Blessing and Ideal Family |
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon |
Chapter 1
The Ideal Of Creation And The Love Between Man And Woman
I. The Ideal Of Creation And The Human Fall 1. God's Will and the Completion of the Four Position Foundation 2. The Realization of the Ideal of Creation through Love 3. God's Purpose for Creating Adam and Eve 4. Adam and Eve's Growing Period 5. The Perfection of the Individual and the Starting Point of Love 6. The Ideal World of Creation through Adam and Eve 7. The Fall of Adam and Eve 8. The Result of the Fall 9. If Adam and Eve had not Fallen II. The Love Of True Man And Woman 1. The Original Love of Man and Woman 2. The Reason Man and Woman were Born 3. The Other is an Absolutely Necessary Existence 4. Love Comes from the Spouse 5. The True Perspective on the Opposite Sex 6. Man: Chastity; Woman: Purity 7. Love has no Development or Revolution 8. Love is Something Very Natural III. True Marriage And True Love 1. The Significance of Marriage 2. Why We Marry 3. The True Perspective of Marriage 4. The Changes of Adolescence and the Right Time of Marriage 5. Education and Marriage 6. Adolescence and First Love 7. Mind and Body Must Unite 8. The Perfection of True Love 9. The Privilege of True Love IV. The Phenomena Of The Last Days Centered On Love 1. When are the Last Days? 2. The Phenomena of the Last Days: The Fall of the Younger Generation 3. The Reality of Satan in the Last Days 4. The Worldwide Phenomena of Division and the Unification Movement 5. Juvenile Delinquency and the Unification Church 6. The True Love Movement and the Unification Church 7. The Center of Hope in the Last Days
Chapter 2
True Parents And God's Family
I. Jesus And The Blessing 1. Who is the Messiah?. 2. Jesus and the Blessing 3. The Original Jesus 4. Jesus' Resentment 5. The Blessing of Jesus and Christian Thought II. The Feast Of The Lamb And The First Resurrection 1. The Realization of God's Ideal through the Feast of the Lamb 2. The Significance of the Feast of the Lamb 3. The Feast of the Lamb is Held on Earth 4. Why has Religion Emphasized Single Life 5. Those Who Will be Included in the First Resurrection. III. True Parents And True Children 1. What Kind of People Are the True Parents? 2. True Parents: The Hope of the Whole 3. True Parents are the Center of Historical Hope 4. The Purpose of Human History is for Humankind to Receive the True Parents 5. False Parents and True Parents 6. The Claim of the Unification Church 7. Try to Become Sons and Daughters of True Parents 8. We Who are to Restore the Lost Heart (Shim Jung) 9. The Historical Day of Hope IV. The Providence Of Restoration Centering On Families 1. The Hope of Fallen Humankind 2. The Final Goal of the Providence of Restoration 3. The Providence of Restoration Centering on Families 4. Restored Families 5. In Order to Become a Restored Family 6. The Principle of the True Family and Religion of the True Parents
Chapter 3
The Meaning And Value Of The Blessing
I. The Fundamental Principles Of Rebirth 1. The Reason the Messiah is Necessary 2. The True Meaning of Rebirth 3. The Meaning of Changing the Blood Lineage 4. In Order To Be Born Again II. Rebirth And The Origin Of Blessing 1. Changing of the Blood Lineage Through the Israelites 2. Rebirth Through Jesus and the Holy Spirit 3. The Work of Rebirth Through the True Parents and the True Children 4. Establishment of the Blessing Based on Historical Sacrifice 5. The Day of Blessing is the Day of Fulfilling III. The Meaning And Value Of The Blessing 1. The Meaning of the Blessing 2. The Value of the Blessing 3. The Reason for Receiving the Blessing 4. Who is Giving the Blessing 5. The Blessing is for the Entire Cosmos 6. The Reason for Holding the Mass Wedding IV. The Indemnity Condition For Receiving The Blessing 1. Resurrection and the Indemnity Condition 2. The Indemnity Condition has to be Established by Myself 3. In Order to Eliminate the Satanic Sovereignty 4. The Foundation to Receive the Blessing 5. The Indemnity Condition Necessary to Receive the Blessing 6. The Indemnity Period in Order to Receive the Blessing 7. The Course of Training and the Seven Days Fast 8. Three Spiritual Children 9. The Original Standing of the Blessing 10. The Qualification to Receive the Blessing 11. The One Qualification to Receive the Blessing 12. The Faith and Determination We Must Have
Chapter 4
The Process Of The Blessing
I. The Selection Of The Spouse 1. Who Determines the Spouse? 2. Do Not Decide Your Partner by Yourself 3. How Do You Meet Your Ideal Partner 4. It Is Inevitable that Your Partner is Somewhere 5. Man and Woman are Created in Relation to Each Other 6. The Beauty of Woman and the Charm of Man 7. Women and Make-up 8. Love Affairs are Absolutely not Allowed II. The Standard For Matching And Our Attitude 1. Father's Eye for Matching 2. There Should Be the Harmony of Extremes 3. The Four Types of Man and Ideal Balance 4. You Must be Able to Go Over "The Hill of the Eye" 5. The One Who Wants to Go Down Will Rise Up 6. The Prerequisites that are More Important than Educational Background 7. Marriage Should be for the Sake of the Descendants 8. The Labor of True Parents to Recommend Engagements III. Cases At The Engagement Case 1. The Person who Prays for Himself Case 2. Picture Marriage Case 3. The Story of a Couple Case 4. One Crippled Woman Case 5. Three Elite of America Case 6. The Faith of One Missionary in the Netherlands Case 7. Blessing for the Restoration through Indemnity Case 8. An Incident at the 6000 Couple Blessing IV. The Process Of The Blessing And Its Meaning 1. The Meaning of the Engagement Ceremony 2. The Process of Being Reborn through the Holy Wine Ceremony 3. The Meaning of Receiving the Holy Wine 4. The Position of Man and Woman in Restoration 5. The Meaning of the Blessing Ceremony 6. The 40-Day Indemnity Period 7. The Indemnity Stick Ceremony and the Three-Day Ceremony 8. Three-Year Mobilization after Blessing 9. The Blessing is the Last Road
Chapter 5
The Formula Course For Perfection
I. The Formula Course Of The Seven-Year Perfection Stage 1. The Seven-Year Course Which Indemnifies Three Ages at One Time 2. The Great Seven-Year Misfortune and the 7-Year Course 3. The Place of Receiving the Blessing is Not a Complete One 4. The Seven-Year Course to Restore the Position of Parent 5. The Seven-Year Course to Restore through Indemnity the Spiritual World and the Physical World 6. The Seven-Year Course of Parents and the Seven-Year Course of Children 7. The Individual Seven-Year Course and the Family-Level Seven- Year Course 8. The Age that Requests the Perfection of the Family 9. Women Who Have to Stand on the Front Line of God's Providence II. The Responsibility Of Children For Re-Creation 1. The Conditions Necessary at the time of Re-creation 2. Our Activities for Re-creation 3. Training to Inherit the Right of the Love of True Parents 4. The Reason for Doing Business Activities 5. A Subject Which Makes God Weep Bitterly 6. The Meaning of Witnessing to One Person a Month 7. Training on Earth for Life in the Spirit World III. Restoration Of The Family Through Three Spiritual Children 1. Three Spiritual Children 2. Without Eight Family Members Restoration is not Possible 3. The Formation of the Family through Three Spiritual Children 4. The Formula Course for the Restoration of the Family 5. The Relationship between Spiritual Children and Physical Children 6. How to Stand in the Position of Restored Parent 7. The Mission of the Spiritual Parent and the Formula of Love
Chapter 6
Holy Wedding Of True Parents And The Blessed Family
I. The Holy Wedding And The Seven-Year Course Of True Parents 1. The Holy Wedding Ceremony - the Peak of Hardship and Persecution 2. The Establishment of Three Disciples Prior to the Holy Wedding Ceremony of True Parents 3. The Age in Which Parents Pioneer with the Responsibility 4. The Course of the Family-Level Cross of True Parents or the Way of the Cross in True Family 5. Mother's Seven-Year Course 6. The Providential Motto for the 1960s 7. The Blessing of 36,72 and 124 Couples 8. The Period in Which Father Selected and Established the Lost Days II. The Providential Meaning Of The Blessed Families 1. The Meaning of the Third Israel 2. The Organization of the Third Israel through the Blessed Families 3. The Dispensational Meaning of the 36 Couples' Blessing 4. The Dispensational Meaning of the 72 Couples' Blessing 5. The Dispensational Meaning of the 124 Couples' Blessing 6. The Dispensational Meaning of the 430 Couples' Blessing 7. The Dispensational Meaning of the 777 Couples' Blessing 8. The Dispensational Meaning of the 1800 Couples' Blessing 9. The Dispensational Meaning of the 6000 Couples' Blessing III. The Value And The Mission Of The Blessed Families 1. The Value of Blessed Families 2. Blessed Families Should Receive True Parents' Guidance 3. The Reason for the Blessing 4. The Mission and Responsibility of the Blessed Families 5. The Blessed Families Have the Mission of the Chief Priests 6. Blessed Families Who are to be Responsible for the Mission of the Three Time Periods 7. Be a Tribal Messiah 8. The Mission of the Previously Married Couples 9. The Inevitable Destiny of the Blessed Families 10. The Way that the Blessed Couples Should Go 11. The Restoration of Family-Level Canaan on the World-wide Level 12. The Ones Who Will Be the Owners of the New Age IV. The Mission Of The International Blessed Families 1. Internationalism Centered upon God 2. All Humankind are One Brethren and One Family 3. The Meaning of the International Mass Wedding Ceremony 4. The Difference between Eastern Culture and Western Culture and the International Marriage 5. Opening the Age of International Marriage 6. The Mission of the International Blessed Families
Chapter 7
The True Husband And Wife And The Ideal Family
I. True Husband And Wife 1. The Original Relationship of Husband and Wife 2. The Ideal of the True Husband and Wife, Which Must be Restored 3. The Position of the Blessed Couples 4. Ideal Husband and Wife 5. Conjugal Love 6. The Destiny of a Couple 7. Why are We Sad When Our Loved One Dies? 8. The Cooperation of True Husband and Wife II. The Ideal Family 1. The Ideal Family 2. In the Family Three Time Periods are Connected 3. The Family is the School of Discipline for True Love 4. The Family is the Ultimate Standard 5. Why Do We Have to Give Birth to Children 6. The Value of Blessed Children 7. The Kingdom of Heaven of the Family 8. The Key to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven III. The Life Of The Blessed Family 1. The Blessed Family Should be a Good Example 2. The Family Life of Blessed Families 3. The Life of Husband and Wife in a Blessed Family 4. The Providential Life of Blessed Families 5. Life of Faith of Blessed Families 6. Life Centering upon the Trinity 7. The Collective Life of the Blessed Families 8. The Way for the Descendants to Receive Blessing IV. True Parents And Children 1. True Parents and Children 2. The Obligation of True Children 3. Let's Be Parents who Bequeath Good Tradition 4. Parental Love Toward Children 5. Children Should Receive Parental Love 6. The Tough Discipline of Love 7. Let's Sincerely Contribute to our Descendants V. The Education Of Children 1. Family Education 2. True Education of Children 3. True Education of Patriotism 4. Education to Live for the World 5. Faith and Study 6. Love is Not Learned by Education 7. The Path of Life Centering Upon Love
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