Earthly Life and Spirit World 1 |
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon |
Section 4. The Preciousness Of The Physical Body
1. You Have To Prepare On The Earth
Once God created Adam, Eve, and the Archangel, He said it was good. He meant they shouldn't fight one another. It is the teaching of religion that the mind conquers physical desire. We have to conquer evil to gain goodness.
When our physical body wins completely it means even Satan has surrendered. His root is cut off. When we conquer Satan, we can go to heaven. We can't conquer Satan without a physical body. The reason is that since the physical body had an accident on the earth, it must be fixed on the earth. Unless you accomplish whatever you're supposed to do on the earth, you will go to hell.
Therefore, when you gain victory on the earth and stand on the heavenly side of goodness, you can go to the eternal heaven. (65:294)
Our physical life is short. It is not long. If you knew it you wouldn't want to waste time sleeping and eating. You should eat while marching forward. You should sleep while marching forward. Eat while walking and play while walking. It is so miserable, isn't it? The more miserable it is the greater blessing you receive. More than anyone else in the whole world, you need to know this historical content. (80:226)
Our stage is a worldwide offering table. Therefore, these "all things" are worldwide "all things." My body is the body of humankind in the whole world. My heart is the heart of all humankind. The center of my heart is one with God. These are one offering. Who is going to disgrace the offering?
Things don't happen accidentally. The preparation is not easy. Therefore, when we think about our whole life, those who know that childhood is the preparation time for adolescence will be prosperous. The prime time is the time of preparation for old age. Old age is the time of preparation to go to the spiritual world. Our whole life is a training and preparation period to gain a universal personality. (147:188)
Even though we live in this world, we know there is the spiritual world besides the physical world. We know this world and the spiritual world are not two different worlds but should be connected as one.
Then what kind of place are we supposed to go and live? Even though we live in this world with a physical body, we are aiming toward the eternal world.
After their birth, people in this world simply pass through their teens, twenties, thirties, middle age, prime age, and old age. After they pass youth and reach their prime, they enter old age gradually. They finish their life like the sunset.
However, those who know that there is a spiritual world are aware that our life here is short but the world after death is eternal. Therefore, our life is a time to prepare for the eternal life. Isn't this world like that?
For example, there is a certain standard in school of how many credits a student has to gain in one semester and in one year. If the standard is 100 percent, you can be recognized in school according to how much you accomplished toward the goal. The less you accomplish, the further you will be from the standard of the school. We can use this standard to calculate everything.
We live in the physical world like students preparing to gain credit in school. We prepare to gain credit throughout our life, aiming for the result that we are destined to accomplish in our life process. In other words, you live daily life based on the standard of how much you accomplish of your responsibility. (140:121)
How great is God? God is absolute. If God has a desire to say, "You should do it for me," do you think God provided the providence for salvation and is tiredly waiting for the fallen world?
If I put you in God's position, how many days could you take His role? One week? (No.) Then one month? This is the problem. If you go to the spiritual world, you have to face it at once. Please, ask yourself when you wake up in the morning, wash your face, and look at yourself, "What did you do? What are you going to do?"
The answer is obvious. You don't have to make excuses. It is clear. Don't you know yourself in the mirror well? You know which level of the spiritual world you are going to mostly. Do you know what I'm talking about? (Yes.) Death is coming. When you die, you'll be pulled according to how much you lived for yourself. If you are seldom selfless, you'll be pulled in this way. Even though I taught you very clearly, some fail and some go to hell. These people can't accuse me. They can't say, "Why didn't you teach me clearly while I was on the earth?"
Therefore, do not do anything for the sake of yourself but think how to live for the sake of God, heaven and earth, your nation, your tribe, your family, and your spouse. If you live for others, you'll be pulled into the perfect world even though you try to escape and try to go backward because you think it is for the sake of yourself. How peaceful it is! How easy it is!
If you live your life centered on yourself, you have to worry about everything, saying, "Oh, I failed this and I failed that." However, if you live for the sake of others for ten, twenty years, everything will be your friend. If you live for the sake of others, your heart becomes empty, so the truth will come to you.
When you try to live with the truth, God will follow you. He belongs to me because He wants to. This is logical. Therefore, those who want to live for the sake of others can completely inherit the Completion Era. This is the conclusion.
What can we be proud of in the Unification Church? What is first? True love! What is next? True Parents! (These words are found only in the Unification Church. We can't find them in the dictionary. We have to make our own dictionary.) Then True Children! What comes next? True tribe! These are our four goals. What is the first one? (True love!) What is the second? (True Parents!) What is the third? (True Children!) What is the fourth? (True tribe!) We have to gain these.
Without true love, all these are going to be destroyed. (203:101)
2. Preciousness Of The Physical Life
If you are liberated, God will be liberated. Is that right? (Yes.) If our family is liberated, the family in heaven will be liberated. If the physical world is liberated, heaven will be liberated. Therefore, the theory in the Bible, "Whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever you free on earth will be freed in heaven" will be made clear by such an understanding of the unity of two structures.
We should know that our physical life is really precious. We can conclude that we can liberate God and the universe and unite heaven and earth only while we are on the earth.
Even if we sum up God and all things, we can't exchange our physical body for them. Why is it so? God can't perfect creation alone, without physical man. Therefore, our physical body is so precious. Isn't it wonderful!
Man has a desire. What does God want man to have before a desire? This is what God wants man to have: Love your physical body. Our physical body can't be exchanged for the universe.
The Bible says, "Even though you gain the whole world, if you lose your eternal life, what can you gain?" (91:19)
When we restore the physical world and spiritual world, we bring them back to the original position. It costs the 70 to 80 years of our life to restore the spirit world as well as the physical world. There is no greater business than this. I spent my entire youth trying to accomplish it. As you know the truth now, you are a happy man. (15:146)
Today man lives only for 70 to 80 years. Our heart knows that it takes more than a million years to restore a historical sphere of good, ness that we are supposed to be connected to for a short 70 to 80 years. We have to make a connection to a sphere of goodness for a short 70 to 80 years.
Our conscience becomes desperate to know how immense this task is. We mustn't die. If we die, we can't accomplish it. While we are alive, we can make a connection to a sphere of goodness, restore the sovereignty of the Fatherland, serve a heavenly sovereign, and live with the people in the nation. Then you can go to heaven in the spiritual world.
If we can't go there and can't see there, how anxious our heart will be! (155:27)
After we go to the unlimited spirit world, time is eternal there. Once we see it, we can't help seeing it eternally. Do you understand? Once we do something there, it will be eternal.
If we can go to such a place, and if a million people happen to know how to live there, how do we deal with ourselves? Have you even thought about such a thing?
The only way to realize it is through our physical life. This is the only time to straighten out our life. There is no way to realize it by living for the sake of ourselves. Do you understand? Rev. Moon and the Unification Church didn't have to go through such a suffering course for the last 50 years if there was any way to realize it by living for the sake of ourselves. (59:50)
Man should follow the way of living according to the Unification Principle even after 1,000 years have passed. You can go this way within 60 or 70 years, or even 40 years. If you fail, you have to face judgment in the spirit world for a million years, for eternity.
You know the existence of the spirit world, don't you? If I didn't know about the spirit world, you would have no way to know these things. No other theologian or religious leader in the world knows how the spirit world works and how it relates to the physical world.
Everyone has to learn from me. Do you understand that you have such a privilege? (135:297)
3. Habit Is Important
The most important thing now is that we should destroy satanic habits to establish a new heavenly order. (213:19)
I know you like kimchi and kochijan (bean paste with hot pepper.) don't you? (Yes.) Do Western people like kimchi and kochijan? At a glance, they run away. (Laughter.) We are still having leadership seminars in the United States. About 230 people participated in it this time. They ate kimchi in the hotel. The Western people complained, saying, "Oh! What kind of smell is this? This is the worst smell!" and they ran away. On the contrary, Korean people say, "Oh! It is more delicious than honey." (Laughter.)
How do you destroy a habit? Is it easy? Is it hard? (Hard.) What does it mean? Until now, you have had selfish habits, thinking that you should be superior in the satanic world. Those habits have become condensed. Are such condensed habits stronger or weaker than a habit of eating kimchi and kochijan? (Stronger.)
It is historical. Since the day Satan started his way, a traditional habit like a rotten root has been established. How do we pull it out? Don't be so loud. Don't say so loudly that you learned the Principle from Rev. Moon. Even though you try to dig a hole to bury even the root, it is taller than you. It is too long to pull out from even the top of the tree. Then can you say out loud that you pulled it out, sitting there. It is a serious problem. Do you have confidence to go to heaven? To go to heaven, you have to have a traditional habit centered on God. (213:20)
God is standing at your right side trying to protect you, and Satan is on the left side. He is the evil parent. Do you understand? If Heaven stands in the front, Satan has to go to the back. However, since satanic world stands in the front, God is in the back. God is controlling the right side and Satan is standing in front, controlling the left. Then, where are they going? Instead of going to heaven, they are going in the opposite direction. They are going to be Epicureans pursuing physical pleasures. However, our way is the opposite. We go the 180-degree opposite way, to a suffering course and an even more suffering course.
The way will be divided in two. Thus, you have to let your mind lead your body to establish good habits within three or five years. (214:228)
4. The Reason Why The Earthly Life Is The First Priority
Everyone! Do you want to go to the spirit world soon, or not? (Laughter) Try to answer it. (We want to go there.) Does everyone want to go there? (Yes.) Then will you look for me at the museum there, or not? (We'll took for you.) When you see me there, will you say, "Oh, I know him." Will you pay me respect? (We will.) If you try to touch me I'll try to avoid you. Since I'm standing in a public position, I will try to avoid your touch. If you touch me, it will be a big problem. Therefore, you have to look at me from a distance. Is that true or false. (True.)
You are wrong. The earth is the priority and the spirit world is secondary. You live your life on the earth and then go there. Which seems more valuable: to pay respect to me in the spirit world or in the physical world? (In the physical world.) No, in the spirit world! (In the physical world!) Your voices are weaker than mine. Spirit world! (Physical world!) You are right. (Laughter, clapping.) (205:252)
5. The Standard Of The Physical World
My life is for the sake of God. You all should think to live for the sake of God and the world. You shouldn't think to live for the sake of yourselves. You should think about God, True Parents, and human beings.
To make a connection among God, True Parents, and human beings and establish the four position foundation centered on you, you have to have true love. You have to become a true life, one who can inherit this universe centered on true love. You have to think about this all the time. Do you understand?
Therefore, you always have to think how much closer you have lived to the heavenly standard. By living that way you become a representative of human beings. You become the one who represents parents and God. You should understand it.
If you live that way, there is no borderline whether you go to the spirit world or anywhere on the earth. There is no borderline wherever you may go. When you go to the spirit world, you can be free. You can realize whatever you think is necessary centered on such a loving heart, anytime.
If you wish to eat a meal with a thousand friends, you could do it. Such a world is waiting for you. It is only possible in the world of love to meet 10,000 people, 100,000, or many million people at the same time. Do you understand? When God had exercised His ability as the Creator, He created them centered on love, after he made a connection with true love. Do you understand? Unless you make a connection with true love, everything will be in vain. (147:115)
6. Everything Will Be Recorded Through The Physical Body
Imagine you take a picture of your heart and took at it. (19:26)
If you have lived an unspeakably miserable life for more than two-thirds of your life, could you remove the two-thirds of your life? You can't do it. These experiences stay with you. (34:139)
Why do we need indemnity? (In order to restore things.) Restoration is re-creation. What kind of valuable life can you leave on the earth?
Someone says, "Oh, I can go to heaven when I get old and believe in Jesus and die." (Laughter.) Can you correct your life when you get old? Soon you will be fertilizer. Therefore, you have to be young. It is better to know the truth when you are 15 years old than when you are 20 years old. It is more valuable for a baby to grow up with the truth than for a 15-year-old to get to know the truth.
If something is lighter than air, it will rise up, and if it is heavier than air, it will sink. Do you understand? The one who is restored becomes completely empty. The physical body holds the spirit body. If the physical body is taken away, you'll rise up to the highest place. Then, how high can you go? You can go to where God puts you on His head like a hat, and He doesn't feel uncomfortable. God is rather happy about it. He likes to feel that you are clinging on Him.
Since God has such a character, it doesn't bother Him to exercise so much around Him. When God laughs, everybody laughs very hard, "Ha, ha, ha." When God is tense, everybody gets tense. Everyone responds to God in an instant. Can you do it?
There is plenty of water in a layer of your skin. Is it pure water or dirty water? Do you have any sand there? Do you have any pebbles there? (Father laughs.) After a large seasonal rainstorm passes, the water must be so dirty. Everything like piglets or calves is in that water. It will be more dirty than that. Everyone, think about it. Are you different from this? Think about it.
Therefore, you need to filter the dirty water by stirring it. Isn't it necessary? So you need to provide a filter system. It is difficult, but you have to go through the sand, looking around right and left carefully. Is it all right to have an ego? If you have an ego, you will be stuck inside the filter. If the water accumulates dirt it can't even flow, and everything will get stuck there.
Have you ever thought that you would be inspected by such a system, like an X-ray, if you have to go to the spirit world right now? Will you go to hell? Where are you going? It is not a lie but the truth. When God thinks about evil people, does He need those who did go through the filter? Or does God need those who didn't go through the filter? Think about it. (97:60)
7. The Physical Life Is So Important
When you go to the spiritual world, you have to wait for many years, even blessed couples. Don't you think your sons and daughters would say to you, "Why was I born like this? Why was I led here?" Do you think your sons and daughters will keep quiet?
The level of each member of your family is different. When you go to the spiritual world, you go to your own suitable place and stay there for a long time. Your ancestors, your sons and daughters, will accuse you, saying, "Why did you do it? How come you couldn't do well?" You have to stay there as long as you need to. It is not an easy task. Therefore, you have to do it on the earth. You have to accomplish what I tell you on the earth.
Here is a bolt. You have to make it fit and fill it. When a nut fits into a bolt, it will be filled. Do you understand? They have to fit each other. If they don't fit each other, they kick each other.
Therefore, think how important life on the earth is! We can have only one life. It is almost one moment, but only once. If you compare your physical life to eternity, it is only one spot. It is too short. It is not significant. You have to prepare to go to the spirit world beyond your physical life.
You always have to stand in the center and control everything to conquer it with such a main philosophy. Without it, you can't realize individual perfection. You should know it. Do you understand what I'm talking about? (Yes.) (207:99)
8. The Portion Of Your Responsibility Through Your Physical Body
For you to live, you have to long for God and True Parents. By doing so, you can live in a happy, safe, and fulfilled sphere, spiritually and physically. By love. Do you understand? Those who live like that in the physical world can do so in the spirit world. There is an expanded internal life on earth. The level of the expansion of your internal life will come out on the surface in the spirit world. Love is central, isn't it, because the love within God and human beings can be like one cell of the body. The spirit world is the world where you become one of the cells. Once you enter into such a dimension, God will surely come inside your heart. When you call, "God!" He'll answer in your heart, "What kind of person is calling me? What is it?"
Therefore, responsibility is so important. We say "responsibility" in the Unification Church. I established the principle of responsibility. Whenever you look at yourself in the morning, you have to think where you accomplish your responsibility. It is a serious matter. You can imagine your five senses-your eyes, nose, mouth, hands, and ears-are intoxicated by love, which you gain by accomplishing your responsibility. When you think about true love, how miserable it is to lose it! How much God has made effort to restore it! It isn't just an idea. When I think about it, I can't help lamenting with tears. (218:128)
In order to accomplish your responsibility, what should you do? You should stand in a position to deny everything that has an emotional connection with Satan's heart -- Satan's human heart and Satan's lineage. Why? When Adam walked through the course of his portion of responsibility, did he carry Satan's emotion? Please answer me. What kind of satanic emotion did he carry? (He didn't.) Everyone, what are you now? Did you cut off all Satan's emotion to search for your portion of responsibility? (We couldn't.) Can it be your portion of responsibility? (It can't.) Therefore, you have to deny. (139:256)
When man goes to the spirit world, will he be like that? Adam becomes God's body. As the scripture in John and Corinthians I record, "Don't you know you are to become the temple of God?" The body is the holy temple where God dwells; it is the house.
Now, how can you resemble God! By reaching the level of completion of your portion of responsibility, God dwells within you and you become one with God. Then, by love, the life of all creation can be connected and become one. (138:211)
The more the circumstances have changed, the more things went wrong. Why? It is because they have lost the concept of eternity. They don't have confidence in the matter of eternal life. They are not sure if there is a God or not.
Regarding this matter, they could not go beyond the circumstances by risking their lives. Everyone stays there, looking around, and falls into the comfortable way of this present life. Unless the concept of the eternal penetrates into them, they will fall into the middle sphere of the spirit world. Who can insert the concept of the eternal lineage into them? Only Unification Church teachings can penetrate them.
If you are confident that our present life is not preparation for the physical life but for the life of the eternal world you can leave it alone.
The more our days pass, 40 years old and 50 years old, and the closer the day of our death comes, the more serious we become about the concept of eternity. Do you understand what I am talking about?
The older we become, the weaker our love becomes. However, if we are penetrated by a concept of eternity, we become more serious. Evil circumstances and confused change are so frequent now. If you can overcome changing circumstances and keep an absolute concept of eternity, nothing can disturb you.
Therefore, the point is how you can penetrate a concept of the eternal life. So whenever you give a lecture, you always have to teach centered on the matter of love and a concept of subject and object. You also have to teach God's Principle of Creation, that creation is centered on eternal love. You have to penetrate this backbone.
Didn't God create Adam and Eve as the objects of His love? Because God created them like that, we should live as an object of God. You have to not only talk about it but actually feel it. And you have to understand it deeply.
If you only knew how great the power of true love is, you couldn't help going this way even though someone told you not to go this way.
Therefore, whenever you give a lecture, the point you must give all of your energy to is how you can get across the concept of eternal life. If you only do that, everything will be accomplished.
Before 15 years old, you can use the standard of man's original nature before the fall. Because the age before 15 years old is before Adam and Eve fell, their original mind is still alive. Therefore, before adolescence or at adolescence they should know God. By understand.
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