Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
God's creating heaven and earth was not aimed primarily at sustaining life; it was to realize the ideal of love. (188-196, 1989.2.26)
Scientists say that the universe is made of energy, and that it originated from energy. But this is not so. An electric current does not flow just because there is potential energy. Electricity is generated through action. And before action, there must be a plus and a minus -- that is, a subject partner and an object partner. Action cannot occur by itself; therefore a subject partner and an object partner are necessary.
Considering all the above, action requires a plus and a minus, and that action then generates electricity. Thus, in the same way, energy arises only through the interaction of subject and object partners. Hence, the universe did not originate from energy, as today's scientists say it did. Action comes first, not energy. (111-126, 1981.2.8)
Which is most important, love or life? Love is most important. We do not say life is most important just because our world came from God's life. We say that love is most important. Although God began the creation of heaven and earth with life, the source of life and the motivation for life is love. The reason life came into being is because of love. Why did God create heaven and earth?
Although He is the Absolute Being, He cannot feel joy alone. Even if He were placed in a joyful atmosphere, He could not feel the stimulation of joy if He were alone; this is why He created. No matter how much the Absolute Being may say, "I am the Absolute Being, the Master of love and Master of life," while He is all alone, He cannot feel the stimulation of love. Alone, God cannot feel the stimulation of life that makes Him sense that heaven and earth are within His own body. (38-152, 1971.1.3)
If God had been thinking only about Himself, would He have created heaven and earth? Creation requires an investment of energy. An artist's great hope is to create a masterpiece. An artist invests all his effort into making great works of art. A masterpiece appears only when the artist gives everything, and feels he cannot give any more. Creation starts with investing oneself. Creation is possible only when energy is poured out. Without contributing energy, there is no result. According to the principle that a perfect object partner appears only through total investment, God as the Subject partner completely invested Himself into making His object partner. The creation was the beginning of God's work through which He determined not to exist for His own sake, but for the sake of His object partner. (78-111, 1975.5.6)
Creation requires giving out energy. God invested Himself. But how much did He invest? Some people think that when God created through the Word, saying, "Let there be this, let there be that," it was like a game. But no, God completely poured out His true life, true love and true ideals. We do not love something unless we have worked hard and invested our flesh and blood into it. So the period before creating and the period after creating were therefore different. Before creating, God thought about everything centered on Himself, but after starting to create, He existed for His object partner. We do not exist for ourselves but for our partners, for our sons and daughters. That is how it is. (69-81, 1973.10.20)
God had to pour out His very essence to create heaven and earth. This required that He give out energy, and investing energy normally would entail depleting His essence. God created the world through love to be His partner, and He devoted Himself to fulfilling this will. God arranged for His investment to bear fruit in His partner rather than in Himself. By investing, God does not feel diminished, but satisfied. This is because God created through love. (60-85, 1972.8.6)
After eating breakfast, when we work strenuously we get hungry and tired quickly. Why is this so? It is because when energy is poured out, it is depleted. Whatever we do, we cannot be satisfied with a negative result. For things to be good there must be a plus. So for God's creation to be good, it must have something that can be a plus. Then, when can God retrieve something with that plus? Here is where the standard for the perfection of created beings must lie. There is a point where all the investment up to that point will start bringing returns.
The same thing happens when you have a deep desire to accomplish something and you make effort and stretch beyond your limitations -- the result comes without fail. This is the law of the universe. It is the same with God. When He created humankind, God invested energy. He depleted Himself. However, after God created humankind by giving out everything that He could possibly give, perfected human beings will not run away somewhere. When they reach perfection, they will return to God. When they return, they will not return with a value less than the amount of investment made, but with a value that enhances that of God's creation. (65-20, 1972.11.13)
How did the universe begin? It started with God serving and pouring Himself out for the sake of the other. It started with God expending Himself. Then, what is the purpose in devoting oneself to creating one's partner? After both have given all they have, what we gain is love. As long as we have love, we are happy, no matter how much we have invested. Since this is the love principle, God started the creation based on love. God would not invest in anything that would not produce a benefit. Giving all one has creates a minus, so why do you think He did it? Because love has the power to more than fill up any void, after expending and investing Himself, God gained love in return. True love does not become smaller as it is invested, but grows bigger and bigger the more it moves. Conversely, if the principle were that true love would grow smaller, God would be depleted through His investment. But the opposite is the case. True love grows bigger and bigger the more it is invested. (237-124, 1992.11.13)
Since love has the capacity to create, it never grows tired. With a heart of love, you never get tired, because you have the power of love. The energy spent is always replenished by more energy than is used up, no matter how much is invested. This is why you don't mind making that effort, although to do so is hard and painful. How could you continue if you did not like it? On the path of true love, you cannot have an eternally unwilling heart. God's essence does not include the concept of an enemy or the concept of evil. This is because His essence dwells within true love. (237-130, 1992.11.13)
So invest, invest and invest based on God's ideal of creation. When you invest, circular motion occurs. Take air, for example. If there is a very low-pressure mass of air and a very high-pressure mass of air and they mix, a mid-level pressure mass of air results. God comes down, although no one calls Him. So those who want to invest more than a hundred percent are always filled by God. The principle of the universe is like this. Completely giving yourself out and forgetting what you have given is connected to eternal motion; at that level the underlying principle of eternal life emerges. Eternal life. Otherwise, from where will you derive the principle of unification? When living for the sake of others, circular motion occurs, doesn't it? What happens with something moving in a spiral motion? It becomes smaller and smaller and rises. As the base of something moving with cyclonic rotation broadens out, its height decreases. But eternal life rises up more and more, and therefore automatically God will stand on Adam and Eve's shoulders and go up as they go up. (205-95, 1990.7.7)
Why did God create heaven and earth? Acts of creation consume energy. They require an investment of energy. Investing energy means expending oneself. However omniscient and omnipotent God may be, if His abundant endowment of energy did not produce a return, it inevitably would be exhausted. (65-20, 1972.11.13)
God put all His energy into creating all things and human beings. He invested everything and then gave still more. Other things are depleted when they are poured out, but with true love, the more you give, the more your creation prospers and the more it gives back. If you invest 100 units of true love, 120 will come back. Therefore, although those who practice true love seem like they are going to perish, they will not perish; rather, they will prosper eternally and live forever. (219-118, 1991.8.28)
Why does God exist? For what does He want to exist? He wants to exist for the sake of love. This is why He needs a love partner. This is why the omniscient and omnipotent God had to create a love partner. Until now we have not known that God began the creation based on love as His essential ideal. The entire universe was created for the sake of love. (208-235, 1990.11.20)
God wants to have a global platform for true giving. God wants to see a free, peaceful and happy place where giving has no accusers and receiving has no conditions attached. God's goal is to expand that place worldwide and have all humankind settle down to live there. (13-249, 1964.4.12)
God created the world in order to realize love. He created the universe so that He could rejoice over people and all things as they become one centering on His love and making a harmonious world of love. In so doing, He could rejoice over people as they become true husbands and wives centering on God's love, creating families, tribes, races and a world of true love. He would be able to taste the joy of love by becoming one in love with such people. This was God's ideal of creation. (Blessed Family - 302)
Heart is the foundation of the original mind. Through heart God can pour out His infinite love centering on His purpose. Its value never changes. To discuss the value of God's existence, we must discuss it by holding on to this love. Value is determined when the conditions are established for a reciprocal relationship. Joy starts from God's heart, and its purpose is realized in human beings. The heart of the invisible God manifests itself in the heart of a visible human being. When people with such a heart multiply horizontally and form families, these families become the center of the world. God blessed Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply so that they could have such a family. The ideal of the cosmos is established on the basis of being fruitful, multiplying and having dominion over all things. (27-28, 1969.11.15)
Why do you think God created the universe? God wanted to experience joy through it. Although God is the Absolute Being, He cannot feel joy alone, because joy arises only when you have someone to relate to. God does not need knowledge, money or power, because He is himself absolute, omniscient and omnipotent. No matter how advanced science may be, it cannot catch up with or go beyond what God has made. The immense universe operates in an orderly way according to laws. Considering that God has created and governs this immense universe, which is beyond the reach of human thought and science, God is absolutely scientific as well. (Blessed Family - 302)
Do you think someone who has tied himself to and tasted God's original love will want to be separated from it? When a bee is sucking nectar from a flower and you pull on its abdomen, it will not stop sucking the nectar even if its abdomen is pulled off. What if you experienced the taste of such love? You might leave, but you would turn around and come back, trying to cling to it. (137-57, 1985.12.18)
The Principle of the Unification Church concludes that God's love requires fulfilling the four-position foundation. Then, what does fulfilling the four-position foundation mean? Parental love should be expressed to and felt by the children. Centered on parental love, which lies at the center of the four-position foundation, the parents become one with the children, the man and woman become one in love, and finally they become one with God's love. This is the four-position foundation. (Blessed Family-302)
Adam must be one with God, and what unites them is love. Human beings are the two-dimensional representatives of the world of existence, and its three-dimensional representative is God. Love is the central point, the rope that binds them together eternally. When human beings, who have a body, attain oneness with God, their heart and feelings will be immersed in a boundless state of deep experience and happiness. (35-156, 1970.10.13)
Ultimately, God and people become one through love. Human beings and the world become one through love, and the realization of the ideal world of God's purpose of creation starts here. The realization of God's ideal finally emerges in the place where new love centered on God, or love according to the law of creation, is settled. (Blessed Family - 302)
What is it that we human beings want after waking up in the morning? Eating breakfast, going out to work and worrying about the whole world are not most important for us. What we want is to have an unchanging heart of love day and night, through all four seasons and throughout our life. God created heaven and earth for the sake of the ideal realm of love, where such men and women form a completely horizontal line and become connected to God at a perfect ninety-degree angle. This is a place of love where human emotion and heavenly emotion become one. (213-157, 1991.1.20)
God began His creation from His own essence, giving and giving for the sake of love and forgetting about it. Therefore, if God's partner is to receive, he likewise must pour himself out. This is like investment coming from above and also from below. In this way, heaven and earth join together harmoniously and become one. They become one centering on the love that can embrace and move heaven and earth. This generates great power. (237-130, 1992.11.13)
To occupy love, you must give and forget what you have given and give again and forget again. Why do you have to have such love? Because the more love moves, the more it expands, rather than diminishes. According to the laws of dynamics in nature, the more things move and operate, the less you have, right? In nature, things diminish the more they move, but in the world of true love, things expand the more they move. Because God knew this, He began the Creation with true love. (237-127, 1992.11.13)