God's Warning To The World, Book II |
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon |
2. Public Life
It is very true that the thoughts of people are usually self-centered. From that point of view, people think about their parents, brothers and sisters, nation and world. Everyone wants to have all his circumstances centered upon himself. If that is the case, how can people relate to one another?
Let us take another perspective. Suppose you are working for a certain company. If you do not contribute to the welfare of that company, sooner or later you will probably be fired. The same is true for school life. A person receives his education at school, but that person is also considered a part of the school. The school is not a part of that person. Some people may wish the school existed solely for them; likewise others wish the nation existed solely for them, but that is not the way society works. The individual must become a contributing part of that nation. In the same way, you are a part of the world; the world does not exist solely for you. The principle of the universe says that each individual lives in relationship to all things and must be disciplined to become a part of the larger whole.
We could represent the universe as a big circle with smaller circles within. In the center is a tiny dot representing the individual. It is natural for each individual to want to be at the center of his universe. No other being besides the human has such a desire. Neither monkeys, dogs nor cats ever think of being the center of the universe. What is it that makes humans the "supreme beings" of the animal kingdom? It is simply this point -- only humans recognize that they are linked with all other things in existence.
Each person wants to be "on top" or above everything else. This is human nature. Yet paradoxically, when someone wants to follow his whims, regardless of his environment and surroundings, what are the implications? Such a person will isolate himself from all the larger entities of life. America is one country where the word "I" is spoken very often, but that American "I" is frequently detached and private, isolated from all the larger realms of existence.
Thinking more deeply, we have to ask, "How can I fit into this world, nation, society, and still be able to fulfill my own personal ideals and desires?" Everyone has the tendency to do whatever he wants, and to see events occur exactly the way he likes them, but that seldom happens. Once your thinking is totally self-centered, you will find that you will be expelled wherever you go. The school, the factory and the nation will all reject a person with such thinking. God will reject such thinking.
Think about your own spouse. Although he or she feels very close to you, if you try to do everything centered upon yourself, the relationship will become strained. There must be some common ground toward which you can both dedicate yourselves. When you think about all these things, you must conclude that promoting yourself above everything else is a very, very foolish thing to do.
Freedom Is for the Public Benefit
Let us consider what freedom is. Does having freedom mean that you can do everything only according to your own desire? When speaking of freedom, there is one golden, iron-clad rule that can be set: freedom can exist only within the framework of consideration of the freedom of all. Only upon such a public foundation can freedom truly flourish. The individual must recognize the larger entity before himself. You might say, "What kind of freedom is that? I don't like it." But if you don't honor that standard, your freedom will only bring you destruction, chaos and confusion. Today a very mistaken concept of freedom prevails in this society. Living in a free country doesn't mean that people can do whatever feels good, or follow their every impulse. Yet many people have this attitude.
Suppose the human eye decided it wanted to go somewhere else in the body besides the head, for instance on the arm. That would be very strange, but it is actually similar in principle to Western young people trying to cut themselves off from their proper position within all larger levels of existence. Can a person find happiness in such a way? The person who steps outside of his relationship with the family, society, nation and world and tries to set himself up in some private, isolated realm has actually lost everything! No matter how hard he may work, he cannot connect the results with anything other than himself.
However, when a person stands within his proper position at the central point of the universe, all his work and accomplishments are extended and connected with the broadest levels. Such a person simultaneously possesses everything of value within the universe because he is connected with the whole.
Most people move back and forth, into and out of their proper positions. When a person remains somewhere other than his proper position within the universe, the universe will strive to expel him. That position is similar to a tumor within the body, an alien substance in the wrong place. Many people find a solitary, purely individualistic attitude in life very attractive; they believe they have freedom because they are able to direct everything according to their own will. However, all their efforts to succeed and be happy will be repelled by the force of the universe. They will eventually be pushed into a very unhappy position. But when a person stands in his proper position, all his efforts are aided by the force of the universe and his life is naturally smoother and easier.
Consider what is required to be an important leader with many responsibilities. Certainly the most important leader in the United States is the President. Being the most important person, can he get up every morning and follow whatever whims strike him during the day? Does an important person normally go to bed whenever he feels like it? No, the truth is that every minute of an important person's day has to be accounted for. When he is simply eating dinner, someone will want to know where he is and what he is doing.
Can the President tell everyone to just leave him alone and quit following him around? Can the President discriminate among his many responsibilities and choose only the ones he enjoys taking care of? Can he control the time and place where his various responsibilities will demand his attentions? Certainly he cannot do any of those things. When something happens in the middle of the night, the President must be willing to respond to the situation. If he is not, he cannot be the leader of the nation. In this sense, he doesn't have any freedom. Most of the time he simply has no freedom to do as he pleases.
A typical individual in this country has an extraordinary amount of freedom. Many housewives are free to spend their days entirely according to their desires. A housewife is an individual, but she represents her husband and children within the home. If she detaches herself from those other responsibilities, she detaches herself from her true value. Sometimes a crisis might arise in the house just when the mother is ready to go out and do something she enjoys. Is she free at that moment to ignore the needs of her children and go ahead? She may have the freedom, but she would not be right in doing it. She would not be a good person according to universal principles if she indulged her own desires at the expense of the larger entity, her family. Of course, such a self-centered person will probably believe she is good, but she will find herself suffering from the criticism of her husband, her children and other people in the society. They will all convey the message to her that she is bad. What is "bad" in this sense? A bad person, simply speaking, is one who has abandoned his position within the larger scheme of things and thus has lost his connection with everything else. He is someone who once had something which he lost. The housewife in our example would be rejected eventually by her husband and children if she lived by her selfish standard all the time, and she would deserve the label of "bad person."
Love in the family should be public-minded and unselfish. Selfish love says, "You must love me. I'm here to receive love." That kind of love always drags you down like an anchor. In most cases, American women marry because they want their man to love them; they are eager to receive love. That is wrong. You should change your mind now and think, "I want to get married because I want an object to give my fervent love to." No matter how big and strong a man is, he will be melted by love.
Any love that is not public-minded is destructive love. Which should be more important to the couple, their savings account or their love? In some homes there are two savings accounts, one for the husband and one for the wife. When they borrow from each other they even write a receipt! If the son asks for some money, he writes a receipt and pays it back with interest. Is love cheaper than money and a piece of paper? When you are truly in love, a husband and wife are one body. Your whole body can become sacrificial, so a bank account is nothing. When the wife needs money, the husband's money is hers. Likewise, the wife's money is her husband's.
When someone is praised as being good, he will invariably be a person who brings goodness and benefit to other people. When a good person owns or controls many things, other people welcome it because they realize something good will result. However, a bad person is avoided by others, and even when he has a small amount of wealth, other people are not happy to see it. Goodness can go anywhere within the frame of God's universe and be well received, while evil cannot pass or be acceptable anywhere. Are you a good or a bad person? If you are both good and bad, that is actually bad! Why does a parent urge his child to become good? By doing that the parent is wishing the ultimate benefit for the child. By being good the child will be welcomed throughout the universe. Goodness is unchanging and universal, so a person who is recognized as good in Korea will also be known as good in America. Even in Moscow, people will recognize goodness in someone.
Normally a good person is not able to follow his whims. One aspect generally attributed to a bad person is his habit of indulging himself and living only for his own desires. Therefore within the current popular concept of freedom there is more evil than goodness. Many young people are confused about the true nature of freedom. They think simply following one's impulses is freedom and it is good.
Someone might be a great lover of music, so he might feel that whenever the inspiration strikes him, he should be able to sing at the top of his voice. If he indulges his inspiration at four o'clock in the morning, how would that be greeted by others? His neighbors would not be very enthusiastic about such "artistic freedom."
Directly connected with the level of personal freedom is the family level of freedom; next are the higher levels of society, national and world freedom. It sometimes happens that these different levels of freedom are in conflict. The individual's freedom may not coincide with the nation's freedom. The national freedom may not coincide with the world's freedom. If the greatest value is placed upon the freedom of the individual, the family will have to suffer. If the nation's freedom is given highest priority, the order and harmony of the world can be shattered. The freedom of a smaller level can easily damage the freedom of the larger level if the smaller one takes priority at the wrong time.
Now that you have come to understand this principle, you can examine your past experiences. You have probably asserted your right to individual freedom but without an understanding of its effect on the public benefit.
Freedom Respecting the Law of God
Why must the laws of the nation be followed by all the individuals within that nation? The laws are created for the sake of the benefit and stability of the nation as a whole; they are not necessarily designed to accommodate every individual's preferences. In this way the freedom of the nation is protected and the freedom of the individual is subordinated to that larger good.
By the same token, all living beings within the universe must respect and follow the highest laws of the universe. The law of the universe is the law of God.
Which should the individual value more, his own or his family's freedom? Certainly he should cherish his family's freedom above his own. However, an individual may be willing to sacrifice his family's benefit for his own sake, as when a young man goes out dancing and stays out all night while his family is worried and cannot sleep. What kind of freedom is that? Such "freedom" has no right to exist when it violates the peace and wellbeing of the family. Likewise the family's freedom must serve the nation's freedom. In order for a family to be protected within the country, it must respect and serve that country. This applies all the way up to the universe-level of freedom, which must be subordinated to God's freedom. At what point does God's freedom become established and secure? God Himself has been suffering because of the blindness and ignorance of human beings.
If an individual does not conform to the expectations of his family, the whole family is disturbed. If a certain family follows a decadent way, the entire society will suffer because of it. If one country pits its own benefit against that of the world, the entire world will suffer and be forced to change the direction of that country.
When God looks at His created universe, He sees it trying to enjoy its own freedom without thinking about Him and He suffers because of that. How do you think God will treat an individual who consistently destroys other levels of freedom? Will He pat him on the head and say, "Fine"? No, God will try to set that person straight. He cannot take any joy in that individual's freedom when it ruins larger levels of happiness.
Many individuals and families pray earnestly for their own benefit. Do you think God is inspired to bless self-oriented individuals and families? God might even have the inclination to cause hardship for such people so that they might realize their error. God is not a bad God; whatever He does is always for a good reason, so if He gives hardship to someone it is to ultimately help that person.
What if someone prayed, "God, if you don't give me what I want, I'll just cut off my leg!" God would look at him and feel, "Go ahead and do it, you self-centered child." Consider the white supremacist who prays, "Oh God, bless this world and bring peace to it -- by getting rid of all the black people." Will God grant such a prayer? Absolutely not! God would want to punish and correct such a terrible way of thinking.
Can a saint be the kind of person who goes wherever he feels like going and does whatever he feels like doing? No, the saint is just the opposite. He can rarely do what he feels like doing.
Some people in the secular world think that because Rev. Moon is at the top of the Unification Church, he must have the greatest amount of freedom and flexibility to indulge himself! People believe such things because they have an incorrect understanding of what a leader is or should be.
The truth is that wherever I go, I feel I must be able to answer to my family, my church members and everything around me. Even if I want to go and sit on the grass, I have to wonder, "Am I taking the spot where a dog wants to sit? Am I possibly destroying an anthill if I sit here?" I can never stop feeling responsible for every motion I make, even the movement of my foot. This is how I have lived my entire life.
The Freedom of God May Conflict with Smaller Levels of Freedom
Why Must I live the way I have? What kind of joy and meaning do you think I have found in life? I live like this because I have a clear goal: I am living for the sake of the freedom of the universe and the freedom of God. That is why I have come into conflict with all the other levels of freedom and benefit.
A bad person will not like a good person because their realms of interest and benefit are always at odds. A good person always pushes for the benefit of the largest level, ultimately God's benefit, and this always conflicts with a bad person's willingness to sacrifice the larger purpose for his own benefit.
I have been teaching and guiding American young people with all of my energy, and those who have listened have changed from their former ways. That slight change happens to contradict the way the vast majority of Americans want to go. For many Americans, the individual and the family level of benefit are the only things of value. Now members of the Unification Church are sacrificing those smaller benefits temporarily for the sake of God and the benefit of the universe. Therefore society has complained loudly and has strongly opposed their changing.
The fact is that in order to establish God's dominion and God's freedom, all the lower levels of freedom which come into conflict with that must be sacrificed. Persecution is an automatic reality whenever someone tries to advance toward God's level of freedom. You may ask, "Why don't you exalt individual, family and every other kind of freedom at the same time you are honoring God's freedom?" However, such a thing is not possible; when all the other levels of freedom are violating God's freedom, one must be subordinated to the other. If the world is going against the direction of God and His freedom, someone must push it toward the proper direction. That is why we are living the way we do and why we receive the kind of persecution we receive. People call us "Moonies" with great scorn now, but at the same time, we are being elevated in the eyes of God and the universe.
Why do we choose to go a difficult way? Actually, we have no other alternative than the way we have been going because the ideal can only be realized in this way. Universal freedom and happiness can only be found when we ensure God's happiness and freedom. Only when the benefit and freedom of the highest Being is assured can all the lower levels of being have their lasting happiness and freedom. Once God's level of freedom and happiness has been achieved, He can bring about true universal peace and happiness for everyone on every level of existence.
This is the conviction that has guided my entire life. In the beginning, no one understood me, but gradually more and more people could appreciate what I was teaching. I have lived as God's ambassador coming into hostile territory; all the forces of "authority" have investigated me, since I am different from others. Although many countries have tried to stop me, and even now the U.S. government has imprisoned me as a criminal, another realm is happy and excited. All of Heaven is eager to assist me because they understand that I am working to establish and maintain God's freedom, the highest level of goodness. If God himself were here on earth, He would certainly have been arrested, put on trial and jailed, but once He was able to gain freedom, He would be able to create the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. At that point God could live happily with His people within a truly happy, free world.
When the court asked me to come and be present, did I have the freedom not to report? Did I have the freedom to avoid jail? No, now Rev. Moon has the freedom to be persecuted. Is that the kind of freedom I desire? No, it is painful and bitter many times, but I persevere through all these experiences, conquering them in order to acquire true freedom, true joy, and true fulfillment. Whenever there is conflict between two elements, the more public element will ultimately prevail, be victorious, and move on. The universal principle is such that the one who has the most public standard will be triumphant. The one with the less public standard will diminish.
Churches Should Be Training Grounds For Public Life
As a Christian, how public is your standard? Let's each grade our church's public standard. If you are really convinced that your church's public standard is the highest possible one, then hold on to your commitment and persevere. For whose sake should you do that? It is not just for your sake, but for the well-being of the public. If you are truly moving forward unselfishly for the attainment of that public goal, God will always he following you and aiding you.
We aspire to be number one in living for the highest purpose. In the Olympic games there are many kinds of competitions, but the contest which has the most prestige is certainly the marathon race. It is the supreme test of the human spirit and body; nothing else requires more endurance and strength. Once a person wins the gold medal for the marathon, he is admired by everyone else. Likewise, in the competition of living the highest public life everyone would like to win the gold medal. Since the goal is high, and since a public life runs so contrary to the prevailing American system, an incredible amount of hardship must be overcome to achieve it.
Sometimes people cheat in order to try to win in an easy way. Even though a person ran 26 miles in a marathon, if he were to cheat by riding piggyback for just ten meters, he would lose the honor of winning. Even if someone rode piggyback for five meters, then got off and retreated ten meters and started running again, such a thing could not be accepted, because the rules of the race were violated. In other words, because the desire to cheat was there, the honor was lost. You cannot violate the rules of the race or the rules of the universe and be a winner.
Our goal of living as Christians is to comfort the heart of God and to create the world of which God and Jesus will approve. Can we go an easy way to reach that goal, or randomly do whatever we want to do'? Rev. Moon is the coach in the Unification Church's marathon race toward that goal. Should he give the runners an easy training schedule, or should he push them every minute of the day so that they can accomplish the goal? Which kind of coach is best?
The Unification Church is under a tough coach, that's for sure! After the members have received two or three year's discipline from this coach, they cannot help but change. People recognize these changes. They see that under Rev. Moon's tough coaching they become very charming and attractive, and they say, "I wish I could have a son-in-law like that!" People say all kinds of bad things about Moonies until they actually meet one of them. First they may think that he or she is the only good one; but then they meet another one, then another, and another, one after another! When they realize that all of them are such good people, they completely change their opinion.
What about you Christian ministers? Do you give easy approval to anything your members may do, even when their motives are self-centered, or do you labor day and night to educate them and lift them to a consciousness of the public good? Maybe some in your congregation will rebel and refuse your discipline. You should teach them to choose the public way of life as the best way to ultimate happiness and fellowship with Christ. The person who only lives according to his own selfish desires is simply digging his own grave.
We Are Born for a Public Purpose
True victory can only be attained by a person with a public heart doing public deeds. The word "public" is synonymous with "unselfish." We have come to understand why we have to pursue this public way of life, even under persecution. People just don't understand why there are still thousands of young people following me even though I have been jailed by the U.S. government. In our public path, prison is just one more obstacle we may have to overcome. Can you determine that you can live your entire life for the sake of righteousness and the public value, always overcoming the obstacles and attacks against you?
Sometimes you start to think more pragmatically, looking for easier ways to dodge difficulty. You might look at it another way, thinking that a little while later you will try to achieve the ultimate goal, but for now you will just do anything you want to do. I thought about those shortcuts a long time ago, and I came to the conclusion that there is no easy way out. We must each think, "I was born for the public purpose, so I am going to walk the public path every inch of the way."
Do you think that my parents decided that they had to have a son and refused to give birth to a daughter? Can a woman pick in advance the day her child will be born? Is it possible for a child to determine what his character will be? Can a child dictate the love of his parents? No, the love of his parents is almost beyond his control. It is not at your will that you were born, but someone else's will. You were conceived through uncontrollable conditions, your parents' love, and you were shaped by your environment as you grew. Some mysterious power is definitely working in our lives.
Maybe you would rather look like a certain movie star, but you cannot shape your own features. You have to recognize that behind each of us is something larger than ourselves. Where did this brother here get the material to grow from a six-pound baby to a 200-pound man? He is indebted to nature, which freely offered nourishment to him. Is the air you breathe your own possession? Does the sunlight belong to you, or the food you eat? Even your sexual parts come from nature. Nothing really belongs to you; you are only a custodian of these things while they are on loan to you. From the very moment that you were born, nothing was yours. As you grew you became more and more indebted to your parents, to nature, your society, your nation, and so forth. Suppose nature decided to reclaim all the material that it has loaned out to mankind!
Your vegetables will have some opinion about whether or not you are worthy of eating them. In that respect we are all under public scrutiny. In a publicly-oriented universe, how dangerous it is to live only for oneself, it is like sitting on a bomb while striking matches! Of course, you are free to light matches, but the public would indignantly say that you are a saboteur of the public good.
If a selfish person is sitting on a chair, that chair will even have the urge to kick him off! If he stubbornly believes that the chair is his personal property, all the other things around him will see the inside and feel that he doesn't deserve to sit on that chair. A selfish attitude is totally abhorrent to nature. In looking back on your life with all this in mind, you could reasonably feel accused by the things around you for living selfishly in the past. But you can tell them that now you want to change and you want to live a public life.
The motivation behind my ministry in America is to pursue the public good. I have given my heart, soul and resources for the sake of this country, because it is so central to God's providence for the salvation of the world. My public position has been that since America is the center of the free world upon which all smaller nations depend and since America is in peril, it is necessary that other parts of the world support America at this time, History shall be the real judge of how America has treated Rev. Moon. Regardless of the present situation, the time will come when a more publicly-minded group of Americans will praise and honor Rev. Moon for what he has been doing. No matter what, we are walking the righteous road every day. We must be strong and bold, because we have nothing to be ashamed of.
God's Heart is the Ultimate Public Level
No one has absolute freedom in his life. We do not decide how long we will live. Everyone lives under this universal rule, whether or not he is great and influential. We never know the moment of our death, so each person should be prepared by living according to the most public standard.
Your family is a higher public level than you as an individual; the society is higher than your family; the nation is higher still; the world is more public than your nation; God is more public than the world, and God's heart is the ultimate realm of public-mindedness. Why is the heart of God the highest standard of public life? There is no other heart or mind that can embrace the entire universe with love.
Someone may ask why he can't just jump in one leap to God's heart, that highest standard of public life. But that is an impossible shortcut. A giant oak tree started many years ago as a tiny acorn, which grew into a small shoot, then a sapling. Could the sapling decide that it would become a big tree overnight? Of course not. When the tree was young, it was vulnerable to many dangers such as drought, and when it became big, it was exposed to other sorts of dangers such as winds and lightning. The tree had to follow the rules of nature in order to become fully grown. In the same sense, there are certain steps for an individual to follow in his life. The individual must learn to live for the sake of his family; the family learns to live for the sake of society; society exists for the sake of the nation; the nation for the sake of the world; and all of these are to find harmony in devoting themselves for the sake of God and God's heart.
Once the individual has reached that highest public level, he finds the greatest personal fulfillment. He can automatically recognize that everything is related to him and feel a part of the universe without even trying. With this kind of existence, you have no contradiction or conflict, but only harmony with your environment. In such a world you can truly say you are free and can enjoy eternal freedom. That is the ultimate goal of our lives. At such a time, you will come to the realization that you are truly the center of the universe, but not because you have promoted yourself into that position. The universe will push you into that position because it will be proper for you to be there.
Within the minds of people there is a glimmer of understanding that we were destined for that central position in the universe, yet too often people try to obtain it by denying every other element in the environment. They want to take the shortest path to their goal, trying to gain instant satisfaction. It would be nice if someone could just press a button and automatically see a harmonious, peaceful world, but that is not possible. I started my path sixty years ago and have carried on the struggle all of my life. Even today the struggle and the journey are not complete. I knew that every step along the path would bring me closer to the goal. This is the reason so many have followed me. Certainly there are greater speakers and more comfortable churches, but Unification Church members have given up all these fine things in order to listen to an oriental man who has to use an interpreter. It is because they have discovered here the most public life.
The value of a person is not determined by the kind of work he does. Your motivation, thinking and heart are what determine your value. When your thoughts are 100% for the public purpose, no door will be closed to you. Even a newly-married couple would want to open their home to the person with the most public standard.
Suppose the President of the United States has an appointment to come to your home. What makes it such an honor? The President is not coming as a private individual, but as the head of the nation, in the most public position in the country, that is why it is a great honor for him to visit. The President is in a very public position, but within God's universe, there is an even greater public position. The person who lives for the highest public purpose in God's point of view would certainly be welcomed by everyone in the universe. In this respect, there is no difference between white, black or yellow; everyone, regardless of his race, will feel honored to receive a visit from such a public person. Even hell and heaven are the same in the sense that they will open their doors and wait for him. The most public person can go anywhere, even if there are normally locks and bolts on the doors. In this sense the public person enjoys total freedom.
The Supreme Court of Heaven Vindicates Me
Is the U.S. Supreme Court the highest, ultimate court? No, there is another historical, super, Supreme Court in heaven, where God Himself presides. In that court, God and history have judged that Rev. Moon is not only innocent, he is also honorable. The verdict has already been reached about what kind of public life and standard Rev. Moon has lived.
Most people think courts are found only on earth, but I know that there is a Supreme Court of Heaven. Everyone on earth must face that Supreme Court of Heaven someday. I have no fear; the road of righteousness is always a road for the bold and strong. Do you think it is easy to pass the judgment of God's Supreme Court? I want to see you judged as honorable, and that is why I send you to Africa and South America, to primitive jungles, to suffer for the public purpose with the most public minds. In this respect, our way of life and our value system are supreme; nothing can surpass them.
Normally, when someone has to go to court he feels very bad; certainly he doesn't have a wonderful morning service beforehand! When the indictment against me was handed down, I was out of the country; I didn't have to return, but I immediately flew back to face the charges. My desire was to allow true justice to prevail; therefore, I could not evade national-level laws. I have to go over all obstacles and therefore I confronted these charges face to face. Throughout history, righteous persons have gone the same way. It doesn't matter where I go, even to a prison, for the flag of righteousness shall be unfurled. I never feel lonely; I am with righteous people who have suffered and been persecuted throughout history. The attention of God is always directed to that position of righteousness.
Never make excuses for yourself, no matter what. Walk the path of righteousness with your chin held high; be bold and strong. Even if I should no longer be among you, today's sermon should be a guide for the rest of your life. The spirit of this teaching will live forever, even if Rev. Moon is no longer here. The time will come when righteous people of America will take this path and follow the example of my teaching. Then America will once again be moving in the right direction. I do not focus on those Americans who are opposing me at the present time. I am thinking of those righteous Americans of the future who will follow my path. This is the way I look at America, and there is no doubt that such a thing will happen. My prayer today is for my accusers, that their lives may not become miserable because of the judgment of history. I ask God to forgive them.
You may forget many things, but never forget this one point: we are destined to live a public way of life; we were born for this. Who will be the judge of whether you have lived for the public good? God will be the judge, and His verdict alone will stand throughout history. Each person is creating a public record of his entire life; and it is being recorded for judgment in that ultimate courtroom of Heaven.
In that courtroom, Satan will be your prosecutor, Jesus will be your defense lawyer, and God will be your judge. Everyone will be called into that courtroom eventually. The public way of life is your preparation for the final judgment in God's courtroom and the foundation upon which you will be found "not guilty" and an honorable citizen of the universe. Every deed you do in every moment of the day is recorded and will be judged in that final courtroom. The criterion will be whether or not you lived for the public purpose.
Let us live the public way of life. I want to conclude my sermon today by saying that every one of you who truly follows my teaching will be judged honorable; your public way of life will shine like a beacon of hope for the rest of humanity and for all generations to come. I want you to be those beacons of hope and light.
God bless you. Amen.
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