The Words of In Jin Moon from 2011 |
1) In Jin Nim gave everyone a warm greeting (after an especially enthusiastic greeting from the congregation).
2) She got back really late from Las Vegas after spending time with True Parents (True Parents). They send us their greetings and their love.
3) Every time she spends time with our True Parents she is amazed at how much they love the American movement, all the brothers and sisters. As our True Parents continue to pray for the quick recovery of Japan -- you know our True Parents are always thinking how can we revitalize our American movement and inspire the American people to understand what a providential country this is -- that God blessed this country of America so that it would be able to play a very crucial role in the Providence, for the sake of the world. So, True Father and True Mother are always thinking about, how can America truly exercise its ability to influence the world in a good way, to bring about this understanding of peace and love and unity.
4) Every time she spends time with True Parents In Jin Nim is reminded how much America is important to them. Father is always thinking, "here I am in what is known as the Sin City of Las Vegas," (you know there is an ongoing campaign that "what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas,") but father is there because he wants to change that campaign around -- because what happens in Las Vegas, he wants the whole world to hear about it.
5) He has put himself down in the center of what is known as Sin City and he is injecting the spirit of our Heavenly Parent and an understanding of living for the sake of others -- practicing true love in our lives. Father and Mother want to inject a bit of heaven and transform Sin City into the Shining City.
6) Last time in Las Vegas Father went a step further, not only does he want it to be a shining city -- he wants Las Vegas to be the city of the Sun, giving out its warmth and light to the rest of the world. When In Jin Nim sees the transition that is taking place with Las Vegas, such as our understanding of Las Vegas from a Sin City to the Shining City on the hill and now Sun City.
7) The way our True Father sees things and likes to play around with the letters in the words, it is extremely interesting to In Jin Nim. When she thinks about Las Vegas being Sin City -- smack in the middle between the S and the N there is an "I". In Jin Nim has often thought that people who live in sin, who breathed a sinful lifestyle, are really living a life of Insanity. But with a bit of heaven, and changing it into a Shining City, and into Sun City -- instead of the insanity of living a sinful life, Father wants to take us to a place where the letter U is smack in the middle between the letters S and N. in a way we become the Sun, this brilliant light where we can truly live our lives, not in the insanity of a sinful existence, but in total and absolute unity with our Heavenly Parents and our True Parents.
8) When Father and Mother are asking all of us to tap into our divinity, to be that sun unto the world, what they are asking us to do is to be absolutely united with our God up in heaven and our True Parents, their physical representatives -- so that we can truly inspire and bathe the world in this beautiful loving light of true love.
9) When In Jin Nim thinks about our True Parents and the desires of our True Parents for Las Vegas to be the Sun City, and True Father has told her that Las Vegas is a place where everyone comes to make money -- how wonderful it would be, in light of what just took place in Japan, this tragedy, the aftermath of the tsunami unfolding day by day, on CNN and all the news networks -- how wonderful if Las Vegas, instead of being the sin city, could inherit God's heart by uniting with our Heavenly Parent and start to shine its brilliance unto the world by not being known as the city where people go to make money, to grab money for themselves, but the city that, with the nudge of our True Parents, can be a place where a lot of finances can be harvested for great works, such as helping Japan in the aftermath of the tsunami. This is the way our True Parents think all the time.
10) As In Jin Nim was flying back last night she was thinking about all the things her father shared with her and the other members of her family, and it was a very interesting flight. It started off like any other flight with the guidance from the stewardess, the usual routine -- the plane runs down the runway and you feel yourself lifting, and your body pulled down by gravity, and you are soaring into the heavens and you see the city that you left behind -- and the stewardess tells you in four hours and 30 minutes we will be back in New York City.
11) But on this flight there was a bit of turbulence. Parts of the flight got pretty bad. One of the persons sitting near In Jin Nim, to her right was big and burly, too big for his seat. He looked like an ex-Marine -- nothing could deter him, like a rock. He had a big physical presence. But when the plane started trembling and rattling -- there was some nervous laughter "that wasn't so bad." But it happened again and people looked around more quickly, looking up at the ceiling and outside the window, even though it was pitch black, and then you could begin to see the different characters of people come out. Because people were pressed against the possibility -- "what if this is the end? What if this is the last moment? What if these people looking nervously around are going to be the people to go with me to the other world." You see the fear and the uncertainty creep up. And this man who looks like an ex-Marine, strong and brawny, that nothing could scare -- he started to look a bit nervous. And as the plane continued to rattle he started to do the sign of the cross with his hand. It revealed that he was afraid. Later on he was moving back and forth in his seat, his face becoming more and more intense, and after a while the turbulence calmed down and the Marine did his last cross and settle down into sleep.
12) This experience made In Jin Nim think about a lot of things. She experienced a near life and death experience at sea when she was 12 years old, when she was certain she was going to die -- because she could not make out the waves from the sky, everything looked like it was headed towards the end. She remembers that time, her father held her hand and told her he was there -- and there was an incredible feeling of serenity and peace in the midst of all the calamity and chaos.
13) And so In Jin Nim thought, "okay, this gentleman seated next to her thought that he may be near his end." She thought, "what if this were her last flight, how would she feel about it? And when she thought about it she realized, if God were to take her then, at that moment, she would be so grateful for having the opportunity to have lived thus far." And she was overcome with the incredible sense of gratitude. This sense of gratitude became more acute when she thought about the good people here at the Lovin' Life Ministry and the good brothers and sisters of America that she has come to know a little bit better, and come to love. And she thought, if this is the last day, then she can go, knowing that she is extraordinarily grateful for the opportunity to have loved and to have been loved by so many people.(she expressed this with tears)
14) When In Jin Nim thought about this word gratitude, and she has often joked how gratitude sounds like "great attitude", two words. And being grateful is really having the right kind of attitude, or perspective, or approach to life. And one of the things that she realized in all of the winners that she has come to see in her lifetime, in and out of the movement, she realized that the majority of these people, including our True Parents -- they have this characteristic in that they practice this attitude of gratitude, this great attitude.
15) When you are trying to live a life as an ideal person, and she often jokes that life is great in that it really puts us to the test -- such as we say we want to be ideal, well it's going to make us deal with a lot of different things. Good, wise, men and women throughout the centuries have always talked about how you cannot have triumph without struggles. You cannot have victories without obstacles. And many times victories are made that much sweeter by having been defeated.
16) We know that when we are trying to live an ideal life, that there will be difficulties, there will be struggles. And implicit in the word ideal is the word, to deal with, we have to deal with a lot of these things. But because we know and believe, that we are the eternal sons and daughters of our Heavenly Parent, we know that as long as we keep on going, and keep on growing, and as long as we keep on learning -- that sooner or later we will be able to be a beautiful, brilliant light unto the world, and in the process leave something beautiful behind in the form of our children and our future generations.
17) When In Jin Nim thinks about the word gratitude, she reminds herself, "yes we have to maintain a great attitude, but that also means there is going to be a lots of great grating in the process." We are going to have to grate, we need to rub up against, like when we grate cheese -- we have to do a lot of grating to prepare ourselves to be that person that can maintain this great attitude and exercise this great attitude throughout our lives.
18) And the word gratitude is also a reminder to all of us, not to be "crate"-ful, meaning -- the word crate, it can be understood as a box that holds different things, like a wooden crate. But the secondary meaning of the word crate -- means, like an old decrepit airplane or car, something that is rotting away. So when we want to maintain a grateful attitude it is a reminder not to be "crate-ful" in our attitude, in that we must take ourselves out of this position where we put ourselves in, as this box that just holds lots of baggage, that holds lots of negativity, that holds lots of reasons not to believe -- and therefore weigh ourselves down into this existence where we turn into crates -- these old decrepit airplanes and cars that can no longer function the way they did in their prime. Maybe once we were like a Concorde Jet, like a great Honda Civic, or like a Ferrari (for sports enthusiast), but because we forgot to maintain this great attitude of gratitude we allowed ourselves to be living a crate like existence, not realizing we should be grateful for even the grating that takes place along the way on our road of self-discovery. Because if you really, really think about it, a great attitude comes in understanding that we have been tremendously blessed, and it comes from an understanding of who we are, that we are the eternal children of our Heavenly Parent up in heaven -- and thus we are divine. Our lives have been touched by God, in a way, we were meant to be loved and to be loved, we were meant to do great things, we were meant to inspire our generation, inspire our children in the world.
19) When In Jin Nim thinks about this "great" word, this gratitude attitude -- one of the biggest challenges we have in our lives of faith, trying to be a good mom, a good friend, a great sister and daughter, a son and a father, and so on -- is that many times life has a way of introducing more than what we planned for. We cannot plan everything. There are things that she never planned for. She certainly never planned to be married to a guy that they use to all call "fish-eye." This is more than plans. She had a great plan before she got married at 18, she wanted to be a medical Dr.. She thought that until the age of 30 she had clear sailing. "World of academia here I come!" She didn't have to worry about marriage. She thought that her medical career would guarantee that she would not have to deal with marriage until after she became a doctor. But of course True Parents and God had a different plan for her.
20) One of the things about life, regardless of how much planning we do, and how brilliant we think we are -- planning or outlining our life exactly the way we would like our life to be -- you know many times In Jin Nim comes across blessed children who have every half-decade of their life mapped out, almost to a "T", so that there's no room for anything else. She said to them, your plan looks great but what if, in the year two of your great plan God intervenes and says "I want you to go to Africa. I want you to work as a missionary in Africa." What would you do with your plan? Regardless of how great our planning abilities might be, life has a way of introducing things that we never planned for, or we never expected.
21) How do we maintain this heart of gratitude in spite of the fact that life will continually challenge us, it will continually provoke us, continually nudge us to grow and to expand and to deepen, whether we planned for it or not?
22) One of the quotes that In Jin Nim likes to remind herself when she is confronted by things she did not plan for, when life affords her something that is more than what she had planned for, she loves to look in the Good Book, at Jeremiah, 29:11 -- it says, "I know my plans for you, says the Lord -- for your welfare and not for your harm. For the future of hope that I see in you."
23) This is a beautiful, beautiful quote, because this is God telling us -- regardless of how great our plans might be in life, regardless of how many things we might want to do ourselves -- perhaps we want to go right but God tells us to go left, we want to go down but God tells us to go up -- this is a reminder that God doesn't always call us at our convenience. God calls us, sometimes, when we least expect to be called. Many times God asks us to do things that we do not factor into our plans. This quote is a reminder for all of us to do our part, our 5% responsibility of preparing our lives always to receive, but always leave a space for our Parent up in heaven. Allow God the space to work His and Her mysterious magic and do not be so locked into our plans -- that we have no space for God. Because, when we lock ourselves into plans so trenchantly and in a petrified manner -- God will test us and God will push us. God will encourage us to grow, and when that happens, that is our time to step up to the plate and heed God's calling and listen to the voice that is in our heart. And despite our plans, despite our goodwill, despite thinking we know better, we need to listen to that inner voice, to the voice of God.
24) In Jin Nim realized a couple of things, when she struggled with this word, trying to maintain this great attitude toward her life -- and many times when she thought about -- in order to maintain a great attitude we must do 1, 2, and 3. But sometimes a great way to think about it, is not to think about what a great attitude is defined as -- by 1, 2, and 3, but to look at it from another perspective -- look at the word, at what it is not. We know what a great attitude is, the heart of devotion and love, being grateful and thankful for everything we have. But sometimes it is good to think what a great attitude of gratitude is not.
25) Three things come to In Jin Nim's mind what gratitude is not. When we don't have gratitude in our lives, when In Jin Nim does not have gratitude in her life, when she catches herself being ungrateful -- she finds herself craving for things. Instead of thinking, "I have been given so much. I have been given this and that -- and God has taken care of everything for me." But sometimes when she is not feeling grateful -- she starts thinking, "What about that. I desire that. I'm in need of that. I crave that. I want that."
26) It's interesting when you look at the English language -- right underneath the word crave is the word craven. When you study etymology you find the French origin -- meaning to break, or the Latin origin -- which means to creak and rattle. When you are craven, when you are feeling not that good about your life -- craven can mean cowardly, someone who is always afraid. So when you're constantly craving something you are craving something because you feel like everything that you have will disappear, it has no value, therefore you're always wanting something else.
27) So we are lost in this constant sea of insecurity because we cannot find a firm footing. Instead of going through the feelings of craving things, craving more and more and more because we are so dissatisfied with our lives -- what we really need to be doing if we have this attitude of gratitude is to just be firm in knowing that we are God's eternal sons and daughters and that we don't have to be craving, we do not have to be afraid. We do not have to be a coward. We can be brave in knowing that God, our Heavenly Parent, walks along with us.
28) Just recently In Jin Nim had this really, really moving experience. You may have noticed that on the stage at Lovin' Life there was a member from the LA community. (In Jin Nim thanked the LA community for letting their guitar player come and play with Lovin' Life.) His name is Matt and he sent In Jin Nim an e-mail. When In Jin Nim asked him to come and play with Sonic Cult he was extremely, extremely inspired and excited. Friday was rehearsal and he came even though In Jin Nim was not there, and she heard they had a typically great rehearsal session. But he wrote her this e-mail that really moved her. First he thanked her and the Lovin' Life team for welcoming him to New York. And of course any great musician, or aspiring musician -- and when you think of Sonic Cult and the Lovin Life Ministry -- of course you want to be part of that band and play for our brothers and sisters all across the United States who join with us on Sunday mornings. There's a great deal of craving and wanting to stand on stage with the band. As In Jin Nim goes through the digestive processes of firming up who the band members are going to be -- there are going to be a lot of people who won't make it, and a lot of people who think they are good enough, but perhaps they are not. And, as the person who is responsible for the band, In Jin Nim will want to put the best players out there for our movement -- in a way the band becomes the face of our movement to the world. But trying to juggle different players -- it's almost like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. You have find the right pieces that fit -- to make the band work, to make it an incredible rocking band. And to do that takes time and many trials and tribulations. You have to try out a lot of people. Some people just click and some people will not.
29) And so a lot of good and bad feelings can be interwoven in this history of making Sonic Cult. But this brother's e-mail really, really touched In Jin Nim -- because he used to play with her brother's band, for four years. Every time her brother traveled to Japan he was one of the guitar players who played for her brother's band -- but he came (to NY) with a heart that whatever happen, it is an extreme privilege for him to be there. But what moved In Jin Nim the most about this man is that he wrote in the e-mail that his dream is to do exactly what he is getting a chance to do -- to perform for the Lovin' Life Ministry. In a way, as a musician he could not wish for anything else -- to be a part of what Hyo Jin Oppa's legacy has been at the Manhattan Center -- and to continue working on that legacy, together, with another member of the family -- is something that calls to him in his heart.
30) But he said, having gone through the rehearsal, he realized, "yes I am a good guitar player, but the other players' level is so high -- I feel like I'm dragging the band down." So, instead of trying to crave it so much, that he clings on to something like this, like a dead weight singer -- what he was saying to In Jin Nim (and she did not hear him at rehearsal, so she had no opinion) but his own opinion, his assessment, was saying "you need something better." And, in having this one opportunity -- which he thinks will be his last, has been more than he could wish for. This experience and the help he got from the other players in the band -- to fine tune his sound -- (you know guitar playing is not just notes -- it's creating that unique sound that will add something to the band) -- he was saying that what he'd learned on this trip is what he will take back to LA, and he would do his utmost to make LA a great satellite church of Lovin' Life.
31) He was an example, and he is an example, of somebody who is experiencing and practicing a heart of gratitude instead of being a person who is not practicing gratitude -- and therefore fall into the pitfalls of feeling this constant craving. He was saying, "Our church and our movement deserves better. I'm good but perhaps not good enough." And frankly he is better than some of the guitar players we have had on the stage. For In Jin Nim, to get this kind of assessment of his performance -- and what he wants for our movement -- that was absolutely extraordinary.
32) LA is incredibly blessed to have a brother like that. A brother who lives and practices this heart of gratitude. So, can we give Matt a round of applause?
33) When In Jin Nim things about what gratitude is not, the second point, she thinks about -- this phrase that her Mom used to tell the little ones. Her mom used to tell them when they were little, because as children they used to think just about themselves, "don't grab and brag." Meaning, grab the things to your mouth and then brag about how great you are.
34) This is something that was inculcated into all of their brains. As In Jin Nim has lived through her years and seen different phases of people's lives -- first and second and even third or fourth generation, she has seen how many times, if we don't maintain this heart of gratitude, this heart of living a blessed sanctified life, a holy sacred life -- many times we feel like life is tough, life is hard, nobody is going to do it for me, God is not there for me, so I need to grab and I need to brag. And In Jin Nim has seen this in the best of people, in a lot of second generation who have come to the Manhattan Center and looked at Lovin' Life and all the things that are taking place. And, the incredible thing about a camera is that a camera does not lie. So the people in the audience need to realize that you are on camera, and the second generation need to know this too. When the camera sweeps the audience, you know after every service they have to edit -- to make sure it sounds right for duplication -- they are always reviewing the different camera shots that play into what Lovin' Life becomes in the end.
35) And you can tell a lot by the way people stand, by the way they look, by the way they hold their head -- and a great majority of second generation are good. Their heartistic approach to Lovin' Life and our movement is good. But there are some who, when the camera catches them, you realize that they are here for the wrong reason. They may be here to take something back that they can criticize on their blog or on the internet -- or maybe they are here because there is a lot of opportunity and they want to grab it -- they're thinking, "How can I get myself on stage, how can I act the part to get in In Jin Nim's good graces, to get what I want. How can I grab it for myself?" But if we really understand that our lives are sacred and our lives are blessed -- our life is not like a toy store where we go and grab things for ourselves.
36) God determines who, how, and when He wants to use somebody. We can do the best we can, but God works through whom He and She chooses to work through. If we have this attitude of grabbing things from God, grabbing things from the community, "I want to be a great singer so how can I use this platform of Lovin' Life to my advantage?" If you approach it in this way your hearts will never be able to touch as many people as it was meant to touch. And the more you start grabbing, the more you realize you're just adding these sinkers onto yourself. So regardless of how talented you are, regardless of how succulent a worm you are at the end of the fishing pole, capable of catching this great, great fish with which you can have a fantastic feast for your family, movement, and nation -- if you don't realize and maintain that humble heart, a heart where you allow God the space to work and room to maneuver in your life so that wonderful things can take place -- then you will never catch the big fish you were meant to catch. You will never prepare that fantastic feast that you were meant to prepare for your family.
37) If we are bound and weighted down by all these sinkers that we put onto ourselves -- and you know sometimes when In Jin Nim sees good young men and woman doing that, she wonders what are they grabbing for? Our lives could end tomorrow. What is all this grabbing for? Why make ourselves rich and fat when really what we need to be thinking is how do we make others happy. How do we make others inspired? How do we give to others so that they can reach their potential?
38) If we cannot maintain this gratitude, this sense of thankfulness -- we have so much to be thankful for there is no room to grab or brag.
39) One of the things In Jin Nim noticed having met many good artists, singers, and entertainers, is that the really, really good ones don't have to brag. If you're good, everybody knows it, there is no need to brag. But when you see the young upstarts coming into the entertainment world there is a whole lot of bragging -- a lot of me, myself, and I, because they're trying to deal with all the insecurities that surround them and plague them, because they are so sure that if they don't articulate how superior they are nobody else will. That is why they're bragging.
40) But if we truly understand that all of us sitting in this room are eternal sons and daughters of God, that we are all divinely touched and blessed, there is no reason to brag. The only thing we need to do is to share the love and uplift each other.
41) When In Jin Nim thinks about another point that we can fall into if we don't maintain this heart of gratitude -- is this constant tendency of people to rate each other. It is almost like we rank each other, "I'm skinnier than you. You are fatter than me. I am smarter than you. You are better at sports than me," -- constant ranking of position. In Jin Nim remembers when she first took on one of the assistance for the staff, he asked, "What is my official position title?" She answered, "What official position title do you need? You are my assistant." He said, "What is my official position title?" She said, "You are my assistant." He said, "Am I your personal assistant, your executive assistant, your first assistant and director of the whole office?" And In Jin Nim told him, "If you spend less time thinking about your position and spend that energy thinking more about how you can help the people on the sixth floor, think about what kind of an input you could have in terms of helping HSA run better."
42) In Jin Nim was thinking about something that inspires her and she thought about Richard Branson, because she came back on Virgin Airlines. What intrigues her about this man is that he does everything you're not supposed to do in corporate America. In lots of corporations, when you are the CEO, you have to have a huge office. The size of your office is the measure of your importance. That is the unwritten understanding in corporate America. Well, Richard doesn't have his own office. Many times he meets people outside in different places. He asks, "Why would I have to have this great big office when I know that I'm the CEO, I already own my own company, all these different businesses -- the only thing that a great big office does is to show everybody how insecure I really am." And when In Jin Nim heard Richard say this, it reminded her a lot of her father. Father still wears his '70s polyester shirt that her mother has tried to burn throughout the years. He has been given magnificent offices, but he never wants to go in them. He is very happy sitting in a hut somewhere in the jungles of the Amazon forest where the mosquitoes, caterpillars, and bugs -- whether you put the man next to a king or a popper he is the same. The space that he occupies is not the measure of how important or how profound a leader our True Parents are.
43) Even In Jin Nim, when she came to HSA, they told her she needs the biggest office. And she asked, "Why? 10 other desks can fit in here. I don't need a huge office to show to the world how important I am, because compared to God I am nothing. Compared to our Heavenly Parent and our True Parents what am I? What right do I have to grab and to brag? This opportunity is an opportunity to serve, to serve -- meaning, if you have to operate out of a tiny little closet -- well, at least you've got a closet to work out of. And don't let that space define who you are."
44) The great men and women of the world, who know who they are, do not need great spaces to show what a measure of a man or woman they are. Even in our modern day, when we look at bodybuilders what do we say? Oh, overcompensating for what they do not have. That is a common understanding, right? And when you talk to these bodybuilders you discover that they had a tough childhood, they were taunted and called names. They have this incredible desire to build up the physical so nobody can mess with them or call them names, because they will tower over them, their physical mass will threaten their existence. It is because inside, many times, they are not secure in understanding who they are.
45) When In Jin Nim was thinking about our constant need to rate ourselves, she was reminded of this e-mail that Jaga sent. Last Sunday, In Jin Nim shared how sometimes we feel we are a pot full of holes, as if a machine gun took its rounds on us -- and Jaga wrote her this e-mail -- "please know that we are here, we love you, and we are here for you, we're happy to be working with you." And he also told his own story of dealing with this thing, this big overarching question, "Why me?" He was having one of those days at headquarters -- all these responsibilities and things that you have to do were like a monster weighing him down. So he went out and took a walk listening to his iPod, and the song came on "you are beautiful." And he is thinking, why me? Why me? Why is my life so difficult? Why do I have to do everything? Where are the other people that need to do the things with me? He was calling out to God -- why me, why me, while listening to this song. "You are beautiful." And as he was listening to the music he was looking at all the people who he passed by -- and the music shifted and changed in his ears from" you are beautiful -- to -- they are beautiful" and he saw this sea of people in New York City passing by, and he realized that he got a taste of what God experiences when he looks at all of us. He looks at all his children and says, "They are beautiful. My children are beautiful."
46) It was one of these moments in which, bling! the light bulb went off in his head, it was an epiphany of sorts, and you realize -- why me, why me? And In Jin Nim has asked that question too, and many times God has answered back, "Why not you? Why not you? Why somebody else? Perhaps it's you that's going to be that agent of change, who is going to inspire multitudes. Maybe going through what you're going through -- people can come to understand that you are trying to do something good and that you are making a difference. So why not you?" In a way that is exactly what God was saying to Jaga. "Why not you, Jaga?" Why not you, Mrs. Green? Why not you, Anne?"
47) These are the questions that plague us many times when we are not grateful, when we are not exercising this great attitude of being thankful to our Heavenly Parent. And if we really think about it we realize that everything that we go through in our lives, God says in Jeremiah 29:11 -- surely I know my plans for you, my plans -- not our plans. God knows His and Her plan for each and every one of us.
48) So, when God calls, please respond. When God says this is the time, this is a time -- people get ready, get on board. God is not calling everyone on board to get on the gravy train of HSA. Don't think about what you're going to get at HSA, at headquarters. God is asking us to get on board, not the gravy train, but the grateful train.
49) Even as we are saying our prayers for our Japanese brothers and sisters and for the country of Japan -- even as we say our prayers to our children, our loved ones, our True Parents, and our God, we really must know that we are blessed, that we have been touched by God, each and every one of us. And as long as we maintain this great attitude of being thankful for everything that we've been given. Not what we have been given, but who we are -- if we can concentrate on that, then the world becomes a very, very different place. The world changes colors right before your eyes when you see it, when you choose to see it in a different way.
50) We are here to experience true love, to inspire each other, to encourage each other, to be those great men and women of God. And if we start exercising gratitude each and every day then we can overcome these feelings of constantly craving things. We can overcome the temptation to grab and brag all the time. Because the only thing that bragging does -- is when you start to brag, it's like dragging yourself down by your neck or your throat. That's the only thing we're doing to ourselves. So instead of bringing ourselves down we need to think about -- how do we uplift each other. And instead of judging and categorizing and ranking and thinking what position we are in all the time, what we should really be thinking is concentrating on the fact that we are immeasurable, because we are eternal. We are eternal human beings. We cannot be measured by rank, by position, by status, by estimation. We are much better than that.
51) Instead of living a craving existence we need to start being amazed at our life and the opportunity given before us. Instead of practicing, succumbing to the temptation of grabbing and bragging all the time we need to understand that our life is really about living a life of constantly being prepared to receive God's blessing and God's miracles in our lives. So leave room for God. And instead of concentrating on where we fit, where we stand, where we rank -- we need to understand that we are an infinite and eternal being and what we need to do is to tap into this sea of true love that God and our True Parents want to share with all of us.
52) In the heart of unity, and realizing that we need our True Parents, as we go day to day, week to week, great things can be accomplished when we have the right heartistic attitude. Having the right heartistic attitude is like creating a receptacle for us to harvest all of heaven's fortune. And In Jin Nim has seen it time and time again -- many times people with this great attitude look like they have less, they look like they are not faring well, but in the end, if they maintain this great heartistic attitude, allowing God the space to work His magic, despite the best of our intentions, despite the best of our plans, then we can reap the heavenly fortune that God wants to share with all of us.
53) "So brothers and sisters, be inspired, know that you are going to be the agent of change and please tackle this new week with a heart of gratitude."
54) Thank you!