The Words Hak Ja Han |
(Mrs. Sun Myung Moon) |
True Mother In Mongolia
Hak Ja Han
Notes from UPF Secretary General, Dr. Thomas Walsh
June 16-17, 2006
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
June 16, 2006
The 180 Nation Tour had an intermission from June 6-18, to allow time for the Entry to the Original Palace events in Korea. During this same period UPF convened its World Peace Summit in Seoul.
Following the Ceremonies and Celebrations related to the Opening and Entry into the Original Palace, the 180-nation tour resumed its daily schedule. Leaving Chung Pyung and the Palace in the early morning, TM and HJN arrived at Kimpo Airport in Seoul about 7:30 AM, with many members of the True Family who had come to see them off for the flight to Mongolia. They departed Seoul around 8:30 AM, to begin the Eurasian part of the tour in the Region of Dr. and Mrs. Seuk, with programs in nine nations: Mongolia, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine.
Jun Sook Nim has joined Hyun Jin Nim, and Yeon Jin Nim is also traveling with True Mother on this portion of the tour. Rev. Kwak has joined for the Mongolia event, but must leave early on the 17th to go to Germany to attend the World Cup games, as he is the President of the Association of Football Clubs in Korea. Rev. Kwak is the Korean NM for Mongolia, and since Father's visit last year, that responsibility is being passed on to his son Jin Man Kwak, and Nam Sook Kwak.
This year is the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Mongolian empire/nation during the time of Ghengis Khan.
Arriving at the Ghengis Khan International Airport on a spectacular day, Mongolia gave the red carpet treatment to TM. Local Ambassadors for Peace were gathered in abundance to welcome us. En route to the hotel, signs along the highway announced the coming of TM and HJN. Thousands of young people greeted TM and HJN at the hotel, waving flags and cheering.
Rev. Kwak and I hosted a VIP luncheon in the early afternoon. Then, just prior to the event, there was another VIP reception. Many members of parliament, and other VIPs were present. Both Dr. Antonio Betancourt and Dr. Mark Barry were in Mongolia as representatives of UPF International, at the invitation of the government for high-level discussions on prospects for economic development in Mongolia.
The main event was in a large hall in Ulaanbataar filled with 4000 people. Every detail was beautifully organized. The stage design was excellent. The Mongolian traditional music, the chanting of Buddhist prayers, the VIP remarks from the Minister of Social Welfare and Labor, the Emcee... each piece was excellent.
Even outside the hall there were 1-2,000 gathered.
Hoon Dok Hae, June 17
TM's guidance: Korean language education is very important. The event was so successful yesterday due to Father's foundation. I want you to become exemplary tribal messiahs and blessed couples. True Mother and True Children cooperation is so powerful in advancing God's providence. You Mongolian people are very beautiful, and I hear that Mongolian women are very powerful. Especially you powerful people, make sure to teach all Mongolian people about True Parents. As women, you must prove yourself to be able to embrace all people and bring them to TP; set that kind of example. Will you do this? I want only women to respond. [Yes]. But we know that according to the principle man is in the subject, heavenly position. Are you men determined to restore this nation in one year? [Yes]
Yesterday was a wonderful event. I'd like a couple of you to please comment on your experience.
#1: Previous events were in the parliament building, but this time we wanted to allow a much larger number of people to hear True Mother and HJN's message. Even though the Parliament building is more prestigious, this venue allows for more people [4000]. We worked each day so hard to mobilize the people; 100 members have been making very serious conditions every day for the success of the event.
#2: The media/PR team worked together on this event. People began arriving from 5 PM, even though the event began at 6. As people become Ambassadors for Peace, they realize more and more the content of Mother's words and are ready to carry out their mission and responsibility. The parliament members were so appreciative of Mother and Son coming from so far away to deliver this message; they are very grateful. PM Elbegdorj was in Korea for our conference, but really wanted to know every detail about preparation for the event, and how it is going. When we reported that the event was going well, he was so happy. Yesterday's event was covered by the TV and print media, and by the major media here in Mongolia. One of the two government officers talked about how TM looked so young and beautiful, and how HJN was such a model leader, so handsome, and charismatic. They really want to encourage TM and HJN and send best wishes for their health. AFPs feel a great responsibility, more and more. All government officers are grateful and have expressed their desire to fulfill their mission and responsibility.
#3 The Members of Parliament and former Prime Minister said that TM and HJN are so wonderful. They all stayed to the very end. Some also wanted to come this morning for HDH. They are very inspired.
#4 WFWP Leader: I want to offer morning greetings to True Mother. We are so happy to see you again. After I found out TM is coming and on this tour, I wanted so much that it go well. Through this event more and more people are coming to understand True Parents and their message. I want to express that Mongolian women are working very hard, and the women's role is so very important. Mongolian women were intoxicated by True Mother's beauty and grace yesterday. [She presents flowers and a gift to TM.]
After a great victory and celebration, it is good to have this sharing. Yesterday I heard reports from your leaders about the event, and also about how hard you are working. So now is the time when you should really invest and harvest. Yesterday TM heard of a proposal for a new healthcare facility. These projects we should pursue and TM wants to help, and yet at same time it is not ideal for children to be dependent on parents only. If you build your strong foundation and basis and as Mongolia builds its global foundation, linked to TP, this will develop well. As much as you are strong and determined to accomplish, you can fulfill your goals. Now is the time to expand the blessing to the entire world. I want to give you some modest seed money as a basis for you to fulfill all your goals and objectives. You must have big dreams.
One group of our members performs traditional Mongolian music, then a HARP Group sings.
Hyun Jin
Hmmm. What country am I in? [MONGOLIA] I believe it is no coincidence that this tour is coming in the 800th anniversary year of Mongolia's sovereignty. We celebrate both Mongolian sovereignty and lineage. As we read in the speech, lineage is so very important. And Mongolian lineage is so vast and great, to 78% of the world's population. It is no coincidence that this is the first nation on the Northeast Tour following the Opening of the Original Palace of heavenly sovereignty and heavenly lineage on this earth. From the Christian faith, during its 2000 year history, Jesus talked about olive trees, and referring to fallen humanity as wild olive trees that do not have an owner. If this is the age to find God's original homeland and the restored Garden of Eden, then the garden should be planted with only true olive trees. Amen? [AMEN] Alignment, that is what we need. Amen. [AMEN]
Today's a new era. All people have opportunity to create a new society and world.
HJN sings and has every one up and dancing.
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