The Sermons of Rev. Hak Ja Han |
(Mrs. Sun Myung Moon) |
Mother’s Speech To Members: America’s Future Is In Your Hands!
Hak Ja Han Moon
February 15, 2001
East Garden
After Hoon Dok Hae followed by breakfast, True Mother asked, "Do you have confidence in True Father’s speaking tour along the East Coast?" "Yes, we do!" answered everyone present.
You are getting old, and some of you are over 50 years of age. So, you really have to understand that there might not be this sort of undertaking again. Through True Father’s speaking tour this time, everyone should attain the most victorious result of your life. By having that kind of attitude and acting on it, all heavenly fortune will come to you, and you will become persons of greatness.
The speaking tour of 50 states has a very significant meaning from the viewpoint of God’s Providence. Whether or not America can earn the position of the Elder Son Nation depends on how much you succeed in your mission this time. America can remain the most prosperous country, or become an undeveloped country according to the result you bring. As True Father has explained repeatedly, it is not necessarily the eldest son of a family with 10 children who will automatically inherit everything from the parents. Elder son-ship does not work like that. One who is the most sacrificial and lives for the sake of the whole family will be the one who inherits everything. There is no guarantee from God unless you do what you are supposed to do. Therefore, your future will be decided in accordance with how much you can live for the sake of others and be sacrificial. It is a matter of great importance. In the same manner, even within the True Family, who can live most sacrificially and devoutly? As True Father emphasizes, who lives the most sacrificially for the sake of others is the key point.
I can vividly recall the time when you just joined the church in your twenties nearly 30 years ago. I expect you to do your very best and bring the best result in this speaking tour.
You must know how aggressively active the spiritual world is at this time. There are many more blessed couples in the spiritual world than there are in this physical world. Thus, the more you live the life of sacrifice for the sake of others, the more heavenly blessing you will receive.
The Holy Wedding of the True Parents took place in 1960. Prior to that event, not only Unificationists, but also many mediums and religious people had the revelations from the spirit world about who True Father was: his age, name and so on. At that time, the entire spirit world bore witness to True Father as the Messiah. Also, many candidates for "True Mother" were there back then. Before True Father made a decision on her, there were many women who believed themselves to be brides of True Father according to revelations they had received. Everybody was excited as if they were almost crazy.
A new century has begun. The spiritual state of God’s providence is completely different from that of the previous era. Numerous Christian clergy and other religious leaders are witnessing to True Parents. Therefore, in America, we must really be focused on the center and essence of God’s providence to connect these clergy and righteous people to True Parents. It is crucial.
Great spiritual phenomena occurred in Korea in 1960. However, now in 2001, it is on a totally different dimension throughout the world and a tremendous foundation has been laid for True Parents to be welcomed worldwide. What you must know clearly is that behind this phenomenon, True Parents have spent 40 years in blood and tears. Our responsibility is to harvest the suffering course of True Parents and bring them the result. It is time for us to meet many righteous people and let True Parents’ words be known.
There was a worldwide speaking tour of True Parents in the early 1990s which was the founding rally of the Women’s Federation for World Peace. At that time, professors from PWPA, and participants of the Religious Conference, which are grassroots organizations, gave total support to True Parents. In 10 years, an unimaginably solid basis has made by True Parents. How it can be harvested to bring it to True Parents is up to us.
We must understand how much True Parents have been devoting them to the world by going around again and again. Lately, those who have kept a certain distance from True Parents and God’s providence are gradually coming around again and the spirit world is completely open in cooperating with people. Therefore, numbers of our ancestors can work with us and push us go closer to True Parents. A great cornerstone has been set, and it is our task to make a commitment in front of heaven and to act on the will which compels us to do our best for victory for our True Parents. It is getting warmer gradually since the spring is in our sight. The spring of the providence is coming. It is the arrival of a wonderful spring era.
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