The Words of In Jin Moon from 2012 |
Dear Martine and dear Petr,
Dear Tibor and dear Zuzana,
Jacek and dear Mikjung,
Dear Igor and dear Katalin,
Dear Erna
and dear Rafko,
As regional leader I take the sad responsibility to inform you honestly about In Jin Nim's resignation and the its background. This e-mail I received yesterday evening from Lisa Janssen, she got it from Margret Orr (USA). It is true as you see from the next message. Please read the attachment.
Please inform all brothers and sisters, they may pray for True Mother, True Family and especially. for In Jin Nim's couple and family.
Please avoid any rumors, gossip and waste of time and energy.
Please be honest with each other, especially between husband and wife, parents and children, leaders and brothers and sisters. Please purify your relationships, and unite without any compromise with True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humanity.
With loving greetings
Rainer and Chieko Fuchs
Note: Teresa Yamani is a state leader in USA
Dear Precious Brothers and Sisters,
If it were a different week, and I was not planning to leave for Korea for our True Fathers Seonghwa Ceremony, I would gather all of you together for a meeting to discuss the resignation of our Senior Pastor, Rev. In Jin Moon. Rev. [Tom] Cutts [Regional leader] called a Conference Call last night, and the following are true statements:
1. In Jin Nim has been having an affair with Ben Lorentzen, the lead singer of Sonic Cult, for the past 3 years.
2. In Jin Nim gave birth to a baby boy on May 1, 2012 in Lexington, MA. The parents' names on the birth certificate were Ben Lorentzen and Tia Lorentzen, living at (In Jin Nim and Jin Sung Nim's address in MA).
3. In Jin Nim and Jin Sung Nim recently visited True Mother and both confessed indiscretions on both sides. True Mother asked In Jin Nim step down and take a leave of absence.
These are the facts with no spin or excuse. Dr. Yang, who is our continental director, will assume responsibility as the leader here in America until further notice.
What I believe is that before Foundation Day, there should be light shone in all the darkest corners. As True Father said in his speech we watched yesterday, it is the time of high noon, when we should cast no shadows. Use the opportunity to have a "high noon" meeting with your family. Give them these facts and encourage full disclosure as well, beginning with each individual. Allow each one to clear the air if there is anything that needs to be cleared. If anything good comes from this it will be that we, too, open all the doors to our closets and truth shine in. We will be a much healthier church and community for it. No doubt our True Father is already working in the Spirit World for this to happen.
Before I leave I wanted all to know the truth about this situation and then keep focused on the historical moment we are in, to offer Jeong Seong and gratitude to our True Father for his life and what he did for God and for each one of us, and for all humanity. And to keep Linda Dungan and Fridolin Kathan in your prayers. These things are real and need your attention.
If you are receiving this email, you are someone I love, and trust to digest these disclosures with prayer. Pray for our True Mother at this difficult time. I did not want any of you to feel you have to scramble around, trying to find out the facts, like I was doing yesterday, before the conference call with Rev. Cutts. As I said above, our heart should be with our True Parents, especially at this time.
I believe in God, our True Parents, that Divine Principle is true, that our families are real and need our attention, and that our community is real, having been "tried in the fire" for many years. We are here for each other, and we prefer the truth over spin and excuses. Let's use the opportunity to reckon with our faith and move to a new level.
God Bless You, and thank you.
Sincerely and with love,
Terry Yamane
This message I received just now from Petr and Martine Masner, Prague:
Hi Petr,
I am sorry. I guess I wanted to believe that it was all untrue about In Jin Nim. But, it was all true. She repented to True Mother the other day and True Mother was extremely upset with her for what she had done. In Jin Nim resigned from her position. She lived a double life. She told mother that she had intended to divorce from Jin Sung Nim at the time she was appointed the American leader, so she held on.
But, she could not be happy with him. In any case, it seems to me she has not yet really repented for her wrongs.
Dr. Yang will be meeting with American leaders in Korea to discuss the future direction. This will hopefully remind us all that we must be a movement of Principle and Providence.
What we need to be is a movement based on Father's words; not on personalities. People almost always disappoint. Pick up and keep going.