Cheon Seong Gyeong – Sun Myung Moon |
Now that the vertical and horizontal eight-stage indemnity has all been completed, the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages could be performed on August 31, 1989, in Alaska, the most northerly location in the West. It is the northernmost place. On the first day of September, I declared "the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father" at the same place. The ideology centered on the Heavenly Father is simultaneously the ideology of salvation by love as well as the ideology of parental love. This parent-centered ideology is all about a life lived by giving love. Satan cannot oppose anything based on love. If he cannot oppose the path taken by the Unification Church, we can rapidly expand worldwide. (199-157, 1990.2.16)
There are eight stages in indemnity, namely on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, cosmos and God's heart. These in turn lead to restoration in those same eight stages. This means that, through the vertical and horizontal courses of indemnity centered on love, everything can safely proceed in any direction. Once this connection with love is made, the sphere that is created is possessed by the domain of love. When this happens, nothing on earth can remain Satan's possession and he will be banished at once. It will be the end for him. (199-188, 1990.2.16)
These eight months of January through August have all been part of a new era in 1989. It is now the end of August isn't it? The course of global indemnity has been completed in these eight months. In connection with this we were able to hold many events last year, including the cross-cultural "exchange" Holy Blessing and the declaration of the Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World. Thus, all conditions of indemnity were fulfilled. In this way, everything was brought to completion in August. This includes the marine and water related activities. I have accomplished so much up to this point. (193-100, 1989.8.31)
The Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages signifies the restoration of the right of the eldest son. It was held after both the vertical historical course and the horizontal course of indemnity on the levels of the individual, family, people, nation and world -- in short, the vertical and horizontal courses of indemnity in the eight stages -- had been completed. It signifies the completion of the course of indemnity for all people of the world. All this comes to fruition through the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages.
We have entered an era when we can come together in harmony through love with no need for indemnification because, after the restoration of the right of the eldest son, it is embraced in the bosom of the parents. War and struggle to restore the right of the eldest son are no longer necessary in the realm of parental love. In order to initiate this, the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages must be performed. Through this ceremony, the children in the positions of the first and second sons can be forgiven by those in the position of the parents, and we can enter the next era of forgiveness of parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)
The democratic era of today is to do with a philosophy of brotherhood. In relation to the Principle, this age is centered on Cain and Abel; the Principle corresponds word for word. Cain will have everything in his possession taken away by God in the end. Already he has been deprived of his head and body. Now, with nowhere to go, he is trying to take over the democratic world centering on the proletariat. However, he is not having much success. With the coming of autumn, fruits have begun to ripen on the trees, but with no one to harvest them, they are being left to rot. Soon, his side will dwindle into nothingness. It is all about the restoration of brotherhood. The purpose of the philosophy of brotherhood is to find the true Adam. This work has been long in its undertaking. (205-178, 1990.9.1)
How would democracy, which has unfolded through a history of wars, be brought to an end? Democracy would naturally conclude with the advent of the parents, the coming of the parent-centered ideology. Hence, the Unification Church declared to this world that the era of the providence of salvation has ended and has given way to the era of the providence of restoration through love. Many religions are unaware of this truth. Pastors of established churches do not understand what is meant by the era of the providence of salvation by love or the era of the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father, do they? They wouldn't know what the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages is. (194-325, 1989.10.30)
Through assimilating the democratic and communist worlds based upon the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father, we will enter the era of establishing the right of kingship. You need to understand this clearly. (193-212, 1989.10.4)
What is required to fulfill the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father? The answer is the God-centered family. Thus, at the time when God is working to achieve this Will, the greatest problem posed in both the communist and democratic worlds is the breakdown of the family. The communist world does not recognize the concept of the family. It treats the family as the basis of exploitation. It has no relationship whatsoever with God. The same is true in the democratic world. In fact, the reality is that everything concerned with the well-being of the family is on the decline. Although the family is the foundation of the society, nation and world, it has been in complete disarray until now. As such, once we have secured our basis through the family, we will automatically embrace the right and left wing worlds. (194-113, 1989.10.17)
Now the era of the absolute family is upon us. Without the family, the concept of the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father cannot be established. This is ideology is a path we need to take. It is similar to crossing a bridge. Because God's unified nation can only be achieved based on the family, hence, absolute emphasis must be placed on the family. In the family, the parents must be served as if they were the absolute God. Just as God's dual characteristics are eternally united, so His internal character and external form can never be separated from one another. Next, the children themselves should unite, just as Adam and Eve should have been completely united, without having fallen. (194-122, 1989.10.17)
All levels from the individual to the cosmos must connect with the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father in order to restore right of kingship based on the family; this signifies the restoration of cosmic right of kingship. It cannot be achieved without the family, for that is the center. Through the foundation of Adam's united family, the harmonized tribe of Adam must be established. Wouldn't Adam have had a tribe? Based on the foundation of the unified family of the Adamic figure, his nation has to be unified and extended to the cosmos. Only thus can right of kingship be restored through the foundation of the unified Adamic family. (194-115, 1989.10.17)
Through the declaration of the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father, we are to enter the era of a unified sovereignty. God must be upheld as the Sovereign. Then we could be proud of the one God-centered sovereignty. After establishing the unified kingdom desired by Jesus and God, and doing away with the hell that exists both in the spiritual and physical worlds, we could enter the era of omnipotence through love, in which God would have direct dominion over us. By following the traditions of love, we would learn the meaning of God's vertical love and how we can be united through it through our daily lives. Then we would rise above the world which has rejected these traditions throughout all its nations and in the spirit world then the era of liberation and unification would automatically come. (193-309, 1989.10.8)
Originally, if Adam and Eve had become perfect, the Father and Mother of God's kingdom would have been perfected. Then they would have become the owners of the original family, and consequently the sovereignty of heaven on the family level would have been established. In this manner, Adam and Eve would have become sovereigns on the levels of the individual, the family, the tribe, the people, the nation and the world. We have now arrived at the time when we can rise above the national level, and able to impact the sovereignties of the satanic world, establishing the new sovereignty of the heavenly world. This was achieved on March 27, 1990. From this day forward, the world will turn with the wind I have been stirring up. (201-130, 1990.3.27)
Heavenly Father! With the coming of the 1980s, we welcomed the historic epoch in which we were able to convert the course of the providence of salvation to the course of the providence of salvation by love. After fulfilling the course of indemnity for resentment between brothers that is, the Cain and Abel positions we could enter the era of the liberation of brothers, which ultimately formed the foundation for the era of the liberation of parents. Centering upon the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages, the era of the Heavenly Parent was proclaimed, and going beyond the era of the ideal providence, we cleared away the mountain of resentments in the providence of restoration for the physical and spiritual worlds. Now, in the 1990s, we are faced with the solemn and historic task of transforming this world and everything in it into a unified world of your providential domain through the dedication of Unificationists. (196-146, 1990.1.1)
With Heung-jin's passing into the heavenly world, we have arrived at the time when he and Jesus can unite in bringing together all the saints and sages of Christianity. We can cross the borderline dividing North and South Korea and bring about reunification. It has been possible to proclaim the era of the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father and the era of the providence of salvation by love.
We have now conquered the summit of this world of death and entered the era when we can come into contact with the heavenly realm. We are aware that a new era centered exclusively on the heavenly spirit world can only begin in the providential time when the spirit world can communicate on an equal basis with the physical world. This requires a foundation of unity of all the tribes of the Unification Church members. Please, Heavenly Father, be with Heung-jin in his endeavors and devotion in bringing together good men and women, kings and patriots representing the sovereignties of the 120 nations, educating them to fulfill their duties of loyalty and filial piety to you. In this way, heavenly law in the spiritual and physical worlds can be established. Amen! (196-257, 1990.1.2)