Faked Words of the Moon Family |
In an attempt to make their words important the unknown author has deceivingly claimed to be Kwon Jin Moon.
Dear Japanese Brothers and Sisters of the Unification Church,
I am Kwon Jin (権進) Moon, the fifth son of Rev. Moon. Since I do not make much public appearance, I suppose there are some or many of you who do not know me. Why does a person such as I write an unofficial letter such as this to you? Let me first explain.
This letter is about what is recently called “the division of the True Household.” There must be people who have grave concern about this. Why, of all families, has the otherwise most respected True Family fallen into such a deplorable condition? About this it is now time to explain, because no delay is allowed and everybody must have an understanding of the truth of the matter.
I assert as follows: This is never a thing that occurred because of your neglect of duties; you are not responsible anyway.
This is no other than a process that God and Father are jointly furthering strictly to face the final phase of the dispensation, “2013.1.13 Dispensational Day (D-Day).” True, this is a critical situation, but the task for us to perform is clear at the same time, and I am sure we shall be victorious.
For decades, that is, even before he began Unification Movement, Father had resolved everything, anticipated everything that might happen, and led everything to come to a victorious end. At this bare conclusion you may be surprised, but the recent situation of “the third son vs. the fourth and seventh sons” is, in a sense, something prepared beforehand.
I am confident in this as a result of my long, persistent study of Father’s words. I am saying this out of my confidence that I gained from a certain level I reached of knowledge of dispensational will.
The Hoon Dok Hae (joint reading of Father’s words) that has continued under Father’s guidance since 1998 has at last borne fruit, and through you all, is going to bring about the harmony of the Unification Family.
Accordingly, the contents of this letter represent my role and mission, and my awareness of them, as the representative of the second generation of the True Family. On that basic fact, I would be very much delighted if you would read my letter to the last.
I tell you my conclusion first:
Father on purpose divided his third son Hyun Jin (顕進, my elder brother) from his fourth son Kook Jin (国進, my elder brother) and seventh son Hyung Jin (亨進, my younger brother). He deliberately divided his sons, so as to create the relationship of the 3rd son versus the 4th and 7th sons. We must bear in mind that he deliberately split his sons.
As for me, the fifth son Kwon Jin, I am positioned as the arbiter (peacemaker or True Mother). I am in a position to reconcile my brothers and sincerely strive and work for their union, representing True Mother.
It may sound strange that I, a man, should act as True Mother, but such is my positioning. Many of you will think that our real Mother should be the arbiter (peacemaker or True Mother) and strive for their union. But that is not the case. The process of the Principle doesn’t allow that prescription.
Our real Mother just now is obliged to defend the 4th and 7th sons, the directors of the Church, out of her sense of administrative duty. But, needless to say, she at heart wishes more than anyone else to see her sons’ two positions ripen to grow into one.
At present, the Unification Church as a whole can be divided into three positions: Cain, Abel and Eve as she should be, who acts as True Mother—that is to say, those who follow the 3rd son Hyun Jin, those who follow the 4th and 7th sons, Kook Jin and Hyung Jin, (administration of the Church), and those who choose neither side, loath to lose those lovable people of both sides at the same time, and heartily wish to see the two parties ripen into one, and like Tamar and Rebecca, would even intrigue to bring them to Father in their ripe union.
I trust you take the third position, the position of the true Eve who behaves as True Mother.
Or what do you think? What position would you like to take?
I will continue this letter on the assumption that you take the third position, which you are willing to behave as the true Eve or True Mother.
At the beginning, I said that “Father on purpose divided his third son Hyun Jin from his fourth son Kook Jin and seventh son Hyung Jin. He deliberately divided his sons so as to create the relationship of the 3rd son verses 4th and 7th sons. We must bear in mind that he deliberately split his sons.”
Having deliberately divided them is the point to make. It’s not that they simply happen to be at variance. It was Father himself who is one with God that separated them.
What, then, is the purpose of this division?
The purpose is clear from the standpoint of the Principle. The purpose of this deliberate division is to provide a dispensational time limit (2013.1.13), and by that date to force them to come to union going through tribulations. This is something required by the Principle.
It means that there are standards for them to fulfill—even readiness to exchange their positions and die for each other. That is to say, there remains a process for all True Children to go through which is required by the Principle.
Personal growth and perfection of character is not all. Upon the basis of that personal perfection must be built yet more perfect ripeness of character. In Father’s words there is such a high standard we all have to reach.
We usually assume personal perfection is the final stage, because we have been taught the three stages of ‘(re)birth,’ ‘growth,’ and ‘perfection.’ So we may well think as we do.
But we have to share the understanding that personal perfection is a basis on which to build another higher stage of perfection and ripeness. That is suggested in Father’s words. Perfection seems to be endless, something eternally to be perfected toward higher stages.
What, then, is required of us Father’s second generation? What is “the primary responsibility for us True Children to bear”?
It must be that, as Father understands God’s will to a hundred percent and stands astride the two worlds, so we understand God’s will, stand astride both worlds, and implement the dispensational will to the utmost.
We wrongly suppose that Father, being the Messiah, is exceptional while we True Children, not being such, are exempt from responsibilities like his.
As Father stands a hundred percent open to the God’s will, so we should try to. Not only should we be able to understand Father’s words to a hundred percent but, even if he is silent, we should know what is on his mind. This is required of us. That is to say, what he refers to as God’s will should be clear to us; it is a pity that we True Children should be obeying him only blindly.
If we continued to be Abel and Cain quarrelling and falling, we would be the same Abel and Cain of the past. We must go through the process of growth that is left for us to go through, striving for perfection and ripeness, raising ourselves to a standard ready to exchange our positions.
For this portion of my letters, I will restrict myself to the purpose of the deliberate division.
It was on the “True Parents’ Day,” April 6, 2008, that the following scene was witnessed:
Father held an important ceremony, which is reported in the June 2008 issue of the monthly magazine Family with pictures of this historical occasion:
Speech on Cheon Il Guk 8th year (2008) April 6, at the King Garden, Hawaii
On April 6, at 7 a.m., the 49th “True Parents’ Day” memorial ceremony was held at the King Garden, Hawaii, US. True Father, while the ceremony was proceeding, called True Mother, Hyun Jin-Nim, and Kook Jin-Nim to the front row, and talked to them as they stood for more than one hour about the settlement of the 4th Adam Heart Domain Age. What follows is the adjusted translation of Father’s speech at the time:
“So from now on, the ceremony will be presided over by Mother. She does it on behalf of the two sons and daughters. You Cain and Abel, you must absolutely obey what Mother tells you. This is the final conclusive ceremony through which you are able to retrieve Father whom you could not receive and cast out, and meet him. So the three of you, Mother, Cain, and Abel, now become one, and retrace and reverse the initial evil-inviting situation by which the Husband following Adam must fall, and then, by grasping the position Father has prepared for you and, by raising yourselves up there, you come into the lineage before the Fall, into True Love and True Life directly connected with God, and finally establish True Lineage. So, that is an earthly heaven dominated by heaven alone, liberated from and unrelated to the Satanic world. Aju.” (“Aju.”)
“Now I have concluded it definitely. Do you understand? You brothers cannot part and quarrel with each other. That is the initial evil that killed parents. Therefore, you will hate each other in spite of yourselves. You will even hate to hear each other’s voice; if you see the other walking, you will want to follow and kill him. I mean you will have such a feeling in spite of yourselves.
“Once Hyo Jin [the oldest son] experienced just that, and because he knew he was wrongly disposed, he avoided his bothers. He opposed his parents, and even thought of putting an end to everything—including his parents.”
As you see, astounding predictions were made at this ceremony. Here Father foretells, alluding to the oldest son Hyo Jin, that the third son Hyun Jin and the fourth son Kook Jin (currently together with the seventh son Hyung Jin) will come into conflict with each other.
Remember that this ceremony was held 20 days after the oldest son Hyo Jin passed away on March 17, 2008. This was important timing for God and Father.
I will explain later at a proper opportunity the real reason why my oldest brother Hyo Jin died at this time. I have to, because this is directly connected with the necessity of deliberate dividing of the 3rd son Hyun Jin from the 4th son Kook Jin and bringing them into conflict.
True, at this ceremony it is said “You brothers cannot part and quarrel with each other,” meaning, as it seems, there must not be such a breach between brothers.
But, immediately after that, the possibility is mentioned of their breach and quarrel—“Therefore, you will hate each other in spite of yourselves. You will even hate to hear each other’s voice; if you see the other walking, you will want to follow and kill him. I mean you will have such a feeling in spite of yourselves.” It is also said, “Once Hyo Jin experienced just that, and because he knew he was wrongly disposed he avoided his brothers. He opposed his parents, and even thought of putting an end to everything—including his parents.”
These words must be taken to be relevant to the purpose of this ceremony: “This is the final conclusive ceremony through which you are able to retrieve Father whom you could not receive and cast out, and meet him.” “So the three of you, Mother, Cain, and Abel, now become one, and retrace and reverse the initial evil-inviting situation by which the Husband following Adam must fall, and then, by grasping the position Father has prepared for you and, by raising yourselves up there, you come into the lineage before the Fall, into True Love and True Life directly connected with God, and finally establish True Lineage.”
Because this is thoroughly the “final conclusive ceremony” toward a happy ending, this is none other than the process toward the last phase till we meet the “2013.1.13 Dispensational D-Day” God and Father are planning strictly to realize.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Cain-Abel strife now occurring at the Unification Household is literally the highest Cain-Abel strife in order to bring forth unification through division, which can, in the real sense, totally liquidate our history and adorn the last phase of the dispensational history.
In short, the “2013.1.13 Dispensational D-Day” is the “Day of Unification of the True Family’s Three Generations.”
For this reasoning of mine, of course, there is a great many grounds gleaned from Father’s words. For the present I may have no persuasive power, but from years of study of Father’s words I am confident. You can rely on me. Sorry to say, I cannot write all I have on my mind at present. But I think I will explain them on several different opportunities. I am now preparing them slowly but steadily. For this installment please be content with the brief conclusion of this story.
Now, will Cain and Abel forever fight and then fall, as if they had to repeat the history?
Or, although Cain and Abel have entered the path of destruction and depravity, will they perchance become aware of the meaning behind their own behavior, and stop and think, “It may be time to totally liquidate the historical Cain and Abel. As the highest Cain and Abel, we are meant to accept this as divine dispensation. Contrary to our thinking, this may be a chance for us to make the very best use of it.”
The essence of the current Family strife is that it is the divine dispensation in which the 3rd son Hyun Jin and the 4th son Kook Jin (now including the 7th son Hyung Jin) are the highest and final representatives of the historical division and unification of Cain-Abel.
For this unification to succeed and be accomplished, there are rigorous and precise Principle-derived conditions to be fulfilled. The same thing applies to the mission imposed on me. My responsibility is no less heavy than my brothers’. Please take this well to your heart.
From now on I will explain my role and mission. First of all, I will introduce some of Father’s words which foresee the present division of the Unification Family. After this, Father’s words have … at the head.
God’s Will and the World (Mimune to Sekai) “The Heart of Reunion”
When water breaks against rocks, noises and commotions are created. Likewise, when two big civilizations meet and commingle, strife is created inevitably somewhere. But, though some strife and confusion may occur, unity comes in the end. As water is connected, all comes into one main stream finally. (p. 624)
Which is the better condition for creating a perfect harmony, whether if high civilizations remain high and low civilizations low, or if two civilizations exchange their positions? (p.627)
In this way, harmony is the key for cultures to maintain themselves or continue prospering. And to create this harmony there must be an arbiter, a person who acts as go-between, like paste or adhesives. But this cannot be done in an instant. It has to go through a strict, orderly process according to the Principle. For instance, for two opposite colors, black and white, to be harmonized, there has to be a middle color yellow coming between them. …To create harmony a peacemaker or mediator is absolutely necessary. (p.628)
Take the citation from p. 624. What is really meant by these big civilizations? Without doubt, True Children are meant, and nothing else. Father often speaks that way. When he speaks about big, opposing two entities, such as America and the Soviet Russia, Buddhism and Christianity, South America and North America, that is to say, about big Cain and Abel, he often implicitly refers to his nearest people, True Children of the True Family.
This is a metaphorical speaking peculiar to Father.
What is referred to in this context may be real civilizations, but it is a metaphor for the strife occurring at True Household, the top of true families. The two opposing civilizations are to be interpreted precisely as the strife between the 3rd and 4th (and 7th) sons. To speak the truth, we True Children are as yet in the dark about it.
Now, the problem is how the harmony of the deliberately divided Cain and Abel, likened to two opposing civilizations, is to be actually brought about.
For this, please read the following again:
And to create this harmony there must be an arbiter, a person who acts as go-between, like paste or adhesives. But this cannot be done in an instant. It has to go through a strict, orderly process according to the Principle. For instance, for two opposite colors, black and white, to be harmonized, there has to be a middle color yellow coming between them….To create harmony a peacemaker or mediator is absolutely necessary.
I am sorry but let me repeat: God and Father have deliberately divided the 3rd son and the 4th son (with 7th son), and the divided two parties are now at variance because they are in one regard unripe.
They part and quarrel, but that is for the purpose of their growth and ripening and finally unifying. And for this to be effected, “there must be an arbiter, a person who acts as go-between, like paste or adhesives.” It is said that “to create harmony a peacemaker or mediator is absolutely necessary.”
What do you think? A peacemaker or mediator is needed to unite Abel and Cain.
At present, the 3rd son and the 4th (and 7th) sons are quarreling. Who, among the male Children, is more suitable as mediator than myself, the 5th son Kwon Jin?
In the future True Mother will be responsible, but for the present there must be someone who represents her. Here I will tell you only the conclusion. It’s me.
The problem here is that it is said “this cannot be done in an instant. It has to go through a strict, orderly process according to the Principle.”
God and Father have invested every effort and resource in enclosing within 40 years’ Unification Movement the whole 4000 years of Judean and Christian histories, thus enabling us to fulfill dispensational indemnity. This could not be done in a day or two. It took 40 years of Unification Church history, that is, 40 years from 1960 to 2000, the term of preparation through a strict, orderly process according to the Principle.
Since Father who arranged the past 40 years has himself lived “through a strict, orderly process according to the Principle,” it is naturally required of us Father’s second generation, Abel and Cain of True Family, to live likewise “through a strict, orderly process according to the Principle. That is to say, we all have to pass the examinations required by the Principle.
What I am driving at is that it’s not only my brothers who have to pass these examinations; the dramatis personae are not restricted to Cain and Abel. A person who is allotted the role of mediator (go-between, the position of True Mother) is also required to come in the play.
And that is myself. I am as much required as my brothers to grow up to a high level of ripeness; I am not in a position to willfully shun my dispensational responsibility.
Accordingly, there are needed those three positions in our Household, each bearing the highest responsibility, as I said first.
Currently, the whole Unification Church can be divided into three positions: Cain, Abel, and Eve as she should be, who behaves as True Mother. That is to say, those who follow the 3rd son, my elder brother Hyun Jin-Nim; those who follow the 4th son, my elder brother Kook Jin-Nim/ the 7th son, my younger brother Hyung Jin-Nim (administration of the Church); and those who choose neither side, loath to lose any of those lovable people, and wish to see them all ripened and unified, ready to return to Father together—people like Tamar or Rebecca who intrigued at her own cost for the welfare of the family.
Once again let me ask you, after all I have told you: What position would you like to take now?
There are three positions: 1. Cain’s position, 2. Abel’s position, 3. True Mother’s position.
Now, let me cite more from Father’s words that will ensure I am secretly supposed to take the third position.
God’s Will and the World p. 651, “A Stimulating and Adventurous Life ”
”Harmony is like water within trees. Water moves freely inside trees, upward and downward. If within mankind there was no such distributor of harmony, unification, peace, and affinity, this world would not be able to spread branches or bear blossoms. This work must be performed unseen.
Here it is talked about the role of neutral peacemaker or mediator who works for the heavenly ideal of harmony, unification, peace, and affinity. The role is likened to the water within trees. There is nothing difficult in this metaphor.
The point is that “this work must be performed unseen.” What is meant by “must be performed unseen” in reality? Won’t it refer to something being prepared steadily and intently under water surface?
This is exactly the position of myself who have always withdrawn from the public dispensational stage and kept unknown as much as possible. What I have studied and my purpose, in essence, are not yet known by any of my brothers and sisters. This, by the way, is what I have steadily acquired through communion with Father, since I got versed in Father’ words. Now would you read a little further?
Next, let us consider how I should behave when I proceed to perform my mission as mediator.
What does it mean concretely that I proceed to perform my mission as mediator?
It means that I appear on the dispensational public stage—namely, that I inform the 3rd son, the 4th son (7th son), and Mother about these things.
Imagine what will happen, if somebody who has lived unknown as to both his whereabouts and his work should suddenly appear before his brothers who are striving at the front under the burden of dispensational responsibilities, and cry out “Let’s unite”? I mean, if I proceeded to such an action abruptly without presenting any explanation of conditions required by the Principle. What do you think would happen?
Currently, I have no particular Church-related public business on my hand, not exactly. Nor do I have any influence or authority as regards Church management or outward work of dispensation. All I have is an extremely inner dispensational mission to become the “peacemaker or mediator” going between my quarrelling brothers, because I am one of Father’s children.
This is a mission so far notified to no one. I really have prepared myself for this without making myself visible. Such an essential but extremely inner dispensational will is bound to be fragile against the always outer, conspicuous dispensational trend. Seeing that even the 3rd son Hyun Jin-Nim and Dr. Kwak are judged to be “fallen Adam, fallen Archangel=Satan,” it is almost certain I will be treated likewise, if I make a slightest mistake in this business.
When I am going to appear on the stage, what actually is expected to happen? Fortunately, Father has left words as to what will happen and what measures to take.
Of several hints he has given, I will introduce representative ones most easy to understand. If you know the true meaning of these words, I think you can understand how precarious my status is thus writing this letter, and I hope you can share the sense of it.
I entreat you to repeatedly examine the following part of my letter and consider my feelings and the situation in which I am placed.
“Let’s Go over the Pass of Indemnity” (Total Dispensational Liquidation) 1993. 12. 20, at Chae-joo-do
… because they could not become one, this grew into a matter of tribal scale, and centered on North Dynasty’s ten tribes, they divided into two tribes of South Dynasty and fought each other. What cannot be unified on the level of family must be consigned to the fight on the level of race. (p.118)
This is a Biblical entangled war of Israel and Judea in order for North and South Dynasties to become one. It was Elijah who was sent for mutual harmony.
… He prayed, “God, I thought following your order I could make them one, but far from becoming one, they all seek to kill me. If such must be the case, please take my life.” Then God replied, “There still remain seven thousand people who do not bow down to Baal.” Until unity is achieved around those seven thousand people, restoration is impossible. So long as the two of Abel and Cain are not posted, we cannot return to the kingdom of God. (p.119)
Now, what do you make of it?
These words of Father’s do not refer to the time of Elijah in Judean history who appears in the Bible. The words “What cannot be unified on the level of family must be consigned to the fight on the level of race” can be interpreted to refer, in prediction, to the current state of affairs of True Household.
I have already explained that the “2013.1.13 Dispensational D-Day” is the “Day of Unification of True Family’s Three Generations.” If, by any chance, True Family’s three generations fail to satisfy the universally defined standards of creation, great troubles will be caused. If, on the other hand, they satisfy them, everything will be changed in a good direction.
If, by any chance, the seed of fire of Cain-Abel strife is left in Unification Family, it will spread to the racial domain and develop into war of blood relations. It will be just like the present-day war between Israel (Isaac) and Arab (Ishmael) of Palestine, which is the actual bloody synchronic repetition of a family feud in Judean history.
Then, please notice the passage (p. 119): “This is a biblical entangled war of Israel and Judea in order for North and South Dynasties to become one. It was Elijah who was sent for mutual harmony.”
“Elijah” here becomes John the Baptist at the time of Jesus. John the Baptist must have been the revived personality of Elijah. And the mission of John (revived Elijah) was to bring mutual harmony.
Then, we go into still more detailed, crucial explanation:
… He prayed, “God, I thought following your order I could make them one, but far from becoming one, they all seek to kill me. If such must be the case, please take my life.” Then God replied, “There still remain seven thousand people who do not bow down to Baal.” Until unity is achieved around those seven thousand people, restoration is impossible. Unless the two of Cain and Abel are not posted, we cannot return to the kingdom of God.
In the Bible Elijah was sent as the arbiter to bring harmony between Cain and Abel at strife, so he must have strenuously acted on them to become one. However, we read, “God, I thought following your order I could make them one, but far from becoming one, they all seek to kill me.” This is what happened at the time as the result of Elijah’s strenuous effort for the good of both parties.
And this is what will happen if I should appear on the stage without much consideration, and simply urge them to become one. “I thought I could make them one, but far from becoming one, they all seek to kill me.”
In reality, the odds will be like I wrote a moment ago:
Seeing that even the 3rd son Hyun Jin Nim and Dr. Kwak were labeled as “fallen Adam, fallen archangel=Satan,” I will most certainly be treated likewise if I make a slightest mistake. I will be done away with the judgment “The 5th son Kwon Jin has also turned Satan.”
So we must not do it without much consideration or preparation. We are not allowed to repeat the synchronic Biblical path. Instead, we must make of it a revelatory lesson and, instead of repeating the Biblical path, adapt to the present conditions and succeed in implementing the dispensational will.
So Father’s direction is as follows:
He quotes the Biblical passage “There still remain seven thousand people who do not submit to Baal,” and suggests that “until unity is achieved around those seven thousand people, restoration is impossible. So long as the two of Cain and Abel are not posted, we cannot return to the kingdom of God.”
Apparently, in order to reconcile Cain and Abel, “7000 people who do not submit to Baal” are necessary. It is said that “until is achieved around those 7000 people, restoration is impossible. So long as the two of Cain and Abel are not posted, we cannot return to the kingdom of God.” This seems to refer to the process by which our target is achieved.
First of all, it must mean that about 7000 people who are to be my (Elijah’s) foundation are presupposed. They are “people who do not bow to Baal,” meaning, in our present situation, people who do not side with either the third son or the fourth/seventh sons. That is, they are the type of people who shy from both sides and would like to see them reconciled, as from the position of True Eve.
Here I will give the definition of the present-day “7000 people who do not bow down to Baal”:
Definition of the present-day “7000 people who do not bow down to Baal”
First of all, they realize the situation of Father who was compelled to divide his two sons. Secondly, they realize the pain and suffering of my brothers who were unwittingly divided into historical Cain and Abel. Thirdly, they are willing to act on the divided parties helping them grow and ripen, and above all, they consider it essential to grow and ripen themselves through their respective sacred works. Finally, they are people who live their lives to ascribe the glory of victory to God and Father, who deliberately divided the two and finally reconciled them, knowing everything beforehand and watching it with heart-rending pain.
Accordingly, in order for me to fulfill this mission, first of all, I have to rally 7000 people who are neutral.
It is suggested “this cannot be done in an instant. It has to go through a strict, orderly process true to the Principle,” I have to do it employing some effective, orderly way, and complete it within a time limit.
Then—as I interpret it—when I have rallied neutral-positioned 7000 people, and am able to openly dedicate them to heaven as my neutral foundation, then for the first time, I can openly appear on the public stage, as the unifier-mediator of the historical Cain and Abel.
I suppose you have already understood what I am saying. Surely you understand why, even by resorting to this unofficial letter, I have to explain to you the dispensational necessity and importance of the third position. Things are really critical. This should be called the first and last measure God and Father have taken, their supreme strategy. I have understood it all. And because I understand, I am acting on my own without suggestion from anyone else.
For the present this is the best imaginable, most effective method. There can be no other way. This is the supreme strategy-tactics that heaven bestowed on me, as the result of my spiritual visits to Father and God and my contemplation over contemplation.
This is exactly “D-Day Strategy.”
From the bottom of my heart I ask a favor of you, Unification Church members of Japan, True Mother country. This is heaven’s last strategy that must start from you, the members of Japan, True Mother country. Not Korea, not America. It must start from Japan.
Please send this letter by all means to your thoughtful fellow members. Ask them to stand up for Unification Family, the uppermost family, and help to reconcile and unify my quarrelling brothers. As soon as “7000 people who do not bow down to Baal” are assembled, I can fulfill my mission as the unifier-mediator of my quarrelling brothers!
Just for the present, my elder and younger brothers do not know they are deliberately divided by Father. Each of them is given his own direction and mission, and accepting it literally, has lived strenuously.
I also have lived strenuously since I received my mission as neutral unifier-mediator.
The point is that True Children have all been unable to decipher or understand Father’s words. For the present, it can safely be said that, among the True Children, only I myself have studied Father’s words.
From some past time on, I became able to understand the true meanings of Father’s words. Since then, I have withdrawn from public dispensational stage, behaved as inconspicuously as possible, and have been looking forward to this opportunity.
I am also allotted a role to explain to you how Father’s directions are made through his words. I can explain all on the grounds of Father’s words.
Sorry to say, since it’s not the purpose of this letter to impart them to you, let me use another opportunity for it.
Here I can give you only a glimpse of it:
Family, 2004/10, p. 23
You must always try to find the counterpart of a double-sense word. “What is the counterpart sense of this word?” I am champion for finding such double-sense words. I invented them to prove the rightness of the Principle-ruled world.
According to these words of Father, his speech is strewn with double-sense words. He speaks consciously using words with their counterpart senses. The point is that “he invented them to prove the rightness of the Principle-ruled world.”
This means that unless you find the counterpart senses of the words he uses, you cannot grasp the real Principle, that is, the “Principle of the time of Rev. Moon.”
All this is to say that a considerable part of Father’s speeches are spoken through metaphors and hints, and that to take them literally can mislead you.
As a matter of fact, such a problem has actually arisen among all the children of True Household.
Blessing, No. 66, p.172
Father’s Speech after the 777 Couples Holy Wine Ceremony The way of Rev. Moon’s (my) speech follows the Bible. ….Because Unification Church has reached this degree of perfection and victory, I teach it. … It is done by hints and metaphors. It is taught by symbolic expressions and signs. This can be understood if you become my children who love truths.
Family, 2001/6, p. 14
The Way of Pastors, Ch. 6, “Spiritual Works and Spiritual Aid,” p. 1013 You all, who are starting on the way of constructing the 3rd Israel! What do you think you have to do? You can get out of difficulties only if you know rules of spirit world. You have to know the system of missions. The army of that country can escape the friends’ attack in war only because they know the cipher used among themselves. This is the time when heaven’s cipher can be heard. This is the time of cipher communication.
You cannot do it easily as you think fit. You have to solve it as by formulae. You have to solve it as if you are solving a math problem. Do you understand? (“Yes.”)
Needless to say, there are many words and sentences you have to take literally, but without doubt, important core parts of Father’s speeches seem to be spoken through metaphors and hints, or through signs and ciphers.
Incidentally, I think it opportune here to add the following words of Father:
Blessed Families and Ideal Heaven (special issue), p.802, “Significance and Value of Blessing”
Do you understand me? Do you understand Rev. Moon? You don’t? If you do, how do you understand? What of me? You surely know my face. Do you think Rev. Moon is a teacher who can teach only what you can understand? What you have understood as the Principle is the Principle down to the age of Jesus. It is not the Principle of the age of Rev. Moon. Do you know Rev. Moon’s history? (“No…”) If you don’t, what did you come here for? Have you become my devoted children? (“No….”) If you haven’t even become my devoted children, do you think you are qualified to come and sit here?
I suppose some of you are a bit surprised. Divine Principle is for us believers of Unification Church a holy book given us as absolute and never to be neglected. However, Father at the same time shows here the expanse and boundary of the truth lighted up by Divine Principle.
The problem here is that Father throws before us a challenging proposition: “Do you think Rev. Moon is a teacher who can teach only what you can understand? What you have understood as the Principle is the Principle (Divine Principle) down to the age of Jesus. It is not the Principle of the age of Rev. Moon. Do you know Rev. Moon’s history?”
If such is true, it should be serious for us. What if you Unification Church members as well as we True Children who are at the top of Unification Church have been moving about without understanding the real meaning of his speeches and dispensational directions!
We are nearing the close. Please be patient a bit longer.
How are you feeling now? What thoughts are arising?
Before anything else, you may be wondering: Is this really the fifth son Kwon Jin speaking? Well, I would like to see you and identify myself, if I could!
Just now it is impossible. However, one of these days it will be realized. Let’s be waiting for that joyful day.
At present, I have several confidential friends whom I can trust. They are second-generation members in Japan and America.
I trusted this letter to them. They are translating it this way. That you are reading this letter now is, without doubt, the result of their efforts and arrangements.
The aim of this letter is nothing but to organize the “7000 people who do not bow down to Baal.”
The “7000 people who do not bow down to Baal” refers to the people who think they should neither follow the 3rd son Hyun Jin Nim, nor the 4th son Kook Jin Nim/ the 7th son Hyung Jin Nim (Church administration). They are people who take neutral position.
Let me remind you of my definition of the contemporary “7000 who do not bow down to Baal.” Let me confirm it again:
Definition of the contemporary “7000 who do not bow down to Baal”
First of all, they realize the situation of Father who was compelled to divide his two sons. Secondly, they realize the pain and suffering of my brothers who were unwittingly divided into historical Cain and Abel. Thirdly, they are willing to act on the divided parties helping them grow and ripen, and above all, they consider it essential to grow and ripen themselves through their respective sacred works. Finally, they are people who live their lives to ascribe the glory of victory to God and Father, who deliberately divided the two and finally reconciled them, knowing everything beforehand and watching it with heart-rending pain.
It may sound strange, but it does not matter at all whether the “7000 people who do not bow down to Baal” belong to either of the sides, or do not belong to any side at all. Naturally, they need not belong to me, the 5th son Kwon Jin. If you think you must make clear your belonging, say “I belong to the Universe”!
Don’t I say right?
Nothing more or less is required today. You should grow out of the idea that you’d better belong to and depend on some organization for stability and happiness it brings you. As Father tells us in his speeches, “Religion exists for the process of growing out of it.” “Graduate from religion.”
Everybody should establish himself as soon as possible, and find what is most urgent and essential for the cosmos and mankind, and determine for himself his own way of life for its actualization.
I myself thought such a determination should precede anything else, thought the division and unification of True Children of True Household was the most critical of issues of our time, and on that firm conviction, I am asking you all to become my comrades.
There is no room for thought of belonging, or receiving grace, or happiness of our own!
Instead of belonging to an organization and expect benefit, let us find out what it lacks and supply its needs. If you have to belong to an organization, you should serve it by supplying what it lacks.
Let’s consider for a moment.
Those Unification Church members who support the 3rd son Hyun Jin-Nim and endeavor strenuously for him are not necessarily outside of the “7000 people who do not bow down to Baal.” I think there are three types of them.
One is those members who deeply sympathize with what the 3th son Hyun Jin-Nim is trying to do and share his motives. These people are tantamount to my confidants. They are Hyun Jin-Nim’s confidants.
Another is those who love Hyun Jin-Nim very much and simply would like to go with him. Indeed, Hyun Jin-Nim is a splendid man with endearing qualities. I am very fond of him, too.
Yet another is those who are loath to follow the 4th son Kook Jin-Nim (and/or 7th son Hyung Jin-Nim), administrator of the Church, and rather choose Hyun Jin-Nim than Kuk Jin-Nim (and/or Hyung Jin-Nim) because the former looks more promising. This is a reasonable choice, too.
Now, what about the Unification Church members who support Kook Jin-Nim (and/or Hyung Jin-Nim), administrator of the Church? They are not necessarily outside of the “7000 who do not bow down to Baal,” either.
They, too, are the type of people who value and adore the 7th son Hyung Jin-Nim, the person appointed to be Father’s successor, and are willing to meet the repeated hard requirement of offering of high amount of money, interpreting such is dispensation and strenuously trying to live according to the will of Father and God. They are really, really laudable people worthy of high respect, without whom it is impossible to help the works of God and Father.
They are not necessarily excepted from the “7000 who do not bow down to Baal,” either, because they are true believers who are willing to do Father’s will.
Only, they are a little different in the way they express their fidelity. They define even the 3rd son Hyun Jin-Nim and Dr. Kwak as “Satan,” according to a certain view of the Principle. How about you yourself? Do you agree with them in defining Hyun Jin-Nim and Dr. Kwak and their supporters as “Satan”?
I don’t. But I don’t mind, either, if they happen to be “Satan.”
The essential point is that they are somehow led to read this letter and, finding my definition of the “7000 people who do not bow down to Baal,” they agree and say “Yea, that’s right!” “That’s exactly what I thought!”
Now I really am closing my letter. So I touch on what is most certainly expected to happen as this letter spreads among people.
As this letter spreads, it is expected that doubt about its authenticity will also spread: “Was this really written by the fifth son Kwon Jin?” Especially it is almost certain that someone who follows the Church administrator, the 4th son Kook Jin-Nim (and 7th son Hyung Jin-Nim), will report to them, saying “A serious thing is happening!”
It will be brought to them in a moment.
And lastly it will certainly be brought to me. What attitude will I take then?
Will I deny it saying “I don’t know”? Or will I say “Yes, I really wrote it”? Now, I ask you “What attitude do you want me to take?”
As a matter of fact, your choice is a touchstone to test whether or not you are one of the “7000 who do not bow down to Baal”.
If you expect me to say “I certainly wrote it,” you cannot be said to belong to the “7000 who do not bow down to Baal.”
You are still trying to gain your own stability, safety, and happiness, either by following the 3rd son Hyun Jin-Nim, or by following the 4th son Kook Jin-Nim (and/or the 7th son Hyung Jin-Nim). It cannot be said that you really understand why the two parties were intentionally divided into the historical Cain and Abel by God and Father.
My conclusion is this:
Irrespective of whether I say “I know nothing of this! I am not—cannot be concerned with this matter! I never wrote such a letter!” or I say “Yes! I certainly wrote it!”—irrespective of what attitude I take, your attitude must meet the definition I have shown of the “7000 who do not bow down to Baal.”
The essence of the condition required to be satisfied by 2013.1.13, “Dispensational D-Day,” is how many people have grown up sufficiently to meet the definition of “2000 people who do not bow down to Baal” through the history of Unification Movement started by Father.
This, too, is among the agendas of God and Father I am expected to achieve at the last phase of dispensation.
From the outset, Father had been weaving up the “strict and orderly process true to the Principle” so as to produce these three positions. He is indeed a terrible person.
On this knowledge, we have to prepare for the next step. So truly finally, I write about what will come hereafter. I have thus given a start to my mission of rallying “7000 people who do not bow down to Baal.”
Let’s name this letter “The First Letter of Kwon Jin.”
I am planning to release The Second and Third Letters. In them I will give a little more detailed account of the matter. In the very final stage I think I will meet with you in person. I am looking forward to the day.
Till that day, please forgive my willfulness in taking this form.
For the present, a Japanese second-generation brother and several sympathetic brothers and sisters, who rose in accord with my mission, are kindly working on my behalf to explain in detail what this is all about to fellow members.
I suppose in the near future those brothers and sisters will set up a provisional “1.13 Office” and take on themselves all information business. As soon as we are ready, we will use that office. Till then, please extend this letter to your friends, deepen the fellowship with them, and tell them to wait for next portions of my letters.
It doesn’t matter what they belong to, what way they walk, provided they take interest in us from neutral position and wish to see the two parties unified as True Mother would wish. Please find such members and let them know this letter.
Please take care you do not act overtly. Act under water surface, though effectively, and try to accomplish it within time limit.
Dear friends! I pray you take care of yourselves and live for the welfare of all.
Kwon Jin Moon 2010. 10. 14.