; through offerings, we must connect everything of the miserable families that was divided among the families; through offerings, we must connect the divided situations of the nations; and through offerings we must connect the divided situations of the world.
Father, we know the fact that you are looking for a religious movement that must take responsibility for these things. We will have to once again realize that the movement that must take on that awesome mission is this very Unification Movement.
Now before long, the Unification Movement will lay the internal and external foundation to cope with this amazing mission. Therefore, we earnestly request that you will let this movement become one that determines all kinds of duties of loyalty and filial p1ety in relation to this awesome mission, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will realize everything according to your Will.
Requesting once more to you, Father, that you will let us become the altar of unification that is able to offer ourselves as living offerings until the final second, we have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
December 28, 1975