The Words of In Jin Moon |
On February 20, 1984, Heaven and Earth rejoiced over the Holy Weddings of two of our True Parents' children. In Jin Nim (age 18) with Jin Sung Pak (21), Col. Bo Hi Pak's second eldest son, and Heung Jin Nim (17) with Hoon Sook Nim (21), Col. Pak's daughter.
The glorious wedding ceremonies were officiated by our True Parents in the main house of Belvedere at 10 a.m. on a morning in which the grounds were cozily shrouded in a thick white fog. Over 200 guests, church leaders and representatives of blessed couples from all around the world, arrived two hours before the event. A room on the ground floor of the house was completely arrayed in white, as was the hallway through which the brides, grooms, and True Parents would enter.
A happy atmosphere filled the air. In Jin Nim and Jin Sung Nim's wedding ceremony was scheduled first. Each wedding, conducted in Western style would be followed by a traditional Korean-style wedding ceremony upstairs with only a few relatives present.
As True Parents descended from upstairs dressed in their holy wedding gowns, a four member chamber ensemble started to play Handel's "Largo," and everyone took his assigned position. It was not easy to read True Parents' minds and hearts just by looking at them. How would they feel on a day like this?
Both Western-style ceremonies, emceed by Rev. Chung Hwan Kwak, were the same, only with different speakers and soloists. The beautiful young couple entered accompanied by Mendelsohn's "Wedding March." When the bride and bridegroom exchanged rings and gifts, Mother wiped away some tears. Then True Parents gave their Holy Blessing to the recently matched and now married couple. Rev. Young Whi Kim in his congratulatory address called it a "match made in Heaven" and wished the young couple many children and great accomplishments in their lives.
Concerning the second wedding, as Father explained later in the evening at a six hour celebration in the Manhattan Center, this wedding is unique in history! From the secular point of view, he said, it would be a sad and gloomy event, yet from the point of view of Heaven it was a necessity. No one of the present had ever seen such a marriage ceremony before. Before the ceremony began, Rev. Kwak announced that through it the spirit world would be opened "to a new dimension."
Heung Jin Nim had sacrificed his life and could not be present at the ceremony in person; therefore Col. Pak carried a picture of Heung Jin Nim and escorted the bride. The emotional intensity of the spiritual atmosphere swelled while the "couple" walked toward the altar. The bride, Hoon Sook Nim seemed dignified and concentrated.
The ceremony was held in every respect as if Heung Jin Nim were physically present with Col. Bo Hi Pak taking his position in answering the wedding vows and pledge Father prayed a very 1 rig prayer of benediction. After three cheers of Mansei, the bride turned around beaming, and now carried the picture of her beloved new husband herself.
According to Col. Pak, her first response to the matching with Heung Jin Nim had been, "I feel deeply honored." What kind of life she will lead and what her role is in God's dispensation will be seen in the future.
At the celebration in the evening, around 500 guests were invited to join with the young newlyweds in a delicious dinner, and enjoy a marvelous program put together by the performing arts department and hosted by Dr. Mose Durst. After the official program, it was time for the newlyweds to introduce themselves, but just prior to that, our happy elder brother Col. Pak and his wife expressed their overwhelming gratitude and joy by making three full bows to True Parents on stage. Col. Pak then shared about the significance of the day, especially concerning Heung Jin Nim's wedding, which according to Father marks the day of Pentecost for the Unification Movement. February 20 was the 50th day after Heung Jin Nim passed away. Likewise, 50 days after Jesus had died, Father said, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples and Christianity began.
Jin Sung Nim and Hoon Sook Nim both gave moving testimonies about their feelings on becoming part of the True Family. The evening concluded with True Parents coming on stage, and with heartwarming singing and dancing. It was a Day of Glory on Earth as in Heaven.
A new chapter of history has opened with these two holy weddings. Father encouraged us to have absolute confidence from now on. "There is no victory you cannot win!" he said. Amen!