The Words of Hyung Jin Moon From 2010 |
On September 5th Service, Rev. Hyung Jin Nim started sharing about the new eight-times-a-day-prayer special condition to actualize the eight stages of perfection; divide the day into eight sections and pray eight times a day, going from individual all the way to the level of God; to segment the day and offer the entire day to God.
The Hoonsa nims at Chung Bung Gung are following this schedule: 3:00 am, 4:50 am, 6:05 am, 9:00 am, 12:00 (noon), 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and 9:00 pm.
1. Manifest Unification Principle, saying, "Give and receive action, four position foundation, may I inherit the true love and word of God."
Do a full bow.
Sitting on bended knees (if you can) -- Do numbers 2-5
2. Say:
"Victory of establishment of God's kingship -- ? ?? (pronounced Eong Mansei)" -- then bow forward, touching forehead to floor.
"True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind -- ? ?? (Pronounced Eong Mansei)" -- then bow forward, touching forehead to the floor.
"Building of Cheon Il Guk -- ? ?? (pronounced Eong Mansei)" -- then bow forward, touching forehead to the floor.
3. 8 Stages of Prayer:
1.) God
2.) Spirit World and Cosmos
3) World
4) Nations (to come to God)
5.) Society, tribes
6.) Clan
7.) Family
8.) Individual
4. Recite Family Pledge: With Open Hands (hands together, palms facing upward), recite all eight pledges in Korean.
5. Motioning with your hands: From Head to Heart, saying -- "May I inherit the true love and word of God" -- then bow forward, touching forehead to the floor.
6. Rise: Manifest Unification Principle, saying, "Give and receive action, four position foundation, may I return glory to God until my ascension to the spirit world." Aju!
7. Do a full bow.
8. Turning to people to your right and left: Say, "May you receive heavenly fortune."