The Sermons of Rev. Hak Ja Han |
(Mrs. Sun Myung Moon) |
Sample Introduction for True Mother's 1999 Speaking Tour
The following is a sample introduction for TM. The video, which will play immediately before she is introduced, will actually provide the major Introduction. However, a prominent local VIP, preferably someone close to our movement, should give the introduction. You may use the text below as a guideline for that introduction. The actual introduction should not be longer then 3 or 4 minutes.
It is my great honor and privilege tonight to introduce to you a woman of great distinction and accomplishment. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. We are truly fortunate that our speaker could join us here, for she is traveling literally around the world. Sharing with people in city after city, state after state, nation after nation, a message of hope and peace.
I commend each of you for being here this evening and for recognizing the significance of this special event for our nation.
We are all aware of the persistent social problems that beset our communities. We agonize over the lives, which are lost and wasted both here and abroad. On a daily basis, we are reminded of our human struggles.
Where will the moral force come from to address these problems? While our elected officials wrestle with these problems, solutions are not easily found. How can we end violence, protect our youth from wasting their lives on drugs, or shield ourselves from diseases such as AIDS. The life of our speaker this evening, along with her husband, the Rev, Sun Myung Moon, has been dedicated to solving global problems on all levels and to building a world of peace and well being for all people.
It is for this very reason that Dr. Moon founded the Women's Federation for World Peace. She and her husband have been partners in leadership for 40 years. They are well known worldwide for the many organizations and projects that they have initiated. These include our sponsoring organization, the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International, as well as the World Culture and Sports Festival, the Inter-religious Federation for World Peace, the Youth Federation for World Peace, the Religious Youth Service, the International Relief and Friendship Foundation, the World University Federation, the Professors World Peace Academy, the World Media Association, the Washington Times Foundation, the Universal Ballet Academy, and the Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace, to mention only a few.
Each one of these organizations is based on their understanding of the need to bring the global family to its original place of true love in God's heart. All people are called to take a role in restoring peace to our world, men, women, youth, political leaders, religious leaders, scholars, scientists, artists, journalists and athletes.
Dr. Moon's commitment to peace comes from her life-long experience. As a child, she learned first-hand the horrors of war and tyranny in her native North Korea. The tragic impact of the Korean War on families only increased her devotion to her own family: her husband, her 13 wonderful children and many grandchildren. Dr. Moon has kept her family together through love and abiding faith in God.
At the very heart of her life's work has been the promotion of strong marriage and family as central to the establishment of world peace. She and Rev, Moon have officiated at the marriage Blessing ceremonies of hundreds of millions of couples throughout thc world.
As families throughout the world dedicate their marriages to God and adjust their lifestyle accordingly, dramatic changes begin to occur in our societies and nations.
Dr. Moon has received many international honors and awards for her humanitarian work and contributions to peace. She embodies the fundamental ideal of her husband's teachings. "Live for the sake of others."
Our speaker tonight is a very remarkable crusader for peace, spiritual leader, humanitarian, mother, and grandmother. Please rise and join me in giving a warm welcome to Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
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