The Words of Hak Ja Han (Mrs. Sun Myung Moon) |
On October 4, about 60 church leaders gathered in the living room of East Garden for a conference with Mother.
Alter wishing everyone a happy Day of Victory of Heaven and a happy Day of Liberation (in memory of Father's release from a South Korean prison), Mother talked in an informal, relaxed manner about what she has been doing since Father entered prison.
She first invited all the leaders to feel at home -- to he relaxed and free and to converse honestly with each other for the betterment of our movement. It had been three months since the last conference, and she likened the meeting to a warm homecoming. Mother said she appreciates it when her own children freely confide in her, and she urged people not to feel distant:
"Dignity is important, but not at the price of intimacy."
Mother then went on to say that she knows many members have gone through deep soul-searching and repentance. While it is true that Father is suffering for our iniquities and those of all humanity, she said, "we cannot afford to live with a guilt complex." We ought instead to become people of unfailing love. "Love encompasses everything; it overcomes all difficulties. In the end it is love alone that prevails," she said.
Mother visits Father every other day. Sometimes she sees him two or three days in a row. In addition to this, Father calls her twice every day -- in the early morning and late at night whether she has visited him that day or not. She thus has to know what's going on in our movement to give complete reports to Father.
In the little free time she has, Mother watches Korean video dramas, from which she has learned many things that can be related to our movement.
In one story which took place during the Yi Dynasty (which ruled Korea during the 500 years before 1910) she observed that when the subjects of the country, particularly the leaders, supported the royal family and were united and unselfish among themselves, the kingdom flourished. However, when the people surrounding the king were fighting, due to jealousy and self- centeredness, the kingdom suffered serious decline.
A modern story about a couple, who through an accident that happened to the wife lost the ability to have children, particularly impressed Mother. According to Korean tradition, because the husband in this case was an only son himself, he would be expected to divorce her and remarry. This husband, however, chose to remain loyal to her although she was barren and half-paralyzed, saying that their souls would be one for eternity. "This story made me realize that Father is truly the most wonderful husband,' said Mother, "and at the same time he is the most wonderful, loyal bridegroom to all humankind. Even though America and the world, as a bride, rejected and mistreated him, he never abandoned her. Father will never mistreat his own bride."
In another historical drama, Mother observed that each of the Korean kingdoms had its founding elders. They were riot always the most intelligent, wise, or talented people, but because of their loyalty, experience, and vital understanding of tradition, they proved to be the kingdom's most valuable assets. Mother likened them to the Unification family. Although, she said, our elder blessed couples may not be the most efficient, educated, wisest, or most perfect people, they have gained a depth of heartistic understanding that is irreplaceable:
They are the fruit that our Father gathered under the most difficult circumstances. They understand the depth of his suffering heart. They shared sorrow and hardship, but also deep joy together. We all know the contents of Principle, but the center of Principle is heart. These elders came into a heartistic relationship with our True Parents. Through rain and sunshine, hardship and victory, they have always remained there supporting the True Parents, and they live and die for the sake of the mission granted to them.
Mother said that while younger members may be better educated, may have heard Father speak more often and so have a better grasp of his ideas, the Korean elders, through their long experience of serving True Parents, have gained something impossible to gain any other way. For that reason they can contribute a great deal to us, and to the tradition of our church. "They might look ugly sometimes, even dirty," Mother said, ''but they are there to provide the vitality needed for the Kingdom to survive and flourish."
When the parents are away, she said, it is natural for the younger children to turn to the older ones for guidance and comfort. Mother asked that American members develop deeper respect and love for the elder Korean and Japanese brothers and sisters. It is important for us to inherit the traditions they have learned. She asked for understanding and harmony among all members, and particularly for unity among the Koreans, Japanese, and Americans.
The conference was a precious opportunity to meet Mother on an intimate level. Throughout the meeting she was warm and relaxed. She truly treated everyone there as her beloved children, and in her glowing presence an atmosphere of peace and love reigned. In order to make October a victorious month, Mother asked in conclusion that we prepare for Children's Day by striving to be united as one loving family.