The Reunification of Korea and World Peace |
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon |
1 A Movement for Peace
1.8 Technological progress and the work for peace
Man has various motives for developing the sciences, but it is not wrong to say that its ultimate goal is to realize to a certain extent a common welfare for mankind, that is, peace and prosperity. However, the domain of science is subdivided, and if we further analyze the methodology, we notice that it is growing in a direction that differs slightly from the direction of a common welfare for mankind. (069-236, 1973.11.26)
Scientists are sometimes engrossed in research, each according to their primary discipline. There are moments when they lack the spirit of contributing to the welfare of mankind. There is no doubt that the basic attitude of most scientists is to contribute to the peace and prosperity of humankind. Though there are numerous fields in sciences, not one of them - physics, chemistry, biology, medical science, geology, or astronomy - is not involved in the realization of happiness for mankind. (065-255, 1972.11.26)
Man's ultimate purpose in advancing the sciences is to realize peace and prosperity for mankind, but the concrete methods of specialized science could not coincide with that initial direction with regard to values. Man's expectation of science is the welfare of the subject, humankind. The legacy of science, has largely been the betterment of man's material environment. Though it is difficult for the theories of scientific, political and economic equality to upgrade man's wholistic life based on mechanical technology, to guarantee the true happiness of humankind, scientists have to realize this as one of their missions.
Through penetrating man's inner mind, modern men living in this scientific age have been stressing the establishment of a new moral and ethical standard based on an absolute order. The new ethics would want to love nature, to re-examine the value of men, and to seek mutual love for mankind and the fundamentals of that love, God. Scholars are confronting the issue of igniting a cultural and spiritual revolution together with the external scientific and technological revolution in order to achieve the completion of the whole man and the ideal of a world of peace. (135-227, 1985.11.29)
The foundation I have laid in scientific technology is firm and solid as a rock. Four factories were acquired in Germany. Those factories have the know-how to produce the world's largest machines. Therefore we have inherited German technology.
Even the research on ceramics is not for the sake of the companies, but for the whole of humankind. Quality materials should be available to the entire world for the sake of the common good. Such materials will be used to urge for peace and happiness in all nations, not for the pursuit of profit centering on personal avarice. Our ideals are different. (165-182, 1987.05.20)
Technology is for all mankind, and not for specific countries. The technology of Germany, Japan and America should be available to the rest of the world. Some ten years ago, I stepped forward to advocate the equalization of technology. I think this is the way for a true person to march forward with the banner of righteousness, and to lay a foundation for the peace that mankind longs for. (196-112, 1989.12.31)
Surveying people apprehensive about the future of Germany, I found that nobody has thought more about or is more concerned about Germany than Rev. Moon. One plant manager tape-recorded everything I have said for the past ten years. He did not know the speaker on the tape then was me. I spoke about a movement for the equalization of scientific technology at that time, and linked it to a world of peace, far beyond just Germany. Whoever has listened to my speeches for any length of time will not oppose me, because what I say is reasonable. (193-177, 1989.10.03)
The first and foremost purpose of the Panda project is working for peace in the Orient, not reaping profits. With the purpose of achieving world peace, we have to bind peace in the Orient.
The second purpose is the uprooting of communism. There will be milestones in the next three to five years. Peace plans in the Orient and the uprooting of communism, hence unifying the Unification Thought and Chinese philosophy into one body. It is a movement for unifying with the Chinese philosophy. It will naturally be unified.
Centering on the philosophy of dialectical struggle, Communism contains the theory of thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Things should be harmonized centering on God and not on a conflicting dialectic, however. When Unification Thought and Chinese philosophy become one, we enter the age of the fulfillment of the earthly Kingdom of Heaven. (192-251, 1989.07.04)
If a specific nation covets the world and gains happiness for itself by utilizing the God-given scientific technology as a tool obstructing the peace of all nations, God will not pardon it. Technology is bestowed on mankind for the happiness of all nations, so it must not be exploited by certain people as a weapon for reaping benefits and ignoring peace. I am talking about the equalization of technology from the developed nations, which is opposed by America and Japan. That is why I opted for China.
I have no company offices in China, though. They have been working on it for five years, but I completely finished the task within six months, having begun last November. How did I do it? I first presented my proposal for the construction of the International Peace Highway. They know about it, and said, "That's good. The Peace Highway is actually laying a crucial foundation for China, so it is an important project." I hear they thought that Rev. Moon had been spitefully opposing the Communist party. Yet he has set up an excellent engineering college with a six-floor building in Yanbian, China. (190-177, 1989.06.19)
China urgently hungers for growth in her heavy industries and small-to-medium-sized enterprises. She knows that if she does not align herself with the principles we teach, she will not be able to gain any worldwide results. On the other hand, she can leap thirty years ahead if she does.
Pinchpenny Japan does not readily share her scientific technology. Neither does America nor other developed nations. Amidst this worldly phenomenon, I proposed the equalization of scientific technology to the world at the Tenth ICUS in 1981. (183-072, 1988.10.29)
For the sake of standardizing technology, I therefore proclaimed at the Tenth ICUS in 1981, "Advanced scientific technology does not belong only to a particular nation, but to the entire world for world peace." Scientific technology is not prepared exclusively in relation to the United States, but is to be utilized for the world's purpose. (215-201, 1991.02.17)
If we exclude China, with her population of 1.3 billion, we cannot discuss world peace. Therefore the path to China must be opened up. (210-067, 1990.12.01)
The age of selling military arms has passed. The military industry has to be converted to a peace industry. The country that can be a base for the peace industry is either China, Russia or Asia. With 3.2 billion of the world population of 5 billion living here, we must begin with the Asian region. Japan cannot be touched since it imports oil from the Arab region. Political problems will arise if Japan provokes Israel. Hence, the only touchable country is Korea. (210-069, 1990.12.01)
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