The Words of the Hyun Jin Moon |
People do not learn things all at once, but they learn things through stages. This is where you need to prioritize what is to be done first. We are focusing too much on these bureaucratic procedures and the internal component sometimes gets neglected.
We have to make a conscious look at our people. Where are they? Are the people really ready to implement what is to be accomplished? Do we have the internal foundation to utilize all resources so that culture will really drive structure?
So, first of all, you need to focus on the cultural component -- Core Values (CV) education. That’s what you need to be focusing on. If you overload people's senses, they end to not remembering anything at all. That’s why you have to keep it simple.
In terms of jujitsu, if you teach people too many moves, they can’t do anything right. If you teach them one or two moves and they know how to do it right, they end up winning. If they don’t have the foundation and you teach them too much, they won’t learn anything. You have to teach them based upon the priority. What is the most important? You need the foundation first; then you can build on it. In this totality, you will get more. This is something we really need to think about in guiding and leading the providence into Alignment and Ownership.
Looking back at the organization again, take away the structural components and focus on the inspiration. You're talking about an organization with complete alignment to the will of Heaven.
A center for example should be doing something in alignment with the international HQ. Likewise, SFT 2nd Generation Members should be moving in complete alignment to the direction of International HQ. This has to be a part of our training so that in everything that we talk about, there should be an absolute consistency. This is something you need to think about in creating an education system.
If you don’t have this foundation, whatever you put on top crumbles like a set of cards. You need to really make them owners. The most important thing to do is to raise leaders with ownership. Think about it!
When you think about inheritance, don’t you think you need ownership? God wanted to give Adam and Eve parent-ship, but did they own it? Because man has the free will, he or she has to choose to do it. That’s why you have to own it! That's one of the reasons why I use the word alignment. So that it will no longer be just the parents' dream or responsibility, it becomes mine. It is no longer just leader's responsibility, it becomes mine! You need to build that kind of sense. You need to have ownership.
This is where it all starts. That is why I kept on saying it has nothing to do with power. It has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with position. It has everything to do with leadership.
This cultural initiative is something to build leaders in every single level of the movement. Leadership is not based on position. I don’t know how I can emphasize this enough. Leadership has nothing to do with position. It has everything to do with Core Values. It has everything to do with what kind of culture that we want to create. So when I say, I don’t want to be a leader of followers, I want to be a leader of leaders. I’m not just saying it. I mean it. I want people to show leadership. Leadership has to come in alignment, connected to our root cause, our root sense of being. This is why culture is so important. Understand? Can you do that, yes or no?
Let me give you an example of knowing verses doing that means the basic core values. IBM is a good example. Smart people, probably the smartest people in the technology field who have developed great strategies. Remember in the early 1990s IBM was almost bankrupt. They had a liquidity crisis. This was the paradigm of the paragon of technology in history -- bankrupt. Other technology companies like Microsoft, SUN they are all saying IBM is going to die within five years.
The turnaround strategy that Gersner implemented, in terms of actual structural execution, though the plan was already developed, but it was shelved just like so many other nice strategies. When he came in, he realized right away that the problem are not the structural or market reorientations, it's really cultural because people drive the organization. And the way that IBM leadership were operating, managing, looking at issues, etc. etc. etc. were all wrong.
So we need to change the cultural paradigm of IBM. Well, that was the key ingredient. The management believes that if you could change the structure, you could make it a more market focused company by decentralizing it, breaking IBM off into different units, have them focus on their particularly market categories. But what he did, he recognized that in order to accomplish and execute that; they first need to create the culture. So he went about systematically changing the way IBM operated and behaved, from the top executives all the way down. That’s what drove the transformation of IBM.
This is a very good case and point. Resources aren’t driving anything. Resources had nothing to do with it. It is leadership that drives everything.
If you look at an organization such as World Com, the darling of the tech industry, actually they were saying it would be the new GE. Not only tech but also just the model for most corporate America. They said it was going to surpass the GE model, etc. etc. etc. They had a lot of money but the culture wasn’t there. It doesn’t matter how much money you have. It has nothing to do with how much resources you have. If the fundamentals that drive those resources, which are people, are not there, if the leaders and the leadership based on core values aren’t there, eventually it's going to fall apart.
So it's not structural. Culture drives structure. So you need to embody this first. Not for me to give you a clear road map of how to get there. Whatever strategy I tell you won’t mean anything unless you build this foundation first.
The reason why I am working for you and the Unification Church is because of “True Love” that means the impulse to want to live for the sake of others -- not justice, or sense of getting self-righteousness, self-vindication; in other words, the willingness to live for the larger good or whole. If one works under that paradigm, one’s viewpoint is outlined from that paradigm, one’s actions are outlined from that paradigm. You have the substance to overcome whatever personal crisis you might have, with an individual or even a group in this matter.
I touched upon this, especially in a lot of my public speeches, and it really goes back, harkens back to Father’s core message. If you read Father’s speeches back in 1950 when he was first starting his public mission, he was constantly talking about True Love. The most quoted biblical statement that Father has is the quote, “love your enemy,” which reflects this paradigm in its most profound form, does it not?
Now, why is it that this power has the power to digest all? It is rooted in a value-creating proposition. “Living for the sake of others” creates value. It does not destroy value. Somebody who actually lives in accordance to this paradigm is somebody who will be willing to have his mind overcome his body; somebody who is willing to make personal sacrifices for the sake of his family; somebody who is willing to make familial sacrifices for the sake of the nation; somebody who is willing to even sacrifice his own nation for the sake of the world; and, somebody who is even willing to sacrifice the world for the sake of God. Thus, if I have to go back and outline or characterize this person by a certain word, we are talking about someone who has the qualification to be a filial son, to be a patriot, to be a saint and to be a holy son. It is rooted here.
I am going to be explaining to you how important I look at this. If W-CARP as an organization, if you as individuals, or if you as Blessed Central Families want to be in alignment with providential history, it all starts from here -- HEART. Your motivation has to be right. The reason why you are doing what you are doing has to be right.
Let me qualify all this. It always starts from “I,” doesn’t it? Do you think when God started the providence of restoration, God said I want to restore them because I want to have a love partner? Yes, that might have been His original impulse for the creation of humanity. But that was not it. It’s just like when a parent has a child. If the child goes astray, the parents’ impulse is not to save the child for the sake of saving his or her name, is it? It is because the love for that child moves that parent, is it not?
So what was the impulse that prompted God to start the providence of restoration, and to save humanity? It was not even centered on God. This is something you don’t understand. So, your motivation has to be right. That is why I have said so many times that the reason for you to do what you are doing should be the life for the greater good. That should be your motivation. Not what can I get from it; nor what can come to me from it; not what benefit can I get from it BUT what can I contribute, what can I give and what can I share for the sake of the whole. The fact of the matter is that there is a certain leap of faith here. If I live like this I will create value on every single level. Yet, that is not the reason why I am doing it. I am doing it because this is the original impulse. It touches my heart, it resonates within my heart. This is the right thing to do.