The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2009 |
The 50th True Children’s Day celebration was held in the main hall of Chung Jeong Peace Palace Museum located in Seolak, Gapyong on Nov. 17, at 8 a.m.
Dr. Joonho Seuk, the president of the Unification Church in Korea, was the Master of Ceremonies. The program began with the entrance of True Parents, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and his wife Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Next was the lighting of seven candles by True Parents, followed by kyung-bae bows from all representatives, the recitation of the Family Pledge, and the reporting prayer of Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, the president of the Unification Church International. Rev. Hyung Jin Moon encouraged everyone to give sincere appreciation and glory in his prayer report. True Parents then cut the True Children's day cake.
Entertainment featured Mr. Ben Lorentzen and Mr. Alistair Farrant of the Lovin’ Life Ministry Band and the International HQ choir. Dr. Chang-shik Yang then read from a collection of True Father’s speeches, which were given recently and put in the monthly journal “Tongil Sege”.
True Father then spoke for more than six hours without stopping for lunch. Father emphasized absolute sexual ethics and freedom. Without uniting mind and body, each is not qualified to claim freedom from a principle perspective.
Next, Father asked some elder members and major leaders from the audience to sing and dance. Father himself walked and danced among the audience. All participants clapped and hailed Father with great delight and joy.
After Father’s words, a special gift was offered to True Parents by the Japanese delegate. The program was finished by three cheers of Eog Mansei by Dr. Hwang, the president of UPF Korea at 3 p.m.
Written by CIGn Reporting Team of FFWPU Korea.