The Words of the Hyun Jin Moon |
Report On The 12th Speech Of The 12-City Speaking Tour Led By Dr. Hyun Jin Moon - A Call to Action: God's Kingdom of Peace is at Hand
Tom Corley
January 31, 2007
New York
Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, accompanied by numerous bishops and pastors representing a broad spectrum of races and denominations, swept into New York on Wednesday, January 31, for the final stop on his twelve-city speaking tour across America. "A Call to Action, God's Kingdom Of Peace Is At Hand" was the theme of the tour .The location for culminating speech was the Freedom Hall Church of God in Christ, Brooklyn, NY, pastored by Bishop Cecil Riley, Co-Chair of the ACLC, New York.
As pastors, community leaders, congregation members and guests representing many organizations crowded into this sanctuary of the heart, they were welcomed with song, dance, and testimonies. ACLC General Secretary Reverend Levi Daugherty warmly greeted everyone. He first introduced Reverend Michael Jenkins, who was the emcee for the evening. Reverend Jenkins began by calling the believers together to take America back to God, saying that with faith and love we can bring peace on this earth. Bishop Henry Coaxum of the Bronx led the invocation with an emotion-filled delivery of the song "Precious Lord Take My Hand," which he said helped sustain him during the 4th World Tour. Reverend Jenkins then led everyone in the Holy Wine Ceremony, in which each couple recommitted themselves to honoring God and being faithful to each other. In introducing host Bishop Riley, Reverend Jenkins proclaimed this day the beginning of a new day of freedom in America. Bishop Riley commenced his talk by saying tonight begins a great walk of freedom: "This is your Father’s house; hear what God has to say tonight. The bishop acknowledged several important dignitaries present, including Dr. Basil Bryant, Consul General of the Jamaican Mission to the United Nations. Several bishops and pastors were called on to give greetings and two of the participants of the 4th World Tour, Reverend Harvey Kendricks and Dr. Gilda Price, offered heartfelt testimonies of their experiences on the tour. Reverend Jenkins then introduced Dr. Chang Shik Yang, National Chairman of the ACLC.
Dr. Yang shared how Father Moon has spent 34 of his golden years here in America. Why? Because America is a nation chosen by God, he said, and stands in the elder son position among the nations of the world. He stressed the elder son’s position is one of filial piety and service and that in the Korean family tradition an exemplary elder son would love his younger brothers and sisters more than his own children. Hence, Reverend Moon’s many years of sacrifice for this nation. America is externally blessed, he noted, but it is becoming internally impoverished. Dr. Yang underscored that the true owners of America are those who love it the most and help it fulfill God's destiny. He stressed how Father and Mother asked Dr. Hyun Jin Moon and his wife to represent them on this tour across America. Following Dr. Yang's remarks, the Freedom Hall Youth Ensemble energized all present with the song "Pressed to the Mark."
Archbishop George Augustus Stallings, who founded and leads Imani Temple in Washington, DC, raised the church’s atmosphere to new heights with his opening remarks. He declared: "I hope you have come with new wine skins tonight, because we are going to receive some new wine!" He admonished all not to waste their time on the couch watching soap operas and then led us in a monologue by employing the themes of several popular soap operas including: "if you are the young and restless, sitting on the edge of night, complaining about all my children, concerned about Ryan's hope more than your own, or on your way to general hospital in Dallas, TX, you may be cute and pretty, bold and beautiful -- however, if Jesus is not your guiding light, you may not search for a new tomorrow. We need new wine skins for some new wine tonight! The speaker tonight is going to take us on a journey all the way to heaven," he roared.
After walking the pews, Bishop Stallings returned to the podium to introduce Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, whom he described as a man of many responsibilities who came to America with his family at the age of 4. He was later blessed in marriage to Jun Soon Kwak, and is now the proud father of 8 children. Bishop Stallings related that Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, sensing his future responsibilities, prepared himself well by attending Columbia and Harvard universities, in addition to the Unification Theological Seminary, acquiring degrees from all three institutions. Dr. Hyun Jin Moon is currently guiding several international organizations working for the establishment of world peace. One day, he hopes, they will help enable all humanity to live as one family under God. Lauding him as "strong, energetic, charismatic and blessed by God," Bishop Stalling announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, won't you stand to your feet and welcome Dr. Hyun Jin Moon!" The crowd responded enthusiastically.
Dr. Moon began his remarks by asking if people could believe that Bishop Stallings was a Catholic priest. Bishop Stallings, who is African American, and Reverend Jessie Edwards, who is Caucasian American, were recognized by him as leaders in the effort to break down racial and denominational walls. He mentioned that he had noticed a picture of his parents in our host pastor's office and how this made him feel at home. He then asked permission from the congregation to come down from the podium and walk among them, to which all agreed.
"I can see you better this way," he said. "I can feel you better this way. Will you be with me on this journey tonight? What was the will of God? In order for us to be united we need to know the will of God. When we open the first pages of the Good Book, in the Book of Genesis we find God outlined His Plan as the Heavenly Father of all humanity and creation. God bestowed his three blessings on man. God wanted man to inherit his divinity, to multiply and have dominion of love over the creation. However, something went wrong and instead of unity and harmony, disunity and conflict emerged."
He continued, "The first Adam was unable to substantiate the will of God. As a result a second Adam was needed. Jesus came as that second Adam. Jesus’ message was a message of true love, love your enemy. Jesus in and of himself was victorious in true love. In Genesis God's will and purpose was to create an ideal family filled with true love, true life, and true lineage. Jesus came to establish this ideal true family. Isn't this why Christians see themselves as the bride awaiting the bridegroom? The ideal of building a true family was central to the ministry of Jesus. That work was cut short by his crucifixion.
"We have to go back to the will of God," he explained. "The mission of Jesus was to establish a true family that would stand as a true olive tree so that all the false olive trees could engraft to the divine lineage of God. Jesus said he would come again. Why? Why would he come again if his mission was already fulfilled? Jesus needs to come again to substantiate the ideal family.
"I am here to set the record straight tonight! There are those who say Reverend Moon does not love Jesus. My father started his mission by being anointed by Jesus to carry on his mission to build one family under God. Be careful today. We have the son of Reverend Moon in this house and my father Reverend Moon is known as an accomplished brainwasher. However, I can tell you as a son that my father has no interest in your brain. My father has always taught that God has no need for money, power, or knowledge, especially knowledge, because he knows all things. The thing that God thirsts for, longs for, is true love. Yes, my father is a washer and so am I. I am here to wash tonight, but it's not your brain. It's your heart! You want to set the record straight. My father is the master heart washer because he was anointed, appointed and approved by God to carry out the mission of bringing the human family together as one. We have Muslims in the house tonight. What did Mohamed teach? To bring peace through love. Hate cannot bring peace. Let's set the record straight before we can break down the walls. We have to understand what the will of God was in the first place. If Jesus and Mohamed were here tonight and we were to ask them, was your mission to create a religion?, what do you think they would say? Jesus was the begotten son of God. He came to fulfill God's mission, not our mission, not the churches’ mission -- God's mission. God's will is to create one family under God."
He pointed out later that "Christians have been waiting, standing in the position of a bridegroom waiting to be united so they could substantiate the will of God on earth. This is the time, this is the time. Doesn't it say in the Lord’s Prayer, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven?" We need to open our spiritual senses and align ourselves back to God. My goodness! I need to calm down my heart is fluttering! When we talk about the will of God we are high because we understand the holiness of that purpose."
Dr. Moon shared the example of children from different races and religions playing in a sandbox and how they don't treat each other differently. Somehow we learn the wrong things as we grow up. We need to be reborn, as Jesus said. We need to be like children to enter heaven. In order to substantiate the will of God, we need to know the will of God. He again noted how central the family is and how we describe all our relationships in familial terms: she is like my older sister; he is like my father, etc.
He explained that we need to open our hearts to the expectation that God has for this day. Let us have one clarion call, he cried, "One family under God! Aju." Aju, perhaps an unfamiliar term to some, means the settlement of God with man. Dr. Moon called on several people in the congregation to repeat this rallying cry. In commenting on the night's venue, Freedom Hall Church of God, he said we need to set our Heavenly Father free. In talking about the Cold War era, he noted that the rationality of the two sides keep them from pulling the trigger. However, he said, religious conflict in this era could potentially be more dangerous: "We need to take back America so that America can show its true face to the world." He believes that if Islam sees the true face of America, they will not hate it. "The leaders of the faith traditions here have a lot of responsibility," he advised. "This nation has a providentially responsibility for God. Those of you who want to take back this nation for God," he declared, "stand up and proclaim with me, "One Family under God. Aju."
At the conclusion of the talk, flowers were presented to Dr. Hyun Jin Moon and his wife by representatives from the youth of Freedom Hall. Dr. Moon and his wife then presented golden crowns to participants in the 4th World Tour. Following this a short moving testimony was shared by Mr. Hafiz Farad, who spent time together with Dr. Moon's father, who had been unjustly imprisoned in Danbury in the early 1980s. UPF flags were presented to attending pastors and an offering was taken for the host church. Our gathering concluded with the song, "Satan, Your Kingdom is Coming Down." A blessed time was truly had by all.
Reported by Rev. Tom Corley
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