The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2009 |
Letter from Dr. Hyung Jin Moon read at the 7th Annual Ambassadors for Peace Banquet in New York.
Ladies and Gentlemen and Distinguished Guests,
Congratulations on the 7th Annual Ambassadors for Peace Banquet. I especially want to commend the recipients of the Excellence in Leadership Award and the newly appointed Ambassadors for Peace. You are members of a distinguished group of people who are seeking to promote a unified world of peace. As Ambassadors for Peace you have joined the world’s largest and most divers network of peace leaders, representing the religious, racial and ethnic diversity of the human family, as well as all disciplines of human endeavor.
The dream of my father, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, in creating the Universal Peace Federation was to gather leaders such as you to promote reconciliation and cooperation beyond traditional boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity and nationality. It will take all of us, working in our various communities and spheres of influence to address the very real challenges that our world faces today. My father believes that when we adopt the ethic of “living for the sake of others” as our guiding principle, the walls that have historically divided us will fall down. The world of peace we have all been longing for will then naturally emerge.
I encourage you as you go forth from tonight’s celebration to challenge yourselves to expand on the work you are doing as Ambassadors for Peace and to work together with the worldwide UPF family for a successful year in 2010, as we build the Universal Peace Federation together.
With Warm Wishes,
Dr. Hyung Jin Moon
Chairman, UPF International