The Words of In Jin Moon from 2009 |
Dear brothers and sisters,
I would like to offer to you my deepest appreciation for your response to support recent historical events held here in New York City. During these economically tough times your heartfelt donations meant so much.
With the donations collected we were able to host;
True Parents 90th Birthday
The Coronation for the Authority and Liberation of
God, the King of Kings
The Holy Blessing Ceremony of 270
Hoon Dok Hae with True Parents
Celebration of Love and
Life Entertainment
We are grateful to have received contributions of $573,177 to support these providentially significant activities. A full accounting of our expenditures has been completed (by our Treasurer Eric Holt) which shows a total expenditure of $467,946 and a balance remaining of $105,231.
I have directed that the remaining funds to be used in support of second generation education. This will include a grant of $5,000 to each of the seven second generation schools around the country. The balance will provide a budget for the development of a second generation curriculum.
Once again, I offer my deepest gratitude for your faithful support.
Rev. In Jin Moon
President FFWPU - USA