Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
A true heart does not change. Without it, a standard cannot be set and things cannot be evaluated by saying, "It is this way" or "It is that way." Without a true heart you will not have the root that makes it possible to receive official approval according to the absolute standard.
Those beings that are evaluated as falling short of the standard will disappear. Units of measure, as in the metric system, have a standard and from that standard, something can be gauged as accurate or not. When an issue arises, it can be measured against the standard and, if it fits exactly, all the objections to it throughout the ages will fall away. (186-65, 1989.1.29)
There is neither revolution nor change in love. Nothing that changes is precious. A diamond is treated as a treasure because its hardness does not change. Gold is precious because it has the peculiar prestige of its unchanging gold color. Pearls are also precious because their harmonious and elegant color does not diminish. Why is it that the value of these precious treasures is based on their unchanging attributes? It is because they can serve as the standards by which the value of the existence of all things in the universe can be compared.
Then, among the standards of value that can measure the value of everything in the universe, which would be the highest? This is the issue. Would it be gold or diamonds? It is unchanging love, unbreakable love. It looks breakable, but it cannot be broken. It looks arbitrarily controllable, but it cannot be controlled just as one pleases. We are included in it. Rather than measuring it, we are measured by it.
In this universe, what would be the measure or standard measure that could be the highest cause among causes? It is neither the standard measurement of some measuring device nor some thing that is unchanging. Neither God nor human beings can change its standard. What is eternal and unchanging, has the value of treasure, can transcend night and day, geographical regions, and distances everywhere, whether it is at the end of the earth, in hell or in the heavenly world, and becomes the absolute standard of measurement and comparison?
The Earth has a zero point for latitude and longitude. The Greenwich Observatory in England serves as the zero point. You cannot change it no matter how hard you may try. We need such a standard. Without it, an orderly world will not come about.
What is the original standard -- the one standard that God and the whole of His creation can follow -- that all measurable beings in this universe want to use to determine their relative differences and positions? It is not based on things like money, gold bricks or diamonds. These God can make. God can control them on His own as He wishes.
We think that God can, of course, create love as well, but possessing this love is impossible alone. It takes two to possess love. As for love, even God cannot find it alone. What is the standard, the standard measure? What is the standard that can measure everything not just in the world of existence but also in the eternal world? What is the standard measure of which there is absolutely only one? These are the fundamental questions. The answer is love. Love is not affected by the change of seasons through spring, summer, fall and winter. (137-235, 1986.1.3)
There are measures for distances. If the centimeter is the unit of measurement, it is the one and absolute standard. If we compare something to it and it matches, then it is accurate and true. A person may think he is the best, but if he does not match with the original form, he will fail to make the grade.
One centimeter equals ten millimeters. In this framework, one millimeter is absolute. Ten make one centimeter and one hundred make one decimeter. This is how the units relate. Only in this way are they connected and able to provide a common and universal standard of measure.
There is something like this in the human world. For the human world to be unified there must be a form or shape in which mind and body have become one without conflict based on a principled standard, a form that says it has to be an absolute way. (128-78, 1983.6.5)
If we agree to use the metric system, then however long something may be -- one meter, one hundred meters, or more -- there will be no problem. The basic unit making up a meter is one millimeter. Since one millimeter is so small, we usually use one centimeter. No matter how large a measure may be, it must be accurately based on the smaller one millimeter unit. If all measures correspond and everything can be measured based on the standard millimeter, we can use it as a world standard. A millimeter in America, a millimeter in Korea, and a millimeter in Britain are all the same. They are unchanging. This is truth.
What is truth? It is trueness. What is this quality of being true? That which stands in a place beyond which it cannot be elevated is called true. We have someone here with a doctorate in physics. Studying physics requires that you know all the movements of the natural world. These movements are not vague in their direction.
How big is the Earth? As this giant Earth annually orbits the sun, there is not even a minute's deviation. It exactly fits a formula without an error of even one second. Any gap would be catastrophic because the orbit would become either continuously smaller and smaller or larger and larger and, then, the land and the sea would be fractured. The Earth has been moving and functioning in accordance with a universal standard without a problem during its estimated age of four-and-one-half billion years. A unit of measurement based on the Principle, constituting a formula we can call the universal principle, is required. In the same sense, what constitutes the quality of being true? Something true fits with not just one thing but numerous things.
Twenty-four karat gold is true gold. There is no such thing as twenty-five karat or twenty-six karat gold, is there? Something true stands in the center at a place where it can establish its balance; it reverts to the most basic unit and meets the horizontal plane. If something deviates from this vertical standard, it would not be true.
Twenty-four karat gold forms a straight line. It is because it stands within such a standard that we say that twenty-four karat gold is true. It fits whether it is placed against a perpendicular or vertical standard. It stands parallel to the vertical of the universe and, also, forms a line parallel to the horizontal of the universe.
If you look at the tremendous motion within the universe, there is nothing vague about its direction. Everything is moving according to laws. Subject and object partners always move in perpendicular relationships.
Whatever loses that perpendicularity will be blown away. It will blow away and be shattered. Only when perpendicularity firmly takes its position can it secure its place in the spatial world and be the foundation for its continued existence. This must be quite difficult to understand.
What is the yardstick for human beings? They also need to have a yardstick. Mathematical problems are solved based on numerical standards shared commonly throughout the world. When a common basis that has passed a certain standard stands on the world stage, it is called the truth.
What is contained within the truth? Within the truth there are always the four directions of east, west, north and south. With the truth there is always the related environment. Then, does the environment come first or does the truth itself come first? This is the issue. The environment comes first.
How about human beings? The question is, "What kind of person is a true person?" The true person must be the vertical and horizontal standard. He should be the standard of whom it can be said, "He is accurate and true, both vertically and horizontally, and is free of distortion."
According to universal law, front and back, left and right, and above and below become identical only when the vertical and horizontal are aligned. When something fits to the east, west, north, and south, the earthly world, and the spirit world, it is said to be true. On the other hand, no matter how large something is meant to be, if it is found to be over-sized when measured in millimeters, even by less than one-half of one millimeter, it will be rejected. It is incomplete and should go into the trash can. There should be some standard like this. We need such a standard of measurement. (180-14, 1988.8.20)