The Words Hak Ja Han |
(Mrs. Sun Myung Moon) |
True Parents' Wedding Anniversary
Hak Ja Han
April 1977
The first time I met Father, he looked at me and asked, 'What is your name?' I answered. 'My name is Hak Ja Han.' Then Father closed his eyes and meditated for a moment and then said, 'Oh God, You have given such a woman, Hak Ja Han, to this country of Korea!'
So far, my life has been governed directly by God. Whatever the will of God, whatever His purpose or dispensation, I shall be His servant.
After just a glimpse of my mission of being married to such an extraordinary person who was carrying such a universal burden, I felt it was virtually impossible even to think of fulfilling it. During this period I felt the grace of God constantly upon me. God revealed Himself to me and gave me messages and guidance; even in the times when I was not receiving such guidance from Him directly, God worked through those around me, many wonderful loving and protecting people. Through them God gave me constant guidance, daily instruction and leadership. Those days were a tremendous ordeal of difficulties and tribulations; but at the same time, those were truly the most beautiful days, a priceless time of grace when God's presence was indeed with me.
When I look back, all those memories of hardship have turned into joy.
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