The Words of In Jin Moon from 2011 |
1. In Jin Nim gave everyone warm greetings
2. On Friday we celebrated the commencement gala with 450 kids and parents. It was a wonderful evening celebrating the accomplishments of the young people, but also presenting an opportunity for the young, beautiful, and handsome ladies and gentlemen who were celebrating – to give them an opportunity to thank their parents and our True Parents and our Heavenly Parent who made the evening possible.
3. As the senior pastor, In Jin Nim had the honor of hosting this event which was truly satisfying for her. Sonic Cult performed, and they are getting really good. And we have a new drummer – he is the drummer for Rain, one of the most famous artists in Korea. To have him perform together with Sonic Cult – you can feel the power of every beat. We are happy to have him with us this Sunday.
4. In Jin Nim got a taste of the great talent that we have up-and-coming at open mic. When In Jin Nim first initiated the idea of Open Mic at 43rd St., she hoped that it would become the place where we'd see the birth of many young men and women (artists). The leadership and STF took it seriously, took it to heart, and there has been improvement in the performances of the young people.
5. In particular In Jin Nim was blown away by Misha Green. In Jin Nim is going to be cosponsoring "Dancing with the Stars" at the Hammerstein ballroom this evening. She thought, how wonderful it would be if we could integrate the best of our community with what is taking place on TV. Dancing with the stars is the number two show on television and is being watched by millions of people. At yesterday's rehearsal, Dancing with the Stars agreed to integrate Misha into their program.
6. In Jin Nim encouraged us to watch on television and if possible to attend tonight at the Manhattan Center. She encouraged us to watch and to be proud. Take the time to acknowledge that something like this is possible because of the sacrifices that our True Parents and the 1st gen. have made over the years. To have such a wonderful building, the hallmark of culture in midtown Manhattan -- called the Manhattan Center, is really a blessing in disguise. In Jin Nim sees it as an endless opportunity to not only show great artists but to be the place that can give birth to many, many great artists who are not just about making it for the money, for the fame, or for the celebrity, but truly the kind of artist who is going to create a new culture – a new culture in which we give the very best of ourselves because we want to make other people happy, we want to live our lives in the service of others. So not only should you be watching for Misha Green, but Ariana who is the ruling champion at Harvard, will also be dancing with her partner tonight in Dancing with the Stars. So we have quite a few from our community representing us tonight
7. When In Jin Nim was talking with the graduates, celebrating their commencement gala, In Jin Nim stressed -- a lot of young people are thinking about their future careers, what they would like to do with their lives. There are so many things we would like to do. A lot of us have dreams, wanting to become something. But many times we are not willing to pay the dues, or to do the difficult thing of really putting in the effort, the practice, the hours and hours of patience that is needed to master your talent, to bring out the full expression of your artistry.
8. In order to be the best, it takes a lot of time and a lot of effort and dedication. But first and foremost In Jin Nim knows that if we truly want to be great and accomplish our dreams, to touch the moon, we have to start with ourselves. We must not let ourselves be our own worst enemy – in that we psyche ourselves out of our dreams.
9. In Jin Nim was imploring the young people to take the word impossibility and take another look at it -- in the context of our lives. When In Jin Nim looks at the word impossibility, she sees the letter I and M before the word, possibility. And she was sharing with the young people that many times we are our own worst enemy – we talk to ourselves, telling our mind that we are not capable of accomplishing our dreams, not capable of doing what we would like to do. "I'm not able to do that, because of a list of tons of excuses, my family does not have enough money, my parents don't understand me, my teachers are not supportive," and so on.
10. If we truly understand the word possibility, and what impossibility means – the only thing we need to do is to realize that, the minute we decide to be our own agent of change, we decide, "I am going to be everything that is possible. I am not going to be the thing that hinders the possibility of what I can be." Then we can do incredible things.
11. Instead of just concentrating on the I, myself and I, – In Jin Nim was encouraging the young people to think of our lives as belonging to one family – that whatever we do affects others and vice versa. We are so busy thinking about ourselves and the impossibility of reaching our dreams – sometimes we can become our own worst enemy, we psyche ourselves into thinking we cannot take that first step, with many excuses.
12. Many times we do not give ourselves due credit, not wanting to own up to everything that we are about, and actually do something with our lives. If we can understand that every person wanting to be successful, every person graduating from high school, or college, or a graduate program – everybody has a dream.
13. But, we need to understand that no one can be a success by themselves. Nobody can be a success on their own. Every artist has a manager, every artist has a manager, every artist has a family, a supporting group of people that follows their career and helps them become what they become. Every great painter does not become a great painter by themselves – they need a great teacher, a great school, or institution to support them.
14. These graduates, young men and women full of promise, as they take on the next step in their career path, or life of academia, or in the life of passions – have to be willing to acknowledge the other. We have to be able to say, "yes, I graduated top of my class as the valedictorian," then while standing at the podium addressing your class as the crown graduate – you should have the heart and love to congratulate the parents, the teachers, the community you come from, who supported you in becoming who you are.
15. As we move forward, in terms of becoming an excellent man or woman of God, being that valedictorian, being the best researcher that one day may find the cure for cancer, will solve the energy crisis of the world, and so forth – even as we go on we must always be mindful of what kept us standing, supported, and nourished. In this respect the accomplishment of the individual is something that we should all celebrate. The accomplishments of each individual graduate is something that we should all celebrate together and give hearty congratulations
16. Also, it is the responsibility of the graduate to turn around and thank the community, God, True Parents, and their parents for being there through thick and thin. In this way we can create a new culture – of not just individuals wanting to be excellent all by their lonesome, becoming an island unto themselves – saying, "look at me, how great I am," but becoming excellent externally and internally while at the same time being cognizant of everyone around them, being aware of all those who have invested in truly making them great.
17. In Jin Nim is hoping that every graduate that attended, experienced, and enjoyed the commencement gala will have the chance to go back home and thank their family, their parents, our True Parents, and their Heavenly Parent.
18. In Jin Nim thinks about the fact that we are no longer in the age of wilderness, that we are now in the age of settlement – that we can integrate our community with the world at large and become the kind of community that helps to raise the level of the world to a whole new level, understanding what it means to live for the sake of others, practicing and applying true love in our lives. When In Jin Nim thinks about this she is reminded of the Good Book, Philippians 4:12 where it talks about the need to know how to be abased as well as how to abound. We need to know how to be the lowest of the lowlies, as well as to know how it feels, experience what it is to be prosperous, to be successful.
19. When Lovin' Life started it was truly an effort on our part, to re-imagine a religious life that can be fully satisfying, fully prosperous, fully engaging and empowering, because the concept of Christian piety, of what a religious life should be, has been one of incredible suffering and misery. We understand the Christian piety to be such because the paradigm of Christian piety, Jesus Christ, never had a chance to play out the full movie. He was not supposed to be crucified on the cross. He was supposed to live on, take on a bride, have an incredibly beautiful family that would be the paradigm of true love to the world. As the true parents of humankind Jesus Christ would have invited all of the fallen brothers and sisters who became a part of the satanic lineage because of the fall – to graft on to the heavenly lineage of God through this thing called the Blessing, the holy matrimony ceremony.
20. Had Jesus lived on we would have seen the paradigm of Christian piety. Our understanding of it as a life of denial, a life where nuns and priests cannot take on a husband or a wife – the nuns living their whole life waiting to be the bride of Jesus Christ, that model would have been very, very different had Jesus found that beautiful wife and created that ideal family, and had a chance to be the True Parents and bless the world into God's lineage.
21. What Lovin' Life is trying to do with the advent of our True Parents here, as the Lord of the Second Advent, the Messiah come again, the man and woman who came to complete the picture that Jesus did not have the chance to do. Through Lovin Life we have to re-imagine what life was truly meant to be.
22. God as the Heavenly Parent, when He wished all the love and prosperity upon his children, He was not thinking "I want to create Adam and Eve so that they suffer the rest of their lives, so that they are miserable, so that they have to stick together in a marriage that is darn right difficult." What God was hoping for was that Adam and Eve would grow up in love, inherit the true love of God, and build that beautiful family that would be incredibly fulfilling.
23. Of course in life you will have your ups and downs, you will go through periods when you are abased and you go through periods when you feel abound. You will have your highs and lows, but as you go through life, this beautiful sine curve, the trajectory will be towards the heaven, it will be up – not down. And as we grow together in love we will understand what it means to be that eternal son and daughter of God. We will see a picture that is very different from the lonely path that Jesus Christ took and the lonely death that he suffered on the cross when even his 12 beloved disciples abandoned him.
24. But with our True Parents we have a chance to re-imagine that. We can see our second and third generations standing on the shoulders of the good effort of the first-generation – to be that prosperous, not just internally excellent man or woman of God, but also externally excellent man and woman of God – who will march forward being the best that they can be in society and in their respective fields – not being arrogant, but understanding that they were blessed with a divine gift – that through their hard work if they nourish their talent, their gift, they have the opportunity to give the world back a little more beauty, perhaps effective solutions to the problems we are dealing with – to give back what was given.
25. If we are truly to be that great Generation of Peace that can bring about a great revolution of love and create a truly beautiful culture that we all are waiting for – then, how do we go about doing that, building that beautiful culture? When we refer back to Philippians, the Bible reminds us that we have to know what it is to be the lowest of the lowlies, as well as to maybe be on the highest of highs. What the Bible is saying is, regardless of whether you are full or hungry, or find yourself in a state of experiencing 'abound' or experiencing suffering, and need, and difficulty – as a child of God we should always maintain an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude for In Jin Nim means a grateful attitude. Whether we are down and out or up or wherever – we have to maintain this attitude of gratitude.
26. As new graduates, going into society as a professional, or as a high school student going into college to experience your independence for the first time – one of the things that In Jin Nim would like to remind the graduates is that, it is a wonderful thing to finally be able to leave your home and walk on your own 2 feet – going to college for four years. But, trying to enjoy your independence – still, respect your parents. Because, we don't exist by ourselves. We certainly did not come into being because we decided to exist. We came into being because of love, because of the love of our parents. So regardless of where we go, regardless of whether leave the cocoon or not, when we do take our first flight into the world we have to do so with a grateful heart.
27. One of the things we should all keep in mind is this word called 'respect.' The Webster's dictionary describes the word respect – "to honor and esteem as something valuable." When we respect somebody (and one of In Jin Nim's all-time favorite songs by Aretha Franklin, R-E-S-P-E-C-T,), a lot of young people, when they are looking toward their future life, they want to be respected. "I am a valedictorian so respect me. I got into the best college, Harvard, so respect me. I want respect wherever I go."
28. But respect is one of those interesting things in that you have to give it in order to receive it. Something that In Jin Nim finds interesting is to look at the growth phases of a child – through their teenage years, to young adult, to their young family life, to middle-aged parents. One thing we must keep in mind is that as we go through the process we have to keep this word respect in the back of our minds, regardless of how great we think our accomplishments are.
29. One of the things In Jin Nim would like to caution the young people about, as they think about their future, is to really give some thought to – "when you want respect you have to give it." In other words, if you want people to respect you, you have to know how to give respect first. For example, here is In Jin Nim as our senior pastor, and she cannot ask for any kind of respect if she, herself, cannot respect God or our True Parents, or our community, or the good sacrifice and suffering that the first-generation has made. She is in no position to demand respect if she doesn't respect her parents first.
30. Many times young people, when they leave their roost, their nest, all they are thinking about is their independence, "I am going to do my own thing. I'm going to do it my way. I am not going to do it my parent's way." But you have to understand that wherever you go in life, good character is something that shines through in everything. So it really doesn't matter how talented you are. A lot of people will be more talented than you, but why is it that you seem to get that blessing from Heavenly Father, to represent your community? It's because, when you are living for the sake of others and you are being mindful of others, and you are practicing keeping this thing called respect in your mind, then you realize that your respect is something, it's like a by-product of the kind of life that you live. When you live your life respecting others, wanting to serve others – it is not a coincidence that in this year alone, our Heavenly Parent gave opportunities for 2 boys, young men on the STF program, to be highlighted in the popular culture, on TV.
31. Earlier this year Emmanuel was on a TV program, he was an example of natural witnessing at its best. Not knowing that the camera was on him, he was asked a simple question, "should a black person, a black nanny, buy a black child a white doll, or an Asian doll, or any other doll?" And the answer he gave so naturally because he was raised in a community like ours, full of interfaith dialogue, a community that respects other faiths, respects different cultural backgrounds, that understands that we are all one family under God, we are all children of God – was able to give such a clear answer to the person questioning him, so much so that the producers of the program were so inspired, they could not say enough about him.
32. When you decide to commit your life for the sake of others, of course many of you are there to find your own faith, to find yourself, but you are there to really serve your community, to help build a spirit of camaraderie, to build the spirit of what it means to be a Unificationist. And when you can work so closely with the True Family, and you're willing to do that with an open heart, then In Jin Nim believes that God can do incredible things.
33. Misha, being able to perform on the number two program in the United States – that is not an accident. These are the ways that Heavenly Father is trying to awaken the second and third generation – to understand that we need to respect our community, to respect our True Parents and our parents who brought us into this world. And in our desire to give something back, to live a great life living for the sake of others – success, good luck, and good fortune, is a by-product of being that great person with a great attitude and great character.
34. When you are thinking of being a child of God, wanting to apply respect, you must remember – in order to get it you have to give it. Give and receive, there is a dynamic relationship taking place on different levels. And we as a community must realize that we are no longer in the time of the wilderness when we had to hunker down and fight for our identity. We were ashamed of who we were as Moonies. We were not proud Unificationists. We did not wear our symbol. We hid our symbol. But this is a time in which we should be proclaiming the good name of our True Parents, the good work of our church, being proud of our church, respecting our tradition, our heritage, our True Parents, and our parents – and in so doing we become great ourselves.
35. We really want to create this beautiful culture of love, peace, and harmony. And while contemplating on the theme of respect, we have to think about the importance of refusing to assassinate the character and the life of a family. In our desire to be independent, to be our own person, In Jin Nim has met a lot of young people who go a long way in trashing their parents. "My parents are financial, miserable basket cases. They don't look good. They don't look like Nicole Kidman. They are not as successful, they are not as smart, they're not as smart as me." In Jin Nim has heard this over and over again from many blessed children.
36. One thing we need to recognize, if we think we are so wonderful – perhaps the child might be smarter than the parents, but the DNA that makes that child so brilliant and smart and capable came out of the fact that your seemingly miserable parents came together and through the blessing of God and our True Parents, you came to be so brilliant. We have to remember that when we trash our parents we are trashing ourselves. In honoring and respecting our True Parents and our parents we pave the way for future generations to respect us, as a by-product of our good work and of living a good life.
37. In many instances it is not just in the context of a parent-child relationship, but many times we in our community, we almost have this need to trash each other, husband and wife, publicly. Everyone wants to be the victim. If something is not going right, "I'm working so hard, I am fasting, and I'm doing these conditions – but it's my husband who is awful, my children are awful." People become so vocal about sharing their misery and complaint with the rest of the community. But if we are to create a culture of respect we must respect the other people's ears as well – and that, if we have a family problem that needs to be solved … We asked for an ideal family and we prayed to God give us an ideal family. God gave us that ideal family, and He is asking us to deal with all of the issues that need to be dealt with and He is in trusting in our care the responsibility to go about it, to get started.
38. Regardless of how difficult married life might be, we have to be mindful that there are children at play. In Jin Nim has come across couples, families, where the wife is totally trashing the husband, publicly, to everyone. And she is feeling so great because she has the attention of the whole community, "look how horrible my husband is." Everyone loves good juicy gossip. But she does not realize that while she is enjoying this attention from her community, everyone listening to her (not listening to the husband – perhaps he might have a story or two), only listening to the wife and judging the husband. They make her feel empowered to go on trashing the husband in front of the kids.
39. In Jin Nim, as a mother, as someone who's been married for a long time – knows there are times when life is good and when it is bad. There are times when marriage has its ups and when it has its deepest, deepest downs. But when you truly live for the sake of others, when you are not just respectable of your community and friends, but you are respectful to your children, then you cannot trash what is half of your child. You cannot trash your husband, or your wife – publicly, in front of your child. Because, you are teaching your child half of you is evil, is wrong, and is horrible. The emotional damage and spiritual damage that takes place when the parents are not responsible for their own problems is incredible. It will take a lifetime to deal with all the different issues that the child, when they grow up, must deal with in their own marriage and in their adult life.
40. As a community that works to empower each other, that wants to create a culture of respect, an attitude of gratitude – when you are the last couple, all of us, we must be responsible for our own problems. When we need someone to talk to, talk to a minister, talk to a therapist, talk to a professional who will respect and be discreet with what your family is going through, so that you are not just inviting, who and whatever into what you are dealing with – and which will many times make it worse, not better.
41. When we are engaged in difficulties we have to seek a relationship with God and our True Parents and go about it in the right way, being mindful, respectful of our friends, of our community, of our children who are in our care.
42. In the process of developing this new culture of respect, where we honor and esteem each other as something incredibly valuable – each family has to give each family space to work it out. Sometimes best friends can be the worst enemies in these situations – because best friends will want to side with you and trash the other, when what you really need is to talk to each other, to talk to the spouse when you have a problem.
43. When a parent and a child are going through the throes of difficulties, parents and child should talk together. Parents talk to the child and the child talks to the parents, they should not talk to all their other friends about how monstrous the parents are – because they would just get one side of the story.
44. We as a community need to be mindful that we as an individual have this incredible power, like the nuclear particle, to do incredible good or incredible damage. We have to decide, are we going to be the kind of people that are going to live a life honoring and esteeming other people as valuable – which means not taking advantage of the other person's ignorance, and therefore throwing them mounds and bags of complaint – which we should really take care of ourselves. We need to be more responsible and not degenerate into the kind of people and community that takes delight in assassinating each other's characters.
45. Another thing we should think about when we are thinking about creating this beautiful culture, or family, or movement of peace and of love, a movement that truly respects one another – we have to think about truly breaking this understanding of what In Jin Nim calls 'prison mentality.' Many times we present ourselves in our own prison. Many times we see ourselves in a certain way, we stereotype ourselves in a certain way and say, "this was a prison I was born into and therefore I must suffer, there is no way I can get out of it."
46. But if we are really going to build a community of respect we have to be willing to break this prison mentality. What In Jin Nim means by that -- for instance – "the understanding that I'm a woman." In Jin Nim grew up in a culture where the only worthy woman around was a pregnant woman. In Jin Nim was told that the only thing she needed to do in life was to be pregnant, and if she was not pregnant, she is worthless as a woman. In Jin Nim comes from a culture in which woman are seen as a production line, something that is almost like a factory for new life – as if they do not have the right to be the divine daughter of God, that divine being with infinite potential. But as a proud mother In Jin Nim would be the first to say that there is nothing more beautiful or more profound than being a mother.
47. But she also knows that life is much more than that. If In Jin Nim tells herself that she is a woman and therefore she can only find her worth when she is pregnant – it would make it very difficult for her to do the kind of work she is doing now.
48. This reminds In Jin Nim of her years when she was in graduate school. She had quite a few friends. Most of them were Western, but James when he was studying for his PhD he had a couple of friends who are Korean. They were invited to a Korean night out. In Jin Nim had never been to a Korean night out with that age bracket of graduate students, because she had grown up primarily with Westerners. When they went to the party there was a room where a couple of men were seated, sitting lotus style, huddled together – and In Jin Nim asked them, where are the wives? They turned to her and said 'kitchen." She asked if they would have dinner together and they told her to go check if dinner is ready. In Jin Nim went to the kitchen where she found four or five women preparing dinner and they were gossiping about their husbands and their work. In Jin Nim did not quite fit in because she did not like to talk about her husband and her kids and other gossip. In that setting she is a party pooper. So she quietly cleaned and began washing the dishes. The other ladies ignored her because she wouldn't give them any tidbits to share. When the meal was prepared they set up a beautiful table in the living room, and they prepared table settings. In Jin Nim said there aren't enough settings, and the woman looked at her as though she were an alien, and they told her they would be eating in the kitchen. In Jin Nim told them that she would not eat in the kitchen. She told them that they should all come out and join their husbands and have a fantastic evening of conversation.
49. The interesting thing, and the sad thing, is that these ladies had a prison mentality. They were not going to do what In Jin Nim suggested. They were going back into the kitchen because they were not worthy of the men's ears. When In Jin Nim said that she would not eat in a kitchen they looked at her as almost a heretic, "how dare you say something like that. Our husbands have very important things to talk about. They have to talk about their thesis, about what adviser to work with, you're going to interfere with their success." In Jin Nim told them she did not see it as interfering. If they were not cooking and feeding them, they would not be doing so great in their work they would be cooking and cleaning themselves. In Jin Nim told him that if they did not want to come she was going to take her plate and join the men. When she came into the room all the men looked at her as though she were a monster, someone who had come to crash their party (which is exactly what she came to do.). She was not getting any support from anyone, no one made space for her. She asked them to move over, but they just looked bitter. They finally grudgingly moved over. In Jin Nim sat there and no one would say anything. In Jin Nim asked what they were talking about before she came in. But they looked at each other in silence. She told them that she was also an Ivy League student and had the ability to talk and to listen. They then began eating their food – letting her know in a passive aggressive way that they did not like her being there. The wives would come in one by one bringing more water or kimchee, or salad – looking at In Jin Nim they urged her to get up and join them in the kitchen. In Jin Nim told them that she was comfortable where she was.
50. That evening was an interesting experience for In Jin Nim. We have prison mentality's of what we should be like, not realizing that it is the "I am supposed to be this way" that prevents us from truly accomplishing or satisfying the possibility of being something incredibly great, who God is waiting for us to be. That day, In Jin Nim was not able to make much of a dent in how things are done, when it comes to Korean graduate students, but at least she gave them some fodder for thought. What it did for In Jin Nim as a woman – was to tell herself, "I am not going to imprison myself into that state of being, because I refuse to see myself being a prisoner in that prison."
51. God is asking all of us to be that agent of change. God, through our True Parents, is saying, "Woman, this is the Pacific Rim Era. Re-imagine yourself as that original divine eternal daughter you were meant to be. Thousands and thousands of years of history have told you otherwise. Re-imagine yourself as somebody beautiful, powerful, powerful in your femininity. You don't have to be masculine to be beautiful."
52. "Someone that gives us a sense of warmth and understanding that we can be just as effective in an area of faith as in anything else, because we come from God and we have that divinity, and we were blessed with the creativity to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and stand tall as His daughter. And, not stand tall on top of our brothers, but having them come along with us, work together with us – helping our brothers re-imagine a life where they actually have to work with the sisters, with women, where they actually have to respect their mothers, their sisters, and so on and so forth."
53. In Jin Nim finds it very interesting that in certain societies – where, for example, woman's feet are bound so that they could not run. Cultural practices like that took place in China for centuries and also in Korea as well. In Jin Nim's grandmother was the first woman to escape that torture of having her feet bound. When she was growing up her friends made fun of her – your feet are so big they are like a Westerner's. But In Jin Nim's grandmother had an incredible sense of pride that something was changing. She imagined herself as something whole, something beautiful – not something that was meant to remain a captive of the home. When your feet are bound and deformed you cannot run, you cannot walk quickly without succumbing to the pain and having to sit.
54. All these abuses that have taken place is something that we as a culture need to grow out of. In Jin Nim is not just talking about woman, but even the prison mentality that we ourselves have had over the years – being a member of our Unification Faith. We have this understanding we have to be forever miserable, forever suffering, forever without financial success, but we have to understand that if we do our job right, if we raise our kids right, regardless of what kind of suffering we went through – our children can be incredibly successful.
55. And when our children continue to be successful, understanding and being mindful and respectful of the community that they come from, they will naturally honor and embrace and respect and take care of the first generation. And so we have a sense of progress, and as the one making the progress, effectuating the change, we also have the sense to look back from time to time to thank the community that we come from – so that the first generation will not feel that all their sacrifice was in vain. Their sacrifice and suffering was the fertilizer that has allowed the second-generation to grow up beautiful and strong and with incredible potential. It is the responsibility of the second and third and upcoming generations to really understand that and be grateful and live a life of gratitude, truly respecting our parents and our True Parents, truly honoring them, a steaming them as something incredibly valuable.
56. The great thing about the Eastern culture is that there is a natural deference given to the older people. They don't see grandparents as something to be discarded – they see grandparents as a great source of wisdom.
Myung Moon and family, May 1, 2011, Norway
57. "The fact that we have our True Parents who are like the great grandparents right now – and you know there are some in our movement who want to eradicate them as senile and worthless, old and decrepit – but you have to understand that our True Parents are the alpha and the omega, they are the one and only True Parents now and forever. There will not be another True Parents. True Parents are the eternal True Parents."
58. The job of the True Children is to not make themselves into another True Parents, but to be that respectful child of God, son and daughters of God truly honoring and esteeming their parents as something incredibly valuable and precious. Therefore a child that does not honor and esteem their parents as incredibly valuable cannot claim the respect and honor and esteem of the community. You cannot disrespect your parents while expecting the same for yourself.
59. This is a movement built on the give and receive action. By honoring our parents we help our children to learn how to honor us, their parents, and so on and so forth.
60. When the band played Real Love, we need to be that church and the community that stresses real genuine feelings, genuine love for each other. It is far better for In Jin Nim to deal with a person that comes up to her and says, "I don't like you." In Jin Nim will say, "thank you, that was a bit of honesty." In Jin Nim welcomes that much more than, "In Jin Nim, I love you, you are wonderful – and then she later hears that this person said this and that." We have to be genuine people in which the front and the back are the same. If you don't like someone, have the courage to go up to them and tell them so. Give them the dignity and respect to tell them that you don't like what they're doing. But also give them the dignity and respect to be able to answer back. And if you truly love that person then honor them and respect them with your love, but be willing to be a person of real love.
61. If we can truly come together, understanding that we have been given this incredible opportunity to share this breaking news with the rest of the world, that our True Parents are in our midst, the True Parents are here, to be shared with the rest of the world – our community of proud Unificationist must be the ones to really release our True Parents from the misconceptions that the world has of them. We have to be the ones, the eternal sons and daughters who say, "I want to release my parents from the misconceptions, the misunderstandings that arise. I want to be the one to proclaim the truth, their goodness and their honesty to the world." We have to be able to do that, and in so doing, by being that proud son and daughter of God we end up becoming the champions. Not champions of just our own families and our own lives, but of our nation and the world and the cosmos.
62. We have to understand that we are all champions in the making and that we have been anointed with the task of sharing the breaking news with the world, about the glory and dignity and the profundity of our True Parents.
63. "So brothers and sisters if we truly understand what it means to be a proud Unificationist then we need to live our life with respect, understanding that we are ambassadors for True Parents wherever we go, that we represent them in the flesh, and that we want to be that agent of change, starting with ourselves, so that we can effectuate and bring about a beautiful, beautiful community with a heavenly culture centered on the respect and honor and the esteeming of each other because we are practicing living for the sake of each other, each and every day."
64. Many religious scholars have told In Jin Nim that her movement is one of the most successful movements in the world when it comes to the history of religion. "We are the most successful in that we continue to thrive while the founder is still alive. So think about what we are going to be in the next 50, 100, 150 years. Our movement and the message that our True Parents bring to the world is truly going to usher in the next millennium as the era of true love and the era when harmony and peace can be realized."
65. "So brothers and sisters, be proud young people. I send my heartfelt congratulations to all the graduates. But we have a responsibility to fulfill in our lives. So let's do it with a grateful heart and a grateful attitude, with a sense of respect. God bless you and thank you!"
1: Therefore, my brethren, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved.
2: I entreat Eu-o'dia and I entreat Syn'tyche to agree in the Lord.
3: And I ask you also, true yokefellow, help these women, for they have labored side by side with me in the gospel together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life.
4: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
5: Let all men know your forbearance. The Lord is at hand.
6: Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
7: And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
8: Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
9: What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace will be with you.
10: I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me; you were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity.
11: Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content.
12: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound; in any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and want.
13: I can do all things in him who strengthens me.
14: Yet it was kind of you to share my trouble.
15: And you Philippians yourselves know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I left Macedo'nia, no church entered into partnership with me in giving and receiving except you only;
16: for even in Thessaloni'ca you sent me help once and again.
17: Not that I seek the gift; but I seek the fruit which increases to your credit.
18: I have received full payment, and more; I am filled, having received from Epaphrodi'tus the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God.
19: And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
20: To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
21: Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you.
22: All the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar's household.
23: The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
What you want (hooo) baby I got it
What you need (hooo) you
know I got it
(Hooo) all I'm asking (hooo) is for a little
(Just a little bit) when you come home
(Just a little
bit) hey baby (Just little bit)
When you come home (Just a Little
Bit) Mister
I ain't gonna do you wrong while you're gone
I ain't gonna do
you wrong 'cause I don't wanna
All I'm asking is for a little
respect when you come home
(Just a Little Bit) Baby (Just a little
When you come home (Just a little Bit) Yeah
I'm about to give you all my money
And all I'm asking in return
Is to give me my propers when you get home
(Justa Justa
Justa) Yeah baby when you get home
(Just a little Bit) Yeah (Just a little bit)
Hooo your kisses sweeter than honey and guess what so is my
All I want you to do for me is give it to me when you get
(Re re re re spect) Yeah baby whip it to me
(Just a little
bit) when you get home now (Just a little bit)
R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me
R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Take
care, TCB ohhhh (Sock it to me,etc.)
Oh (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it to me, sock it to
A little respect (sock it to me, sock it to me,
sock it
to me, sock it to me)
Whoa, babe (just a little bit)
A little
respect (just a little bit)
I get tired (just a little bit)
on tryin' (just a little bit)
You're runnin' out of foolin' (just
a little bit)
And I ain't lyin' (just a little bit)
(re, re,
re, re) 'spect
When you come home (re, re, re ,re)
Or you
might walk in (respect, just a little bit)
And find out I'm gone
(just a little bit)
I got to have (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a
little bit)