The Words of In Jin Moon from 2009 |
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May God’s blessings and True Parents’ love be with all of you.
After a careful review, the National Headquarters of HSA-UWC / FFWPU are being restructured in order to better support our community and grow our movement. As a result, I have implemented the following decisions regarding the structure and function of headquarters officers, staff and facilities.
1. Headquarters has reduced the number of vice presidents to one executive vice president, Rev. Joshua Cotter. We are deeply grateful for the devoted service of the former vice presidents, Rev. Phillip Schanker, Rev. Levy Daugherty, Mrs. Alexa Ward, Rev. Kazushi Mito, Mr. Jim Flynn and Rev. Moon Shik Kim. Each one of them has served with honor and distinction in their respective fields. While they remain in service in a variety of functions, they will no longer serve as vice presidents.
2. As President and CEO, I will work directly with department directors. The new National Education Department Director is Mrs. Heather Thalheimer. The Blessed Family Department Director will be Rev. Phillip Schanker. He will be assisted by Mrs. Debby Gullery and Mrs. Hiromi Stephens. We are most grateful for the dedicated service of Jim Stephens in recent years. Jim and Hiromi have touched the lives of many families and their hard work is appreciated by In Jin Nim and all brothers and sisters.
3. The new National Witnessing Department Director is Mrs. Sheri Rueter. Building upon the work of the National Witnessing Summits and the Witnessing Pilot in Los Angeles, Mrs. Rueter will now direct witnessing activities at The LOVIN' LIFE Learning Center at 43rd Street in New York and develop a national witnessing strategy
.4. The Unification News, official photography and official video functions are being restructured also. Richard Lewis, Ken Owens and Hiromichi Shimoyama, who have served with distinction for many years in those roles, will also transition to new activities. Once again we are deeply grateful to these dedicated brothers who have faithfully served God and True Parents over many years.
5. Former Second Generation Education Assistant Director, Mr. Kimikami Miyake has also stepped down from his position to pursue higher education. I want to wish him well in his academic career. Moreover, Mr. In Guk Seo has also stepped down from his position as Director of Second Generation Blessed Family Department. Both of these young brothers served their missions with diligence and distinction and are much appreciated.
6. CARP is also currently being restructured. Mr. Kenshu Aoki has resigned from his position to pursue other opportunities. A new CARP board and CARP President are being put in place.
7. All HSA-UWC offices at 4 West 43rd Street are being moved to new facilities at The New Yorker Hotel. Until the move is completed and notice is sent out with the new address and phone number, please continue to correspond with HSA National HQ at the address and phone numbers at 43rd Street.
8. The HSA-UWC Washington DC HQ offices at 3224 16th Street have been closed. The operations and departments that were formerly headquartered there have been moved to New York. Only ACLC, under the direction of Rev. Michael Jenkins continues to have offices in the United Federation of Churches (UFC) building in Washington, D.C.
The developments listed above will allow the National Headquarters to better serve all districts, states, local congregations and members as we enter this exciting new era for the American movement. I thank you for your continued love and support.
Sincerely yours,
Reverend In Jin Moon
President and CEO, HSA, FFWPU - USA