Earthly Life and Spirit World 1 |
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon |
Section 3. The Content And Situation Of The Spirit World (Part 3)
9. The Spirit World Is A World Of Heart
What kind of place is the spirit world? Some people say that those who speak about the spirit world are psychiatric patients. So I do not speak about it. Well, let me talk about it just a little. What kind of world is the spirit world? It is a place where anything is possible if you have a heart of the same level as God's heart. If we increase to many millions of members, they can all change to new clothes as soon as I say, "Oh! All of you should change your clothes to those new ones." When I say, "Let our banquet hall appear, and it should be this way and that way," it would instantly appear. The tables would be decorated with gold and silver as well as fine colored ornaments. The chairs would also be elegant. The people who came to the banquet would dance with joy and ecstasy. In such a place they would continue dancing for a thousand years.
Our members suffer for their ideals. The more you suffer, the higher ideals you will achieve. Even though your spouse has horns on his head and an ugly face, can you still get victory by learning to love him? Do you understand what I am talking about? (Yes.) You welcome that kind of world. The whole world will come to respect that kind of achievement. Would you and your spouse like to follow on the path where Mother and I are leading you? (We want to follow.) It is not easy to do that.
The world of heart is the world of eternal happiness. You have to be educated, however, going through thousands of stages of training. You have to go forward step by step, facing constant challenges even though it may take many hundreds of millions of years. Everyone has to go through such a course. Americans, Orientals, presidents -- every kind of person has to walk this path. You have to become someone who sheds tears for others, not for yourself.
So do not hesitate. Challenge your destiny by saying, "Do whatever you want with me. I am willing to die. I will continue to go this way even to death. Come what may, I will go forward with this kind of heart." If you challenge your fate by saying, "Even though you may die, I cannot kill you as long as my heart is alive. I will bring this heart with me into the spirit world and engraft it to the world," God will say to you, "Are you going to invade the sphere of God's Heart? You can invade the sphere of Satan's heart, but you cannot invade the sphere of God's Heart. Isn't it the heavenly principle?"
Satan governs the sphere of his heart, but he cannot govern the sphere of Heaven's Heart. If Satan kills you, you will be united with the heartistic sphere of love, the center of God. That is why the Heavenly Heart is never welcome anywhere in the satanic world. It is most hated. Both God, centered on the spirit world, and your heart, centered on this world, are being placed on a scale. They form a reciprocal relationship.
The whole world will be united once the satanic world is heartistically united with this sphere of love. Then there will be no more border lines, and this world will be the Heavenly Kingdom where nobody will be prevented from entering any of the 12 pearly gates in the directions of east, west, south, and north. Everyone is welcome. Do you understand what I am talking about? You enter through this gate and come out through another gate. You are able to freely go through any of the 12 gates. Actually, there are 144 gates -- 12 gates for 12 directions.
Why? Because all can be harmonized and become one anywhere when you are united with the Heart of God, the Heart of the Heavenly Kingdom. (Father explains, drawing on the blackboard.) What is it going to be like? Those who are in the higher hierarchy of love and are able to go through the gates will shout, "Mansei! God is great!" (Laughter.) They follow each other, and all of them are so happy. They can eat whatever they want. They can wear whatever clothes they like. They play if they want to. They can do whatever they wish. They will feel in a second the tremendous happiness that they could never experience in the physical world even though they lived for a hundred years. (106:229)
The "-isms" in this world may have helped reform man's conscience, but from now on something more is needed to bring the final and complete victory. That is heart.
There has to emerge a new historical view that can reform man's heart and enable him to establish a heavenly standard. Based on this historical view, there has to appear a heartistic "-ism" that can create a new view of life, a new worldview. Then what "-ism" is it? It is centered on a heartistic view of life, a heartistic view of the world, and a heartistic view of the universe. It has been expected by human history. The Unification Church is teaching this very thing. (16:252)
10. The Situation Of The Spirit World
It is like that in the hereafter, the spirit world. If two lines meet at 90 degrees, each goes straight to east and west, north and south. Human society consists of numerous groups, and so many different forms. How many people are here in this room? If there are five hundred, then there are five hundred types of people, right? Everybody is different, right? Among all of you, people with similar angles gather in the same groups. This occurs more precisely than by computer. You can tell your own angle just by passing by others. Within a week, you will be able to peek through everything behind everyone and even to the bottom of the warehouse of a person's secret world. Words are not necessary. You can sense what a person's heart is trying to tell you. Do you understand? It is a world like a grandfather computer.
Let me explain next what the spirit world is like. There you drink elements. When drinking water, you drink the elements. Do you understand about elements? You can drink as much water as you want there, and it will turn back into elements when you just wave your hands. There is no need of a garbage pail.
The person who can become an object to the God of love and harmony can instantly actualize all his thoughts in the spirit world. It is the world where you can prepare in a second a banquet for many millions of people. If you want to bring joy to God by dressing up beautifully, then you are already exquisitely dressed. It is possible to actualize even more than what you can imagine in this world.
Those who understand the spirit world find little joy in living in the physical world. Like us. Even when we are jailed, it does not bother us at all. This temporary life on earth is a moment of less than one breath compared with the eternal life. (211:244)
When you go to the spirit world, do you think you will be flying like this, "Hooo," or not? You can fly, "Hooo," but you cannot see anyone flying, because it is too fast. (Laughter.) Since true love has the fastest speed, the God of true love can take one step to reach anywhere in the vast universe 2.2 billion light years wide and work in many places all at once. You could do the same. The spirit world will become the stage of your activities, even though it is such a huge universe many hundreds of times the size of this earth.
There are so many mines of dreams. So much gold, silver, and precious stones. If you are someone who loves flowers so much, flowers will wake up from their sleep and open their mouth all of a sudden in order to welcome you when you approach them. They will ask you to stay for a while, but if you go away from them, they will wither and sigh "Ahh!" in disappointment. Do you understand? (213:277)
Think about it. There is no such a thing as jealousy in the spirit world. Would you compare the embodiment of love with diamond, gold, or pearls? jewels do not matter. The embodiment of love glitters more than jewels. It is so much more beautiful.
Is there a love diamond? Is there love in it? (No.) Is there a life diamond? (No.) We are the valuable beings who can impress diamonds and influence everything. We are the diamonds of precious love. Diamonds of precious life. It is you. So how wonderful are you? (Laughter, applause.)
The spirit world is like that. When you want to go somewhere, you are there already. Imagine if the vast universe became an active body of yours. Love must precede everything. You have to say, "I want to see him. I want to see him," as if he were your partner and someone you love. You go to him as soon as you want to see him.
If you meet with artists in the spirit world, you will follow them as you instantly cultivate all your artistic ability within yourself. Everything is possible in spirit world. You sing when you want to sing. You also dance. Everyone rejoices. Mind and body are harmonized, and they begin to dance and sing. How beautiful that is!
When God draws a picture, won't He win the top award? Right? Does God bring a picture, a masterpiece by someone, and post it on the wall in order to look at it? Or does He look at the person who produced the masterpiece? Which one do you think God likes? (The person He created.) Masterpieces are not necessary, right?
You do not age in the spirit world, since you are in the most wonderful position and are intoxicated with the heart of love. My mother must be old now, but in the spirit world she looks the way she was when she looked the best to me. Always.
How boring it would be if we had only bright, sunny days every day! Fog rolls over places. The moon can be ringed by clouds and sometimes becomes hidden. How artistic it is! Think about it. It is the world of art. When you see in the physical world fine days, cloudy days, and so many variations in the weather outside, you are witnessing a world of art. If you can sense love in the environment, you can become a person who has the capacity to create a sphere of many different kinds of emotion. With love, you can make a fine day in the spirit world become cloudy, or make fog roll over the spirit world, if you wish. Everyone in the spirit world will be interested in you. They will all say, "It is fun to be with him."
For example, if you walk in heavy rain without an umbrella, singing, "Ahh! How happy I am! All creatures, follow me," don't you feel so proud and wonderful? Don't you feel so great as you kick raindrops, asking them, "You like me, don't you? You like me, don't you?" (Laughter.)
When you look around the world from this perspective, there exist no unfortunate experiences. All the complicated situations exist to help you to bring more precious experiences to the eternal spirit world. It is a way to create the harmony of heaven and earth. Say, "Amen!" (201:101)
11. Life In The Spirit World
It is the same with you. If one day while you are walking you are instantly killed in a traffic accident, you do not think you have died. The spirit world is like that. You say to yourself, "Ah, I have come to a strange place. It is a little better than my own neighborhood." Opened in front of your very eyes is a vast space. A limitless space. That is why you do not think you have died.
But what an odd place it seems to be. People who used to be around you appear when you want to see them, but they do not appear unless you call them. You feel very much alone.
There are guides in the spirit world, though. They come and explain to you, "You have come to the spirit world. You have died. You have died." You cannot realize that. You have a feeling that you collided with a car far away somewhere as in a dream, but you do not feel that you have died. You are still connected with earth that way.
You are dazed without knowing that you have come there because you are dead. You cannot grasp it with your senses. You try to go to your house, saying, "I have to go to my hometown." How can you go back to your hometown in the physical world? You can't.
Then people come and teach you. Your ancestors from some generations ago come and tell you, "You are no longer on the earth. You have entered the spirit world." You finally say, "Ahh, the spirit world is this kind of place." There is nothing lacking in the spirit world.
How is life in the hereafter? You don't need to worry about food or shelter or clothes. Why? Everything you wish, according to your spiritual condition, is possible. You eat in the spirit world, too. You can feel the flow of your blood and the beat of your pulse in the spirit world. It is the same, although your body is only of spirit.
When you say you want to eat something, it will be provided right away. According to your own standard, your desire will be fulfilled. Plants, everything you would like to eat and so on, will all appear at once. Where are they from? You can mobilize original sources and carry out active subjectivity in the spirit world. What enables you to do these things? It is not power, or knowledge, or money. It is love. Love.
Even though God may be on a higher plane, if you call out to Him with a heart of love, "God!" He will respond to you in your heart, "What?" You then ask Him, "Where are you?" and He replies, "What do you mean, where am I? I am in the core of your heart." Isn't it true that God is the original core? He is in the core of the root of your heart.
As I have told you, it is possible for us to hold a banquet for tens of thousands of people, or even many millions of people, in the spirit world. Intoxicated with love, actualizing what your intuition tells you, what you command unfolds just the way you want.
If a single woman who never married goes to the spirit world, she will have a tough time. The same for a man. Single people cannot be harmonized in the spirit world. When a single woman goes to the groups of women, or when a single man goes to the groups of men, they do not have a place to stand on. They do not have a place to go to. So they head for a shadowy place, a world of shade. They cannot look back. Harmony is possible centered on love in all directions: east, west, south, and north. Since single people's directions are inflexible, they cannot look back. Since I'm not single and can't say from my own experience, why don't you die and find out? (Laughter.)
When I marry people, they will be able to live together in the spirit world. When a filial woman makes rice cakes and her grandfather-in-law and her father-in-law are living in the house, the first person she should think of giving the rice cakes to is her grandfather-in-law. In this way, she thinks of God first. If she loves one more step higher, then she can go beyond the earthly life and into the heavenly world. That is why the grandfather-in-law is in a higher position than the father-in-law. The grandfather-in-law is closer to the spirit world than the father-in-law. She has to serve him as she serves God.
The vertical standard is inherited through love. Through love, we also have to engraft our own sons and daughters in order to make them vertical. In this way they can inherit the tradition. (194:41)
There will be no more school from now on. It is OK not to have school. (Applause.) We'll simply unify languages worldwide. Everything you have to learn up to the sixth grade can be learned from maybe forty videotapes. Do you understand? You can carry them around in a big bag and study them for three years till you take the tests. If you pass the tests, you can graduate from elementary school. You can do the same for middle school, high school, and college. For what purpose do you study for more than twenty years? If you are smart, you will be able to finish them all within ten, seven, or even six years. You just take the tests. Only tests. That time will come.
Most important is the unification of languages. When you assemble all humankind into one place, how can we reach any decisions?
What do we have to do next? Streamline the eating system, so that anything can be delivered and eaten within fifteen minutes after ordering. I am developing such a system. If tens of thousands of people live in a valley, they can order food and, alerted by the sound of a siren, they and even people who live in the mountains can come within fifteen minutes and eat. All of you have telephones. So if you place your order on the phone, they will bring breakfast, lunch, and dinner by truck. You can buy and eat them.
What would you do then? What would you do after eating? Would you keep kissing each other for twenty-four hours? (Laughter.) If you watch TV for one month, you will know everything about how people live in this world. I say so because it is like that. You will become tired of it.
That is why you have to know about the spirit world. When you offer your prayer and sincerity, the image of the spirit world will be unfolded in front of you. How wonderful it is! Angels will come down and dance. How wonderful! I am not a man of illusions. I have memorized everything. We will live our lives there traveling all over the place. (203:57)
Everyone who goes to the spirit world will live his life looking up to those who are like his own mother and father. He will actualize all the teaching and instruction given by them. He will receive and follow all the directions that help his family to prosper and all the laws that enable his nation to be well governed. That is why, both on earth and in heaven, we can rely on only these three subjective ideologies: the love of parents, teachers, and kings, which expand to form families, schools, and nations. These ideologies are all centered on parents.
When you go to school, that is a Kingdom of Heaven. Your teacher is like your father or mother. You feel like touching your teacher and getting a piggyback ride from him or her. It is that kind of heartistic sphere. It is no problem to call the teacher a king, since he or she is a greater-level parent.
If you can experience this heartistic sphere while on earth, God will not kick you out if you take a nap in a secret room assigned by Him. Since true love possesses the right to inherit, to live together, to have the same position as well as to participate equally, everything is allowed in that love. Because you are standing in the position that could make you the greatest master, your conscience tries to possess the most precious thing under heaven.
Don't you have that kind of desire? People say that our earthly desires will not be fulfilled, but our original desire was supposed to be fulfilled. Unfortunately, we lost our original desire and consequently became ignorant of how to find it. If you keep investing yourself, centered not on Satan but on God, you will be able to transfer your victory on the individual level to your family, your victory on the family level to your clan, your victory on the clan level to your people, and so forth. Without explaining everything, I am talking about living your life for the sake of others. You should know that if you continue to walk on this path, everything will be guided to the victorious sphere.
What do you have to do on that path? First, I want to say that human history is the history of separating good from evil. Next, you have to change your blood lineage in order to reverse the satanic course. You have to eradicate satanic love, satanic life, and satanic lineage and then connect yourself with the heavenly lineage in order to enter the heavenly world. What kind of life should we live in order to go there? Again, we have to live our lives centered on the love of parents, teachers, and kings. The goal of people within a nation is to go beyond their nation. Isn't it true?
12. The Work We Have To Do In The Spirit World
What will happen after we die? Does everything end at the time of your death? A new world starts once you die. You will be grateful to me at the time of your death. You will remember, "Father taught us exactly the way it is here!" If you live your life on earth the way I told you, then in the spirit world you will immediately be able to harmonize with all your ancestors from many thousands of years ago. If you are in the Heavenly Kingdom, you will be able to harmonize right away with even those from foreign and former-enemy countries. It is like a drop of water instantly absorbed in the ocean.
If a group of your ancestors are attending a big banquet in the Heavenly Kingdom, they will welcome you as soon as you get there. You are their honored guest. It is your own house. It is your own nation. Do you understand what I am talking about? A son who has inherited the love of his father is always welcome at any place in his house, as well as in his garden surrounding the house. That is the Principle.
All the spirit people will welcome and love you in the way God loves you if you are this kind of son. Spirit world is the eternal world. Even though a person had difficulty to love all his life and died old, he will be able to be reborn as a young man of love in the spirit world. Understand? He will be a handsome man of love. You have to know that he will be reborn as an eternal life form who cannot stop singing the love songs of adolescence.
What kind of work would you do when you go to the spirit world? What would you do in the nation? Would you do secretarial work? Think about it. Do you earn money there? (No.) Do you need clothes and a house? (No.) Everything you want will be instantly provided. The spirit world is your own world, where you can solve any problems according to your standard.
If you order anything you desire, it will appear right away. However, if you ask for it just for yourself, it does not work even if you make a lot of noise and threats. You should know this. On the other hand, everything will instantly appear if you say that you need it because you are attending God as if you were a heavenly prince serving a king with love. You will have all the things you could never have before, if your heart is right. You should know that anything imaginable is possible in the spirit world. Do you understand?
Banquets for ten thousand or more are possible. There are no problems. If you want to ride on a horse, you can. If you want to take an airplane, you can. Everything is possible. You should know that the spirit world is beyond imagination. Since I taught you, everything is possible within the principle of love. Nothing is possible if you do things only for yourself.
Although many saints were born and died, nobody is able to go to the place in spirit world that I am able to go to, since only I have practiced all my teachings. I know this for a fact. I know that there has never been anyone who has had the ability to receive as much freedom in the spirit world as myself.
"Let us make sons and daughters who are worthy in the spirit world!" This is the True Parents' responsibility. Do you understand? That is why mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters -- everyone in the spirit world will respect me.
I use this kind of point of view when I select leaders. I try to discover everything about how this person is doing, how his wife, his children, and his clan think, and how they regard activities for God's providence. You have to know that I absolutely can never follow your words. Do you understand? You have to follow my words. Then you will be able to go to the spirit world. If you do not want to go there, don't.
There is a ladder here. It is a training ground. Love in your family is a ladder to go to your clan level. Love in your people and love in your nation are ladders to go to the world level. From here, it expands. You cannot go up to the highest level automatically. Your foundation has to be widened step by step. (Father draws on the blackboard as he speaks.) If the ladder centered on your family is only this big, it cannot make you reach up to your clan level. It has to be expanded this much more. It has to continue to expand more.
While on earth you are trying to inherit this love centered on your family. In the Unification Church, everyone has to go over his own national borderlines. The Orientals go to the West. The Westerners go to the Orient. It is training to love all humankind in all directions: east, west, south, and north. Isn't this how it is in our church?
If you try to do so, all your neighbors will have to respect you. That is how your family connects to higher levels. Those in the spirit world support me, don't they? Where are they from! They came from this world. Their support is possible because I have established this kind of heartistic connection. What we do here is for the purpose of being qualified in the spirit world and living our life there without being suffocated. You should know that this is why we train ourselves here. (129:100)
What are you going to do in the spirit world? You will sing songs of love and speak words of love. If you are spoken to in an operatic singing way, you have to respond to the person in the same operatic singing way. If you are spoken to in the form of dancing, you have to dance back in response.
You will rejoice eternally and never get tired of dancing in the spirit world. When dancing takes place in one place, it will take place everywhere. When singing takes place in one place, everyone sings everywhere. You will dance with your beloved wife. If you dance with a woman other than your own wife, you say to her, "I am going to dance with you in order to love my beloved wife a hundred times more than you." You would think like that. If you hold hands with a woman other than your own wife, you would do so for the purpose of stimulating your wife a thousand or ten thousand times more.
Do you need a job in the spirit world? Do you have to work for eight hours? (No.) Is there a night? There is no night. Your eyes are always open.
What are you going to do with all your organs always operating? What are you going to do? What does it mean, to say that your eyes are eternally open and you are happy without any sleep eternally? What is it? It is love. (Laughter.) Once you have the ideal of love planted firmly in your heart and order something to appear, it will surely appear. If ten thousand people gather, everything will be prepared when you command, "Prepare a dining hall and meals for ten thousand!" (Laughter.)
There is nothing to talk about in spirit world without love. How could you live? (Laughter.) How could you live with a hateful heart? You are meant to live there only with love centered on the original love.
Because I know about the spirit world, I could overcome any difficulties on this earth and release attachment to everything I used to love. I can cut off from them mercilessly and instantly. Do you understand? We need to measure things according to that standard. (87:33)
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