The Sermons of Rev. Hak Ja Han |
(Mrs. Sun Myung Moon) |
True Mother's Directions During Her 1999 Speaking Tour
William Enriquez
June 5, 1999
Greetings in the most glorious, victorious and prosperous names of True Parents!
As I was following the reports from True Parents' Speaking Tour, I noticed that True Mother has been giving the same important guidance to all members throughout the world. As sons and daughters following the footsteps of our True Parents, we need to have a clearer understanding on how to respond to these guidance True Mother has given to us.
I pointed out some of these important directions emphasized by True Mother, and share something that I hope can help us in responding to it.
1. Become filial sons and daughters of the True Parents.
Attendance with absolute Faith, Love and Obedience.
2. Study and learn Korean Language.
Behind language is culture and heart. Studying and learning True Parent's language is a way to understand our True Parents completely.
3. Hon Dok Hae everyday.
Through Hon Dok Hae we are living our life with True Parents and establishing a tradition in oneness with the True Family.
By fulfilling this tradition, our True Parents thought, life and love will remain eternally on this earth through the Blessed Family.
The center of God's ideal is the True Parents. Doing Hon Dok Hae everyday as a tradition means that we are establishing God's Ideal as the center of our lives. In this way, Blessed Families are establishing God's Ideal on this earth eternally.
4. Fulfill within these 7 months period what you are planning to fulfill for the next 10 years.
We are all destined to become Tribal Messiahs. Our mission is to become parents, teachers and leaders of our tribes.
Within these remaining period of 7 months starting June to December, it is a good condition to be able to gather our relatives and let them feel our parental love for them, teach them and lead them to receive the Blessing directly from our True Parents while TP are still here on earth.
If we can make this condition, we will become victorious Tribal Messiahs in the future. In this way, before the time will come when our True Parents ascend to the spirit world, True Parents can be proud of us (Blessed Families) and can call us Filial Sons and Daughters of God and True Parents.
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