The Words of Kook Jin Moon |
We are living in the great revolutionary era of heaven and earth for the complete substantiation of Cheon Il Guk, which has been God's desire since the beginning of the creation. Throughout the past 90 plus years of life, True Parents have suffered for the sake of the providence. True Parents have gone through the sacrificial course, like shaking flesh and crying bones, to completely liberate Heavenly Father and humankind, the ultimate victory of True Parents. True Parents have opened the era of Cheon Il Guk through the Coronation Ceremony for God's Kingship on January 13, 2001. From the year 2010, True Parents have celebrated the heavenly victory on the cosmic level through the Cosmic Assembly for the Settlement of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and for the Proclamation of the Word by God's Substantial Self, that earmarked the final completion of all of the True Parents' responsibilities and missions. The True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who have become God's substantial self, directly govern the spiritual and physical worlds. True Parents are devoting themselves, pushing the limits of their physical bodies, for establishing Foundation Day, which they declared will be the beginning of the substantiation of Cheon Il Guk.
Regrettably, in recent days, the sacred Unification family tradition of acceptance and obedience toward True Parents' words have been compromised due to acts committed by the Kwak group that go against the providence. Therefore, True Parents officially proclaimed the 'True Parents' Declaration' in order to demonstrate a clear model course of faith for blessed families to follow. Regardless, the Kwak group's unprincipled actions continue to steer members away from the providence, like a derailed train. The 36 blessed couples, the most senior member of the blessed family community, explained the attitudes of faith, which blessed families need to take seriously; and conveyed warnings through the their statements. However, their honorable intentions were terribly distorted by some members of the Kwak group. For that reason, we, as the 72 couple blessed families, will inherit the determination of the 36 couples; and will express our determination to set the example of serving and attending True Parents, as well as enlightening our junior blessed families. With this spirit, we demand the following conditions for the Kwak group and members who support them.
1. The substantial word of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind is the center and foundation of God's providence; and thus blessed families must obey and follow them. The "True Parents' Declaration", True Parents' direct statement proclaimed on 4.23 (heavenly calendar) on the 2nd Year of Cheon-Gi, has cosmic value in history. The Kwak group and supporting members need to internalize this declaration word by word deep within their hearts; and act upon them immediately in order to truly follow God's Will. We implore them to repent and return to True Parents quickly; and become blessed families who can march the way of filial piety and patriotism in the last moments of the providence.
2. In order to establish God's providence, the public assets that have been built up by offerings and devotion of the worldwide blessed families of the Unification movement cannot be used for personal purpose without the approval of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. All companies of the Korean Unification movement such as Yeoui-do holy grounds, Central City, etc. and UCI affiliate companies throughout the world are correct to operate under the supervision of True Parents. We demand that all public assets illegally occupied and used without True Parents? approval, be immediately returned to True Parents and the Unification community. Unauthorized use of public assets in God's name will be judged by the heavenly laws and earthly laws. First, they must confess any unprincipled actions; and then return all public assets to True Parents and the Unification community.
3. Peace movements disconnected from True Parents cannot directly carry out God's Will as providential activities. GPF events and GPLC events that are led by the Kwak group should not be held without the approval of True Parents. If they push ahead unsanctioned, these events are but private social movements without any true connection to providence. We demand that they immediately discontinue their independent personal movement, and follow True Parents' directions.
4. All 72 couple blessed families will defend and protect blessed families who follow True Parents' love and guidance. We can no longer ignore blatant personal attacks and insults against the character of True Family members who try to perform providential work in line with the True Parents' directions. We demand the Kwak group and organizations opposing the providence to confess their crimes and discontinue any and all unprincipled actions.
We, all 72 couple blessed families, strongly demand to the Korea Headquarters that the following actions be taken immediately.
1. We ask the Korea Headquarters to publicly reveal the name list of the Kwak group and supporting members. We, all 72 couple blessed families, and all blessed families will strongly and open heartedly encourage them to return to True Parents. Korea Headquarters should also directly meet with them and admonish them to repent and return through the True Parents' Declaration.
2. We ask the Korea Headquarters to block the Kwak group and supporting members from attending True Parents' official ceremonies. They can return to True Parents after they repent and seek forgiveness through the substantial words of True Parents with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience.
3. We ask the Korea Headquarters to discourage the Kwak group and supporting members from receiving special graces and blessings until they repent and return to True Parents, because they have betrayed and left the principled way. The Blessing Ceremony and Seunghwa Ceremony, for example, are special privileges for members who attend the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. Therefore, they should not take part in these ceremonies until they repent and return to True Parents as their true children.
These actions need to be enforced immediately in order to demonstrate the seriousness of the True Parents' Declaration, and to indicate the principled position of the Unification Church Headquarters. We, all 72 couple blessed families, are willing to query the Kwak group directly regarding their actions. The Kwak group announced that recently 7 members among 72 couple blessed families have joined this alternative group and share support their cause. If this is true, a public name list must be released immediately. We, all 72 couple blessed families, will redress the brothers and sisters who deviate from the substantial words of True Parents. We implore you to discontinue any and all actions that would divide the 72 couple blessed families directly or indirectly.
From now on, we, all 72 couple blessed families, will make efforts to establish the core message of the True Parents' Declaration among the Unification communities. We will set the example for blessed families throughout the world to establish the way of filial piety and patriotism with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. We aim to prepare for Foundation Day by receiving True Parents' direct love and interests. We make this statement with the wish that our brothers and sisters in the Unification family will demonstrate the principled way of life before the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind, who are the Messiah, Savior, Lord of the Second Advent, and True Parents.
8.29 (Heavenly Calendar) on the 2nd Year of Cheon-Gi (September 26, 2011)
Unification Church 72 Couples Blessed Families.
[Author does not identify themselves by name, so it is unknown if the author is a member of the 72 couples or not.]