Science & Absolute Values, 10 Addresses by Sun Myung Moon


Photos taken at ICUS conferences are included with the speech from that conference.

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Reverend Sun Myung Moon (Taken at his wedding in 1960)

Sun Myung Moon's official high school photo

Singing on a hillside, in South Korea, in the early 1950's

Singing and hiking with early followers in 1955

Release from South Korean prison, early 1950's

Flowers in bloom, 1955

Reverend Moon with three of his earliest followers, (left Se Hyun Ok, (right) Seung Do Chi, (seated) Won Pil Kim, circa 1956

Deep in prayer and meditation, 1956

Teaching church members, 1956

Holy wedding of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han, 1960

Reverend and Mrs. Moon with two of their children, 1968

Christmas evening 1970, Chongpa Dong Church, Seoul, Korea

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