The Sermons of Rev. Hak Ja Han |
(Mrs. Sun Myung Moon) |
Mother Testifies about Father's Workshops
November 11, 1993
Oslo, Norway
Translator: Peter Kim
At the end of the August Kodiak workshops [see the November issue of Today's World] Father continued with a new series of workshops for Japanese women. When Mother finished her speaking tour of Japan [see the November issue of Today's World] and went to Korea to speak at the universities there, Father moved these workshops to Cheju Island where he continued teaching until the end of the first year of the Completed Testament Age.
Another wave of fifty thousand Japanese sisters began coming incrementally to Cheju Island on January 3, 1994, for workshops.
In Korea right now. Father is educating eighteen hundred woman leaders from Japan. Each team goes through three nights and four days of training. After each team leaves, another team comes. By the end of this year, Father will complete educating up to fifty thousand Japanese women leaders. Father himself is giving personal, special training-Divine Principle and teachings for life of faith in general. Think about it. Father, at the age of seventy-three, sleeping less than two hours a day, speaking fifteen to sixteen hours every single day. On top of that, Father and the participants are staying up at night to listen to my speech. Right now in Korea it is 6:10 a.m. In order for them to listen to my speech, they have to stay up, because they started listening from 4:00 a.m. until now, 6:10 a.m. Father will probably have something simple for breakfast and then go out and talk for another fifteen or sixteen hours. Think about it. These teams of Japanese leaders come and go-three nights and four days. Then a new team comes, but Father stays there every single day, without rest he keeps going on. We are really praying for Father's health. Of course, Father's spirit is higher and stronger than anyone else in the world, but Father's physical body has limitations. We must send our support and prayer. Next year Father may come.
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