The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2009 |
On June 3, from 3:30 pm, International President Hyung Jin Moon, FFWPU, and his wife, and Kook Jin Moon, Chairman of Unification Foundation, and his wife came to visit Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Center and gave words of encouragement for the 359 Japanese members attending the ‘16th Education Proclaiming the Completion of the Liberated Realm of the Portion of Responsibility in God’s Providential History’.
After giving a bow to True Parents’ photograph, flower presentation was done to welcome Hyung Jin Nim and his wife and Kook Jin Nim and his wife.
First Kook Jin Nim gave words. Kook Jin Nim, using examples of Cain and Abel, said that for the Japanese church to be victorious in the current crisis the members must work together emphasizing, ‘If Cain and Abel had united centering on God the Providence of Restoration would have been completed. We shouldn’t have any troubles with the Cain side people but embrace them and understand them. Also, members must overcome the crisis by maintaining a good relationship with a diligent attitude and must fulfill the responsibility of the Mother Nation for the world once again.’
He continued emphasizing, “Think of the current crisis as a turning point, from now on the Japanese church should testify and be proud of True Parents and the Unification Church and witness, and when a witnessing system like the Japanese’s Video Center system expands in worldwide church, definitely hope will overflow for the future.”
After Kook Jin Nim’s words Hyung Jin Nim gave words.
First, Hyung Jin Nim gave words of gratitude for Kook Jin Nim. Then, gave words of gratitude for the Japanese members who walked a thorny path, sacrificial path, suffering path, and path of the cross for the glory of True Parents and spoke words related to the development of Japanese Church.
Hyung Jin Nim spoke about the huge change that the church is facing and said, “For the first time in Unification Church history we elected regional directors through election. Since the regional directors’ position is to take responsibility for the members I gave the right of election to the members who are the owners of the region. Entering the age of liberation and complete release from now on the leaders must also take consideration for the members as well.”
Then he gave a detailed explanation of the Unification Symbol and emphasized that members should have pride in it. “The elders protected this Unification Symbol with their lives. It also represents the sacrifice and defiance, blood, sweat and tears of our elders. This is a symbol of victory and it’s our pride.”
In his prayer, Hyung Jin Nim prayed, “We pray we can make a new determination to truly be able to make True Parents proud. To truly to be able to bring glory to True Parents and victory to our Unification family. And let us liberate True Parents from their worries so they truly see into the future and see that all that they have created will not go to waste. And will become truly like the morning and the noon time sun. Father, as True Parents have liberated you in this age of liberation and release let us now liberate True Parents, from their pain and suffering. And let us liberate True Parents from their worries so they truly see into the future and see that all that they have created will not go to waste.”
In the end, Kook Jin Nim and Hyung Jin Nim took a commemorative photograph with the members of the workshop.