The Way of the Spiritual Leader |
by Rev. Sun Myung Moon |
Section 1: Attitude of the Minister When Giving Guidance (Part 1)
1. The Attitude that a Minister Should Have When Giving Guidance
1) A Minister Must Shed Tears
The only way that a public figure in the Unification Church can help this world, full of tears, to make a transition into the kingdom of heaven is by possessing the heart of restoration and shedding tears.
Now, all of you understand, a true member of the Unification Church is someone who sheds tears, and a true leader is someone who sheds tears. Therefore, since there was much shedding of tears at the fall, restoration requires tears to be shed, and in doing so one should not be centered on oneself, but should cry a lot for the sake of God and humanity. The more one sheds tears the closer one will be to the realm of God's heart, and according to the laws of cause and effect this is how it must be.
So where is the cause of the tears? If it originated from the individual, then the tears are on the individual level. Based on the victorious foundation of that, they should progress to the family level, and centering on victory at the family level they must be further developed out towards the clan, people, nation and the world. Do you understand what I mean? [Yes] You have not been thinking about this. However, as you find it to be true by listening to these words, those that pledge to shed tears for the sake of humanity and follow the heart of God with tears raise you hand. Please put them down. (94-324)
The eyes of the church leaders should never be dry from lack of tears. Those that are really pitiful in this world are the church leaders. Church leaders are always in sorrow. When you think about the heart of God and the course of dispensation of restoration, then you would often feel that God is really miserable. When you think about what you should do to follow the path of restoration, when you think about how you cannot but walk this road because you are like that, you will often experience overwhelming sorrow and misery. Sometimes it is so overwhelming that you feel like you are going to faint. Without this kind of heart you cannot become someone who can live and work for the sake of God. When you see something bad, as you are walking around the village, you should become someone who can think, "This time I am passing by without doing anything, but just wait until the next time. I will clean up this place with my own hands." (46-298)
Your eyes must not be dried of tears. The eyes of leaders must always be filled with tears. Think about it. If you really understand me clearly and think about me, can your eyes be without tears? I was not supposed to go through suffering. I am suffering like this because the time was not ripe and the people did not fulfill their responsibility. (33-118)
Have you ever shed tears of gratitude? You should weep tears of gratitude to the extent that they flow down endlessly, falling down all around you and giving the impression that the spot that you are standing on has just been rained on. (1988.10.3)
You who have gathered here must never lose this perspective because you are in charge of the regions. You may sometimes unconsciously feel lonely. At those moments you should realize that the loneliness is not your own loneliness but the loneliness that God is suffering through, the loneliness that the angelic world is experiencing, and the loneliness that our ancestors are going through. Every time you have this experience, you should cry on their behalf so that you can penetrate into their heart. (14-9)
Among you, there must be those who wept without other people knowing it. You may have wept grabbing on to the grass roots pleading to God, "Oh God, please help resolve my resentments," or when caressing a rock cry out, "There is only you who understands it." You must know God's dreams for that which He created this universe. You must understand the agony of God at the time of the fall of Adam and Eve. You also must know that it was the angel who had seduced them to fall and what kind of enemy he is for God. (14-10)
Before doing anything else, a patriot will wail on be half of the people. You have to understand this, are you clear? When a patriot looks at the people, the first thing that happens to him is shedding of tears. When a filial son thinks about his parents, his eyes will swell with tears. When one buys presents for the parents, if one's tears fill their eyes as they choose the gift, then no matter how evil a parent is, he will be melted by the tears of the filial son. Isn't this how it is? True love between brothers also follows the path of tears. This is how it works.
Therefore, a religious worker cannot be short on tears. You should experience shedding tears of joy as a member comes to visit you. Then see if his shadows will disappear from the grounds there. It will not disappear. This is an indisputable reality. Those who possess love will first shed tears before anything else. (50-317)
There is only one path of survival for this nation. It will turn around when the thirty million people weep loudly and shed tears. There is no way to survive without weeping. Then who is going to move them to tears? The history of our past, when we were fighting with dripping sweat, this historical material will move them to weep. Why? Countless people have beat us, driven us out, did all sorts of evil things, ordered us around as slaves according to their whims. When the time comes, the thirty million people will come to the realization that they cannot but support the will of God because of this fact. If ten people went through suffering in some village, then the ten people will talk about the past. As they report to all those who gather around, "Our past experience in the village was like this. Some grandfather chased us out like this, and so and so beat us brutally with a stick the people in the village will break in tears, and from this moment on, the road to rebirth will be opened. (155-330)
Your eyes lack tears. You who claim to be walking the path of filial son and patriot, facing heaven and attending the father who is alive and full of emotions, have eyes that do not shed tears. This is not how it is. (155-34)
Are you like that? Is your church like that? Chilly, filled with cold air, and completely dried up . . . This is no good. This is because you yourselves are like that. Then the leader has to repent, facing the village, saying, "You so and so village! Did you receive blessing or have you been receiving harm?" You yourself understand best your own nature. You should be having a prayer in which you ask, "The basic Principle is living centering on the way that the teacher has taught and the way of the universe and heaven. Yet since I have not been living like that, how miserable are you who are relying on me to seek the way of heaven. Nevertheless, wouldn't it be all right if we can look for the common course that can lead us to heaven while you drive me on and we learn from each other?" Have you ever tried it? You should never ever have the thought when someone comes, "Oh, who is someone that will make donations, he will give generous alms? Who can be useful for me?"
I once went to Pusan for a tour. When they heard that I was coming all the young came running up to me, and the tall ones . . . However, behind them were some eighty-year-old grandmothers. I saw how the eighty-year-old grandmothers were following behind them weeping and wishing, "How nice would it have been if I had met the teacher as a young person." They thought that I would give some talk that night. But I did not give it. I was up all night talking to this one grandmother. All that I talked about was . . . This kind of heart, this is the heart of God. This is the heart that all of you should possess. (81-327)
Your eyes are dry and without tears. While you are walking the way of faith, you must go through the experience of crying with tears, drippings from nose and mouths join together and hang down like noodles, weeping violently and panting heavily. Do you understand what I am saying? [Yes] When you wait like that your lips will swell up. You have to shed such sad tears to the extent that the inside of the mouth all swells up. (56-36)
2) You Have to Become Concerned
You cannot be connected to someone when you are not concerned about the person and you cannot build a relationship when you have not made the connection. (21-86)
Today, people do not pay enough attention toward each other. In horizontal relationship, it is rare that people pay respect to each other centering on the horizontal connection. Regardless or sex and age, everyone has the attitude that dealing with people is annoying. If you view people as nuisance, then you can never walk the heavenly way.
For God's dispensation of restoration, the Korean nation is not the only place that God needs. He needs all of the three billion people in the world. For this reason, God is deeply concerned about people. This has been the most important purpose in God's dispensation up to now. Since we are a group of people who gathered for the sake of achieving this goal, we must stand in the position where God is and have the same degree of concern toward all people.
This should not be done just externally. When you can possess the heart that springs up from your original mind, you can realize the best interpersonal connections and best personal relationships. Knowing this, when a member is experiencing some difficulty or facing hardships, you should feel sympathy toward the person as if these afflictions are happening to you.
If you can surpass everyone in loving people, then you can come to possess the power of life which will allow you to persevere through the most difficult crisis that are like autumn and winter. I hope that you can come to understand that that kind of power of life will assert itself strongly and head toward the spring, eventually becoming the mother-body of the new world and new life. (25-291)
In order to guide people on their spirituality, you have to be able to observe people's mind and be sensitive toward their difficulties. A salesman has the instinct to know just by listening to the way a dog barks, whether or not he can make a sale in that house or not. If he has been doing it for a long time, he can tell statistically what kind of facial expressions denote one's willingness to buy. Moreover, he needs to cultivate the ability to induce a reluctant person to change his mind and agree to a purchase. If you have enough of such experiences, then as you meet someone you can tell immediately if that person has some worry. You can tell by looking at his or her eyes and lips. When one becomes serious, one's eyes and mouth will change. Is this true or not? If they are happy, then you can see changes taking places here and here.
You should try to research whether or not this is true. When you are about to smile, eyes and mouth . . . The reason is that there are only two things that affect the facial expressions. When there is something to be expressed in one's heart, then they will move. So, I can tell right away whether you are pleased or displeased just by looking at the way you speak. How can I tell? I see it from the way that your eyes and mouth move. If you can assess this, then you can see how much he is smiling and how close that is to his widest smile. You should get a handle on this calibration method, so that you can guide someone by analyzing his or her heart and spirit.
In order to do this, you must pay lot of attention. How can you catch this without paying attention? If I can be with someone for four days straight, then I can tell everything about that person regardless who he is. When he sits down, I can analyze whether or not he sits down with difficulty or not. This has become a heated topic right now. If you deal with his problems, think about his problem and consider his problem as your own, he will naturally be grateful to you and be attentive. This is what you must research. (69-166)
When you are dealing with a member, you must treat him with much affection and entertain him or her. (23-249)
When there is an absolute subject, an object will surely emerge. This is the truth.
No matter where you are, you must be learning. This type of person can receive revelation just by watching the way a passing beggar walks or from the sound of bird cry. If you do not reflect and are not concerned, then you cannot be connected to good things. You should make connections with the good things by contemplating and devoting your attention. (14-96)
3) You Must Have Zeal
People respect those who are zealous. For a person who is moving forward with enthusiasm, no matter how great the hazards before him, he can conquer them all. However, attempts without zeal are easy to come to a halt.
For this reason, the most important things for us who wish for advancement is the question of how to be well supplied with the zeal that can maintain our progression forward. Without zeal, you cannot be stimulated. Moreover, we do not need stimulus devoid of enthusiasm. As we consider the fact that strong stimulus comes in connection with the intense zeal, we must seek for environment full of zeal, individual beings full of zeal, and companions bubbling with enthusiasm.
For us humans who are seeking after perfect character and unlimited personality, we cannot be devoid of limitless zeal. It is an important question for us as we are pursuing to cultivate unlimited character, whether or not we are ready to pursue that type of zeal forever, and if not, whether or not we are prepared to strive toward certain goals by possessing such enthusiasm. If you do not possess one of these two mindsets, then you cannot seek after perfect character. (36-98)
Then, what do we need in order to receive God's ardor? Since God is pure and sincere, we must also be earnest. We must feel it to the bottom of our hearts that as we pursue a third purpose here, the purpose will be linked to us eternally. In other words this is a triangular relationship, but it can exist inside ourselves or exist together with us.
You should become a fuse through which the degree of your own awareness about the perspective of purpose within you will transform into the same extent of zeal and attract God, the origin of ardor. However, if you are unable to find a way to become this fuse of zeal, then you cannot become one with God if you. In other words, if there is one artery, then you must become one vein, and if it is given in one place then you must receive it in one place, and if one hundred is given then you must be able to receive one hundred.
Then what is the motivating force that can generate such enthusiasm? You have to be pure and sincere. You must have no selfish motive. If one hundred enters you, then you must be able to sincerely reflect it as one hundred. This is the problem. Where is zeal generated? It is produced centering on sincerity as the basis. It will be produced according to how much is needed and how much you seek for zeal centering on that foundation of sincerity. In other words, the heart of the issue is how much you yearn and adore it as you appear before the subject of limitless ardor. In doing this, you must first put longing and sincere heart in front of anything else. When there is sincere longing, then on the flip side of it zeal will accompany it; you should reflect on this truth.
How much did you adore and yearn for God? What is at stake is the question, whether or not you are prepared to completely forget about your own situation and offer everything for God; in other words, whether or not you can become the perfect minus before the perfect plus. When you can stand before the absolute plus as the absolute minus, then the perfect plus will head straight toward you. Through the straight path of sincerity, the complete plus will rush toward the complete minus. There, minus will give rise to an opposite reaction in which the background will push it forward in a fresh manner. (36-99)
4) You Must Have the Ability to Embrace People
Although you look gaunt and miserable, wearing worn out clothes, you will still appear beautiful as long as you are equipped with everything and possess the three-dimensionality inside and out. The beauty attained at that point is the highest beauty that cannot be exchanged even with the whole universe. Even for me this is how it looks, so how much more true is this in the eyes of God? If you possess these qualities, then you will find that all things in the universe come inside of you. When you look at your eyes, all the sorrows of the heaven and earth are encapsulated in those eyes, when you look at the hands, feet, or anywhere else, they represent the heaven and earth. It is my will to make these great works out of you.
When I was young, I wore cheap clothes bought in second hand clothing shops; these were clothes that others have worn and have thrown away. I intentionally wore smelly clothes so that ladies would not follow me around. I wore clothes that smelled so bad that when people came near me, they would run away from me. Unification Church men must be free and at ease. You must behave in a dignified way, even if you are wearing socks with holes in them.
Just as how there are many trees and all kinds of animals and birds in big mountains, you have to possess the character that will attract all things to you. Only then can you find your complete image and manifest it as a type of beauty. You cannot be considered beautiful just because you are wearing good clothes and have made yourself up well. You have to become the subject of envy by standing out as the topic of discussion and focus attention for heaven and earth. (14-29)
The joy that you have once felt when you first joined must not fade away with time. If that has become an implanted seed through the regular process, then shouldn't it bear fruits and provide tens and hundreds of seeds to be harvested, and if you again sowed those seeds on the ground, shouldn't you be greeting tens and hundreds of spring days? You should grow one flower to blossom in the dry and barren land, so that it can eventually give birth to countless flowers creating a flower garden and the garden of aroma where one can enjoy many fragrances? Do you yourself stand in the midst of such garden of fragrance? Unfortunately this is not true.
If you like the aroma that you yourself are giving out then, this is nothing but loneliness. However, the aroma that you give out, which intermingles; with the numerous fragrances around you, then this is very precious. This will become the crucial condition by which the multitude of people can dwell harmoniously and all things can be harmonized. But with only one, it is only loneliness and solitude. (60-26)
Within the leader, there must always be something like the springing forth of gratitude of life and, how can I put it, the abundance of life flowing like a stream. It is painful, yet it is peaceful, and within his or her heart there must be a resting-place much like a nest where life can dwell. What would happen after standing in such position and possessing that attitude? Then, God will be with you. Eventually, there must be a connection of the relationship between the higher position and the lower position. (70-148)
A leader of love has the flexibility to come in and not come in. If you are caught in the right place, how can you not be dragged in? All without an exception will go in. How wonderful would it be then? You can be linked to God only when you can do that. (119-195)
5) The Story of a Miner Who Set Out to Look for a Gold Mine
What was the main factor that had helped the Americans in the East Coast to pioneer the West in the past? It was the political propaganda of the politicians at that time. They advertised that there are golden mountains or something in the West and everything in that land is gold mines and gold nuggets, yet they have no owners, and those who find them can take them. Accordingly, even though they did not know if they will make it alive, disregarding the presence of Indians, even when they saw their fellows falling dead on the side, they continued on, pulled by the desire to find something a bit ahead of them. This is how they pioneered the West. They were able to pioneer the West because they believed that the rumor was true, and because they were engulfed by the hope that as long as they themselves can stay alive, even if all the other people die, they can become the wealthiest men in the world.
This is how people are. Suppose that while looking for the gold mine a miner became completely exhausted, almost to the point of death, so that he simply could not dig anymore. Yet if he believed with absolute certainty that with only with ten more strokes he would find a gold mine, then what do you think they will do? If it were you would you continue digging or not? Even if one is about to drop dead, one will continue on. Therefore, where is the problem? The problem is in you.
If you really come to understand that God exist, they you must start packing up. Just like you have to make preparation before you begin your marriage life or move to a new house, to start the life of faith you must start preparing. Packing up in preparation to move is very much like a life of faith.
That type of moment will come. You should not just live in the world like in present. The life of faith is like packing up and preparing to go to a new world with the attitude that you are going to shake off all the dirt from this doomed world and, spitting on it, getting ready to leave. This is completely true.
So, would God want to live here? What I am asking is, would God like to live in this place where you are living right now? Therefore, you must pack up. You have to cut off all the relationships with the world.
Then, where would you go after packing up? It is a cause for concern that you are not so clear on that; if you clearly knew it then, you will have no regrets even if you were to die. The reason that I am walking this path with all my heart, devotion, and life is because this is surely the way, and because I am consoled from knowing the fact that after walking this path, I can pass down to the history of humanity the foundation of all my efforts and hard work. (33-235)
In guiding the multitude of people, you cannot rely on just one method, do you understand? Dig up the roots of a pine tree and see. I am talking about the pine tree root, not the horn of a cow. A pine tree root has a thick stem. You cannot uproot it with ease. You have to use all of your strength to the extent that you feel like your lower back is going to break in two, and uproot the whole thing with one pull if you want the whole thing to come out without being cut off. Accordingly, you must uproot it at once. If there is a crack, then you don't have to use dynamite. (122-165)
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