Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
If America is to prosper, it should create a trend where its young people are made to go out to the sea. When that happens, a new future vision of the nation will be developed. At that time, you will all become leaders and acquire factories throughout the land. When that happens, the production factories will be locked up. Factories that have pursued the interests of one individual will go to ruin. We will manage factories that seek to fulfill the national interest. Therefore, we will collaborate with the nation in serving the world. With the support of the nation we can prosper as much as we want to. (128-230, 1983.6.27)
The ocean and coastal cities are now all in ruins. If the young men go out to sea for months without returning, their brides will go around dancing, end up in an affair and then run away with their belongings. That is why nobody is going out on boats. Because of this, coastal cities have ended up in complete ruins. If I had a little money, I would go from the east to the south and then to the west, buying up all the wharfs. Would that be good? (123-13, 1982.12.1)
Currently, all the industrial fields in America are up to par. They are all in a good position. The last remaining field is the ocean or marine products industry that has a larger resource base than that of the land. However, this has fallen completely into ruin. Think about how vast its resources are. Those people who work at sea are the successors who can capture all the hidden resources in the ocean. One-third of the earth is land and the other two-thirds is ocean. Thus, two-thirds of the world's resources are buried in the ocean. What kind of movement makes plans for the management of marine industries, along with the settlement of the ocean in the future? It should either be a religious organization with the foundation of a global structure that can engage in the marine products industry, or the foundation for a global ideological organization. I believe it can come only from these two. (119-230, 1982.9.13)
If the coastal cities become impoverished, the economy of that country also becomes impoverished. America has resources and the foundation to connect their marine cities to the world. Yet since this is not happening, the American government has entered the stage where it must take some emergency measures. The leaders of marine cities are looking for young people. They cannot find any, so we must bear this responsibility. They need young couples who have a philosophy that prevents the wives from running away. Only we Unificationists can deal with such circumstances. In this way, once we settle down in those cities, they will begin to revive. In three to five years, fifty people will be able to make boats with support from the government. Fifty people in thirty locations will make 1,500. Isn't that so? They can make about 1,500 boats.
I estimate there are a total of 3,000 ports in America. So, fifty people in three thousand ports would be 150,000 people, right? Then we would completely digest the American waters. If we calculate two million dollars for each person, how much would that be? It would be 300 billion dollars. (119-235, 1982.9.13)
I will organize a number of exceptional people interested in the sea and let them have fishing boats. So, fifty young men and women will be assembled at one center and engage in a basic movement, an educational movement in relation to the sea. That is how we will bring in people. The tendency of people in the coastal cities of America today is to move out of those areas because of the impoverished conditions there. The local leaders and people of influence have the desire to revive the ocean to prevent this from happening. That is why as soon as I go there, I set up these plans at once and create a supporters' association centering on the local leaders.
That is why there is no problem. The six hundred thousand dollars here will be given out under the name and guaranteed by the supporters' association and these people. That is why this will continue forever if I teach our leaders how to catch fish worth four hundred dollars. (108-219, 1980.10.5)
Our boat's name, "New Hope," is famous as a tuna-catcher along the East Coast of the United States, and it is even talked about in South America. The reason I do these things is to raise personnel who can develop the marine products industry. When I went out on the boat for twenty-four hours, whenever I told our young people to get aboard the boat, they would not listen and just ran away. Yet, when I had the time to speak to them, and as this continued for four, five and even seven years, even the women now say that they will become a captain. I created an atmosphere enabling this to happen. While doing so, I made a shipyard and then a processing factory and trained them to sell. I set up shops and trained them how to sell using vans.
For one year I made them make nets and build boats, catch fish and even sell those fish. I made a sea-food restaurant, and for seven years I laid a foundation centering on all those things. Now we have entered the stage where we can create a sensation in the marine products industry. Once this gets on track, a great amount of capital will be generated. (110-202, 1980.11.17)
Those of you who enjoy going on boats, raise your hands. Without all of you, America will not succeed from now in the ocean. It will not find success in the ocean. America will not find success on or under the sea. No matter how loudly America may talk, it can only retreat. It is inevitable. You must go to the sea, even if you find it difficult. You must go out, penetrating the sea. You should know that only then will you bring hope to the sea. (132-304, 1984.6.26)
When men go out on boats, they remain at sea for at least two to six months. But if they continue such a lifestyle, all their wives will go off to the disco to do the twist and go around having affairs. They will pack up their belongings and run away. Eighty percent of them would put their children in orphanages and scatter in four directions. Then who would go out to sea? Even if they go out to sea and catch fish, they do not have a market for their catch. Americans do not eat sea fish. So if they enter the marine products industries, much of their strength and energy will be consumed. Yet, there is no other path for us to follow. I believe that there is no way to economically support our future work for the world, without first getting into the marine products industries and creating a successful foundation. (110-200, 1980.11.17)
The marine transportation industry and fishing industry are promising industries in America. It was concluded that the marine transportation and fishing industries are the only ones that have promise. That is why three years ago I bought a boat. At the time, I knew that I had to begin this work in three years, and thus I began the business this year. During those three years, we basically completed our investigation of the East Coast, including the ocean waters near New York, looking for areas where fish were plentiful. (88-246, 1976.9.20)
In the future, I am thinking of creating a fish farm by negotiating with the government. We can make any type of fish farm that we desire, whether it is in the sea or fresh water. We can do anything. We can breed crabs or any kind of fish, even in the tidal flats near New York. We need to do more research on that. How vast would that business be? Imagine how vast that business could become. (88-179, 1976.8.10)
Women don't like sailors, do they? The reason I am getting into the marine products industries is because presently in America that industry is virtually destroyed. Why is that so? When the men go out on their boats, they stay at sea not for one or two weeks, but for one or two months. So, their wives all have affairs and end up divorcing their husbands, to run off with the other men. And after a few times on the rough sea, most young Americans these days have come to dislike life on the sea.
Even people with money will never invest in this industry. That is why there was no other way but to have the Unification Church members invest in this industry, and have our young people take up this task in order to save America. Can the young men and women in the Unification Church divorce? They can never divorce. You should not think of getting a divorce and running away, but instead train yourself to go out on the same boat. If I give the order, sailors will line up and come flocking from all over the world. They will be trained. (88-250, 1976.9.20)
Unless I am involved, America's marine products industry cannot progress -- it will never develop. In that sense, I know that I will contribute greatly to America. That is why I am currently negotiating the purchase of a ship of nearly four thousand tons. There is only one ship of its kind in the world. (88-326, 1976.10.3)
A few days ago I went to Barrytown and we caught thousands of carp. Six turtles also came out after draining the pond. As we released a large turtle and the carp we had caught into the Hudson River I thought about this question: based on the principle that you were born through love and are bound to die for love, is it better to live or die for the people you love? And to the fish, I said, "In one way, you are being sacrificed. But in the future your sacrifice will develop the marine products industries in America, and through you the Unification Church members will display greater loyalty to God. And you will become the strength of love, the energy and flesh enabling them to love humanity even more. Although you were born as a fish, I love you as a part of my flesh and mind, which can also love the American people as if they were my own children and more than any other American. Will you object to that?"
I told the carp to become the blood and flesh of the beloved son, a sacrifice for the sons and daughters, and the flesh of the American people. (93-189, 1977.5.29)
Others would say, "Rev. Moon, how can a religious leader mingle with fisherman and sail about in boats, engaged in the marine products industry? That is what a low-level person would do." I know that; but we are not doing this for some small purpose. If each of you can take responsibility for an important port in Africa after being trained in this way, a worldwide foundation can be easily created from those places. Foundations will be made in fifty countries. (94-107, 1977.7.29)
Since I am certain there are vast resources in the sea, from now on I will develop the ocean industries throughout the world. We should prepare to create that in France, Germany, and in dozens of other nations when the order is given. Then we can make boats, submarines, pleasure boats that are needed in the global age to instantly take a leading position in the world and a commanding economic position in that field. We need to prepare in dozens of nations. Only then can we lead the world in that field. Do you think that is imaginable and possible? That is why I am telling all Unification Church members to learn about this field. (95-225, 1977.12.4)
Until now, fishermen have worked for more than eight hours a day, but now you will start to hear them saying that they will not work for more than eight hours. It will be in complete disarray. Will the marine products industry in America have a means to survive or not? This is like the golden gates being opened. You should know that it is like opening the gates to the golden storehouse with a golden key. That is why the ladies who will be graduating from our theology school should keep in mind that when they want to get married they will be married to the captain of a ship. (96-313, 1978.2.13)
The marine products industry in America has reached the stage where it cannot survive without us. A vast and infinite store of resources is calling us. That is why we will use it as our economic base in our global efforts. (105-328, 1979.10.28)
When Africans go to a restaurant to eat, they look for fish they have eaten sometimes before, fish that they are accustomed to eating. So if a restaurant does not have that particular fish, the customer will leave. Therefore, I am now calling for a movement to supply restaurants with the fish caught in the five great oceans. Since Americans work for eight hours a day, they close their shops at five. But we keep our doors open twenty-four hours a day. So if one of our restaurants runs out of supplies, we can stock them from another affiliated restaurant. That is why we will never be defeated. So you should know that everybody in the marine products industry recognizes my name. (146-253, 1986.7.1)
Our members do not like Ocean Church. If I tell them to get into the marine products industry they all run away. That is why my plan now is to quickly establish a thousand Japanese restaurants across America. That is my plan now. Then my next plan is to establish 535 Ocean Churches. We must now make preparations for these two plans. (147-25, 1986.8.20)
I am thinking that once our marine products enterprise develops in each state we will build a condominium at each location. After building them, I should have people from these four nations -- the Japanese, the Koreans, the Americans, and the Europeans centering on the Germans -- live together in one household. They may have different jobs, but they should return to the house and have their meals together, do other things together, and be trained in the way of living as one family. Those who cannot achieve a passing grade in such a lifestyle will not be able to enter the sphere of the ideal, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, in the future. They will not have the qualifications to enter heaven. That is why I am doing this now, in order to create the foundation for such life. (147-27, 1986.8.20)
Why am I involved in the marine products industry? The only way to resolve humanity's food problem is to farm fish. In the future, there will be buildings with hundreds of floors by the sea. With the press of a button, everyone will be able to farm fish. If you have even just a hundred pyung, your household would have enough income for all the children to go to college, yet you could still live comfortably. We now live in the time when science is advancing swiftly. That is why we have the ability to draw in sea water that is tens, hundreds, and even thousands of miles away. We can build fish-farming structures in the mountains -- as many as we need. Without doing so, humanity's food problem cannot be solved. That is why I am so serious about this. (191-81, 1989.6.24)
The young, courageous soldiers of the Unification Church must someday experience the adventure of sailing on fishing boats that go far out to sea. I believe that experience in the marine products industry is great training. You must do it because I am asking it of you. Even a graduate from Tokyo University cannot shirk his responsibility. (192-159, 1989.7.3)
I have the results of twenty years of activities for the purpose of saving people who are dying because of lack of food. There is an inexhaustible supply of raw material in the marine products industry. People in America now believe in Rev. Moon. Up to now, I have been creating a worldwide foundation, making everything from nets to boats. I know that the marine products industry has now entered a stage where it can no longer be disregarded. (266-120, 1994.12.22)
Those who have been to our ranch in Texas, raise your hands. The Americans have all been there before. Should I invite you as well? I am thinking of hunting quails, pheasants, and deer at that place. There are a large number of wild turkeys there, too. There are even wild beasts such as boars, wolves and tigers.
You should go hunting and fishing by taking interest in this place. From now, you should start developing land, so that you can develop your own ranch and manage it. (253-114, 1994.1.9)
In the future, a base will emerge on which tertiary industry can make tremendous advancements. That is why we are training people in thirty locations, each with ten boats. I am thinking of expanding this to three hundred locations. I am going to arrange the situation so that we can fish in any village that we go to. In the future, I will hold fishing courses around the world. I will create a tourist route throughout Europe, beginning in France. I need to raise experts on fishing who can make this happen. Those people will pilot the boats and also function as tourist guides. This is big business. If we do this, we can conduct business internationally with our important guests. By creating a global company, beyond national boundaries, the foundation for gathering such vast resources will naturally be laid. (122-82, 1982.10.31)
I have planned two major projects in America. They are the marine products industry and the Seilo marketing organization. You probably are not aware that there was quite a stir in the marine products industry circles a while ago when our members took it over. You should be aware of this. (131-250, 1984.5.4)
In the organization of our economic activities, the last remaining obstacle is the battle to take a leading position in sales in the nation. If we can take the lead in the marine products industry in America through Seilo -- a global machine marketing organization -- and are united in our approach, then we will automatically develop an influential position in America and the free world. As we build an economic foundation in this field, we are preparing simultaneously the Washington Times and a magazine, Insight, aimed at securing a global media base. Through these media, we are creating the means to influence the world. Fortunately, America has vast resources in the marine products industries. However, it lacks an owner.
It is amazing that we have risen to the point where the Rev. Moon and the Unification Church are evaluated as the only ones who can become the leading force at this time. I am looking to establish the Seilo organization in fifty states in order to have the foundation of a commanding position in sales in America through the expansion of our markets, based on science and technology. The Seilo organization has gone beyond national borders. Until now, there had never been an exhibition hall or sales market that transcended national borders. (135-97, 1985.9.30)
Your task now is to lay the economic foundation in America. My initiative is to spread the Seilo organization throughout the entire nation and to lay a global foundation for a market for the marine products industries. We are now faced with the realistic problem of how to achieve all of this. That is the conclusion. If the machine industry is the center of Western Civilization today, then the marine products industries lacks an owner. That is why we can conclude that, even at a loss, I am investing in the marine products industries and for the development of Seilo. Effort must be made to invest in them in order to re-create this foundation, even if the church is sacrificed. In that sense, Seilo exists as a foundation for taking the lead in the global marketing organization and America's marine products industries. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that we need to spur our efforts in this place. (135-99, 1985.9.30)
Once we take the lead in the field of technology in America, as well as the machine industry and marine products industries through the Seilo organization, we will then become an influential power that can move the U.S. economy. That is why I am now creating an association for the unity of Latin America. Then America would find itself in an awkward situation. Even with all my brains and talent, I had to endure forty years of troubles in order to pioneer the way, and this will remain in history as a path that must be taken by farsighted leaders. I persevered and endured because it is important to establish a tradition in that way. If I have established the vertical tradition, you must understand that you have the responsibility to establish a horizontal tradition. You should think about how to bring about rapid growth in the future through the Seilo organization. (135-106, 1985.9.30)
You should not think, "What do the marine products industries have to do with Seilo?" In the future, people in Seilo can be placed in the marine products industries, and those in the marine products industries can be placed in Seilo. I may replace them as I wish at anytime. You should be aware of that. That is why we can conclude that we should use one office. What use is there for two when we don't have money? On this occasion, I am telling you to combine them all. There is no need for many department heads. We should create an organization where the universe will move at the order of one leader. (135-102, 1985.9.30)
In terms of national territory, America is surrounded on three sides by the ocean and has three of the four great fishing grounds in the world. There are four great fishing grounds if we include one in Norway. The areas from Mexico to Alaska and from Gloucester to Canada are all connected to the three great fishing grounds among the four in the world. That means that almost all the fish in the world can be found in those areas. But there aren't any people to catch those fish. The authorities have appropriated two hundred sea miles of area, but it has become like a barren land without an owner. (110-200, 1980.11.17)
Alaska is connected to everything centering on the ocean. Alaska is where all the resources, fish and raw material of the sea are concentrated. Eighty percent of the world's marine resources come from America, and the fish comprising 71 percent of America's marine resources can be found in Alaskan waters. This state is at the center of the marine resources. The only other place where such resources remain is in the tundra. (236-22, 1992.11.2)
When I went to Alaska last time, a massive school of dark-colored carp about sixty-miles in length came swimming toward us. They covered a width of ten miles and I do not know how deep. Think about it. When you view such a sight, you know there is no owner -- there is no owner. I discovered such vast wealth floating in our great oceans. That is why you must become the owners of the future. (131-263, 1984.5.4)
How much growth have we brought to the marine products industries? Everything that we have studied and made with our own hands, including all the machinery in a boat, can reach the highest standard. You should be aware of this amazing fact. When we were catching fish in Alaska, we recorded where the most fish were caught in a computer. Having computerized that information, we can navigate there anytime by pressing a button. If we put tape in the computer and press a button, we can find the location, even after ten years has passed. We can always catch a lot of fish. We will be able to possess an infinite amount of data on the world's five oceans -- which fishermen keep strictly secret and teach to their sons as their legacy -- all with a push of a button. If we record such prime locations in the five oceans, we can continue fishing in certain areas according to the season. Simply put, this can bring tremendous gains to the marine products industries. (135-106, 1985.9.30)
I built a factory in Alaska, at an investment of thirteen million dollars. I am thinking of buying the Gloucester wharf on the East Coast. Don't we also have a ship-building yard in the south, in Alabama? We have all kinds of bases. Most of you have never had any interest in boats or the ocean, have you? I have been preparing everything for the past ten years. (119-239, 1982.9.13)
We need to build processing factories in the western, southern, and eastern areas of Alaska, handling all aspects of the business. Though the fish are numerous, we have no capacity to process them. That is why I will now build a fish powder factory. Why do we need to make powder? It solves the storage problem. No matter how good a fish might be, it does not last more than eight months. Even frozen fish must be supplied with water again after eight months. Even though it is iced, air seeps into the ice because of the differences in climate. When air seeps in, the vapor from the fish goes out through the ice. Then the entire fish must be submerged in water again, frozen and then stored. But that should not be done. If you take the fish out and refreeze it a couple of times, a regular temperature cannot be maintained. Therefore, that produce will be discarded. (122-80, 1982.10.31)
I have thought about how to process shrimp. That is why we are making it into powder. Shrimp die in a year. God created them as fish food. But the uneaten shrimp all die. Every year, countless dead shrimp flow about in the sea. This is directly linked to pollution. How are we to solve this problem? After many years of study, I have decided to produce this powder. (273-50, 1995.10.21)
Twenty million people in this world starve to death each year. For the past twenty years I have taken an interest in the marine products industries in order to solve the food problem for the sake of these people. The key issue is fish powder. This is highly-enriched protein, and contains nutrients not found in any land animal. By making this into powder, it will be convenient for both storage and transportation. If we produce one ton of this fish powder, we can increase it to thirty to fifty times the original amount. Ninety-eight percent of that is protein. The developed nations should have solved the problem of starvation, but they have not done so. (296-228, 1998.11.10)
We will never truly know how many species of fish there are, including extremely large species of fish. There is such a huge variety. Realizing this, I thought that if there were three or four people competent with nets, it would be no problem to catch a boat-load of fish in a single day -- more fish that we ourselves catch in the Alaskan waters. So I had people do research, after thinking that we should hire people to catch fish, make it into fish powder and sell it. (267-18, 1994.12.27)
From now on, we will make fish into powder and season it to make bread. We can make anything. We can make good bread. Eating fish is better than eating meat. I know that fish is good for the body. This is undeveloped territory. This is the only thing that America has not firmly grasped, so we should do it ourselves. I am certain this field holds considerable promise. I will prepare the money, but the issue is how to raise the people who are motivated. (88-179, 1976.8.10)
From Canada to the Soviet Union, from America to Japan and Germany, everyone is interested in what we are doing now. Originally, only twenty percent of the fish caught in these waters were actually eaten by people. The rest were thrown away. I am gathering the parts that are thrown away and making them into powder as nutrients that can be eaten. I am thinking of sending this to the underdeveloped nations. That rumor has now spread and people in the underdeveloped nations of the world have a lot of interest in the Unification Church. (295-110, 1998.8.18)
The Japanese government believes their nation needs marine resources. The term "marine resources" means fish. That is why America wants to sell the fish processed in Alaska, and Japanese people want to purchase fish. But they do not have any. So I am planning to catch fish in America and supply it to Japan. The United States government is negotiating with the Japanese, and the Japanese people are negotiating with the US government. Japan needs America's fish, and America needs Japan's technology. That is why they are talking about mutual investment. (146-249, 1986.7.1)
In North America, the most famous ocean and marine products industries base is in Alaska. The four great fishing grounds of the world can be found in Alaska, the north Atlantic coast of the United States and Canada, the Gulf of Mexico, and in the waters off Norway. Of these four fishing grounds, North America has three of them, and representative among these is Alaska. (167-132, 1987.7.11)
In the future, the Soviet Union may speak out in political protest, and Japan and Germany may form an alliance. This is a flash point that can create political problems worldwide in the future. Though the United States has appropriated a coastal water territory out to two hundred miles, they do not have the capacity to become the owners of the marine products in that area of the ocean.
Americans do not eat fish. In this group, perhaps some of you have visited foreign countries. People in those lands eat only a few kinds of seafood, such as lobster, salmon, trout, and halibut that we are going to catch today. Most of these generally come from the cold waters of the arctic regions. That is why they have a lot of flesh and are delicious. Americans like these fish. Where do these fish gather? Their habitat is here in Alaska. (167-132, 1987.7.11)
When Jesus told Peter to become a fisherman of people, he meant that fish were a symbol of people. That is why if we catch fish and take the lead in the oceanic regions, we can even gain a leading position in the landed regions too. This is the viewpoint of the providence. Therefore, if we take the lead in Alaska, we then gain a leading position in the oceans. Eighty-five percent of the income of the world's marine products industries comes from Alaska. Five percent comes from the Atlantic, and the final ten percent comes from the Pacific.
You can find salmon in Alaska. You know about salmon, right? There are five species of salmon. One is pink, and another is red. There are many types. If you release them after a couple of months, their young hatch in fresh water and swim out to sea. They go four to five thousand miles as they swim throughout the five great oceans. That is how they travel. After four years, the salmon are old enough to lay eggs. They become mature female and male salmon, and when the time comes to lay eggs, where do they go to meet their true love partner? They are bound by a pact that makes them seek their birthplace to meet their partner. They are bound together by that law. Who established that law? Did the salmon do that? That is a mysterious question.
If you observe the salmon in Alaska, they lay their young ones in July and send them out to the sea. These fish swim four to five thousand miles during a four-year period, and then sense their way back to their old hometown. Even today there is no way to scientifically explain this wonder. No matter how hard people study this, they cannot find the answer. Do the salmon return because they have some kind of antenna or radar?
The young salmon return to their hometown after four years to lay their eggs, after which they all die. Their flesh becomes food for their young ones to grow. There is a saying: "Of all creation, human beings are of the highest value." Yet, look at human beings. They don't even know how to return to their hometown. They don't know how to go there.
Once when I saw a salmon, I thought that salmon are just like the Unification Church members. Our church members are the ones who return to their hometown. The pair system is part of Godism. The male and female salmon don't pair up and spend four to six years together in the ocean. When the time comes, the male first swims upstream and the female follows him, where they meet for the first time. Then the male and female gather in a pool and create pairs like the matching ceremony that we do in the Unification Church. What is truly mysterious is that the male and female look exactly the same when they are in the ocean, though they may differ slightly in size. Once they find their partner, the male salmon changes its appearance in two weeks to the extent that one wonders whether such transformation is actually possible.
When they swim upstream to mate, the male salmon already looks like a lion. He becomes a fearful sight, with his lips like this and his teeth protruding in this way. His head and back come out like this, just like a lion. Even a salmon would go to such extremes, so as to leave behind its superior species. How do they find their hometown after traveling about the ocean for four to five thousand miles? This has been an unsolved mystery until now. How could these small fish, these young fish that are no larger than fifteen centimeters after six months, leave their hometown for the ocean, and then grow this large and come back to their birthplace? And when the season comes, they already know when to have babies. (259-198, 1994.4.10)
Salmon go out to the sea and swim about freely, and then a female and male are matched after which time they live for the sake of the other. This becomes the model for the love between the couples in the Unification Church. It is the same as the love of True Parents. Couples in our Unification Church should be better than salmon couples. There are many things people can learn from this, which is like a scene from a movie. Salmon leave behind their offspring by letting their bodies become food for their young. The salmon lives as a representative of the tradition of the animals' world of instinct. (295-115, 1998.8.18)
North America has three of the great fishing grounds in the world. These are the waters off Alaska, the waters of the Atlantic from Nobaska Point up to Canada, and the Gulf of Mexico. You do not know how abundant the marine resources in these locations are. If you really knew, you would be astonished. A vein of gold would dry up after several decades of digging, but ocean resources are eternal. They have no owner. That is why I have made a twenty-year plan and have now been investing in the marine industry for fifteen years. The people in the marine industry in America are holding demonstrations, shouting out, "Rev. Moon is a heretic!" and "Out with Rev. Moon!" They are making all kinds of noise, but it does not matter because the key point is competence. (191-73, 1989.6.24)
The four great fishing grounds of the world can be found in Alaska, the north Atlantic coast of the United States and Canada, the Gulf of Mexico, and in the waters off Norway. When I go out to sea, I always catch fish. There are not many types of fish that I have not caught. I have caught all types of fish in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and the Mediterranean Sea. I have caught every type of fish. I have caught fish even in Alaska. I took the position of owner. I worked with my bare hands, wearing only my shorts. If I were to go to the world of fishermen and speak before them for just thirty minutes, they would want to take me to their house and give me a nice room to stay in, and feed me saying, "Don't return to your house. Live here with us! Live with us for one year!" I could become their friends and do just about anything, just by staying in the same boat with them for four days. (203-35, 1990.6.14)
America has 75 percent of the world's haul of fish, and 85 percent of that comes from Alaska. In that sense, Alaska is a treasure house of marine resources. Who is going to be the owner of that area? To become the owner means gaining sovereignty over the marine industry in the future. Alaska is a base where that may be possible, but the environmental factors there are not so good. If circumstances were better, the middle classes would take charge of everything. Yet ships can be wrecked and people can die. You need to be prepared for such hardships. (205-319, 1990.10.1)
In Alaska this time, the wind was blowing strongly, causing the waves to be more than ten meters high, but I just kept the boat going. People were in awe of this, especially those in charge of the UDT training at the headquarters for the maritime police. At that time, there was a warning against going out to sea. If you went out a distance, the police would be after you, making a fuss and telling you to return to harbor.
Though our boat was small, it valiantly rode the waves. That is why the police were amazed. They did not believe us, even though we explained that our boat could not sink. Yet finally, we convinced them. So now, even when we go out in a storm, they say, "That's the kind of people they are." Since the UDT training [Underwater Demolitions Team] is something like special military training, as a general rule you have to go out in rain or strong winds, with no consideration for your own life. That is how it is. (205-319, 1990.10.1)
America takes 75 percent of the world's fish catch, and 85 percent of that comes from Alaska. In Korean, Alaska sounds like a-las-seum-ni-ka which means, "Do you understand?" When we say a-las-seum-ni-ka we are actually asking, "Did you know that Alaska is a dangerous place, where the wind is strong and one often faces death?" (206-93, 1990.10.3)
Why do fish seek the cold region of Alaska? When fish living in hot regions seek out frigid waters, we are witnessing the phenomenon of the harmony of yang and yin. Fish try to have their offspring where subject partner and object partner come together in harmony. That is why they all migrate. Furthermore, fish living in fresh water can only reproduce when they drink salt water. That is how it is with king crab. In order for them to reproduce after maturing, plus and minus must come together in harmony. That is the work I am doing. (207-82, 1990.11.1)
To this day I have been in the forefront, day and night, in Alaska and in many other places, establishing the tradition of unification today. There is no way for humanity, the nation and world to repay their debts to the True Parents. They are in a position to forever attend and follow. (220-268, 1991.10.20)
Many kinds of fish gather in Alaska because the cold and warm ocean currents meet here. Fish congregate here to lay their eggs. That is why this area is well known. So to come here and fish is truly fantastic! Moreover, it is historic that Koreans -- Korean professors -- are coming here to fish and catch fish in the waters of Alaska. (167-132, 1987.7.11)
If Alaska can attract tourists, it will become a world-renowned tourist destination. Wasn't it hot this year in Korea? At such times, if you had money you could have gone to Alaska. It takes about six hours from here to Alaska. If there is a headwind, the flight may take seven hours, but it is a five or six hour flight. If you sleep on the plane in the evening and get off in the morning, you would be in a one-day sphere of activity.
If you travel on Friday night, fish on Saturday and Sunday, and then take a plane in the evening, you can be at work again on Monday morning. Wherever you go in Alaska, if you look toward a distant mountain you will see that its summit is covered with snow. The mountains in this vicinity are all covered with snow. Below the snow-covered hill, there is a green field with a flower garden. There is a blue ocean beneath those flowers, an ocean like a beautiful lagoon, where you can go fishing. Imagine how enchanting that place is! The area is surrounded by high mountains that bear resemblance to a folding screen. The trees in Alaska are used to make the keyboards for pianos. They grow straight and densely cover the area. In the forest below, there are many flowers that you have never seen before. They can be found near the lakes.
There are also many animals there, including deer. Many animals live around the water's edge. Since there isn't much to eat, they have to drink water. In the winter all the seaweed dies. There is nothing to eat because of the heavy snows. Since they survive on seaweed, there are many deer, bear, and other animals that live closely linked to the ocean. (264-98, 1994.10.9)
When you go to Alaska, you have to wear long underwear made of fur because it is cold even in April. There is snow on the mountains near here. But there is an unlimited number of fish in the sea. Countless fish are swimming everywhere. If you cast out your fishing line, you will become excited. Someone who has experienced this will come again, even if he is told not to. Once you have that stimulating fishing experience, you will never forget the thrill.
Alaska is also a good place to live. It has all conveniences at your disposal. The Alaskan terrain and coastal areas also offer spectacular sights. Two-thirds of the land is made up of snow-covered mountains, with most people living in the green valley areas. The ocean is blue and eagles fly about in the sky. (262-280, 1994.8.1)
From Alaska, it takes eight hours by plane to fly to Moscow, six hours to fly to London, and ten hours to fly to New York City. That is why this place is also an important hub of transportation. In the future, it will not be a problem to cultivate crops on the plains of Alaska through human efforts. Even now they are cultivating crops in greenhouses. Bananas are being grown there. They do not come from the tropical zone. (236-22, 1992.11.2)
Think about what would happen if all the edible products were produced in Alaska. Alaska is many times the size of Korea. It is several times bigger than California. California is one of the largest states in America; so Alaska is that vast! An unlimited supply of raw materials can be found there. The owner of that place is neither the Soviet Union nor America.
Both countries show little interest in Alaska. They have created a mess with their own economic problems, political problems, and administrative problems, so they do not even think about the consumption of raw materials. In the future, the issue will be about who has a commanding position in relation to the raw materials. I am preparing for that day. (236-22, 1992.11.2)
That is why whoever occupies the North Pole region is important. Occupying the North Pole is the same as dominating the world. Isn't that the significance of a pole? Once you occupy the North Pole and take the initiating position, the occupation of the South Pole will automatically come about. (253-299, 1994.1.30)
Have you heard about the "Alaskan spirit"? What is the Alaskan spirit? It is getting up at five in the morning, eating breakfast, going out to the sea, and coming back at twelve at night or even one or two in the morning. You are not allowed to come back if you don't fulfill your portion of responsibility. There are no allowances for any situation. You have to fulfill your responsibility during the training course.
Therefore, you are not going to watch people catch fish. I train people to fish to make them into leaders who, in the future, can go anywhere in the world. Not just anyone can catch fish. It must be done professionally. You can catch fish only after learning the skills through having many experiences. (263-10, 1994.8.16)
If there is a professor from a marine university in that area, or if any studies on the fish in these waters have been done, you should conduct tests to see whether those studies were correct and accurately record the details in a book. You should inspect the seas that border the coastal states, gather everybody together and make plans to fish anywhere you go. In those states that border on the ocean, you should measure the depth and temperature of all the fishing areas, conduct research on the types of fish that live in that sea area, and then make a book on your findings. I am buying boats for you so that you can accomplish this. All twenty-four states bordering on the ocean should compile a book about their fishing grounds. If your state is not near an ocean, you should do so anyway centering on its lakes. Then from now on I am going to coach everyone on how to farm fish. (94-109, 1977.7.29)
When I went to Florida last time, I went to the Everglades -- marshy areas inhabited by alligators. I am going to make an agreement with the nation to build a fish farm there. I can make fish farms for sea fish, and for fish that live in fresh water. I can make any kind of fish farm. Anything is possible. In the future, the dry beaches near New York can also be converted to raise crabs or any kind of fish. Studies must be done on this. Think about how vast this business will become. Animal feed can be made out of the bones of sea fish. Fodder can be made by compounding together the small fry that are caught. I foresee that it will become a tremendous business. Think about operating in each nation with a global network. If we also build a canning factory, it will also become an excellent business. (88-179, 1976.8.10)
Since there are relatively few mountains in large parts of South America, we can play a leading role through finding water. Wells should only be dug in those places where water is available. You will not find water in other places, no matter how much you dig. That is why you can earn a living just by selling water. You can make as much water as you need by evaporating sea water. Now with the help of science, we can dig tunnels and make buildings for fishing farms across tens, hundreds, and even thousands of miles. We can build buildings that are taller than the World Trade Center in New York. In the Pantanal, we can raise fish in buildings according to the type of fish. After putting all the data in the computer, a customer can simply press a button to choose a certain fish to eat for lunch. We are making a place where people can eat a fresh dish of sliced raw fish that is served instantly. (302-99, 1999.6.1)
There are many vast lakes in the world. In Alaska alone there are three million lakes more than twenty thousand pyung in area. If fish could be raised within such an area of twenty thousand pyung, it would support two hundred or even three hundred households. So, how many could be fed if there are three million lakes? If each lake is twenty thousand pyung, six hundred million people can be supported. Two times three is six -- so six hundred million. That is why if we can make fish farms in lakes in Africa, it would provide a food supply for 650 million people. Then the food shortage would be relieved. Fish is much better for your health than beef or any other meat from land animals. Fish is easily digested and absorbed. Therefore, a time will come when people will not eat meat or beef, even if they are told to do so. (271-39, 1995.8.15)
How many lakes are there in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay in South America? There are tens of millions of lakes. If there are three million lakes in Alaska, then there must be tens of millions in South America. There is not a great need for water. If we secure an area of several hundred pyung, fill it with water and raise a number of different types of fish, people can easily live off them. If we can create a man-made lake, teach people the right method and have them manage it, they would be able to support themselves. The food problem would be solved. The economic situation can be improved in regions that have both water and land. That is why you must take interest in the ocean and go through training in how to fish. (289-50, 1997.12.30)
Why am I interested in tuna? One tuna can lay two million eggs. But only 0.8 percent of these eggs actually hatch. Why is that? When it lays eggs, small fish swallow those eggs. That is why I am thinking of making a tuna fish farm. If we had the technology to hatch 100 percent of those eggs, humanity's food problem would be solved in an instant. (119-63, 1982.7.3)
You could number the fish as you like, for example you could name one "fish number one." Then those numbers could form a unified name system worldwide. A fish could be numbered as fish one hundred-and-something or fifty-something. If there is a special fish you like, you can call and order it by number. You can tell them that you are going to the fish farm at a certain time and ask them to prepare fish number so-and-so for you. All you would need then is a sashimi knife. You can make sashimi with that particular fish and have a tasty meal. Such a time will come. (274-109, 1995.10.29)
I know that in the future the greatest business will be in creating large lakes throughout the world, and in farming fish there so that people can fish. That is why I have to prepare for that from now. For this reason, I am making fish farms, catching fish and constantly putting them into a fishing pond. Then people can fish all twelve months of the year. (207-122, 1990.11.1)
If people raise fish for a living instead of building big ranches, there will be no problem in feeding a single household with just fifty pyung of land. You can draw up as much sea water as you like to the top of a high mountain. If there isn't enough, you can add some salt water to adjust the saltiness. You can do that as much as you like. If you set up a fish farm in the mountains and have one person take care of it, you can raise enough fish to feed hundreds and millions of people. That is why I went to America this time, and went out to sea. As I moved about here and there I looked for good types of fish, and caught them to use in a fish farm. (189-290, 1989.6.17)
If there are no fish where you go fishing, you should make a fish farm and raise fish. The time has come when you can farm fish, transport them somewhere and then go fishing. If you make a fish farm somewhere with the right climate and temperature and raise fish, then you can take any type of fish anywhere and place them where people can catch them. You can transport them in a boat, release them and catch them again. The time will come when you can hunt animals -- even tigers. You can breed wolves and release them in the hunting grounds to hunt them. You can hunt for bears. You can also breed other animals for hunting. (275-104, 1995.11.3)
I am going to run a fish farm. The reason Japan can prepare raw fish dishes now is because I coached them. It was my idea. The technology of having a filter to circulate water in a tank for a long time came from our studies. Why do we need a fish farm? It is because people like to eat live fish. It is not enough to supply the demand just by catching fish from the sea. We can of course supply live fish from fishing, but we must also distribute live fish after raising them ourselves. I am planning to build a fish farm in each state. That is why I gave away One Hope boats so that people can be trained in fishing, but I am not sure if they are doing that or not. If they are, then in the future they can survive by selling thirty to fifty boats. This is international. There were many people ten years ago who said that they would buy the One Hope boat.
The Marine Corps ordered seventy-two boats, but I did not want to sell them. Why didn't I sell them? You don't know how great this boat is. Since the word is out now, everybody knows that this boat is the best boat for fishing. That is why they all want to buy it. So now I am thinking of going public to sell the boat. Those who fish know how great this boat is. That is why they want to buy it. It really is a wonderful boat. (207-120, 1990.11.1)
Aren't there some 150,000 college graduates who are unemployed? That is why I am in the marine business and creating fish farms. I am doing this even in Spain. We have caught some live tuna and are raising them. We will sell them in January. They make good money. I am like a magician who can do anything. (209-317, 1990.11.30)
From now, I will begin to transform wasted land into fertile soil in order to save those who are starving to death. All I need is land and water. I will raise fish in places with water. I will make fish farms. On the land, I will plant five different types of crop. The western people did not teach the Africans how to farm. That is why they have not prospered. This must be indemnified. (246-82, 1993.3.23)
I have made fish farms for the tens of millions of people dying of hunger in this world. I am the only one who, representing all humanity, can solve the problem of the destruction of the ozone layer caused by environmental pollution. I have to march forward taking an interest in all fields.
If I cannot do so, you should go even though you shed your tears and sweat. You should also be determined to leave your footprints on top of my footprints. The way of the Principle is in following the footsteps along the path. You cannot jump past those footsteps. The grandfather and parents must follow this path. Even the descendants and generations to come must also follow the way of the Principle in the exact same way. That is the path of indemnity. (246-202, 1993.4.16)
The Unification Church is a global movement with me as its leader. Although I am Korean, many western people recognize my work is not only for Korea, but also for the entire world. With courage and valor, I am building a global association, even in the face of persecution on the land and sea.
In that sense, I made a fearsome declaration when I came out with the title, Ocean Church, after building this system based on religion, rather than on a general system of thought. This is a fearsome course that I have set. From now, what am I going to do with Ocean Church? It is not simply about going out to the ocean for training. The purpose is to bring dominion over and love the ocean. I don't intend to do something about the ocean by dominating it. I am going to nurture the ocean in accordance with the original intention of the Creator, and make it the center stage for bringing the world together. (128-249, 1983.8.28)
Men board boats and ride the waves. Most women would not do this. How great it is! That is why I go on boats. I go on boats to teach you this fact. I have shouldered the responsibility to pioneer the ocean in the future. Therefore, since you follow me and like me, then you cannot help liking those boats. That is how life works.
How many pounds does a large tuna weigh? It weighs over a thousand pounds. There are plenty of tuna that weigh over a thousand pounds. An average tuna weighs eight times more than a person who weighs 120 pounds. Think about it. How would it feel to catch such a fish? There is no greater business than fishing for giant tuna. If you catch one of those tunas you can eat it for a year. If you eat one pound of tuna a day, it would take you three years to consume one tuna. (119-63, 1982.7.3)
Because the earth is becoming over-populated, we have to make boats and go out to the sea. A world where people live in the sea will come in the not-so-distant future. What are we to do in the ocean? All male members of the Unification Church will live in the world's ocean bases. Once we occupy this realm, we can have significant impact on all the cultures of the world. The Unification Church men should settle upon coastal areas and thus occupy all the world's coasts. (116-326, 1982.1.2)
Given the unlimited supply of marine resources in the seas surrounding the United States, the U.S. Maritime Administration is encouraging the development of the marine resources of America. But few people enjoy life at sea. For that reason the U.S. government developed a subsidy plan that would permit an individual to take ownership of a two million dollar, 120-ton fishing vessel by meeting two conditions: that person would pay ten percent of the boat's price and work the boat for two and a half years. As you know, 120 tons is enormous.
For the same reason I am developing ocean resource businesses in three hundred ports. I specifically designed and made ships. I designed and made small fishing boats and even created a truly handsome ship that is good for training. To train people in catching fish, I am making a fleet of ten boats linked together with one large ship. That means one person goes out with eleven ships at his command. I let it be known that if five such commanders would make such a fleet, I would give a thirty-thousand-dollar boat to them. Then we can sell even these smaller boats for thirty thousand dollars each. Currently, I am also planning for the development of the fishery cities. (110-202, 1980.11.17)
I am developing a plan to gather and educate sixty trainees in each of thirty locations that I chose the other day. Once this standard is achieved in these thirty locations, I will expand it to three hundred locations and appoint those who graduated from theology school to be in charge of making Ocean Churches. This type of church has never existed in history. Under the name, Ocean Church, they will go on boats and hold services on Sunday. I am currently making preparations to launch this program. What will happen once it begins? Our members need only to go on the boats for two years. Since we have large boats, the members can take turns holding Ocean Church services.
With the endorsements of the mayor of a city and the head of the coast guard, the nation can produce as many boats as we need. I can easily pay 10 percent of that amount. When that happens, we will have thousands of ships. In order to make that happen and expand the foundation, I am preparing these things in Europe and even Japan by planning an international market organization in the mission department. I am preparing now for this tremendous task. (110-204, 1980.11.17)
When you do Home Church, the three hundred boats are Home Church boats. It is an Ocean Church. If your path becomes difficult in a port city, then simply ask, "Where is the One Hope docked?" All the people there would know its location. All the people on the coasts of America would know. We will be gathered there together, singing and praying. We will be praying even as we eat lunch. (108-217, 1980.10.5)
We have thirty shrimp boats in South America and another five for catching tuna. Consequently, I am thinking of having our core members to now begin ocean training for eighteen months. Leaders of the Unification Church must participate two Sundays a year in Ocean Church activities. Actually, there is no church leader when it comes to Ocean Church activities because I will make everyone participate. That is why I give the order, "You! Go to that place and fish!" You will not know beforehand when you will have to go. (119-256, 1982.9.13)
I have been getting up at five in the morning and going out to the sea on a boat until eleven at night from April of this year until now. Some people stick out their tongue saying, "An old man of seventy is going out on a boat all day to fish while the young ones are running away, hiding to get some sleep!" When I hear that, I think, "I am committing a grave sin. Why am I having these young people suffer so much?" But I am doing that because if they can overcome these things now, they will not fall away and they will be able to climb up to the top of the world. (223-280, 1991.11.12)
I am training you. How many here can keep up with me? This fishing is hard labor. There is no heavier labor than this. You have to stand fishing all day long. You are not allowed to sit for ten days. Before you know it, it becomes twelve at night. In Alaska, it is still bright at midnight. It is still bright at one in the morning. How many hours pass if you wake up at five in the morning and stay up till twelve at night? You would be fishing for nineteen hours. (231-308, 1992.6.21)
The coastline is the borderline between the ocean and land. The ocean must now be connected to the land and the land must also connect to the ocean. The borderline where the purpose for the land and the purpose for the ocean overlap can only be found on the coastline. In the future, when the need for both the land and ocean are recognized, the coastline will be the most important thing. I believe that a time will come when the coastal lands will become more expensive than any other plot of land. (128-249, 1983.8.28)
Why am I involved in the marine products industry? Why am I making ships in Alabama? If the theology students do not want to come to Ocean Church, I will make the women into captains, and then have them bring the men and slap their cheeks saying, "You scoundrels! How can you, a man, not do this when I am doing it?" I will have these women captains bring and guide the men at Ocean Church. If any of them refuses to go on the boats, the women should slap their cheeks. If the men refuse to board, I will make the women into captains and have them do this job. (116-326, 1982.1.2)
How uncomfortable is it for you to go to Jardim? You have to long for Jardim; even though compared to other places, it may be a place that you never wish to visit again. You have to shed tears from your desire to go there. You should yearn for it when you look at the moon. You should yearn for it when you look at the sun. You should look at all the life forms and all of the creation that are under the care of that sun and expose your innermost feelings. You should eliminate from your heart anything that would give reason for you to offer conditions of sacrificial offerings before a sorrowful God. Jardim is the original Eden where creation is gathered, like a museum of the universe.
Therefore, Jardim is a focal area of all creation. You have to go to Jardim where the primitive creation exists and shed your blood and sweat for at least three years. You have to labor for three years for the sake of the liberation of the homeland. You have to labor in water. Because water represents the world, you have to build heaven amidst the water. You must also build what the True Parents have built. (303-157, 1999.8.17)
We must quickly care for and restore the creation that perished due to the Fall. Once more, we must disseminate into this world the species that became extinct in the past. That is why we need a bird museum, for there are over 1,500 species of birds. We should make 1,500 separate bird museums, and also insect museums. Once these museums are made, the people of the world will visit Jardim as an educational center for children, since Jardim is where the museums emerged within God's providence. We are developing Jardim in order to create an environment in which God can find joy upon seeing His creation. That means Jardim is Eden. Many people have said that the returning Lord is going to first appear at that place. (294-56, 1998.6.10)
What does the word Jardim mean? It can mean, "Entering the place of the Fall." It is named Jardim because Satan invaded the position of our first ancestors. To our ancestors who had fallen in the Garden of Eden, Satan says, "Pantanal" which means, "I am selling you." Satan is selling you and saying, "Salobra -- try saving [them]." Salobra means, "resurrecting [them]." These words suggest these meanings in Korean. (294-56, 1998.6.10)
The best kind of water in Brazil is muddy-yellow water. The muddy-yellow river is called the Golden River. Clear water, on the other hand, is called a Crystal or Silver River. We bought land in the delta area, where these two rivers meet, and there we built our Jardim base. (285-136, 1997.4.21)
It would be very nice to make a fish farm here. There is a lot of excitement in Paraguay because it has a surplus of electricity; and by controlling the temperature of lakes, fish from the south can be raised in the north. If you can control the temperature in the northern area for fish that live here in Miranda around Jardim, you will have people from both the south and the north come here to look at the fish.
If, in the southern region, you say, "I only like Alaska," then you will be a failure. You have to say that you like both Alaska and the southern areas if you want to pass the test. If someone can follow my direction to live in Alaska in the morning and then in South America in the evening, and agree to live in that way his entire life and more, then he can become the owner who can rule over all of Alaska and the world of the south. God wants to meet that kind of person. (276-77, 1996.2.4)
There is only one Iguaçu Falls. As a tourist spot it is second to none. You can swim there. There are Dorado and many other kinds of fish. The fish are always biting, and if you give them food, they will jump into your catch of fish. If children go there, they would make a loud commotion, demanding to live there. People in nearby areas wonder, "Why is Rev. Moon interested in Jardim?" But when they visit, they exclaim, "Wow! It is like heaven here. The state government was not aware of this. They may feel like they were deprived of this land by Rev. Moon!" That is why the state is forced to help me. (279-198, 1996.8.4)
We are raising many species of parrots on our Jardim farm. Parrots can live together with people naturally. The ostriches frequently come to us because we give them food. They have become so close to the people now that they do not run away even when someone approaches them with food. I am thinking of creating a world where Adam can mingle together with creation, just like the time when God was happy to gaze upon His creation. That is what I am doing now. (278-103, 1996.5.1)
I love water. Water is the source of all life. Water embraces and absorbs everything. There are two rivers in Jardim: the Miranda River and Plata River, which are like yang and yin. The water in the Plata River is clear, whereas the water in the Miranda River is muddy. Usually, people run away when there is muddy water, but yesterday I saw a clear stream of water being drawn into a whirlpool, without any resistance. With dignity, the clear water joined the muddy water and changed its color. Yet as the days go by, the water gains the strength to regain its color and purify itself as it continues flowing. (276-140, 1996.2.18)
No matter how dirty the water, it knows how to balance itself. People should also know how to balance themselves. My coming here to Jardim does not mean I have some special relationship with Brazil. There are people living here representing the five colors of different races. Although I do not speak their language, I do not think that they are a different species. They are my kin -- my younger brothers and sisters. I am meeting them again after living separately for six thousand years. That is why they naturally welcome me with joy, although we do not share the same language, habits and customs. (276-90, 1996.2.4)
In the future, this place will have great value. It is a valuable place now and so I have come here to the Pantanal. That is why I think we should buy land here, in both Salobra and Jardim. The Pantanal can connect us with this area. We are connecting with the Pantanal. (293-263, 1998.6.1)
In the future, this place will become a tourist attraction that will be known worldwide for its scenic beauty. I am deciding what it is that can bring together both the spiritual and physical worlds. It is where water and land are linked together. What is interesting is that there is grass on the surface of the water. Here, where land and water meet, I am making the decisions for all these things and advancing God's providence. (293-272, 1998.6.2)
The Unification Church made the Jardim Declaration. I have announced the second forty-year course. We are restoring Eden, which means that we have returned to Eden. We must go back to Eden and establish a standard of equilibrium for God's absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. That is why, in Jardim, I proclaimed the standard of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. By doing so, I can take care of the entire world and all of creation before the Fall, which were created on the foundation of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, and have access to it within the same sphere. That is why I am educating people in Jardim.
Blessed families have risen up on the vertical standard, but have not stood on the horizontal standard in Jardim. Therefore, from now on, families must be established that can live together with God on the horizontal standard. To facilitate this, I have made an education center for ideal families aimed toward world peace, and I have been re-educating the families that have been blessed until now. I must train them again with the contents enabling them to join God's absolute glorious family. That is the family training, taking place in Jardim. (294-319, 1998.8.9)
If we are going to have classes for elementary, middle and high school students in Jardim, we will need eight classrooms. I have developed a program to build an elementary school and high school that can accommodate twelve classrooms. I am laying the foundation for two thousand people to come anytime to Jardim and to live there. With blood and sweat, I am preparing the educational foundation with the lecture hall as the focus. I am preparing to build an elementary, middle, and high school with a college -- starting first with the elementary school. There are thirty-three cities around Jardim, and most of them have middle and high school facilities.
Presently, I am making all the preparations here in the headquarters of Jardim to set up a system for the elementary, middle, and high school, as well as college. The purpose is to educate the bright people in this area and to disperse them to the entire nation in the future. That is why 2,500 people can be accommodated here. I am now building a lecture hall that can hold 10,000 people. This will become a venue for the thirty-three cities in this state to come together in harmony. The Brazilian government is unable to achieve this. (281-295, 1997.3.9)
The education plan for Jardim is to teach about the marine products industry, forestry, farming, and also about manufacturing. Since I know the overall details for this, I am having each city function as a headquarters. I am thinking of expanding the same model that was built in Jardim to create a university, centering on colleges based on that system. This is very interesting.
Uruguay had thirty-three independence leaders. There were thirty-three patriots who were at the March First Independence Movement of Korea. The Americas have thirty-three nations. An interesting fact is that thirty-three cities are located in the state where Jardim is located. It is providential that all the things were brought together centering on those thirty-three patriots and are now completely and automatically falling into place. In Jardim there is a prophecy that says, "A person from the East will come and build his stronghold in Jardim. If his name becomes widely known that person is the coming Messiah." The Indians already know about this. They know that a Korean will come to Jardim to initiate a movement to reform everything including the ideology, and that this person will be the Messiah. There are signs that indicate a possibility that all the Indians will be drawn into this. (281-297, 1997.3.9)
I can feel that God truly exists. There were thirty-three leaders that were part of the Mansei Movement for the Independence of Korea. Uruguay is on the exact opposite side of the globe from Korea. The Uruguayan independence movement had thirty-three leaders. There are thirty-three nations in the Americas. I am now working in Jardim. There are thirty-three cities in that area. It is truly mystifying. There are thirty-three major cities around that area. That is really extraordinary. (281-245, 1997.2.14)
I researched an area with a radius of two hundred kilometers from Jardim to see what kind of fish inhabited the area. I explored the area while being bitten by mosquitoes. Did I do that for money? Did I do that for fame? Did I do that for political support? I did it to save dying people. They are my brothers. If I do not think that way, then who will save the people of the world? Did any politician or nation ever think about that? With this foundation, we will dig up all the raw material resources in the ground and export them. I will do it the way they want. If they need a factory, I will build it. If there is something they need, I will provide it. I am someone who is capable of doing such things. (276-196, 1996.2.19)
Once we have four hundred kilometers of land in Jardim, I will build a fish powder factory. France, Italy, Germany, America, Japan and other advanced nations conducted studies on this source of food, but they failed to accomplish what we were successful in developing. The entire world will make fish powder and pave the way for distributing food. Since transportation is the problem, we are telling the UN and the Red Cross, "Together let's save the afflicted people of the world!" In the farming area, within the four hundred kilometer area of Jardim, I have planted beans, corn, manioc and other crops. Everything harvested from there is made into powder, and then I will increase the amount twenty times to save the afflicted people.
Then where can we catch fish? Where can we make fish powder? There are many rivers here. We can make a lake and a fishing spot to catch fish. We are buying all this for afflicted people. A live, fresh fish can become powder in ten minutes. Is this something that can be welcomed in Jardim or not? (276-194, 1996.2.19)
The afflicted people in Third World countries know that I am going through hardships to save them. The word is out, and they all know that I am making fish powder out of fish. They know that I have made a farm in Jardim, and that I am making preparations for building a powder factory. In the future, all human beings will become members of the Unification Church. When you think about this, would these people come to Jardim or not? They would all try to visit the places where I have been or where I have left my name. Each of those places has become Holy Ground.
The people of the world will sing the praises of my meritorious foundation of having gone through hardships to save humanity by raising fish. All people will hasten their footsteps, and their cries for building the heavenly kingdom will resonate throughout the world. (277-142, 1996.4.7)
Brazil and Uruguay have abundant resources that enable people to have their own ranches and lead self-sufficient lives. I am thinking of educating people who are going to farm in Africa, by having them make a model farm, plant trees and do all sorts of things. For this reason, when they leave, I plan to send them off by giving them three hundred cows, so that they can be given a ranch in their countries. They will compete against each other in 160 nations. They will take the young animals they nurtured here. You are left with nothing if you keep spending the money. Yet the more you make use of your cows, the more you will prosper. You are all people who have lived a sorry life, but now you can become the owner of a world-level ranch, or an owner of a farm. You can also engage in marine industries and in fishing. A global domain is prepared in which you can go anywhere and enjoy yourself. (266-139, 1994.12.22)
When we first came here, a thousand hectares cost 700,000 dollars. They gave us seven hundred cows for 700,000 dollars including the farm. Paraguay is that kind of place. They all raise chickens there. Tractors and the necessary equipment for farming were included. I am going to instruct them how to create an ideal hometown and country.
If you sell your land and donate the money to help buy more land, then in the future I will return it all back to you. Everything will be developed; so nobody will die of hunger. On that farm, you can make a kindergarten, middle and high school, and even a university. Indeed, people of five different colors will live together. If the local area is developed, the plus charge will re-create its partner. Are you interested? Then it will be great. People will be able to fish and hunt there. I am making preparations for something global. (266-139, 1994.12.22)
In that spacious grassland, you will find countless species of fruits, birds and animals. When you extend your fishing rod, you will find loads of fish wherever there is water. If the women who are preparing dinner run out of side dishes, they can go out the back door to where the river flows; they can go fishing and fry their catch. Brazil is that kind of nation. There is no other place like that in the world. That is the only place. If you throw your net out, you can catch a bag full of fish. (267-59, 1994.12.27)
In the future, you can make a fish farm and hunting ground, and run a ranch too. In the spring, numerous fish swim up the river. The Miranda River is nearby, and I will dig a canal from it. Then this river will cover an area equal to at least ten rivers put together. If we can block the river in the spring when the fish come and prevent them from leaving, then we can make a fishing spot throughout the seasons all year round. Then it will become a world-renowned place where we can raise fish and provide fishing spots transcending the seasons. What interests me is the Pantanal Lake, which has 3,600 kinds of fish. I should catch these fish, raise them in a fish farm and create 3,600 fishing spots. I will develop a method to breed those fish and expand this to different places in the world. (270-55, 1995.5.4)
The United States is on top, and South America is at the bottom. I went to the most unpopular mountain district in Brazil, the country the United States detests most, in South America, the continent the United States appears to dislike as a whole. I went to this place called Jardim and made friends with birds, snakes and fish while being bitten by mosquitoes. A founder of a religion is walking around barefooted. When you see me, you would probably say, "That is not the founder of our Unification Church." I am leading such a life that people would say that I am a genuine farmer or fisherman. In one year and six months, the foundation I laid in America for twenty-four years was elevated at once. (293-293, 1998.6.7)
I have made Bridgeport University and Sun Moon University. Now I will make a university in South America along with a kindergarten, middle and high school in Jardim. I am making all the preparations necessary to have people go through this university. The other universities in the world are not needed. What use is it to go anywhere else? They have all become a degenerate group of homosexuals and lesbians. Other universities are like a lighthouse that destroys the moral foundation. They are the bases for God's enemy, something like Satan's army base and the seat of Satan's power. They are exerting their influence from there. We have to destroy their influence. They claim that God is dead. (303-231, 1999.8.31)
The Pantanal wetlands are twice the size of Japan. There are 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal wetlands. I am telling you that 3,600 species of fish live in those waters. Then the question is how many lakes and bodies of water are there worldwide that have the same water temperature and similar circumstances. I am studying each of these categories in order to create places where we can raise fish. Then this can be done worldwide. (271-39, 1995.8.15)
There are many places in the Pantanal where nature has been untouched and remains the same as it was when first created by God. In other places, many species could not maintain their standard and have become extinct. Yet this area around the Pantanal and the Amazon valley remains untouched. (296-20, 1998.10.1)
Here, nature exists and a microcosm of creation remains as it was when first created by God. Why did I come here? I am not the only who came. God came with me and loves all of creation that was sacrificed throughout history. In Noah's time, the fish were not judged. I came here to the Pantanal to pave a path for creation to return through indemnity, by creating a bond with the fish that were untouched by the flood judgment. We must love all things that were created by God. I have the responsibility to protect this. We should increase the number of species. We should not exterminate the species, thus making the creation less than it was when first created by God. (300-266, 1999.3.24)
There are many kinds of plants and 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal. There are 3,000 species of fish in the Amazon River, but 3,600 species in the Pantanal. Imagine so many types of fish. There are countless types of creation from plants, crops, and trees. God did not create as if performing magic tricks like that of Hong Gil-dong where things simply appear with the command of telling something to be. God had a plan and created these things so that all their structural contents were in line with the laws of the natural world and climatic conditions. (291-164, 1998.3.11)
The Pantanal is a place that can become a primordial treasure house for the animals and plants that were originally created by God. I am establishing an international movement to protect and preserve God's creations. Will you or will you not cooperate with me?
Humanity fell because of Eve. That is why I ordered the Japanese national messiahs to take the lead in the Pantanal activities. Is that something to be grateful or resentful about? A mother would sell her own flesh to raise her child. You have to help in raising plants and animals. If Japan can connect her lineage to the land of this world, it will automatically become Japan's possession. (304-255, 1999.11.8)
There are 3,600 species of fish in the Amazon Valley and in the hinterlands of the Pantanal. There are 3,600 species, but all of creation remains in its original form when created by God in the Amazon Valley and the Paraguay River Valley. Centering on those 3,600 species of fish, I am making a fish farm. Those who are interested in fish will come here, even if they are told not to come. Since we have a newspaper publishing company, I am spreading the word that we have a fish farm that raises 3,600 species of fish. If we said, "We breed 36 species of fish, and this number will soon rise to 360, and in a couple of years we will have 3,600 species of fish," then would people who are interested in fish come to our farm or not? (292-24, 1998.3.27)
You cannot imagine how many fish live in a place like the Pantanal. If you throw something in the water, it quickly vanishes. Like lightning, it disappears in an instant. Even something dirty is cleaned up by the fish instantly. There are many species of fish, all mixed together, and each species feeds on different things. When they eat they are tirelessly cleaning up the waters. Essentially they are cleaning the water. They are not living for their own sake. They are bringing order to the environment and cleaning up their surroundings as they live together while helping one another. This is the cooperative system in nature. Also, in the Pantanal there is a plant called water hyacinth. If you examine the back of one of its leaves, you will find many bugs eating it. If given the opportunity, those bugs would eat up all the leaves. However, since there is a fish that eats those particular bugs, then the plant survives. (293-283, 1998.6.17)
The Surubi is a bottom-feeding fish that looks like a catfish. The Boga fish likes running water, and the Dorado is a fish that lives in places where the water currents are fast. The Boga disappears the minute you drop your line and bait. The Dorado rarely swallows the hook, but quickly eats away your bait. Tell me, are these easy fish to catch or not? Should I teach you how to catch fish that are difficult to catch, or fish that are easy to catch? If you want to catch Surubi, you have to fish at night. (293-232, 1998.5.26)
Some fish even have vegetarian eating habits. This Dorado is intrepid -- no matter where it goes. When it bites, it emits a noise that sounds like "sheek." When five people fish on the same boat and cast their lines out, if a rod moves, it is difficult to distinguish one line from another. They do not know which line has a bite and begin asking, "Whose is it? Whose is it?" They look at their rods and one exclaims in amazement, "Hey, it's mine!" This would happen three, four, five, or six times. That is a great experience. The light of the evening sun, the golden hue of the fish, and that brilliant view cannot be appreciated without the pleasure of catching Dorado. It is an enjoyable sight that everyone should experience at least once in his life. It is human nature to want to personally experience this firsthand. (293-232, 1998.5.26)
The Pantanal is where land, water and plants live together. It is truly exquisite. Creatures from the time of Creation have survived there in the Amazon Valley, in the Pantanal. They have carried on their line of species while living in nature untouched since the time of Creation. That is why the Pantanal is the world's Holy Ground. (294-56, 1998.6.10)
You will see so many things when you go to the Pantanal. The Pacu fish eat young alligators. When they do, they do not say, "Hey, do you have dung in your belly!" When a Pacu eats bugs, do you think it would wipe off the human excrement or dog dung that is on the bug's wings, or would it just eat it whole? Those people who do not know how to swallow things as a whole cannot unify the world. You have to know how to swallow things as a whole. You have to eat both good things and bad things. Don't fallen people discard the bad and eat only the good things? Love is not that way. Love takes in and digests even hell. (295-186, 1998.8.28)
The larger fish in the Pantanal swallow the smaller ones. The small fish have excrements, urine, internal organs and filth, but the larger fish just swallows that altogether. It swallows the head, tail, and all the smelly parts. Isn't a person who can swallow things as a whole a prince of the world of the liberated realm? That is how I see it. (295-220, 1998.8.28)
You should go to the Pantanal and "Swallow everything as a whole! Swallow everything as a whole!" You should go to the world of fish and swallow it as a whole. That is why I am teaching you how to swallow things as a whole in these lands. You should not become like the weak that cannot swallow their clan, family, ancestors and relatives as a whole. You have to become the strong. (295-237, 1998.8.28)
If you go to the Pantanal in the summer, you will see that the fish will swallow any other fish that is just slightly smaller than itself. Even a codfish would gulp down a smaller baby shark without hesitation. You would swallow anything that is smaller than you. Isn't that great? If the larger kind swallowed only the smaller kind, the smaller kind would protest to God saying, "God, why are we the only ones being eaten?" When God created everything from water to heaven and earth, He made it so that the larger kind could swallow the smaller kind, regardless of the species. That is why if you are of the larger kind, you can swallow the smaller kind and thus nobody complains. (296-90, 1998.11.3)
The Pantanal is a world of relations, based on swallowing the other as a whole. Pantanal means, "selling yourself completely." It does not matter if it is for some larger purpose. Therefore, the Pantanal spirit is in swallowing both the good and the bad and digesting it to exert influence for one's survival as one grows. Wasn't God's will also to swallow both the satanic world and the world of goodness? (296-305, 1998.11.18)
God will restore human beings back to the world before the Fall. God has to take care of all the enemies in order to restore Adam's perfected world before the Fall. There were no enemies in that world. Everybody was like brothers and had only the concept that they were one family. It is about swallowing one another. In the fish world in the Pantanal, the larger fish swallow the smaller fish without regard, whether there is something filthy or not. It swallows the excrements of the internal organs and everything else. (297-170, 1998.11.19)
The Pantanal ideology is about swallowing something, regardless of whether it is smeared with dung or germs. Should you take away the germs and wipe it clean before eating it? If you do so, you would have nothing left to eat and would have to run away. Even if you swallow poison instead of excrements, you should assimilate it with your body, and even if your body were to die, you should have the mentality that you can digest the poison. That kind of mentality is great, and its digestive powers are strong. Even if you take in poison that is strong enough to kill insects, or if you eat a fish that took in poison, you would think, "I can even digest poison."
I am doing that right now, focusing on the Pantanal. In the ideal realm of Adam, we find God, who is the Cosmic Messiah and the returning Lord, who is the world Messiah. In the ideal realm of Adam, we also find the national messiah who is the Abel-type king of that nation, the tribal messiah who is the Abel-type tribal king, and the family messiah who is the Abel-type family king. All of these belong to the ideal realm of Adam. Among God, the returning Lord, the national messiah, the tribal messiah, and the family messiah, if the tribal messiah falls sick, he can be replaced on the family level; if the national messiah falls sick, he can be replaced; and if the world Messiah falls sick, he can be replaced. God does not fall sick, but everything should be prepared for His replacement. Only then can the realm of the partner be established in which a circular motion can take place between the subject partner and object partner. (296-92, 1998.11.3)
I like the Pantanal because all kinds of fish are living there. One important thing I learned in the Pantanal is that everything -- every single thing, can be swallowed. For example, a large alligator can swallow a person. But there is a fifteen-meter long snake in Paraguay that can swallow an alligator. There is a snake that can swallow a person as easily as we would pick up a bean with our chopsticks. Snakes of all sizes live in that area and swallow their prey whole. A fish would swallow a baby whale if it were smaller than itself. If something goes into its mouth, it swallows it. Isn't that great? I also think that I have to become an expert in swallowing anything that goes into my mouth. That is what I learned. You have to swallow to live here. Women who brush off dust or sweep away the filth cannot live here. (301-154, 1999.4.25)
People can live in the Pantanal with just one tenth, one hundredth, or one ten thousandth of a Japanese person's income. People from an island nation have been blessed with this creation. I am preserving the Pantanal for the sake of Japan. Japanese people are not aware of this, are you? I love creation to liberate creation's realm of lamentation. In the Bible it says that all of creation has been groaning in labor pains. The lamentation of creation is also the lamentation of humankind. What is this? There is nothing more lamentable than the fact that humanity could not receive the Blessing centering on God. (295-199, 1998.8.28)
We have to dismantle the kind of civilization represented by New York City and Washington, D.C. We have to go back to more primitive times and to return to nature. That is why I went back to nature, and in the Pantanal, I live in constant love with nature. The great oceans are pure. How clean the water is! There is clean water and clean air. Nature here is clean. How good this is! (295-277, 1998.9.8)
From the day I first knew God's will, I loved the spirit world and humanity. In loving humanity, you have to love it more than your own family and nation. You must love humanity and then love creation. You have to love everything on the earth and love the world underwater. It is a process of re-creation. From God's love, we must connect with humanity. From humanity's love, we must connect with the earth, and by doing so, connect with the realm of water. That is why I am offering my utmost devotion in the Pantanal. (296-17, 1998.10.1)
I can never forget the Pantanal. In this serious place I received God's request regarding Maria Park's family through Dr. Lee Sang-hun in the spirit world. How mortified and sorry God must have been! When you think about that situation, your insides should be boiling and your bones must protrude out of your body. (296-43, 1998.10.11)
Since going to the Pantanal, what have I done there? I called the Unification Church members in North and South Korea to go there. All Blessed Families must go to the Pantanal. It is an imperative. People say many things about going, but if they cannot afford a plane ticket, then they should just walk here. If the father is sick, the wife and son should go with him on their backs. Once they get there after going through such hardships and suffering, will they say, "Oh, we are ruined!"? Will they say, "Oh, we feel dead! We are better off dead!"? Soon after that, let us say when they decide to go back home, as hard as it was hard getting there willingly, and even if the way back is even more difficult, they will somehow find the strength to go back home. But those who are hate to go there will all drop to the rear when they try to return. That is logical. (299-190, 1999.2.15)
In summary, the Pantanal's influence will become a great issue in the world's history. The question is how to settle this issue here on earth. The world can become a battlefield, a dangerous place where human beings may fall into the pit of destruction if they make one wrong turn. We must do something to prevent this at all costs. Therefore, I educated the national messiahs during this time in the Pantanal, for the purpose of declaring war in advance before their nations. In the near future, the national messiahs should become environmentalists and create a sentry post in 180 locations, using the rally and everything that I prepared. Then they should influence the scholars, and the presidents of universities in each nation worldwide who are interested in the environment. If they are educated, then you can influence the executive agents of that nation and the core personnel in any of the administrative departments. (300-182, 1999.3.3)
The Pantanal's water world is connected to fish powder. Until now, people could not make sufficient food out of the fish they caught. But now, based on the studies I initiated in Alaska, I am making food resources out of fish. England, Japan, the Soviet Union, and other advanced nations such as Germany competed in studies on how to make fish powder into food, but they have all failed. They all fell away. (300-185, 1999.3.3)
For Korea and Japan, the Pantanal is at the other end of the pole. The Pantanal is at the end of the earth. But the Original Holy Ground, Root Holy Ground, and Holy Ground of Victory can all be found there. This is something tremendous. The Original Holy Ground is set up in our hotel in the Pantanal. Whether there is water, or something else, is not a problem. A water palace will be built there. (304-110, 1999.9.10)
When a holy ground is made in the Pantanal, the Unification Church members must go there and bring their families. You must bring all your relatives since it is the starting point for going toward Heaven. You should bring your relatives and have your ancestors commemorate the day you were blessed in the Unification Church. In the presence of Heaven, you should offer devotion until your future descendants, ancestors in heaven, and the people of your nation are connected to Heaven's blessing through you. This is the duty of the families that were blessed, which must be carried out until the completion of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. With this in mind, you must once more critically evaluate your lifestyle. Unless you do, you cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. True Parents must take responsibility for everything. (302-250, 1999.6.14)
The Pantanal is the focus point -- the root. It is the source. That is why the families of the Unification Church must visit this place once every four years. They should prepare for a great migration. Already tourists have increased in number by three to five times. Because of the Pantanal Rally, this place has become famous worldwide. The effects will be tremendous if we do this rally two or three more times. If we do not buy land as I planned by next year, it will increase in value at least ten times. Then Japan's indemnity will increase. (303-344, 1999.9.9)
Human beings must prepare a holy ground that can be praised for all eternity in the world, even if they have to go through endless suffering. If that happens, the results of their endeavors will appear. Therefore, the issue is about who will be the first to begin making that effort. Should it begin from the father or from the mother? When the father stands up, does he go around the mother's side, or does the mother go around the father? The mother goes around the father. As a nation, Japan must preserve the holy ground and extol its name. That is why the Japanese national messiahs are taking responsibility for the management of the Pantanal. (304-110, 1999.9.10)
I fought with the mosquitoes in the Pantanal to the extent that my entire body has been scarred by mosquito bites. In the mosquito world, the mosquitoes are saying, "Who has tasted the blood of the True Parents? Come here quickly!" That is why mosquitoes come to me the most. When I drop my fishhook into the water, the big fish bite first on my hook. Then many other fish follow. It is strange. Even God thinks it's a mystery. (278-97, 1996.5.1)
Human beings are responsible for preventing the species created by God from becoming extinct. How many species have human beings brought to extinction? There are 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal. I have made a fish farm, and I can multiply them at any time, in places around the world that have a similar environment, so that they never will become extinct. My work is focused on these things, and I am now going to begin that kind of vast project. (300-88, 1999.3.1)
If I have made fish farms for 3,600 species of fish and if your children studied each of those fish, then we would have 3,600 people with a doctorate degree. Therefore, you should be grateful that I have prepared a way for your descendants to succeed in life. If each were to write a doctoral thesis, we would have 3,600 doctors. Should you continue to tirelessly support this work or not? Why? It is to understand how much God loved the various creations when He created them. (279-39, 1996.6.9)
I am going to build a museum and have every type of creation exhibited there. I will prepare specimens and put them on display. I will create a farm for the fruits of the sea, where you feel like being in nature just by looking at it. I will begin a movement to create museums in each town as a symbol of love for animals. Then the town with the most species can become a world-renowned tourist spot. I will also gather many species of plants and trees to put on display. (288-72, 1997.10.31)
Wouldn't you be interested if thousands of different kinds of fish were swimming about under your boat? There are 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal alone. If buildings are constructed for 3,600 fish farms, then would the people of the world come and visit that museum or not? There would be a flood of people, including elementary school students. (295-38, 1998.8.16)
There are 3,600 species of fish in the Amazon Valley and in the hinterlands of the Pantanal. All of creation remains in its original form as it was when it was created by God. That is how it is in the Amazon Valley and the Paraguay River Valley. Centering on those 3,600 species of fish, I am making a fish farm. Those who are interested in fish will come here, even if they are told not to come. (292-24, 1998.3.27)
Water temperature varies depending on altitude. Fish living in the ocean differ, depending on the temperature. That is why, in rivers, the fish go to the area that has the same temperature as where they live, and stay there to lay their eggs. Even if the area is different in the east, south, and north, if there is no difference in the temperature, the same type of fish will live there, thus creating a wide diversity. That is why there are countless species of fish.
In Paraguay, which is in the middle of the continent, there is a river that flows vertically down through South America. It is seventy meters deep and in some places reaches one hundred meters. Consequently, all kinds of transport ships and large vessels can go upstream. Small rivers with an abundance of fish are all connected to that primary river. We can build a refrigeration factory in such places and store all the fish we catch. We would need electricity. There is an endless and untapped supply of electricity. (267-267, 1995.1.20)
If fish were constantly being caught, they would all disappear. That is why we need to breed and to raise fish. I am thinking of building a zoo with the animals from the Pantanal and the Amazon River Valley in South America. A city must appear in which insects are raised. Then whenever someone strikes a bell, the birds that want to eat the insects will come to eat. A city must appear in which insects can be raised to feed the birds. The birds are dying because there are no insects. Towns must appear in which insects, birds, and animals are raised. (292-24, 1998.3.27)
There are currently 3,600 species of fish in the Pantanal. In Korea are there even 36 kinds of fish? Korea is no match for the Pantanal. In the future, a fish farm taller than a city building must be created to raise these 3,600 kinds of fish. Imagine controlling the temperature for each type of fish with a computer -- those from the sea, those living in fresh water, those living in the arctic regions, and those living in tropical areas. We could raise 3,600 species of fish from the entire world in one building and using buildings in cities would not be a problem. (296-188, 1998.11.9)
There are many mountains in Argentina, Brazil, and in South America as a whole. Because the water there is clean, animals and plants can be raised there. Some mountains are connected to plateaus that are 1,300 meters high. Therefore, you can breed any type of animal, and even raise fish. I am interested in that place. I will catch all 3,600 types of fish, make an exhibition hall to show them, and set the admission fees at a high rate. I will make a museum, and it will become a popular tourist spot. People who are interested in fish will come here for sure to see the 3,600 species of fish. (276-201, 1996.2.19)
How wonderful it will be to educate the people who come and let them live amidst nature! To build a town that can be connected to modern civilization and city life, I will create a museum displaying the 3,600 species of insects in this vast area. All the insect scholars should come to this place. I will also make a fish farm that can raise 3,600 types of fish, and then I will make a bird zoo and a botanical garden. After that, I will make a zoo for people -- a human zoo. It will be a real zoo, but a human zoo. (288-75, 1997.10.31)
From the 1960s I began taking interest in the ocean. I have been in the ocean industry for twenty-two years. In 1963, I designed and built the Boat of Heavenly Victory. I had Eu Hyo-min and Eu Hyo-young work at sea so that the boat could ride the five oceans, but they did not like the sea. (276-314, 1996.3.10)
The Boat of Heavenly Victory was made in 1963. But Eu Hyo-young did not like boats, water, or the waves. When a storm comes, you should be able to enjoy riding waves the size of houses in the sea. He should have become a man who could find value in what he was doing, even if he were to die. But he said that he was afraid and that he did not like the sea. If we had advanced to Alaska from that time, we could rapidly have developed worldwide. (291-276, 1998.3.17)
With a heart of serving others, I have lived for the sake of God, humanity, the world, and all of creation. Didn't I liberate creation? That is why I am living for the sake of the ocean. In the 1960s, there was not one mountain that I had not visited. In 1963, I designed the Boat of Heavenly Victory. Who in this world would call their boat, "Boat of Heavenly Victory"? There was a reason behind all this. I have been building boats until now in order to establish the standard of Heaven's victory.
I started building boats even before coming to America. I began making boats in 1963, and I have been sailing boats to this day. During the years 1973, 1983, 1993, I have been going on boats for twenty-four years. I have ridden in boats from morning to midnight. At times I would go on boats until three o'clock in the morning in Alaska. I rode in boats with single-mindedness and resolve. (294-54, 1998.6.10)
I built a boat in Korea named Boat of Heavenly Victory. What victory? Heavenly victory, of course, is where Heaven has won victory because God's will has been fulfilled. I had already begun fulfilling God's will from long ago. I made the Boat of Heavenly Victory and talked about occupying the oceans of the world. One member, Eu Hyo-young, was constantly saying, "Boat, boat!" So I made him one, but he did not like going on boats -- maybe because he was old. He said, "Father, I cannot go out to sea when the waves surge like that." How can a fisherman think like that? He must go out to the sea until his death. (294-175, 1998.6.14)
Aren't you church leaders? In the future, no exceptions will be made, even for company workers. Unification church families share the same fate. Unification Church means a church where everything is united. That is why if you have a company, it should be called Company Unification Church. Unification Industries would mean a Unification Industries Church. Yesterday I came back from Jejudo where I had visited the company there called Ilheung Marine Industries. I told the president of that company, "You must now create an Ilheung Marine Church. As a church, you should prepare to serve and attend the women divers in Jejudo more than you would your own mother or bride." (178-131, 1988.6.1)
I built a shipyard in Jejudo, but people thought it was not going to work out. So I moved the shipyard to Mokpo, but again they were saying, "This is not going to succeed." The headquarters for the Ilheung Marine Industries should move from Jejudo to Seoul. That is how it works in the world. When Heaven tries to give blessings, if the recipient is not ready, then Heaven departs from there. (178-155, 1988.6.1)
Until now, I have invested billions to build, refine, and inspire Ilheung Marine Industries. (184-156, 1988.12.27)
Ilheung Marine Industries is in Korea. I educated about 110,000 Japanese and Korean women and had them do a Sisterhood Bridge Ceremony. Now our people and needed personnel are even in the low-echelon departments. That is why I appointed five vice-presidents -- a representative from Gyeongsang Province, a representative from Jeolla Province, a representative from Chungcheong Province, a representative from Seoul, and a representative from Gyeonggi Province. They were all women. I appointed two, but now I have to appoint three more. (262-247, 1994.8.1)
People in Mokpo are unfortunate. I feel sorry for people in the Jeolla Province. Those from Jeolla Province must feel good. Since the nation has no sympathy for the Jeolla Province and has abandoned this area, out of sympathy for the people there, I was going to build a shipyard in Mokpo. But this was going to take too long, so I bought a shipyard. It was reported that it was the largest shipyard in Mokpo, so I went there to see how large it was. I had traveled around America to look at shipyards with my own eyes. In Mokpo they were offering the shipyard for 1.8. billion, but the price dropped to 1.3. billion and then to 800 million. I am good at making a deal when I buy something. I am pretty tight-fisted and the best at cutting prices when it comes to buying something. (173-139, 1988.2.14)
I established a shipyard in Mokpo, not for the sake of making money, but to teach people how to build a good boat. Since this is the first time, the local people always protest. They may oppose us, but we must build a good boat and gain a monopoly over the boats in the Sea of Korea and Busan. When that happens, people will constantly flock to this place. Then I will give out one piece at a time. Despite the current situation, that is how one should live. That is what I am proposing to do. Then we will never go to ruin. We will not go to ruin, no matter how hard other people pray at altars for our ruin. Heavenly fortune shall protect us. (180-333, 1988.10.5)
Everybody hopes to receive blessings, but to do so you need to prepare to receive such blessings. Blessings would just pass by those who are not prepared. I had hoped that the provincial government would have carried out their plans. If the people in Seongsanpo had done that quickly, then I would have built a refrigeration company and built them an 8,000 ton or 10,000 ton ship. But the provincial government did not support our purchase of the land. People there did all sorts of things to prevent the sale of their land and they collaborated to sell it at an inflated price. (188-9, 1989.2.16)
Once you start to catch fish, you need boats to transport them. This naturally leads to the shipping business. We make long distance oil tankers that weigh tens of thousands to carry and transport oil from the Middle East. If we hope to become a global shipyard, we should prepare everything that we need, starting from the very bottom. I have secured the technology that will enable us to build anything as long as we have a blueprint. After that, if we plan to catch fish, we must make nets. We already have the training that enables people to make nets and do just about everything. (262-243, 1994.8.1)
We will have people with good results teach the technology of our shipyard in Mokpo. Our shipyard in Mokpo is an actual working shipyard. We will teach people the technology to make oil tankers and ships for chemical products using steel and other materials. With such technology, we should make factories in representative nations and the six continents -- Africa, for example. (276-30, 1996.1.2)
I am a fearsome person. When it comes to building ships, I can easily expose anything that people have tried to cover up. When Paul Werner took charge of our shipyard, the Marine Master Shipyard, he went around thinking he was special. I went on the attack by exposing everything that was hidden. I am most feared. I gave instructions for the ship's design. I gave instructions for the entire layout of the newspaper company and won first place in the Olympics for newspaper companies in America. That is how fast I am. Do not think of me as you did in the past. Since I have that special something, I have laid the kind of foundation that no government in the satanic world could have ever done. (276-103, 1996.2.4)
Whenever I visit the shipyard, I can find out how the ship was made and immediately discover what had gone wrong. I give orders saying, "Why did you make this place like this?" The people at our shipyard in Alabama all fear me when I visit them. I expose everything that they hide away. That is why some people say that I am like a phantom. That is the kind of person I am. (287-232, 1997.10.4)
If the person in charge of a business stands as the subject partner, he must create his object partner and develop it. For a shipyard business, then the president of that shipyard and its employees should become one, as subject and object partners. The purpose of becoming one with the business's employees is to revive the nation, or a continent such as South America, or even the entire world. (287-291, 1997.10.16)
I went aboard a boat everyday for twenty-five years because I must promote the marine industry with my own hands. Even today, I came back from the Okpo shipyard. I went there to inspect that shipyard, to decide whether to buy it, or enter North Korea and build a bigger shipyard in the delta area of Manchuria and the Soviet Union. I alone thought about those things. Only then can the North Koreans be saved. (290-210, 1998.2.24)
We have to quickly make our own boats. We should make them in the Mokpo shipyard and go fishing using a reel and line with multiple hooks. Boats for catching tilefish should be comparatively fast. For instance, to go about a distance that takes about three hours, it should only take about one-and-a-half hours. The One Hope boat that we have now produced does not sink. Therefore, six people can board it and go anywhere. Even if a typhoon comes, you can survive as long as the anchor cable is not severed. Typhoons are not a problem. Large boats may sink, but our boat does not. Since I developed that boat, I have laid a global foundation among tuna catchers. We should make use of our boat, so that we can go anywhere. (291-279, 1998.3.17)
Originally, I was going to deal with Japan and China from here. The boats from China come here to Korea. I made a repair facility in our shipyard to repair them. I told them to repair damaged boats at cost. I told them to guide the Japanese people to the fishing spot I made on Jigwido. Then all the high government officials will fly to this place. Also, I made an airfield in Moseulpo so that planes from China and Japan can freely come and go. It is a private airfield for planes from China, the Soviet Union, and Japan but is off-limits for other nations. (291-303, 1998.3.18)
I have been interested in Jejudo for ten years. Jejudo is a military stronghold and will become a more important place in Asia in the future. Tourism development is an issue, but when it comes to the nation's fate, Jejudo's ocean location is most important. (126-157, 1983.4.19)
Jejudo's importance was noted years ago by General Chiang Kai-shek when he said that he could dominate Asia if he was given a naval base on this island. As a military base it is significant. If we consider these things, we can foresee Jejudo functioning as an international free city like Hong Kong. When the financial market is under a free system, it would become an ideal base for espionage activities. In that sense too, Jejudo is important to the military. With this background, we can understand the challenges of doing business in Jejudo. These are reasons to build a foundation for business, and you should start with fishing enterprises. (126-311, 1983.4.30)
Jejudo is naturally becoming an important center in Asia as an ocean gateway for Korea. The island is in a position that is connected to the Pacific Ocean through the East China Sea and the East Sea (Sea of Japan). Therefore, it is most important as a military stronghold. The waters in the port at Moseulpo are deep enough to allow for a significant global military port. (126-311, 1983.4.30)
I have visited every part of the world, but there is no place better than Korea. In terms of climate and the beauty of its mountains and lakes, Korea is truly a nation that is not of this world. In the French countryside I once saw landscape similar to Korea's, but aside from that one location, France is very different from Korea. The mountains in Korea are in their declining years and look pretty -- like flower buds. In other parts of the world, Japan for example, the mountains are in their adolescence and are, therefore, craggy and ugly. By just observing the physical aspects of the mountains, you can see that Korea is a beautiful country. It is also a peninsula surrounded on three sides by sea. Korea is blessed with such a natural environment and scenery. (169-136, 1987.10.29)
If you hike up Mount Halla on a clear day, you can see everything below its summit. From that vantage point, you would feel like touring the whole area, but there are no guidebooks showing how to do that. There are no facilities for touring up the mountain or sailing the adjacent seas. At best, you can drive around the island by car, but this is very boring. For this reason Jejudo needs a cable car. Someone should construct a cable car. (126-313, 1983.4.30)
We should be proud of Mount Halla and Jejudo, but for what reason? I envision a naval base there and an airfield in the middle of Mount Halla. A plane flying from here to Jejudo could scan all four directions. An aircraft carrier could be positioned in the waters near Jejudo. What if tunnels were to be bored into Mount Halla from all four directions? Human beings have that capability. These tunnels and a system of elevators could accommodate tens of thousands of planes. Fuel tanks could be constructed within the mountain. (291-282, 1988.3.17)
The Chinese character je in Jejudo means "to cross." It means that it is a place to cross over and become the owner. Jejudo is also a nation of priests. The island called Jigwido is interesting. It is like a pillar several hundred meters long, which has been driven down into the sea to make a fishing spot. Jigwido could be linked to the continent with a glass-like tunnel to allow vehicles to travel back and forth. The tunnel could be constructed under the seabed for stability. That kind of age has come. There is nothing more we would need to do here in Jejudo. We should fish, golf, hunt, and then enjoy the casino. We should create a market to sell our goods. There should be interesting things to do. It would be fun to have people go up the mountain on an elevator or cable car, rather than a helicopter, and tour the seas surrounding Jejudo in a speedboat. Japan is only an hour's flight away. (291-246, 1998.3.15)
What would people want to do after ascending Mount Halla and sailing around in the ocean? They would think about fishing! If people had the opportunity to fish in waters off Jejudo, they certainly would. Most people will tell you that Jejudo is famous for its abundance of rocks and women, but its greatest resource is fish. I would like to obtain a permit for making fishing spots around the entire area of Jejudo. The Jigwido area is now being developed, but all seven of its surrounding islands must also be developed. In the future, authorities will have to limit fishing in the waters within three hours of Jejudo. Even if tourists are to fish there, they must be prohibited from using fishing nets. It is legally possible to do that. (126-313, 1983.4.30)
Do not speak ill of Jejudo just because its fish are small. Do you think they would be as good as the fish in Alaska? I once had raw fish from Jejudo. You know how fish are sliced into pieces, don't you? When we tried cutting it up, we found the bones of this fish to be extremely hard. That is not surprising given that fish live around rocky shoals. If the bones were not hard, they would break. Yet the fish was very tasty. (222-277, 1991.11.3)
How was your experience going around Jigwido? Jejudo is the only place in Korea where you can fish throughout the winter. As part of a volcanic range its rocky structure provides shelter for many small fish and sea bugs. It is better to fish there with a fishing rod than a net. Jejudo is famous for fishing, and that is why it is known so well in Japan. (253-95, 1994.1.9)
With 3,300 people associated with the fishing industry on Jejudo, there are a considerable number of marine-related shops. There are tens of thousands of sporting-goods shops located throughout Korea. Their primary market is the population above the middle class. The shops that focus on the hobby industry are catering to people who are above the middle class. Firearms are also sold in the sports shops that are affiliated with the hobby industry.
The lines used in fishing are expendable commodities. Because they only last about a year many factories are needed to produce them. The demand creates a tremendous industry. If factories were established in Africa, where labor costs are lower, they could provide good opportunities for people to earn a living. I think about these things when I come to Jejudo, and that is why I am thinking of holding fishing and hunting tournaments on the ninth and tenth. These tournaments are being held for world peace. (252-215, 1993.12.30)
Salmon is about the only decent fish in Alaska, but there are many kinds of fish in the Jejudo waters. Because of the variety of fish there, peoples' tastes in fishing are diverse. There is even a special kind of bigheaded, small octopus in Jejudo. Jejudo has also become famous for hunting. So Jejudo can develop the hobby industry with emphasis in boat fishing. Rather than traveling all the way to Kodiak, Alaska, to fish, people can go to Jejudo. The Japanese enjoy fishing in the Jejudo area. It is a good place that can attract tourists. (253-95, 1994.1.9)
People eat a fish called jari on Jejudo. Do you know what a jari is? The last time I went to Jejudo I saw someone catch this fish at sea and then mercilessly hold it by its tail as it was still flopping around. After a moment, he dipped the fish into sushi hot pepper paste, put the fish into his mouth, and chewed on it. People were amazed saying, "Hey, that person there ate that fish and its excrement." Still, he did not get sick. Fish eat what they can digest. If a person eats a fish that is right for his body, then he will not get sick. If he found it was delicious, why would he get sick because of the excrement that entered his body? If he found it to be delicious, ideal nutrients would enter his body and mature like kimchi. That is why he would not get sick, but remain healthy. (218-89, 1991.7.2)
Jejudo is a small fragment of the land that fell away. Young sea gulls come and excrete there. They come to excrete and breed since it is an easy commute. Sea gulls have their babies on islands, don't they? Islands are where all the sea animals have their children. Animals with four legs must go to the land to breed. Don't turtles do that? That is how it is for everything that lives in the ocean, aside from fish. Fish do not have sexual organs as we know them. Some fish have a kind of spot. They all have a line, and the male and female rub this part together to have a relationship. But the sea mammals come to the land to have their babies. That is why Jejudo is important. (291-308, 1998.3.18)
Mount Baekdu is like the husband, and Mount Halla is like the wife. These two are like partners. Mount Baekdu is the husband mountain, and Mount Halla is the female mountain. It is a female mountain because it is in the middle of the ocean. Have you ever heard of people of Jejudo starving? They always have seaweed from the ocean to eat. This is Jejudo, the place where people offer sacrificial rites. That is why if you walk along the shore in the early morning, you will find countless morsels of rice and apples. The women go out with their children to offer sacrificial rites with white rice and apples. If you go out in the early morning, you will find plenty of these things. Sacrificial rites must be offered by people before others see them. That is why in the morning, you will find a variety of food. (284-247, 1997.4.18)
Would it matter if you turned the sea into land if that were done to save the nation? What is so important about Mount Halla? You have to save the nation, even if it means selling Mount Halla. Isn't that so? Does that mean Mount Halla will disappear? It would still be there in the ocean. Since this mountain has been there for tens of thousands of years, you can make a memorial where people would say, "It is the wish of all people for Mount Halla to be leveled down to a plain," and there create a place where the people could come, and where the kings of nations could enter and live. Presidents and all the officials of the royal court would come and participate. Mount Halla is nothing. If you go to South America, you would see that Mount Halla is really nothing. (291-255, 1998.3.15)
When I went to Jejudo last time, I said, "I would like to donate two pairs of tigers." But somebody argued, "No, that will make trouble." Even though a tiger might pose some danger, it should be free to climb up to the summit of Mount Halla and roar and have its roar blend together with the sound of the ocean waves. Would you like that or would you say, "Oh, I hate the clamorous sound of the waves, but love the tranquility of the mountain?" That is not right. If the waves surge, then there should be a roar from the mountains to balance it. I am speaking about the harmony of heaven and earth. (145-280, 1986.5.25)
What would happen to Jejudo if it becomes a tourist spot in the future? Currently, brides and grooms are the ones who visit Jejudo most. If we can promote this well enough, they would say, "Oh, how could we go and sleep in that hot hotel?" This is the life they could only dream of. Newly weds can have fun by going fishing in the middle of the ocean. We would provide everything for them, including the rods and even bait. We could even buy them breakfast. We could do anything for them. (126-316, 1983.4.30)
I am going to make hunting grounds and fishing area on and around Jejudo, and I will train you. When you come, you should bring a hundred people from each nation. If the members of the Tourism and Fishing Association for World Peace gradually increase in this way, then they could contribute in achieving that goal by paying a monthly fee. Those of the middle-class and higher can do that.
From now on, you should take on that task and influence every country to do these things every year so that they may go to Africa to help. There should be a hunting ground and fishing spot in each nation. We should make a fish farm and hunting ground to hunt and catch the animals and fish, and then release them in the same area. You should arrange for this system to be available in different places for each season of the year. (253-109, 1994.1.9)
The climate in Jejudo is good. You cannot fish in the winter in Alaska, but it would be just right for fishing in Jejudo now. You should prepare two hundred people who can go fishing during all four seasons of the year. Things would become complicated if there were too many. The minute you return today, you should prepare two hundred people. You can fit fifty people on one bus. If our organization could do that, then in the evening we can introduce our worldwide activities or talk about fishing in that area. We can talk to them and educate them about the overall issues of the world. We can discuss problems of leadership or the political, diplomatic, and economic problems of the world. We have more than enough material to educate them. Therefore, to gain new members, you should achieve a higher level of education by getting them interested in the Unification Church. If that were done, in three years they would become members. (252-214, 1993.12.30)
In the past couple of decades, I have founded many organizations throughout the world. All those organizations have the word "peace" in their names, like the Professors World Peace Academy, Peace Summit Club, Newspaper Association for Peace, Religious Federation for Peace, and Women's Federation for Peace. Last time I was in Jejudo, I set up a fishing association and a hunting association. They are known as the Fishing Association for World Peace and the Hunting Association for World Peace. They share the word "peace." (259-146, 1994.4.2)
When you visit the ocean, you can learn many things. It undergoes changes several times a day. There is a saying, "A person's mind changes morning to evening," but the ocean does not change only morning and evening, it changes every hour. Even on a fine day, if you go to a certain area, the waves would be mild. Yet when you go to another area, the wind would be blowing. It would not be a strong wind, but different in mood. Just as peoples' faces are all different, so are water and mountains. Climate also differs depending on the height of the mountain. The ocean exhibits beauty in all sorts of forms and figures. (263-18, 1994.8.16)
I enjoy nature. I love the ocean. You do not know how mysterious the ocean is. The drops of water are all like diamond gems. As each glitters, it would proudly say, "We belong to Rev. Moon. Water has more value than diamonds." Why would the water boast in that way? It would say, "Without me, life would not have been formed in this universe. Because I exist, high and low things can be made level." Do you realize how uneven the ocean is? And yet it instills a good feeling because the water makes everything even. The ocean also gives off a blue hue that an observer would never grow weary of over a period of thousands or tens of thousands of years. Blue is the color of consolation.
Why did God create the color blue? You will not be exhausted; no matter how long you gaze at the color blue. It is the color of consolation. It is the same in all of creation. The sky is blue, and the ocean is blue. How ideal! Once you are immersed in God's love, everything including people and the world of nature would become your friend.
Once you know nature's character, you see that it never changes. But human nature takes on all sorts of forms and shapes. It is one way today, but changes the next. That's why there is a saying, "A person's mind changes morning and evening, yet mountain scenery never changes." A person's mind changes in the morning and the evening. What use are human beings? They are not even as good as animals. (177-274, 1988.5.20)
The ocean embraces the universe. Its water evaporates and gathers, becomes clouds and covers the mountains, becoming their friend. Then it showers rain from above and spreads out in all four directions. Water is an amazing thing. It does not rest. It should be tired from moving around for tens of thousands of years. I love the ocean. There are no deceptions in nature. If it is high, it is high. If it is low, it is low. Nature will provide, without objection, to the high places. Since I have learned from nature, I also provide without any objections. When I go to a foreign land and find people who have less than I do, I would open my storehouses and share all my rice, even they were to become depleted. It is to make things even. I learned all that from the water. That is why I like water. (300-141, 1999.3.2)
What would happen if the sky, ocean, plants, and everything else were blue? You would suffocate. Imagine if they were yellow or your favorite color. You would immediately tire of it. Even if you replace it with another color, you would soon tire of it. Green is another color of consolation. Why do people like the color green? The existing world is in harmony with the color green. That is why there are many colors in the soil. The color of soil is usually close to green. That is why it is logical to say that we, who were made out of the soil, would like the color green. That is how you may think. Since God knew that, He made the sky and ocean blue. Everything was created in harmony with the color green, centering on human beings. How wonderful this is! (119-168, 1982.7.18)
The ocean, when calm, is mystifying and has the power to draw people in like a captivating, beautiful woman who is like a queen of mystery. The ocean may look silver, but it also takes on a jade color. At other times, the ocean takes on different hues. When the gentle breeze rustles by, the beauty of the ripples takes my breath away. No matter how well a dancing girl dances, her beauty does not come near to that. To see a dancer, you have to see her dance on a stage, but a stage is too small.
On the other hand, the ocean's stage spreads out to infinity. Do you know how vast the ocean's stage is? The ocean can be like a beautiful woman or a dancing girl, but once it becomes angry it can be more frightening than a tiger or a lion rushing towards you in the wilderness. Think about it. When waves that are tens of meters high come rushing in, the cry of a seagull stands not a chance. The ocean roars, "No matter how well you sing, no matter how great a stage actor you may be, you do not stand a chance before my majestic vigor." The ocean's might is imposing.
A speed boat easily glides across the sea when the water is calm. But when big waves come, it is impossible to move around. You just sit, wagging your tail and shaking your head, tossed about by the waves as they come. You have no power over them. (128-249, 1983.8.28)
The power of nature is great. That is why people who love the ocean cannot be arrogant. The ocean has that kind of greatness. If you open the doors to the ocean and look inside, you will find all kinds of fish living there, from fish that are gold in color to fish that are yellow and blue, and even fish that are colorless. When you compare the land with the ocean, which is more beautiful? The land, with its variety of birds, flowers and butterflies, is beautiful, but limited. Flowers do not move. Compared with the profusion of beautiful sea creatures that dance about in dazzling, brilliant colors, these things are somewhat dull. So which is more beautiful, the land or the ocean? The ocean is more beautiful.
Why did God create this thing called water? We can say that water is a special amusement device for God to enjoy. He hid its depths away and did not open it to the public. When you observe creation in this way, you can conclude that God probably had more interest in the ocean than the land.
People who think about the future take more interest in the ocean than the land. God's interest is in the future ideal family that has yet to emerge. That is why, rather than focusing His interest in the things that have appeared on earth in history, it is inevitable that God should take interest in the marine world that focuses on the future. This would make sense. With this perspective, we could say that people who think about the ocean are people who envision the future, and they will greatly increase. (128-249, 1983.8.28)
The freedom one has when sitting with a fishing rod is beyond description. Would you be able to take a walk in that situation? You only have a small space in which to move about and cook your meals. Could you go to the theater or go out to meet your friends? You cannot even listen to music because you need to be silent. That is why you must gaze at the ocean and talk with the sea and the heavens. It is the greatest feeling to be at sea alone in the very place where the ocean and heaven become one. I constantly go out to the sea to benefit spiritually and in all ways. If I stay at home the entire day, I become distracted and end up thinking about the world missionaries, church problems and other matters, yet only vaguely and in fragments. But when I go out to the sea, I can think more comprehensively. Because of this, I love the ocean a great deal. I believe that is why the phrase "the way of fishing" came about. (79-270, 1975.9.1)
Think about a married couple having intimate relations in the middle of the tranquil ocean. Would the ocean complain, "You no-goods, you are killing me!"? Groups of fish would come wagging their tails and watching that spectacle. All of creation longs for that kind of love. Everything in the natural world cries out, "Please come here, come to us!" and longs for people to make love there. You should have the heart to understand and feel this. If the master were to go to the top of a mountain covered with snow and make love there, nature would be pleased saying, "Our dear master makes love in such a beautiful way!" That is what creation wants. (235-277, 1992.10.11)
The Black Current passes across four thousand miles based in the Pacific Ocean. It circulates over four thousand miles in one year and the force of its passage makes the five great oceans circulate. Were it not for this primal Black Current, the oceans would not be in motion. The Atlantic and Pacific are linked to the five great oceans because of the Black Current. (227-129, 1992.2.11)
Through these environmental circumstances, all five great oceans continue to live, without wasting away. (297-209, 1998.11.20)
No matter how large the river is, it flows to the ocean, and no matter how vast the ocean is, it follows the Black Current. Do you know what the Black Current is? The Black Current is a strong current of water that follows a four thousand mile path in the Pacific Ocean. Because of this powerful current, all the water currents in the five great oceans are alive and on the move. Only water that rides this current and circulates is qualified to become seawater. It is the same with human life. (220-201, 1991.10.19)
No matter how numerous, large or small, all the rivers flow toward the vast oceans. Once there, all their waters are mixed together. The Black Current flows in the Pacific and circulates for four thousand miles among the five great oceans. This is possible because of the moon's gravitational pull. Because the Black Current circulates in this way, the five great oceans can all be in motion. It acts as the supporting pillar of the entire ocean system. When filth and other things come into the ocean waters, they are all mixed up and move towards becoming one. This is the purpose of the ocean. Even if a large river were to constantly supply fresh water for tens of thousands of years, the ocean has the authority to absorb it all and still have room to spare. The ocean is great because it stays unchanged, no matter what comes into it. (210-200, 1990.12.23)
After crossing the Pacific, do clouds from Japan say, "I don't like the American clouds!" when they are about to merge with the clouds over America? The waters in Japan flow to the Pacific through the Black Current. When they approach the waters around America, do they say, "Ah!"? The Black Current flows four thousand miles in the Pacific Ocean. Does the Black Current distinguish between advanced nations and developing nations? Are there actual borders between nations? Then what is it with the human world? Anything that goes against the movements of nature will be broken. (268-26, 1995.2.7)
In the world of love, you have access to all places. Does the water in the Pacific think, "I am of the Pacific Ocean. The waters in Asia are all polluted. I do not like them!"? No matter where the waters come from, they all latch onto each other. If there were some dirty thing in its path, the ocean would mix the filth with its water, quickly dissolving it, while going along the same path. Therefore, no matter how severely the Pacific Ocean is polluted, even if humankind ceased to exist, the ocean waters would surely be as blue as ever. Even if it goes through tribulation and a course filled with twists and turns, the ocean water does not lose its blueness. In the same way, the authority, content, and power of love will always be blue. (214-273, 1991.2.3)
The Unification Church must become the main stream of the world and resemble the Black Current in the Pacific Ocean. The circulation of the Black Current through four thousand miles in the Pacific enables the waters in the five great oceans to circulate. To generate the life energy of the world from the universe, a source must be created that can turn and move the deepest of places. Through this, we must purify the tarnished world. (275-32, 1995.10.30)
You cannot imagine how fearsome and horrifying the waves and the winds are when a storm brews. But I believe that even the strongest wind is fulfilling its mission. Without wind there would be no waves in the ocean, and as a consequence, fish would not survive. The wind blows to supply oxygen to the ocean. Waves supply oxygen. That is why even when the waves are rolling and the wind is blowing strongly, you should taste the ocean and say, "You haven't lost your taste!" The ocean is salty. I also think that I have not lost my touch. If I can think that way, then the currents and rushing waves are not unpleasant.
You do not realize how much philosophy can be found in the ocean. People who have only lived on land will face a considerable amount of obstacles when they try to engage in ideal activities in the other world. In the spirit world, you can ride on whales and swim with the fish. But if you do not like the ocean, you cannot do that. (119-252, 1982.9.13)
When you go out to the sea, you will fear the storms. Their waves are ferocious. Yet no matter how ferocious they are, they can be overcome when the power of love sets its sail. (110-102, 1980.11.9)
The ocean should not be still. Water does not die when it is moving. Even water poured into a bowl would last for eternity if it were moving. If it is in motion, it will not die. When a ship that is used for ocean fishing departs from port, it carries a year and a half or two years' supply of water. Because of the waves that water sloshes about and would not spoil even if you drink it hundreds of years later. When water moves, it does not spoil. But when it stops moving, it soon spoils. Isn't water truly unique? That is how it is with water. (296-200, 1998.11.9)
If you are going out to fish in the ocean, you must have a full supply of drinking water on your ship. You have to drink that water for a year and a half because you cannot drink salt water. If the water is in motion, it will not spoil for decades. Water must be in motion. That is why the Word of God must also be in motion. (291-88, 1998.3.5)
Why does water flow? It flows because it is not level. When water flows, it searches for the horizon. Water must go to the ocean. It must seek the horizon. (263-91, 1994.8.21)
Water must always be level. That is its characteristic. No matter how strong the wave, the ocean maintains a horizon. When you see the horizon, you want to tumble over it. You think, "Hey, I want to roll over it!" Since your body cannot do so, then you do this with a boat. Have you ever thought about that? Whatever you do on a horizon, even if you fall down, your head or hand will not be the first to be hit. You will hit it horizontally. That is possible with a horizon. Human beings need a horizontal line. (263-90, 1994.8.21)
Air and water are just like love. If there is a vacuum, the air in the world will be mobilized to fill it up. If there were a puddle, the ocean water would rush in to make it even. Air, water, and love always maintain their level. (264-316, 1994.11.20)
If we go out to sea, we naturally observe water. Water circulates. Fogs form in the morning above places with water. It becomes vapor in a low-pressure air system and does not rise up. The vaporized water condenses to become a fog. Water becomes mist. It then evaporates, becomes a cloud and circulates around the world. What would happen if there was no water in the ocean? Everyone would be frantic and no living being could survive. Think about the greatness of water. (263-78, 1994.8.21)
As you know, whenever I had time, I would always go out to sea. I would go out to sea and be harassed. Harassed as I was, I believe the purpose was to calm my spirit and prepare me for trials and a greater battle. Though I was exhausted from having gone without sleep, I kept my wits alert, set my own standard and made effort to keep from going in a different direction from that horizontal line. (73-270, 1974.9.29)
Air is always in motion. Hasn't water also been in motion for tens of thousands of years? The ocean works on the same formula. Look at the ocean. How exhausted the water must be! Yet, not even once does water think it is tired. That is the formula for its survival. (207-18, 1990.10.21)
We can conclude that people who do not know the realm of the ocean are very limited in their sphere of happiness. If there is a Lord of Creation, He will enjoy hearing praise from people who appreciate both the mysteriousness of the sea and the beauty of the land, based on a correct knowledge of the land and sea. It is only reasonable to say that He would not approve of praise for only one aspect. (128-256, 1983.8.28)
You would certainly be grateful to the Creator if you consider that the ocean, land, and everything was created for educating humankind alone. (128-259, 1983.8.28)
When you look at the ocean, you should not regard it simply as the ocean. You should consider it a gift from our Heavenly Father. A great revolution can begin from the moment you begin to re-consider and re-experience everything in the course of re-creation. The value of a great victory can sprout from this point. (112-306, 1981.4.25)
I like things that are stimulating. I make breakthroughs at places where there is a lot of change. In this respect, the ocean is more appropriate than the land. At times, the wind blows in the ocean. At other times, the ocean is calm. The ocean is always changing, with rising and falling winds. That is why traveling on the sea is better than traveling on land.
When you walk on the land, your thoughts in the morning do not change at all. No matter how much you walk about, you can move in a dignified way, without using your hands. But that is not the case with the ocean. Even though you may wish to go a certain way, you are tossed about in one direction after another. That is how much it changes. You will find truly stimulating changes. When the sea is calm, its tranquility surpasses that of the land. It is serene to the point that it draws wonder from the observer. The ocean water can seem like glass. There are times when the ocean is so beautiful that you wish to touch it and even drink it. That is why the ocean is ever-changing. But still, you should continue with determination on your course. Without that kind of motivation, you cannot do great things. (79-270, 1975.9.1)
When you observe the bottom of the sea, you will discover fish that look like whales and halibuts. Also, you will see fish that look like catfish attached to the bottom of the ocean. This type of catfish's head is larger than its body, and it has a large mouth. It nibbles and eats large objects and rotten things that flow by. This fish swallows it whole and then nibbles on it. If that is not enough, this fish sucks in bugs to eat. In this way, it is constantly contributing to the purifying process -- the cleansing process.
There are 3,600 species of fish living in the Pantanal. That is 3,600 kinds of fish! And they all eat something different. All these fish are mixed together in the water and are tirelessly cleaning it up. You should realize that the act of eating is their cleaning work. All these fish do not exist for their own sake, but to bring order to the environment -- to clean their surroundings as they live, helping one another. This constitutes a natural cooperative system. They are purifying the ocean water. The ocean should not just be salty. There should be fish that can eat the filthy things. What would we do with fish excrement? There are creatures that eat only dung. (293-283, 1998.6.7)
Fish are not the only creatures that make the ocean clean. Waterfowl such as wild geese and sea gulls also take part in this cleaning process and are tirelessly probing the area. If they find something not on the surface but sinking into the water, they would go after it to eat it.
If the wind says, "Hey cloud, there is a hot place that is about to dry up. Let us go there," then the cold ocean air would go to that place. The wind would carry the clouds and shower water as it passes by. Consider how this universe is created as a system for joint cooperation. If there were no winds it would be a problem? The same can be said of the boiled rice, bread, and things you make. The vapor rises from the ocean into the air and is carried by the wind. This vapor follows the warm sun rays in the summer, and when it becomes rain, the moisture is absorbed to create many things. The moisture on land and the moisture in the air can be used to make boiled rice and bread. Consider how much toil was involved in that process and how valuable these things are. The universe is also engaged in that process. The universe is in motion and cooperates to make that bread. A piece of bread is not easily made. (293-285, 1998.6.7)
Where do you think the saltiest place would be in the ocean? In the deep places or the shallow places? It is the deep places. Why? Because salt water is dense. That is why the deeper the place, the saltier it is. Using the saltwater allegory, where would the highest palace be in the heavenly nation? It would be at the bottom of the ocean. The palace would be found there, at the very bottom.
You should understand the concepts that I am explaining to you. What I am trying to say is that the highest place of Heaven can be found in the deepest part -- the bottom of the ocean, where it is saltiest. The cleanest person, on the other hand, can be found at the summit. God can be found in the place with the most conscientious person -- the person with the loftiest heart of serving the world and the whole. (244-178, 1993.2.7)
Pristine water that flows in the mainstream cannot avoid polluted water filled with filth and say, "I don't want to mix with you!" That is how it is in nature. The harmonious and overall relationships in nature are mysterious. When there is something dirty, water will embrace it, even if it spoils the pure water's essence. Water will absorb and assimilate the things around it; and as the water continues to flow, the dirty things sink while the clean things rise to the surface. The water becomes pure as it flows through the ocean. The flow of history is like that as well. (218-292, 1991.8.22)
No matter how strong the ocean currents, the fish sleep in the ocean. While the body of the fish is asleep, its fins are in motion as it swims against the current to maintain its position. Isn't this interesting? It is like being asleep while all of your blood vessels are active. The fish itself is asleep, even while it maintains its bodily functions, in the same way blood flows in your body. In that light, who becomes the owner and who stands on a higher level? The one who invests and serves more becomes the owner. (220-282, 1991.10.20)
Though the waves in the ocean may be ferocious, its currents must always follow the main current. By aligning itself to the main current, it can survive the opposition and persecution of the entire world. When God stands in the mainstream as the complete subject partner centering on that main current, His object partner would not be harmed because it would be protected within that subject and object partner relationship. (249-164, 1993.10.10)
When you are swimming, would you say, "Hey, I am thirsty. Get me a cola or a McCol!"? If you are in the water for the entire day, you can get by without even drinking a cup of water because your cells absorb water. Last time I spoke, I talked for sixteen and a half hours. One might think, "How could he endure for such a long time without going to the restroom?" but everything that should go out as urine goes out instead as sweat. It is released as vapor because of the heat and comes out as sweat.
That is why even if you are in the ocean for the entire day, you do not have to bring any water with you. If you are thirsty, then try swimming around like a whale in the ocean for an hour or two. Would you still be thirsty? If you were lying on a sandbank, you would drink water because of the heat. Water is essential to human beings and air is important as well! Where there is water, there is air. Is there air in the ocean or not? (217-206, 1991.6.1)
The oceans are always in motion. The winds blow so that the ocean may prosper and live on. Typhoons occur, and waves build up to tens of meters high in order to oxygenate the ocean. Then how do the fish live through a typhoon? When you consider this you would think, "The fish at the bottom of the ocean are delighted that this typhoon is blowing. Although I am having a difficult time, I will enjoy it because the fish are enjoying it!" (262-289, 1994.8.1)
Water is the ancestor of life. So, would you love water instead of God? You should love the ocean while thinking about that. In scenic areas there should be water and forests. Water creates harmony. I am saying that loving water is the same as loving all of creation. That is a fundamental idea. When loving water, do you love the lake water or the seawater? Should you go out to the sea everyday? If you were on a boat when the winds blow and the waves run high, your blood would swirl around and never go bad. Your blood would be purified. That is the truth. That is why those who always go on boats are healthy. (262-289, 1994.8.1)
I do not receive a salary. I live off my own efforts and means. Wherever I go in this world, I can survive -- even if I were to be placed in the farthest reaches of Africa by a helicopter, where there are no human beings or animals. When I went to the mountains, I learned how to survive off the mountains, and when I went to sea, I learned how to survive off the ocean. That is why I am going to the den of beggars and doing these things to create heaven. Even if you do not follow me around, I am trained in such a way that I could fulfill God's will, even through a bunch of beggars. So, would you or would you not go to the den of beggars if I told you to do so now? But to do so, you need training. (109-152, 1980.11.1)
You may think about holding on to your belongings and living comfortably, but to this day, I have been a pioneer. I have opened the way and stood at the lead. Just recently, our company made a boat. If there had not been a captain, I would personally take everybody out to the sea with me. "The wind may blow, and the waves may run high, but could they block the path of this man? Here, I am going to solve the food problem for the sake of Heaven and humanity, and to carry on life to the future generations." This is what I believe in. Is that not the expression of a great man? I like that kind of person. Movies produced here will remain, and the whirlwind of history will subside in this place.
Wouldn't that way be the greatest mystery of all? It is a path filled with both tragedy and comedy to which any great man would aspire. From this base you can jump forth and go beyond the world. Hope will rise among the countless young people who go out to sea. The fountainhead or spring that will enable people to dream of the ocean worlds of tomorrow will explode from this place. How wonderful would that be? (109-152, 1980.11.1)
I go out to sea with such passion, and problems would arise if I lost that passion. That heart must be maintained. Devotion must last for tens of thousands of years. Indemnity conditions would not be established if I offered devotion in comfort. So instead, I should be going so out upon the ocean. Today must be better than yesterday, and tomorrow must be better than today. The waters from the lakes gather in the Atlantic Ocean, and it in turn flows into the Pacific Ocean. If I continue offering devotion until the day I save all those people who are starving to death, I believe that the will of God will be established on the earth, even if I were to die. (279-308, 1996.9.22)
You would never think that this dark-faced man who looks like a fisherman from the Hudson River, someone who might disappear after a thousand years, would possibly be doing these great things? Why am I doing this? It is to liberate the twenty million people who are starving to death. Do not forget about the sweat you shed at the Hudson River.
There is something that breathes and thinks throughout the five great oceans and six continents. It is invisible, like voice waves or electric waves. That something can lead to the path of liberation for future humanity through the fish world living in that place. As long as there is land and the ocean, people will not starve. With my teachings, I can save the people who are starving to death. (247-21, 1993.4.21)
Since God is absolute love, it is fascinating to observe His created objects. Interestingly, the creation is made in such a way that there will always be enough of the daily necessities for a family in the welfare-centered Kingdom of Heaven. Even the flowing water exists to assist in the functions of heaven and earth. At sea, the water becomes vapor and circulates to revive all things of creation. Everything lives within a realm of cooperation and helps fulfill humanity's ideal by cooperating with one another, instead of being in conflict. God, using earth as His stage, raises His children and transfers them to the Kingdom of Heaven. (284-47, 1997.4.15)
A world opposite to the former world has now come, like morning following the passing night. The time has now come when spring comes to the Unification Church, while the satanic world heads towards evening and night. There is no hope left in the satanic world. That is a dark world of despair, one void of hope. People thought there was no hope in the Unification Church, but after the era of dawn, a new morning has come ushering an age of clearness and brightness. It becomes Rev. Moon's kingdom of the truth. I have a good name. The Chinese character for Sun is a combination of the Chinese character for "fish" and "lamb", which unifies the land and the ocean. The Chinese character for Myung symbolizes the sun, moon and space in the heavens. The Chinese character for Moon when written quickly looks like, and is related to the Chinese character "father". If there is a word meaning "the father" or "true father" that can be explained through the truth, then these words should be placed in the closest position. I did not know this myself. I only learned it after explaining it to you. (261-64, 1994.5.22)