The Words of Hak Ja Han |
(Mrs. Sun Myung Moon) |
The Model Family: A Family of Three Generations
Hak Ja Han
February 3, 2006
True Parents' Birthday Celebration Banquet Speech
Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center Korea
Distinguished world leaders, ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to you all again for taking part in yesterday's Proclamation Rally for the Era of the Peace Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth and elevating this rally to an international level. Tonight s banquet had been prepared, as refined as it could be, in hopes of meeting once again all those who have been with us throughout today in celebrating our birthday and to convey our appreciation to you all.
Ladies and gentlemen,
During yesterday's rally, my husband spoke based on the theme of a model, ideal family. In the East there is a saying, "All is well if there is harmony within the family." There is wisdom in these words. When we talk about a home, we usually are referring to people. It would include every member of the family beginning with the grandparents, parents, couples and children. But actually there is more to it than meets the eye.
A home is actually a microcosm of the whole creation. A home would include the family members, beginning with the grandparents; it would also include the lawn and building and the environment that surrounds that home, enabling it to breathe and have life. Everybody in that house would be joyful and live in happiness. Our true home cannot be a place where people and the environment are in disharmony. That would only be something that looks like a home on the surface.
A home as desired by Heaven would be one where the entire household is beaming in harmony and filled with the merry laughter of the wrinkled but joyous grandfather and grandmother; it would be a place filled with the sound of the grandchildren s laughter that echoes the prayers of hope that express the promise of the future. The seemingly slow gestures of the grandfather reflect something broad, deep, high and vast. A home should be a place where one can hear God s joyfulness from the hearty laughter of the grandfather. A harmonious melody should flow out from the edges of the skirt of a thoughtful grandmother and the grandeur of the heavenly way should be breathing and alive in the gaze of the ever-busy father and mother.
As it is with the principles through which God created, the family consists of three levels of upper, middle and lower, which pertain to the grandparents, parents and children. This means that three levels are necessary to create harmony in the family.
Normally, three points are needed in order to create harmony. Two points would only constitute a line. You cannot discuss harmony based on just a straight line. Harmony can be created only when three or more points are connected together.
By the same token, there are three levels in a household. When three generations live together in harmony as one, that household takes on a form of a true family, which Heaven desires. In this family, the grandfather, grandmother, father and mother would take the top position, you as couples would take the center position and below you your sons and daughters would find their places. Serving one s grandparents and parents, actually should be seen in a good light in which it means to take care of and live with one's elders.
Then how is it that harmony in the family becomes the root of success in all things? The family is a microcosm of the society, nation, world and further, the universe. That was how God created it. People were all made to begin their lives from a family while receiving true love. Harmony in the family is only possible when all the members of the family give and receive true love among one other.
Only when all angles in a relationships from the east, west, south, north, upper, lower, left, right, front and back are positioned in joy and harmony within the family, can you succeed in everything you do after advancing into society. How can you expect to find joy and reasonable success in your social life if you have suffered discord and conflict within your family, which is supposed to be the root and starting point for everything?
Ladies and gentlemen: The shortcut to fulfilling God's will lies in building harmony in the family. Children who grow up and are properly educated in a wholesome family will become the elite forces who can fulfill Heaven's will. When three generations the grandparents, parents and children join in true love and melt together in oneness, a garden of true harmony can be established in that family for the first time.
Brief as it was, during your stay you have all studied the principle, which came from Heaven as the gospel for saving humankind in this age. You have also had long discussions on the purpose and significance of the Abel-type UN. Among the six billion people on earth, you have been chosen. As you now return to your homes, please do not forget the responsibility that has been given to you from that Heaven. I ask that you do everything you can to build the eternal peace kingdom on earth through the true family movement.
When you return home, please do so with joy and hope in your heart. We shall succeed. Heaven's peace ambassadors and secret envoys like you are now taking a stand in all parts of the world. The True Parents the king and queen of peace of the peace kingdom in heaven and on earth will guide you. Your good ancestors, who number in the billions, will come down from the spirit world and watch your every word and action with blazing eyes. Please return to your countries with abundant heavenly fortune.
I pray that God's blessing be with you and your nations.
Thank you very much.
"Now is God's time for people to recognize universal ideals, which will establish peace on Earth."
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