True Parents |
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon |
Chapter 7 - Our Life Centered On True Parents
1. Our Life Centered on True Parents
1) True Parents' Day and True Parents
You are all interested in me, aren't you? Wherever I go, you must follow me to listen to my words through power lines of heart.
In celebrating True Parents' Day, you should know how much tribulation and sufferings the True Parents have undergone. The day has come when everyone must know about the True Parents. Even if you may not understand your tradition, much less keep it. [131-64]
True Parents' Day was supposed to be central in God's creation. After the creation of all things, God created human beings and celebrated that they would rule over all things, upon which foundation True Parents were supposed to come.
Adam and Eve should have become one centered on God, to become True Parents. Then True Parents' Day would have been established, and the entire cosmos would have praised God and His creation in the name of True Parents.
It was God's original desire to welcome that Day. Heaven and earth, however, could not have that Day because of the fall of humankind, and God has been struggling to establish that Day ever since.
True Parents must come in order to establish True Parents' Day. True Parents must be the central figure to judge our past history, to guide the present and to pioneer the future. Therefore, throughout history all people have been looking toward the day of welcoming True Parents. [13-280]
Why do we need to look for our tribe? This is because our tribe is to serve our victorious True Parents, free from any accusations from Satan. Upon a national foundation we should serve them as a virtuous representative of heaven and earth and all mankind. So far we have served the True Parents with sorrow and sufferings, but in the future we should serve them with joy and a sense of freedom. God can share our joy only if our mind is one with Him. You have to establish the foundation upon which all human beings can proclaim, "Your gratitude is our gratitude."
Today is True Parents' Day. True Parents' Day will be celebrated all over the world and the entire cosmos if we succeed in inheriting it as our own True Parents' Day on the levels of the individual, family, society and nation. Then we will be able to complete God's original creation, and relieve ourselves of the grief caused by the fall of human beings and the absence of welcoming True Parents. We will be fully able to relieve ourselves of any grief in the history of restoration yet unresolved.
Although I have succeeded in erecting True Parents' Day and True Children's Day, these Days are yet to be established on all levels -- individual, family, tribe, nation, world, and cosmos. This is true also for True Day of All Things. God's original creation will be completed only if True Parents' Day, True Children's Day, and True Day of All Things are victoriously erected at the global level.
Then True Parents' Day will be celebrated for the first time in both heaven and earth. This is true also for True Children's Day and True Day of All Things, and the time will come when God proclaims the completion of His providence.
True Parents' Day, True Children's Day, and True Day of All Things at the individual level will become the most important days for all nations and for the world. [13-294]
2) We Should Know the Deep Meaning of the Word "True Parents"
The word "True Parents" is often used in the Unification Church, though there may be some here who now heard it for the first time. Were there any true parents before Jesus Christ? We have at least something even Jesus couldn't have.
Did Jesus have true parents? Is it parents' responsibility to leave their children unprotected? No! Parents must protect their children from Satan by embracing them in their bosom. What about Jesus? He led his thirty years life as a lonely, fatherless son. We should know that.
Can you find the word "True Parents" in the Bible? No! Nor is there the word "True Brothers." These words are used only in the Unification Church. I didn't make up these words. I found them in the heavenly principles.
We often use the words "True Parents" and "True Children." We should know how true children should behave. They should be able to sacrifice themselves for their children and be grateful even if they have to go into hell because of that. That is the way true children should behave, and through such relationships they can be in the place where Heavenly Father lives. [76-73]
We use the word "True Parents" in the Unification Church and put emphasis on serving the True Parents and God. Also we put emphasis on becoming true brothers and sisters. Centered on whom? Centered on Jesus. Do you understand what I am saying? We must become the parents who can at least establish through indemnity the true position of Jesus' parents, who failed to serve him. [67-326]
Which is easier: your calling me "parents" or my calling God "parents?" You don't know how much tribulation I have undergone. Thus far, many people have tried to succeed only to find failure. You, who have joined the Unification Church, can look at me and say without difficulty that I am a true parent.
Which gives greater joy: my understanding of God's being True Parents or your understanding of the same thing? I came to call Him Father after experiencing a tremendous amount of tribulation. I have to tell you all these things because you have never experienced the like of such tribulation. Which do you think gives greater joy: my meeting God as His son or your meeting me? (You and God) Wrong! It should be the other way around.
I met Him only after experiencing a tremendous amount of tribulation. You must be more joyful than I, since you don't need to go through as many tribulations as I had experienced. I purchased that meeting with multi-billion dollars. You must be happier than I, because you haven't paid even one cent to get it. What did you pay? You listened to the Divine Principle and understood everything and are now calling me True Father. [116-122]
3) You Should Learn the True Parents' Language
Languages are the greatest obstacles. Dr. Durst is sitting here. Koreans are also sitting here without saying a word. It's so pitiful. If languages can be unified, the world will be much better. In the beginning, I studied English by using various books, but I could say only yes and no. (Laugh) I felt irritated. It is absolutely necessary to unify languages.
Do you want to listen to my speech through an interpreter or directly from me? (Laugh) Which do you prefer? (In Korean) Why? Because Korean is the original language. You don't understand the true meaning of the words used in the Divine Principle unless you study the original language. How can you correctly translate a joke or other humor into English? Through translation you understand not more than 20% of it. (Laugh)
You are sooner or later going to the spiritual world. Will it be your pride to say, "I listened to Father's words first-hand and lived on them," or to say, "I listened to his words through interpreters" (The former) I am talking about the ideal world of love. Can you feel love if you listen to my words through interpreters? (Laugh) Are you satisfied with it? (No!)
The fifth point of our pledge, which we recited a while ago, says that we are proud of one culture. What will one culture look like? You have to know that all the cultures must become one in the world of heart and love.
Speaking of love, you must put it into action before anything else, even before you think of its meaning. Speaking through an interpreter can be likened to eating leftover food. It is awkward. Do you follow me? (Yes) Then, should an ideal family speak foreign languages? (No!) Think about it. Now you know that an ideal world cannot be realized on earth without the tradition and spirit of an ideal family. [118-238]
In the spiritual world we are all going to use the same language as True Parents and True Grandfather use. Can you say, "I don't know it?" (No!) Studying Korean, you surely understand how difficult it must be for foreigners, especially Orientals, to learn English. For the first time, I have passed 70. Do you think it is easy to learn English at this age? (No) Can you make any excuses? (No)
Many young people join the Unification Church. They feel compelled to do it. Do you follow me? (Yes) You have to learn Korean wherever you are, even while you are walking, in the bathroom, etc. You must repeat Korean words such as aboji and omma. There is no other shortcut way.
You must learn Korean, simply because I have become your True Father. It cannot be helped. No one can complain about it. (Laugh)
When all the languages are unified, everyone will praise God saying, "Glory to True Parents! They have unified all the languages of the world in such a short period of time." If you are to publicly exalt something, what will you exalt first? You should exalt Korean over all other languages of the world.
Koreans are smart because of their language. How is the English of Dr. Pak? Don't you think his pronunciation is perfect? (Yes) There is no sound Koreans cannot pronounce. Japanese are nowhere near the Koreans in this. (Laugh) Japanese cannot correctly pronounce McDonald. They pronounce it something like "Makudonarudo." (Laugh) You can hardly catch what they say.
You should know this. You have to become familiar with a new culture. I am saying this not because I am a Korean, but because this is the Principle. You should become familiar with the Principle first, even before you learn Korean, or you'll be chased away in the first place. Since I'm speaking the Principle, you cannot help accepting what I'm saying.
You should listen to my words first-hand and laugh. It is very inconvenient for me to make you laugh through an interpreter. Once you know Korean, you'll understand how difficult it is to translate languages, for you will be able to compare what I say with what the interpreter says. Scholars are going to use Korean as the original language in the future. Korean will become the original language. Do you follow me? (Yes) [130-272]
4) Revelations in a Folk Tale
How wonderful it may be if you say, "I want to serve God and live for tens of thousands of years with Him." There is a song in a Korean folk tale, which reads:
The moon! The moon! The bright moon!
The moon where Li-Po once played! There! There!
In the midst of the moon a Katsura tree was stabbed, so I thrust into it with an ax studded with jewels in order to pull it out.
I cut it up with a golden ax to build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents.
By the way, where can you find real parents? If they are self-centered greedy parents, they are destined to be forgotten. Where can you find the real parents who can show clearly the principle of heaven and earth and erect heavenly tradition? I have offered my entire life to build, before I die, a world such as described in the song of the folk tale. [127-282]
Today, many religious leaders prostrate themselves and pray so as to receive blessings. I, however, never prayed for the purpose of receiving blessings. I am an offering. The providence in the Old Testament Age was for people to reach toward God through sacrificing things. In the New Testament Age it was to seek good parents through sacrificing sons and daughters. In the Completed Testament Age it has been to liberate God through sacrificing True Parents' family. We are to welcome our original parents on earth and live for tens of thousands of years with them.
The moon! The moon! The bright moon! The moon where Li-Po once played.
In the midst of the moon a Katsura tree was stabbed.
Just as sung in the Korean folk tale, we want to welcome our parents to live together with them for tens of thousands of years. This is a prophetic story for the Korean people. We want to live with heavenly parents for tens of thousands of years. Whenever I think about this song, I cannot help having a pain in my heart. [137-185]
You shouldn't feel sad to have been born as a Korean. You might have had such feelings in the past, saying, "Koreans are so poor that no matter how much they are proud of having 5,000 years history, it is inevitable for them to be born in a thatched house with only three rooms."
The moon! The moon! The bright moon! The moon where Li-Po once played!
There! There! In the midst of the moon. . . to build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents.
This song says to build a thatched house with three rooms and live there for tens of thousands of years. (Laugh) I don't feel very good whenever I hear such a folk tale. Is the real wish of the Korean people to build a thatched house with three rooms?
."To build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents and live for tens of thousands of years." The parents in this song can be the ideal parents for all mankind. This has something to do with the idea in Christianity of the Second Coming of Christ. Also, this is related to other ideas of saviors believed in many nations throughout the world. Do you follow me? (Yes) There would be no end in this type of talk. Shall I stop here? (No! More!) [85-81]
You should not complain about the appearances of their eyes and faces. No matter how ugly they may be, you should say, "I would like to live with them for tens of thousands of years." The wishes of the Korean people are clearly expressed in the song:
The moon! The moon! The bright moon! The moon where Li-Po once played!
There! There! In the midst of the moon a Katsura tree was stabbed, so I thrust into it with an ax studded with jewels in order to pull it out.
I cut it up with a golden ax to build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents to live with them for tens of thousands of years.
Thus, Koreans have an idea of true parents. The love, with which we want to live for tens of thousands of years, comes from true parents. Do you follow me? We have to welcome our parents. [126-192]
Since the True Parents represent all men and women who are the champions of God, you, who are sons and daughters of the True Parents, have at least as much authority as does the True Parents' shadow. You are not supposed to join the Unification Church unless you are going to discard greediness and other various habits you learned in the satanic world. We are different from the established churches. In the Unification Church you should gain the total victory by shooting the arrows of love. You are standing on the altar of love. Do you follow me? (Yes) It is not true that God will judge you in the middle of the air after you go to the Kingdom of God. God has been judging you on a daily basis here on earth. Since you have served God and shared joys and sorrows with Him and the True Parents, you have been able to survive here in this age of ups and downs and various hardships. You have survived. Is God able to die?
I have returned to my country after accomplishing my mission on the worldwide level. We have to unify our country, which has been divided into two. At the same time that you build a unified nation, you must also build your own country, people, tribe and family.
Men of wisdom must apply themselves (writing on the blackboard) and overcome all tribulations. Do you follow me? It is easy for the Unification Church members to do so now that the True Parents have fulfilled all their missions of indemnity. Once you know God, True Parents, true wives and husbands, and true sons and daughters, all your struggles will be over.
You must overcome all struggles in order to find true sons and daughters, and true wives and husbands. Upon the foundation of your loving and liberating your brothers and sisters on the satanic side --12 apostles and 120 disciples -- you will be able to love your own sons and daughters for tens of thousands of years to come.
The prayer given to the Korean people in order to inherit the right of chosen people, and to sing and praise God forever is:
The moon! The moon! The bright moon!
The moon where Li-Po once played!
There! There! In the midst of the moon a Katsura tree was stabbed, so I thrust into it with an ax studded with jewels in order to pull it out.
I cut it up with a golden ax to build a thatched house with three rooms in order to welcome our parents to live with them for tens of thousands of years.
What are you going to do after welcoming your parents? You are going to live with them for tens of thousands of years. Where will you live? You will live in a thatched house with three rooms. Where will your thatched house be? You must start from the lowest level. You cannot find the parents of your king until you are able to first welcome your own parents to a thatched house with only three rooms. After welcoming your parents to your thatched house, you should start to mobilize your tribe and then people, from which your kingship will be born. You must also look for your own nation.
I have already set up the victorious foundation on the national and worldwide levels, and have been standing in a vertical position. I am not able to move horizontally. Since I'm standing in a vertical position, all the levels from that of the individual to that of family, clan, tribe, nation, world and cosmos are wholly one in a vertical position centered on God. [212-53]
What is the common ground of God's love and human love? God created humankind for the sake of love. Why was that? It was because He was lonely by Himself. He created humans in order to live with them for tens of thousands of years centered on love.
You want to welcome your parents even to your thatched house with only three rooms and live with them for tens of thousands of years, don't you? This is true for God. Even in a smaller place than a thatched house with only three rooms, we can reign over the entire world with God. Is that place truly small? With God in it, that place could be the palace in Heaven and in the entire cosmos. [204-106]
5) Prayer in the Name of True Parents
God is the greatest teacher of all teachers for fallen humans. This is because there is nothing God doesn't know. Also, He is the first parent of all parents, that is, nothing short of True Parents. He is the greatest king of all kings as well. Who am I talking about? (God) Yes, God. Do you follow me?
God is the most excellent teacher of all teachers, and the first parents of all parents. Where does He rank among all parents? (The first parent!) Is He false parent or True Parent? Yes, He is True Parent. Has He ever been True Parent after the fall of the human beings?
In the Unification Church we conclude our prayer by saying, "I pray in the name of True Parents." Was not the first parent supposed to be God? In whose name do you want to pray? Isn't it true that you want to pray in the name of Heavenly Father?
When you are drowning in the water, who do you wish will come to rescue you? Do you want an old man in the next town to come as a savior to rescue you, or do you want your younger brother to do it? Or do you prefer your older brother as a savior to rescue you?
Whom do you want to come to rescue you? Do you want your wife to come to rescue you? No! You want your parents to come to rescue you. You want your parents to come to rescue you, who are the best savior of all saviors. Children look for their parents as their savior, for parents can share children's pains deep in their heart.
You pray in the name of True Parents, but do you really know who they are? You should not think that True Parents are only I and True Mother. You must think of True Parents who can embrace the whole world much more deeply and love all the people of the world transcending racial as well as national differences. Therefore I also pray in the name of True Parents. [33-1423]
6) The Power of the Name of True Parents
According to the Bible, the human beings fell from heaven. God lost everything at once because of the fall of the first humans, including His sons and daughters, husbands and wives, countries, and the world. We have to liberate God. True Parents must come in order to restore all things, children, families, countries, and the world, and bring them to God. God lost all of them because human beings misused love with the result that false love was created.
We were all created by God centered on His love. We were supposed to be owned by God. But this ideal was shattered because of fallen love. True Parents must restore all things, children, husbands and wives, countries and the world centered on True Parents' love, and offer them to God.
God will praise the victory of True Parents saying, "The universe has been restored centered on true love. Now I can take possession of it," and then give it back to True Parents. God will take possession of the universe first, and then will give it back to True Parents. It will eventually be given to true sons and daughters. We cannot realize the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, however, until this victorious foundation is spread in all directions throughout the world.
What do we have to do now? What we should do now is to unify the North and the South, and offer the unified Korea to God as the homeland of all humankind. This will be accomplished centered on the victorious foundations of all nations, and in the name of God and True Parents.
There exist both democracy and Communism in the Korean Peninsula. Although Koreans are centered on both True Parents and false parents, we are not enemies in the eyes of God. Kim Il Sung should not die yet. In fact our members went to North Korea to meet him. I have taken chances on so many occasions -- in Japan, in the U.S., and in Russia. I always apply myself 100%.
People often call Unification Church members beggars. Why beggars? The Unification Church dedicated itself to God several decades ago and the members have only small pots and rags at home because they have to work to restore all things for God.
Parents lead a poor life not for the sake of their sons and daughters but for God. Those who think, "I have to quit working for the Church and go to a university" will bring hardships upon their children.
In the name of God and True Parents we must soon unify the North and the South, and recover all kinds of historical ownership from Satan. We have to bring the ownership to God, our original True Parents. Upon that foundation, Korea must make an appearance as the first fatherland that has ever existed. This is the ultimate goal of my love. [212-127]
7) Everlasting Glory in the Name of True Parents
All things that are dedicated to God will be given back to the True Parents -- Adam and Eve -- in the name of God, Creator. Then you'll inherit them centered on the True Parents' family.
First, the era of redistribution will arrive, which will lead us to the everlasting Kingdom of Heaven. There will no longer be any satanic confrontations.
Second, it will be possible for us to lead the ideal life of the original creation. Don't you think so? There will be no more satanic accusations and no more conflicts. The ideal life of the original creation will start under the wholly unified system centered on true love, out of which the Kingdom of Heaven will be established on earth. Those who live there will automatically go to the Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual world.
Third, the Kingdom of Heaven will be realized so as to establish true love both on earth and in heaven.
Finally, we will be able to return everlasting glory to God in the name of God, in the name of True Parents and in our names. Amen! (Amen!) In what name? (In the name of God) We'll return everlasting glory to God in the name of God, in the name of True Parents and in our names. Everlasting, eternal glory to God! Amen! (Amen!) This is it. There will be no more religions and no more conflicts. What else could we have to do? Now you know what our goal is, don't you? [212-143]
8) Inheritance of True Parents' Heart
A. Inheritance of Heart
It is very important for you to inherit True Parents' heart, as well as God's love and heart. How do you master it? In order to do this you have to return to the condition of Adam and Eve before the fall whom Satan had no power to accuse. How can you be liberated in the satanic world? You have to fight with Satan and gain victory over him. In doing so, you will surely go through a tremendous amount of tribulation and suffering.
Jacob was deceived ten times. So was Moses. Jesus was also deceived in similar ways. So was I. We have to overcome various deceptions. In doing so, you will surely learn the heart of God and True Parents little by little. Otherwise, you will never understand their heart, and Satan will never leave you. You will find out neither God's heart nor True Parents' heart unless you gain victory over Satan. That's why we all have to go to the frontline.
As long as you are looking for an easy life, you'll never experience the love and heart of God and True Parents.
That's why we have to send everyone to the frontline. You can inherit the love and heart of God and True Parents only after you go through a challenging course such as persecutions, rejection and being under constant surveillance. Therefore you have to go to the frontline just as I have been doing. How terrible it was to go through all those persecutions. But it could not be helped. If you do the same thing, God will protect you. You will share the same heart by standing on the same foundation. Do you follow me?
How do you manage to inherit the heart of God and True Parents? First you have to know that the True Parents are your real parents and God your real father. Your flesh, bones and every cell of your body must know it even with no help from your mind. You have to establish the foundation, which Satan cannot accuse. Do you follow me? (Yes!) That is the most important point.
How can you inherit True Parents' heart? The answer is very simple. You can do it if you stand on the same foundation as the original Adam and Eve and gain victory over Satan on the worldwide level. In order for you to succeed, you may shed a tremendous amount of tears, and may be accused to the bone by Satan. You have to go through the process of indemnity so much so that you may experience indescribable tribulations. Do you clearly understand? Even though you don't like it, that is the only way. Neither prayer nor any other means can substitute for it. You must experience it yourself and master it.
Once you establish the foundation, you can experience oneness right away. Also, you will be directly guided. Do you follow me? You must experience a feeling of oneness so as to understand the parents' heart. Also you must gain victory over Satan in order to accomplish it. There is no other way.
As I said yesterday, as well as on the day before yesterday, I have already built power plants. Those power plants are connected with power lines on various levels from the individual all the way up to family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos, and even to God. You must walk on those power lines of heart. Who is to do it? Not I, not God, but you must do it. [125-206]
B. Sons and Daughters Should Inherit Their Parents
What is the best present from God to humankind? The best present is your becoming the original ancestors of all human beings, that is, true fathers and mothers. Do you know how wonderful it is? There is nothing greater than that. It is much greater than your becoming the Secretary of State or the President. That is the greatest present to humankind given by God.
Once you become true parents, true children will be born, out of which a true family, a true people, a true country, and a true world will automatically be born. Don't you think so? What do you think is the most important name? ("True Parents"!) The name "True Parents" and the word "true love" are of utmost importance. [125-117]
What was the fall of the first human beings? Doing things their own way was the cause of their fall. Centered on God and True Parents you have to crush that nature. That is why all men must become Father's offshoots, all women Mother's offshoots.
You should be delighted if God enters your eyes or some other part of you. Can you say to Him, "No, you cannot do it." (No!) Do you want to keep a fence between you and God? God's love can be spread through you. You have to do research on it. You shouldn't make light of it. That is what I expect you to do. [118-272]
Thus far in history, true children could not be born because there were no true parents. Since there was no true man on earth, true parents could not exist. In the Unification Church we are to find and deeply acknowledge the True Parents, and through attending them become their sons and daughters.
What are the sons and daughters of the True Parents going to do? They are going to inherit all that the True Parents have. Heaven and earth would be worthless unless they had their own master. You must become one who can acknowledge and declare the value of heaven and earth 100% and forever. Also, you must meet one who can authorize it. That is God. That is why you must have the right to inherit the True Parents.
What is the right to inherit the True Parents? It is the right to inherit not only heaven and earth but also God Himself. [24-323]
Our mission is not yet complete. You will receive blessings through expressing gratitude to heaven. You should be appreciative not only on the individual level but also on the tribal level. You should not forget the real value of blessings, which you have received as a representative of your tribe. Mr. Kim represents all the Kim families, and Mr. Pak all the Pak families. Also, you should remember that your blessings are based on your representing the entire Korean people of 30 million and representing all human beings throughout the world, and that you have inherited the responsibility the True Parents should fulfill on earth.
Why do blessed families have to inherit it? While blessed families are striving for the restoration of their people, the True Parents must work for restoration on the worldwide level. That is, the True Parents must walk one step ahead of you. But the True Parents cannot work for the worldwide course for restoration unless a victorious foundation can be established for the tribal level of restoration. You have to take responsibility for the restoration of your tribe so that the True Parents can work for the worldwide course for restoration. You have to take responsibility for the restoration of your tribe until you die or until the grief of your people can be completely eliminated. [13-293]
9) What We Have to Pay Attention to
We cannot succeed in the restoration process unless we share the heart of God and True Parents. Therefore, those that take responsibility for restoration must go forward in the name of True Parents. Even Jesus cannot do anything without the True Parents.
You must be horizontally united centered on True Parents' love. You have no room for complaint. You are not allowed to complain at all. If you complain, you will surely be crushed. [136-70]
You often ask True Parents, "Let us do this! Let us do that!" You are totally wrong if you want to treat the True Parents as if they were your rich and famous parents in your village.
You have to accept the True Parents in order to unify the world. There is no other way for humankind to accomplish this goal.
True Parents are the fruit of historical hopes and the fruit of all the triumphs in the course of indemnity. You have to know this. Is it possible to exchange the True Parents for America? [55-155]
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