The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2009 |
Beloved Father, thank You for Your grace as You have protected me while I continued to fight ever since I was a child for fear that Heaven might suffer the indignity of being slighted.
Regardless of how good things are here on earth, there is no standard more precious than to be connected to Your original heart. Our longing for that connection should therefore be unbounded. We should realize that people who are connected to Your true love are without regret even if they have lost everything in this world. Now we must find our way to the original hometown, the ideal world in which Your love is at the center of our lives. While we are on the earth, we should prepare for the day that we are born as liberated children with free authority in our third life.
Just as a baby must be healthy in the womb to be healthy in life, one's life on earth must be spiritually sound so that one's life in the heavenly world can be sound. In order to stand in a position to receive help from both heaven and earth and to be moving in step with the dynamic fortune of the entire universe, we have to be ready to face death, because the present world is a contradictory world under the dominion of evil. We must be aware that it would be absolutely wrong to allow our descendants to have to carry our burden in our place. (Sun Myung Moon, October 17, 1971)
Beloved Father, when we realize that You have been ceaselessly working until now to pioneer a spring-type environment, we are infinitely grateful to You and infinitely glad; yet we should become sons and daughters who can still lament the fact that we have still been unable to give our entire life and love to You. In order for us to greet the new spring, we should secure a bond with You through which we can invest our life fully and become totally absorbed in that relationship.
In that way, we can greet spring for the first time and come into bloom. We should not become pitiful spiritual beings that go to the next world without having ever welcomed springtime during our earthly life. Just as a flower must go through summer and autumn in order to produce a fruit, we also must go through such a process to bear our own fruit.
For a life to be invested and come to fruition, it must go through the summer season and absorb life elements through the root, trunk and branches until it has the full life force needed to begin a second life. We should become Your sons and daughters who can ask ourselves the question, Is there a life force within our mind and heart that is ready to burst into life in the next world after our bodies have died?
We know that the internal life force must not be invaded by the environment no matter how much time passes and how strong the storm may be. It must follow a course of consistent development so that it becomes a seed that can be planted again as the source of a second life when spring arrives.
In the same way, even if we are not externally powerful, if we are beings with an intense, infinite life force within us -- people with an internal value that can be planted again in the infinite world of the spirit as the fruit of our life in this world -- then we realize that no matter how miserable we may seem, we are not really miserable. I sincerely wish and desire that You will permit us to know that, even as our outer form gradually deteriorates, we are guaranteed to become more serious about investing in the internal value within. (Sun Myung Moon, June 14, 1970)
Father, we need to be aware that no one lacking the desire to humbly bow before You can have any connection with You in the eternal spirit world. Please permit us to feel Your deep heart as we open the door to our own mind and heart. Please let us hear Your voice, which is calling to us from within our own hearts, in order that we may find our lost selves. Please allow us to become people who can bow our heads as we feel the history of hardships and toil through which You have invested in order to restore each of us. (Sun Myung Moon, September 14, 1958)
As saviors, messiahs, returning lords and True Parents, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon have devoted their entire lives to the realization of the ideal world which God has desired ever since the Creation.
Rev. and Mrs. Moon have consistently gone the way of restoration through indemnity throughout their lives, shedding blood, sweat and tears in order to liberate God and save humankind. Finally in 2001, conditions were completed that allowed God's kingship to be restored back to Him. Now the authority of absolute sexual ethics, true love, true life and true lineage within the realm of the cosmic sabbath for the parents of heaven and earth has been established.
True Parents have liberated God, the King of Kings through totally indemnifying and resolving resentment of the history of evil and sin which resulted from the fall of the first human ancestors. Now, all can regain the value God intended for humanity at the time of Creation.
Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon have taught the path of peace based on the principles of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values throughout their lives in order to bring an end to the history of conflict, war and alienation. They have broken down the walls dividing peoples, religions, ideologies and cultures and have dedicated their lives to the realization of the ideal of creating one family under God. Now 185 nations and 286 clans have acknowledged them as the king and queen of peace.
In this 90th year of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's providential course, he is opening a new era in which humanity can become one community of love and peace, through the appointment of Boon Bong Wangs as representatives of the Parent UN to each nation. We offer our congratulations that the 'Coronation Ceremony for the Authority of the Liberation of God, the King of Kings' can be held at this time and thus offer this plaque to venerate God as the true parent of humanity, the king of peace and king of kings.
Presented by the Cain and Abel Boon Bong Wangs of the world Presented by the Ambassadors for Peace of the world Presented by all Blessed Families in the spiritual and physical worlds