The Words of In Jin Moon from 2010 |
True Parents asked our international president, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, and his wife, Mrs. Yeon Ah Moon, to visit our brothers and sisters in Brazil this past weekend, from June 26th to 28th. Hyung Jin Nim brought our True Parents' love and clear guidance to all of our leaders and members in Brazil, and his words were broadcast throughout South America.
After the very difficult events which took place in Sao Paolo on May 30th and 31st, True Parents asked Rev. In Jin Moon to immediately go to Brazil (from June 5-8) and comfort the brothers and sisters there on their behalf. In Jin Nim embraced the Brazilian members and leaders from throughout South America, letting them know how much True Parents loved them. Her words brought comfort and clarity, cutting through the confusion and chaos of the week before.
After In Jin Nim's visit, the General Assembly meeting which was convened on June 12th in Sao Paulo ended up reaffirming the leadership of Rev. Simon Ferrabolli. At that meeting the sole agenda point (proposed by members of the Board) was the removal of Rev. Ferrabolli. However, all 70 elders who were present voted unanimously to keep Rev. Ferrabolli in his role as Brazil National President.
This was so comforting to Rev. Simon Ferrabolli, who had endured so much pressure from the board members to resign, being told by them that major law firms from America were coming to ensure that he would be removed. Even his wife and children went through incredible suffering during this time. Of course, the continental director, Rev. Shin, has also been wrongly accused and has been put through hell during this time. These two brothers, however, have consistently stood strong for our True Parents, no matter what.
On Saturday, June 26, a second General Assembly meeting was held in Sao Paolo. Rev. Dong Moo Shin, the South American Continental Director, reported on the results of the meeting. The general assembly, which is the highest decision-making organization in the Brazilian FFWPU, gathered at 9 a.m., based on a motion set forth during the June 12th meeting and in accordance with the articles of association of Brazil FFWPU. Those with a right to vote at the general assembly include the 10 people who founded FFWPU Brazil in the early days, current church leaders and former church leaders. On June 26, 110 people attended the general assembly and there were more than 70 observers watching the proceedings. Moreover, the meeting took place while Rev. Shin, Rev. Heung Tae Kim, Rev. Oyamada and lawyers observed.
Because 90% of the members were not in attendance at 9 a.m. (a quorum of 90% is required), the meeting did not begin until 9:30 a.m., when a quorum was present. The matter at hand was to legally remove the five members of the Brazil FFWPU Board (which was made up of 3 Americans, who are part of the UCI [Unification Church International] Board and who appointed themselves to the FFWPU Board and 2 former presidents of the Brazilian church) through the vote of the general assembly. The meeting took place with lawyers in attendance and there was a video recording made.
The result of the vote was unanimous. All 110 top Brazilian leaders voted to remove the five board members without a single opposing opinion. Thus, the revolt of the Board, which had become a controversy, was dealt with on a legal basis. The national leader, all headquarters leaders, church leaders from around the nation and core members who formerly were leaders, united centering on True Parents to bring a victory that allowed for a new beginning.
The most fundamental cause of this victory was that our True Parents gave a clear standard through their proclamation, their words and their love. Secondly, the great help and support that was offered to Brazil at the most critical time by In Jin Nim and now by our International President, Hyung Jin Nim, truly has made this victory possible. Now the General Assembly will move to amend the articles of association in accordance with the direction of our international headquarters and elect new board members.
Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim, who arrived in Sao Paulo on June 26th in good health and bright spirits, decided to stay in the staff room on the sixth floor of the headquarters building. They bowed to True Parents, prayed and then began their schedule. The international president spoke to the over 200 leaders and members who had participated in the general assembly on the topic of True Parents' value. He especially confessed about his own life of setting conditions in realization of how sinful we are in front of True Parents. He emphasized again and again that all brothers and sisters in the Unification Family must clearly perceive who True Parents are.
Hyung Jin Nim said that there is only one True Parents for eternity and that he himself always stands in an object position in front of True Parents with much to learn. He stressed that we should be grateful for the glory of attending True Parents. He also testified that True Parents miss and love Brazil and South America in general, and encouraged the Brazilian members to strive to live by True Parents' directions and teachings.
Though the Brazil incident was ultimately an attack on True Parents, he emphasized that we won in the end and only True Parents could bring this victory. He testified to True Parents' amazing victory through giving the opportunity for the 120-day special workshop and spoke about his strong conviction to achieve the completion of Cheon Il Guk in 2013.
On the second day of Hyung Jin Nim's visit to Sao Paulo, on Sunday morning, over 300 members gathered in the Small Sanctuary for a 3:00 a.m. devotion and 5:00 a.m. Hoon Dok Hae. Everyone spent this time together with Hyung Jin Nim with a joyful heart. At Hoon Dok Hae, people took turns reading a section of True Father's autobiography, allowing for a time of serious reflection on True Father's providential course and life.
Hundreds gathered from 9:00 a.m. to hear Hyung Jin Nim's message, filling the chapel of the headquarters building to capacity. The sermon, which was translated by national leader, Rev. Ferrabolli, provided such deep and nourishing spiritual food for the members in Brazil. The international president gave a precious speech, in which he seemed to give the core contents of everything he has spoken about in the past and recently.
While Hyung Jin Nim was giving his sermon to all of South America on Sunday morning from Sao Paulo, Rev. In Jin Moon was broadcasting Hyung Jin Nim's "Address to the International Leaders" from Lovin' Life Ministries in the Manhattan Center to all of our churches throughout America. So, simultaneously (Brazil is just one hour ahead of New York), Hyung Jin Nim's message was being heard on the continents of North and South America, representing the complete unity of North and South America, centering on our True Parents.
After Hyung Jin Nim's sermon, Mr. Cypriani (former church president and one of the removed board members) gave a public repentance and apology before all of the Brazilian members on stage. Rev. Ferrabolli, who is truly a compassionate and a passionate man, rushed to his brother and embraced him in love and reconciliation. It was truly beautiful to see for all those members to see these two brothers embrace.
Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim ministered to the brothers and sisters in Brazil, giving such beautiful words and true love, even taking the time to visit families in their homes. A lottery was taken after the service and a humble family who lived in the nearby mountains won the blessing of receiving a personal visit to their home from Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim.
Hyung Jin Nim's couple and their living example of True Parents' love was truly overwhelming for the Brazilian members. All of the brothers and sisters throughout Brazil and South America appreciate our True Parents' love and wisdom in sending Hyung Jin Nim and Yeon Ah Nim to bring the healing love of God and the power of God's Word.