The Words of In Jin Moon from 2011 |
1. In Jin Nim greeted everyone. She asked how we were. She brought us greetings from our True Parents who are spending a wonderful time with the 172 ministers who were invited and are seeing True Parents up close and personal. True Father and True Mother have been giving them a lot of love.
2. True Father asked for 172 ministers to come to Korea to spend time together with him. He has been thinking about inviting ministers from the north, east, the west, and the south of America. He believes that the 43 ministers represent the liberation of the course of human bondage. They represent the liberation of the chosen people and the liberation of human beings who are bound to different barriers, like denominational and ethnic, racial, and national barriers. These are all barriers that really need to be liberated in order for us to reclaim our dignity as that heavenly son and daughter of God.
3. Father is also thinking that the number 43 – 43 from the north of America, 43 from the eastern part of America, 43 people from the western part of America, and 43 ministers from the southern part of America – the reason why Father is harping on this providential number, 43, is that it also represents the 4300 years of Korean history. Father sees the country of Korea as the Fatherland, the Homeland, and that is where the final culmination of the battle between communism and the free world takes place. Korea is still a divided country and it is our True Father's and our True Mother's wish to one day see the country unified in an understanding of who our True Parents are in this time of the breaking news.
4. When In Jin Nim first saw this command from our True Parents, to have 43 ministers sent from the north, east, west, and south – adding up to 172 ministers to be invited to Korea, she thought, "this is kind of interesting. I never thought of north, east, west, south as adding up to anything, into a word, but when you add up N, north, E, east, W, west, and S, south – that spells 'news'." This is the time of the breaking news of our True Parents. It is incredibly profound that 172 ministers representing Christianity, come together to set the foundation, to play the role of John the Baptist at this incredible time – and really awaken the world from its long sleep, its long slumber, and finally ring the bells and let all of humanity know that our True Parents are here with us at this time.
5. This is an incredible time and our True Parents are single-handedly taking charge of the Providence and guiding us and leading us to that new millennium of peace, love, and harmony. In Jin Nim finds it incredibly exciting to know that this Sunday also happens to be the Sunday when we invited 120 new members of our "Gen Peace Academy" to New York City. (lots of cheering!) It is so exciting for In Jin Nim, as the senior pastor, to think about getting to know these young men and woman of God. Let's really help them and compel them to be the members of what In Jin Nim calls this generation of peace, so that we can re-brand our world by changing the culture.
6. This is what it's all about, if you think about it. Our True Parents come to teach us the Divine Principle, to teach us how important it is to understand, to inherit what it means to have true love, true life, and true lineage in our lives. In essence, when we think of our lives as an opportunity to create something beautiful, and In Jin Nim always likes to say – to create the new generation of peace, young men and women first and foremost understand our Heavenly Parent to be our Eternal Parent in that we in understanding that we belong to a common parent – we realize that we actually belong to one family of God. Then we realize having God as our Heavenly Parent we realize that we are the children of God, that we are His and Her eternal sons and daughters with a divine purpose in life. And then we realize that through the teachings of Rev. and Mrs. Moon that we have been encouraged to live a life of altruism, living for the sake of others – the philosophy of thinking about others, wanting others to be better than ourselves, wanting to raise up a humanity of incredible people that understand their value, that understand their purpose, that understand that we belong to one family of God.
7. Generation of Peace needs to be a generation that understands the meaning of compassionate living; truly caring for others, more than ourselves – not just through lip service, not because we're going to get a reward at the end of the day, but being that compassionate, Buddha like, True Parents like, Jesus like person who is living and breathing for the sake of others – not dying for the sake of others but who will continue to prosper, continue to do well in life, and continue to be inspired, and continue a life of compassion in their lives.
8. We realize that when we think about generation of peace – we want to raise up young men and woman who are not only internally excellent but externally excellent – in that whatever they feel called upon, in terms of their passions in their lives, passions in terms of being the best doctor, best teacher, best nurse, best minister – whatever they feel called to do in life – that they will try their best to not just be good professionals, but good people as well.
9. This is what In Jin Nim is thinking about when she talks about creating a Generation of Peace. What the Generation of Peace is really going to do for the future of humanity is to give our humanity a whole new culture. What we are doing in terms of our mission work, in terms of trying our best to live a good life, live a compassionate life, to be that internally and externally excellent human being – what we are doing is we are building a new culture of true love. In a way we are re-branding who we are, what our movement is, by changing the culture that permeates our lives.
10. And so the Messiah comes to find his perfect bride, and together as the True Parents they have taught us how to be a good person, why the Fall of Man has caused so much suffering and misery throughout the centuries, and why, through an understanding of who our True Parents are and the importance of grafting onto the heavenly lineage – we have a chance to change our Satanic lineage to the heavenly lineage and therefore become one family under God. This is the gift of the blessing our True Parents have brought to us.
11. But the actual work of building God's kingdom, God's kingdom that Rev. Moon says has no barriers, because it is based on the concept and an understanding of true love – if this is the kind of kingdom that we are going to build, then it has to start from every one of us. And it is going to require all of us to work together. When we think about building a new generation we realize that, if we are to build the world where we all belong to one family of God, there has to be an understanding that we are all connected, that we all affect each other, and we need each other to build this family.
12. In Jin Nim, as our senior pastor – there are a lot of things she would like to do in terms of implementing different thoughts and ideas that might be different, that might be new, that might be a bit scary – because it has never been done before, we're not accustomed to it, and it is not something that we are familiar with. In a way it is going to challenge all of our insecurities and fears. But if we can remain firm to an understanding of who our True Parents are – that they have come to help us change our culture and change the world that we live in – starting with ourselves, then we have to decide to take that leap of faith in our Heavenly Parent, in our True Parents, and in working together with our senior pastor, and she working together with us, then we can create that heavenly culture we so long for.
13. Yes, there are going to be growing pains. Our movement is growing into a movement of this beautiful culture of true love. But as with every growth, there is going to be a process of growing pains. We might feel it's uncomfortable, we might feel pushed, might feel stretched; we might feel pain at times because we are stuck to things that are familiar with. We need to have our eyes on the vision of what we want to accomplish in life and, despite the growing pains that we will suffer together as a movement, if we can stay united and focused on our Heavenly Parent and our True Parents, we are going to get there.
14. Because, the Bible says in 1 John 4:18, "there is no fear in love." There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear. We have an example or a paradigm of true love in our True Parents. We must believe, we must trust, we must follow our True Parents. And we must understand that if we can be absolutely united with our True Parents there is no fear in love.
15. There are times in our growing process when everything, every cell in our body says don't let go, hang on to what you know, hang on to the past. But the growing pains compel us forward. They stretch us wider than we have ever been before. When we are united with our True Parents, sometimes we have to learn to let go of our past, to let go of the sinkers and the burdens that are weighing us down, because our True Parents want to take us to some place better, they want to help us to become better people, inspired people. And so we need to believe in our True Parents and understand that in love there is no fear.
16. When In Jin Nim was thinking about this passage in 1 John 4:18 she was reminded of a short story in a work called the "Dubliners," the famous and incredible writer James Joyce, wrote many years ago. This piece, the Dubliners, is really a collection of 15 different portraits. But what James Joyce really wanted to do by writing this piece was to show the Dubliners, all the Irish people – he wants to provide a looking glass through which his people could observe and study themselves. James Joyce is well known for various obtuse and difficult to understand language, but in this collection of short stories he wrote in very familiar English and he wrote about every man and every woman – nannies, teachers, housemaids, everybody that you see in the course of your life. These were average men and women.
17. The story in particular that In Jin Nim thought about was the story Evelyn. This story is about this young woman, around 19 years of age. The story starts out with Evelyn Hill (her name), she is sitting by the window watching what is taking place in the avenue below. She is thinking about what her life is going to be like. The opening paragraph, describes Evelyn, very much a woman who is stuck to a window unable to move, being an observer of life. And you realize through the course of the story as it unfolds that she very much wants to live a life that is not a repeat of her mother. Her mother died when she was quite young. She always remembers her mother as somebody having suffered through a life of commonplace sacrifices. She is someone who seems to live life, just going through the routines and repetitions of life – but this daughter, Evelyn, wanted to be someone different, she wanted to be a woman in charge of her own destiny. And so she ends up meeting this lovely sailor whose name is Frank, who she falls in love with. He invites her to go together with him to start a new life abroad. He invites her to Buenos Aires. He encourages her to leave her old life behind and really make a new life for herself that is very much different from her mother. But, in the course of this story we realize that this is the story about the battle that this young protagonists, this young heroine goes through, trying to understand the past – where she comes from, trying to grapple with a fear of the unknown, uncharted territories that will be the future of her life – and she is stuck in the middle in this position where she has to decide. "Do I want to remain as a fixture in the life that I have always known, the life I want to escape from, or do I take matters into my own hands and, be my agent of change, and decide to go towards the uncharted territory of her future with this man who wants to marry her and take her to Buenos Aires.
18. We realize that she lost her mother at a very young age, she lost her older brother whose name is Ernest. It is interesting that her older brother's name is Ernest – meaning earnestness, incredible sincerity. And it describes the older brother as having died because he can no longer be himself. He became too serious. He took life so seriously that he never could really be himself in life, and therefore he had to go early. And so, she is left in her life with another brother named Harry. It is her job and responsibility to take care of an ailing father who is becoming more and more abusive. If she stays in her present situation she is looking towards a life of abuse, of a violent father who is going to take out his anger on his daughter. And she is looking forward to a life where she is a teacher – but is not appreciated by any of the students. She is a nanny trying to make extra income, but she is not appreciated by the children who are in her care. Nobody really cares about her and the life that she is living in is a life of misery, suffering, and poverty.
19. But this Frank character becomes like this messianic figure for her. He becomes the symbol of the rescuer, someone who's going to save and take her out of her miserable state of being – if only she can decide to go together with him. But the story ends – here she is, and the things she fears the most is to end up like her mother, and when the book describes the last image of her mother and her dying days – it is that very image of a woman sitting at the window watching her life run out – very much the same visual that we get of Evelyn Hill at the beginning of the story, where she sits by the window watching her life go by – because she cannot get herself to become that agent of change, to seize the day, Carpe Diem, in a way break away from the bondage of everything that made her miserable. When you look at her name, Evelyn, it is Eve and 'line.' James Joyce was saying to his readers through this short story – "Dubliners, woman of Dublin, think about your lives, think about the conflict you're confronted with, think about the past – the domestic responsibilities that you have had before – with a promise of the new world, with a promise of going someplace new, making true the dreams that we've had, to turn our dreams into reality." James Joyce was asking his readers, where are you in this picture? Where are you in this line that holds the past together with the future?
20. The person that holds these two things together, that brings the past through the present onto the future, the person who holds this line together is Evelyn herself. But she cannot decide, she cannot successfully take her past into the future and transition it into a healthy and an inspired and exciting future. She is the key, her own line linking her past to that glorious, prosperous, exciting, inspired future. But because she cannot let go, because she is so afraid of all the different insecurities that abound – when it comes to the concept of the unknown, we don't know what awaits us around the corner.
21. What she is, or has become, is a personification of paralysis. What James Joyce is saying to his listeners was that, "many of you in this society, confronted with the question of 20th century modernity, are afflicted with this thing called paralysis – in that we are unable to decide, unable to grapple the horns of our destiny and become that agent of change – to be the change that we want to see." James Joyce was asking us to ask ourselves that very difficult question, where are you when it comes to the line that links your past to your present and well on to a prosperous future?
22. We realize that, when we look at Evelyn – here is this form of an escape – a sailor, someone who's going to take her on to this uncharted territories through the means of the ocean, through the means of the water. The water becomes a symbol of everything that can be, of a new life that is waiting for her. But continually throughout the story she is afraid that she is going to drown or that Frank, the very messiah who's going to rescue her out of a pitiful and suffering existence, he is going to be the person that drowns her. Evelyn doesn't realize that in many ways, in order for us to be reborn, our old self has to die. The old self must drown so that the water can yield a new and an inspired Evelyn. But she is so afraid of going through the process she cannot let go. She would rather stick to the bondages of a living hell than to let go and believe.
23. In Jin Nim found it incredibly profound, when she is at the last segment of her decision process – the ship is leaving, Frank her messianic savior is calling her, "come with me, tomorrow we will be on the water on our way to Buenos Aires." But the only thing she can do is again – paralysis. She does not answer. She has become a fixture in her own life. She ceases to grow. She ceases to learn. She ceases to be human in a sense. Even though Frank is asking her to come, and come, and come with him on this journey – what she realizes is that she feels more comfortable being stuck in this orbit of repetition, orbit of rituals that she has become accustomed to. And so she cannot let go. The only thing she can do is to pray.
24. This is an incredibly important moment. Because, God has sent Evelyn, her Messiah, Frank, who is going to take her out of her miserable state. God has answered her prayers, but in this time when God is asking her to step up to the plate, be in charge over her own destiny and make that decision, making her own future – she can't. The only thing she ends up doing is to pray to God. She prays to God to tell her what her duty is. In essence she is acquiescing to this state of just acceptance, helpless acceptance. "I will do what you want me to do and I will sit here until you tell me." Evelyn is asking God to do all the dirty work for her. Evelyn is asking God to rule her life for her, to tell her what to do.
25. But God as our Heavenly Parent is waiting for a time, that appointed time, when his eternal sons and daughters decide to be that agent of change, and say, "God you have given me everything that I need, let me take the horns of my destiny, let me make my future, and let me honor you and make you proud – through the blessing you have sent me in the form of this sailor, named Frank." Evelyn could not do that. And so she ends up breathing, in one sense – and there is a constant play on words. She knows the air, she remembers the air when she visualizes or when she remembers her mother's last dying days. She remembers when her mother passed away there was this melancholy air – Italian music being played by a street organ. And just as she is trying to decide whether she is going with Frank or not – she hears that street organ again. What she wants and what she does not want, what she remembers and what she hopes for are all intertwined in her memory of her mother – who she desperately wants to escape from. But she cannot escape if she doesn't make this incredible decision herself.
26. We realize that, with Frank she would be going to Buenos Aires. The literal translation of Buenos Aires is the good air. It's not the air that she, that she breathed, it's not the melancholy air that reminds her of her mother's life, but the promise that Frank gives her is Buenos Aires – the good air. And James Joyce spells Aires, not Aires, he spells it Ayres. You ask, why did he use y, and not the acceptable spelling of Buenos Aires? Is asking us to think, why (y) would Evelyn not want to go towards the good air, the air that promises something good, the air that promises prosperity, the air that promises love, the most important thing in the universe. Why is she afraid? James Joyce is asking the audience, the reader, to think about why Evelyn has such a hard time deciding – letting go, of her life, and deciding her fate.
27. When In Jin Nim thinks about this character, this protagonists Evelyn – many times in our life of faith we also succumb to paralysis, we also succumb to being indecisive. We cannot make a decision and so we live our life almost as if we are living on top of a suspension rope – everything is being suspended because it's neither this nor that. We are not sure if we are going to totally unite with Parents or not. Many times some of us, out of our fear of the unknown, "what is going to happen to our movement? What is going to happen when our True Parents are no longer here? What is going to happen to my children, the second generation, who will they look up to, who will they follow?"
28. All of these insecurities and all of these fears actually leave us in a state of paralysis so that we can not do the right thing. We cannot unite with our True Parents, unite with our Heavenly Parent and work together to build the kingdom. Many times this paralysis leaves us with this "fence sitter" mentality. But if we were to build a brand-new culture of true love – each and every one of us has to decide to be that agent of change. We need to decide, and ask ourselves the difficult questions – "who are our Heavenly Parent, who are our True Parents, who are we, who am I? And what am I going to believe in and how am I going to live my life?" And live our lives accordingly. In so doing, and only by deciding to really unite and work together with our True Parents, can we build this kingdom that has a culture of true love.
29. When In Jin Nim looks around our movement and around our church – she has read a good many books on all these different people who have become extraordinarily wealthy – all these incredible CEOs and their life stories. When In Jin Nim reads their life story, for example one whose name is Tony Shay, when he was 24 years old he sold Linke-exchange to Microsoft for 265 million dollars, and he went on to become CEO of Zappos.Com which is one of the fastest growing retail merchandise businesses on the Internet. He did a series of interviews and people have asked him, "how did you take this retail merchandising company from nothing to $1 billion in gross merchandise sales annually? How are you able to do that? What is your secret formula?" When he was asked this question his answer was very simple, "I have a mission statement. I've always had a mission statement and a vision for the kind of company I want to create." When he was asked, "what is in your mission statement?" He said, "my mission statement is comprised of 10 core values." They asked him, "what are your 10 core values?" He answered that it sums up the culture of Zappos.com.
30. Tony understands that when you are branding a company, when you are trying to recall a major organization or corporation, or even our movement – the way you brand your organization, your Corporation, or a movement, is by changing the culture – he understood that. In order to change the culture you have to have some core values in place.
31. When the interviewer asked, "Please explain to me your core values?" He answered, "first and foremost I believe in wow service." What he means by wow service is service that leaves the consumer with a feeling of wow!, "these are incredible people, this is an incredible company!" He was not satisfied with average or good enough. He wanted his service, his customer service, to be wow.
32. The next point he talks about is how he wanted the word 'change' to be in the mission statement. He wanted to be a company that does not fear change, that does not eschew change. He wanted his company to be a company that embraces it and actually drives change, because he is looking for innovative thinking. He is looking for out-of-the-box thinking. He encourages change in his Corporation.
33. The third point that he talks about is, "in our mission statement it is incredibly important for us to have fun." In Jin Nim thinks that this point is very dear to her heart. A lot of people have told her you, "just want to listen to music and have fun all the time. Look at all the STF, they're smiling too much, they are having too much fun, they are bowling, they're going to Lucky Stars, they're going to movies. What are you teaching them?" But, any teacher knows that the greatest and most profound lessons in life are learned through having fun. If you can bring and engender a fun and creative atmosphere in your classroom you can count on the fact that your students are going to excel and do incredibly well and their retention for what they have learned will be incredible – the longevity of their ability to retain what they have learned will be incredible.
34. So he says that the third point of his core values is to be fun and a little weird. In Jin Nim thought, "wow, this person is talking to the right person, because I always thought that I was weird, I always thought that we were a bit weird." But here's this guy, one of the most successful CEOs on Wall Street, saying that one of the 10 core values, in order to be successful, Is that we have to be weird.
35. He goes on to talk about, not only should we have fun and be a little weird, but we should be adventurous, creative, and open-minded. We should not be like one of those Clydedales (horses) – go to the market and back, goes to the market then back, "we don't see the beauty of the blue sky, we don't see the beautiful people on the street, we just go to the market then back." He is saying that we have to be adventurous; we have to try something new. We have to be creative. We can't be satisfied with how we have always done things. We have to be open-minded. We have to learn how to let ourselves go, from feeling that we know it all – "let me teach you the truth because I know the truth." You might hear, or you might learn something along the way by listening as well. So he is talking about the importance of adventure, creativity, and fun.
36. The next core value he talks about is the importance of growth and learning. Never stop growing. Never stop learning. The minute you stop growing and learning, thinking that you know it all, you have pretty much killed yourself – in that you no longer want to be that divine human being, constantly evolving and changing to become this incredible human being. In a way, we ourselves are our worst enemy if we don't grow and if we do not learn.
37. The next core value he speaks about is the importance of an open and an honest relationship – with communication. In an organization, and a corporation, and in a movement we need to be open and we need to be honest in terms of our relationships. We have to be willing to talk about the difficult things. We have to be willing to address the difficulties that arise in a life of faith and not think we always have to put our best and prettiest foot forward. We have to be willing to get our hands dirty and really work, to really work to build this ideal kingdom, for this ideal world that we so long for.
38. And then he talks about the importance of a family spirit. The importance of a positive team type of thinking. We need to think of ourselves as a team. One team member affects another, just like the way in a family, one sibling affects another, a child affects parents and vice versa. We need to think and realize that we are all connected.
39. And then we realize that we go on to the next core value that Tony talks about, which is the importance of doing more with less. Even if God didn't give us all the 10 ingredients we want, if God gave us seven, by golly that is an invitation to be creative and come up with the next three ourselves – to do something different, something that has never been done before.
40. And the ninth core value that Tony talks about is the importance of being passionate and determined in your work or in your life. We need to be passionate people, not somebody who is suffering from a state of paralysis, unable to make decisions, unable to be our own agent of change. We need to be passionate and determined.
41. In the most important, and last in his 10 core values system, is to be humble. No matter how good you are don't just kiss the people on your way up. Kiss the people you are leaving behind. Because, sooner or later – you know life is a series of sine curves and if you're only kissing up, sooner or later the people that you spat on are going to be your boss one of these days. And they will remember. So you have to treat people well on the front and the back. Be humble.
42. These are his 10 core values, or these are the core values that make up his mission statement for his company Zappos.Com. But when you really think about it, everything that he talks about is very much all the things that our True Parents and all the things that we want our Generation of Peace to be.
43. If you take the word PEACE as an acronym it stands for different things. P, stands for eternal parents, our Heavenly Parent, one family under God. That is like trying to understand our movement – it would be the family spirit that Tony talks about. Family spirit – positive team attitude that he talks about.
44. The letter E, In Jin Nim understands it to mean eternal sons and daughters – that we are eternal divine creatures of Heavenly Father. If we are eternal and divine, God created each and every one of us as that unique, special, handiwork of God. God made us fun and weird. He wanted us to be happy in loving life. He wanted us to showcase something that is divinely ours. Every human being is unique. Every human being is different. That is why when we come together it becomes a beautiful tapestry. And in a way everything that Tony talks about – if we think of ourselves as eternal sons and daughters, would become fun – we become that weird person that he believes is a necessary ingredient to a profitable and prosperous company.
Sun Myung Moon and Hyung Jin Moon, June 6, 2011
45. And we realize that, as eternal sons and daughters of God, we have infinite potential. When we see the letter A – In Jin Nim understands it to mean living a life of altruism, living for the sake of others. In Tony's philosophy it is living the wow service. It's living the kind of life so that others respond to you with, "wow!" When our STFers went out into the world and they met different people, all these different people – like Emmanuelle when he met up with that TV program, people said, "wow! Where do people like Emmanuelle come from? Wow!" He comes from a family that believes in one family under God, that lives and applies the teachings taught by Rev. and Mrs. Moon. Wow!
46. {C} And when you think of the word compassion, to live a life of compassion – in order to be a compassionate person you have to be humble. You have to be willing to think about others before yourself, instead of thinking, "I am so great listen to me." You have to be humble and you have to care that you have to go out of your way to raise people up to be better.
47. When you think about the last letter {E} – In Jin Nim understands the last letter of the word peace to mean excellence. The way she understands excellence is internal as well as external excellence. That calls in what Tony has been harping on about – about the importance of growth and learning, about the importance of doing more with less, being efficient with what we have been given, and about embracing change and driving change – not being afraid of it.
48. The thing In Jin Nim tells herself all the time when she is thinking about really building this culture of true love, she tells herself, "core values, or the character of a person, defines who we are as eternal sons and daughters of God, but the culture that we create around us is what defines our corporation, our organization, and the movement that we belong to." So if we are going to change the world we need to create a culture that works for HSA, that works for our church, that works for the Washington Times, for all the different things that we have – because we understand that we are in the process of building something wonderful.
49. When In Jin Nim thinks about the Generation of Peace and how right now, the time of the breaking news, this is the time when we need to let go of our past, all the different ways that we used to do things – things are going to change. But we need to embrace our change and we need to constantly grow and constantly learn and not be bound by our fears and insecurities, all the things that made us feel comfortable. You know the Messiah doesn't come to continue to make us feel comfortable. The Messiah comes to wake us up from our long slumber. Our True Parents come to change our way of thinking, to change the way that we have branded ourselves over the years. Our True Parents come to change our culture into the culture of true love.
50. And, like James Joyce is saying through the story of Evelyn, is asking us the question, and asking us to think about how we have to be our agent of change – or suffer the fate that we suffer at the cost of our own indecision. This is not a time of indecision. This is not a time when we should be paralyzed by our fear and insecurities and all the unknown. This is a time when we should be focused and united with our True Parents as the control tower in all the airports of our lives and realize that despite all the static in the air, She's the one, God is the one, our True Parents is the one. And we have to understand that we are building on top of the past. But that past needs to grow into – it needs to transform into a glorious and a prosperous and a lovely future that God would like us to enjoy in our lifetime. 51. "Brothers and sisters, we are the hand picked lucky lottery winners, when we think about the providential history of man, to be living at this time of the breaking news, to be working together with our True Parents. And the great thing about our True Parents is that they have always been clear and they continue to make our future clear. We have our True Parents as the center and the focal point of our unity, and that in the future the younger son, Dr Hyung Jin Moon, will be and is spiritual heir of the movement, and therefore it is our job to unite under the desire of our Heavenly Parents and the desire of our True Parents, and set our hearts on fire – understanding that we are living at an inspired time and when God comes knocking we had better answer the door and we had better be proud of being His sons and daughters."
52. "So brothers and sisters, as it says in 1 John 4:18, "there is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear. This is a time to let go of our fears and our insecurities, to liberate ourselves from bonds of the living hell we've been living under. This is the time when the number 43, represented by 172 ministers signals a time of liberation when we must overcome all kinds of barriers; denominational, racial, national, religious, and even economic barriers. This is the time to overcome and look towards the kingdom that is based on the culture of true love."
53. "So brothers and sisters you are indeed lucky and blessed and anointed to be walking with our True Parents at this incredible time. Go quietly knowing that you have been blessed and go quietly in confidence, in knowing you are our Heavenly Parent's eternal sons and daughters."
54. "Be blessed, have a great week, and welcome Generation Peace Academy."
1: Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
2: By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God,
3: and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already.
4: Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them; for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
5: They are of the world, therefore what they say is of the world, and the world listens to them.
6: We are of God. Whoever knows God listens to us, and he who is not of God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.
7: Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God.
8: He who does not love does not know God; for God is love.
9: In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.
10: In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins.
11: Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
12: No man has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us.
13: By this we know that we abide in him and he in us, because he has given us of his own Spirit.
14: And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son as the Savior of the world.
15: Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
16: So we know and believe the love God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.
17: In this is love perfected with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so are we in this world.
18: There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and he who fears is not perfected in love.
19: We love, because he first loved us.
20: If any one says, "I love God," and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.
21: And this commandment we have from him, that he who loves God should love his brother also.